Wanhua Merry

Chapter 800 Lanterns abuse dudes, hooligan girls

The imperial city's protective formation had been activated long ago, and the sky was full of violent storms and snow that could not fall into it.

The fifteenth day of the first lunar month was originally a time to watch lanterns and enjoy the celebration, but things more lively than watching lanterns were presented to everyone in the imperial capital.

In one hundred urban areas, there are countless forces, big and small, where the scene of 'a girl beating up the wisteria college dude alone' is being staged on the water mirror in the depths of their courtyards, even the Yunxiao Palace is no exception.

"What a terrifying physical strength, almost catching up with Ye Lianxing!" Everyone echoed this sentence in their hearts, looking at the earth-level magic soldiers who were smashed to pieces all over the ground, their bodies felt cold!

"This girl is Ye Na's junior sister? Your sister, what's going on? Could it be that a force as terrifying as Yunxiao Palace is about to appear out of nowhere?" I don't know how many important figures secretly ordered: Check, get out for me Check, find out the details of Ye Na and the three of them, otherwise, don't come back!

I don't know how many spies were activated by emergency orders again on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, walking like ants in a hot pot in all the places where they could get a little bit of information. Of course, the purpose is to be able to figure out the origin of these three monsters.

It's a pity that they are doomed to be useless, because he doesn't know the origin of Yun Mo, a girl who changes at will, so how can others find out?

"In the new year, work is getting harder and harder!" Countless people who make a living by inquiring about information wailed during the festival, feeling as if their eyes were gray!

It was swept clean, and there was no trace of snow on the Qingshiban street, and there were more than a dozen people moaning and howling in all directions!

There is no snow on the street, but the puddles of golden blood are even more dazzling!

Numerous colorful and strangely shaped lanterns are hung on the thin lines on the side of the street, with various auspicious names on them.

What are the "Lifetime Peaceful and Auspicious Lanterns", "Victorious Glazed Lanterns", "Bright Future Lanterns", "Hundred Flowers Blooming Long-term Luck Lanterns"... and many other festive lanterns, because of the protection of spells, they have not been affected. Some phantoms made of small memory crystals are still changing rapidly, and they are all auspicious and beautiful pictures!For example, the examination of the title of the high school gold list, the newlyweds raising their eyebrows together, the prosperity of the country and the prosperity of the people... These festive scenes are changing from time to time on the large and small lanterns. The most interesting thing is that there are some auspicious words in some pictures!

"My lord, my lord, congratulations on being named on the list!" "Miss, miss, a marriage of thousands of miles will lead you together!"...

A lot of auspicious words are ringing, but under these colorful and eye-catching lanterns, the young and old Guan Chou who is clutching his crotch and crying miserably, and under the lanterns of "a thousand miles of marriage" from time to time, his chest is almost flattened , the ragged clothes exposed a large area of ​​scratched skin, and the ankle of one leg showed an irregular and distorted shape. The princess Ziying grinned and screamed with painful teeth, but formed a very strong visual contrast with these lanterns!

Seeing more than a dozen top-ranking rich men screaming under the lanterns praying for good luck, everyone felt that this situation was extremely strange!

What's more, the pitiful appearance of the girl who obviously beat people to death, but defended her small chest and complained that "there are many hooligans in the imperial capital" is too spoofed, and the people are stunned for a while!

"Okay!" Someone shouted in the crowd, huh huh...!Countless applause sounded, the big girl and the little daughter-in-law clapped their hands vigorously, their faces flushed with excitement!The well-dressed businessmen and the honest and good-looking men at home applaud together!

"Little sister is doing well!" A shameless young man yelled,

"My sister is so good, my brother loves you...!" Countless unemployed young men with tattoos on their bare chests in winter whistled hooligans and booed!

The liveliness of the scene caught up with the situation of Zi Chaocheng Ling Chirong in an instant!

Yun Mo's face was covered with black lines!Hearing the little hooligan shouting 'brother loves sister', he wished he could kick these bastards to death with a wooden clog!

Watching the excitement is not afraid of big things, if the sky falls, there will be a tall one to stand up to it!Kill the second generation of officials and overthrow Bai Fumei!This is the spiritual thought of the little people.

I was satisfied in this instant, it was so fucking enjoyable!Seeing a big man who usually never takes a look at me is beaten to half-mutilated by a girl, I feel really happy, even happier than earning a large sum of gold coins!

D!Everyone booed, the king of heaven in mid-air has no idea, can they still smash together and get down on the ground?This is the imperial capital, not the countryside. Who knows how many of these people are high officials and horrible cultivators who come out to play in micro-services?Still wait and see!

The heavenly kings blinked their eyes in mid-air, so they didn't care about their business.

"Whose sister are you calling? Call and beat you again!"

Yun Mo became angry from embarrassment, rolled up his sleeves, exposed his slender arms, and threatened with his fists.

Ha ha…!The crowd burst into laughter.

"What a cute little sister!" A little rascal shouted.

"Sister is so happy!" More people shouted together.

"Small arms are so sexy!" Someone shouted more aggressively.

Ha ha…!Everyone laughed more happily.

Yun Mo was furious and took off his sleeves! "Rogue, everyone in your imperial capital is a hooligan!"

The girl pointed at the bastards watching the fun around and cursed.

Well, it's more lively!

Yun Mo gritted his teeth angrily! "Molested? Molested by so many people! It's not easy being a girl, it's even more difficult to be a beautiful and sexy..., uh...? It's even more difficult to be a girl who can fight!"

Thinking of the beautiful Huo'er, facing such stares and teasing during this period of time, Yun Mo's heart became very angry!

Whoosh...!Everyone's eyes blurred, and the sixteen screaming people had already been led by the neck for an instant by the girl, and left in one position.

Ah..., ah...!The body pressed against the body, and the place where the bone was already broken was even more painful.

"One last question, now, should you get up and kneel down to make amends, or should I strip all of you naked? You make your own choice!"

"You killed... me, aren't you... junior sister Ye Lianxing? Don't think...you can...do whatever you want with Ye Lianxing's cover, my father..., Guan Chou threatened intermittently.

Snapped!A crisp slap on his face!

The girl waved her hands in disdain, and murmured: "I'd feel dirty beating a bastard like you, so much nonsense!"

All the dandies collectively fell silent, endured the severe pain and dared not speak out!To be slapped, not to mention the pain, this slap is a great shame and humiliation. If you don't kill this woman, you won't be able to wash it away!

"Bitch, there is a way to kill this princess!"

Ziying gritted the remaining five teeth in her mouth, and shouted stubbornly.

"Your sister, the princess is amazing, isn't the big man in the army amazing? I am a commoner, should I be bullied by you? Okay, let's strip you both naked first. I think you two are still stubborn?"

The girl brought Ziying over with one hand and Guanchou with the other, and she was going to strip them both naked!

The hand fell on the collar of Guan Chou's eyes, and the sound of Huo'er suddenly sounded.

"Sister, oh, forget it, I have to forgive others and forgive others!"

Hands stop.

Yun Mo turned to look at Huo'er with a calm face, and knew that the girl's heart had softened!

The dandies lying on the ground looked at Huo'er in great surprise, with complicated expressions in their eyes.

Yun Mo was about to say something, when suddenly, his whole body trembled, and he suddenly raised his head!

Not far from here, on the "Thousands of Miles Marriage Leading by a Thread" sound lantern, a man stood at some point!

The moment Yun Mo made contact with this person's eyes, his heart jumped like a drum!

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