Wanhua Merry

Chapter 885

When the time reached midnight, a vision appeared over Buzhou Island!

In the air, flowers of various colors appeared from the corresponding directions from the north to the south. These flowers were completely condensed by energy. Each flower had a different shape, and the same thing was extremely magnificent!Chery's colors illuminate half of the sky, rendering this place into a fairyland on earth!

Two huge flying artifacts suddenly appeared!That's right, there are two 'ships', because one of them looks like a black palace moving in the void.And the other one looks like a golden ancient Kunpeng, with huge wings sprouting from both sides.

It was Demon Lord Kui Ye and Patriarch Chi Yan who had arrived!

Hundreds of ethereal figures stood on the two ground-level top-quality flying instruments that were also tens of thousands of feet long. It was obvious that the most terrifying masters of the Wailou and Chijia families had come!

Why let these people follow?

Because, once the two peak powers fight, it will inevitably have a certain impact on the surrounding environment, for example, triggering terrorist events such as earthquakes and tsunamis. Therefore, everyone needs to work together to minimize this impact.

This is the main reason why they were brought in by the two masters.No matter how much hatred there is, it must be resolved with the person concerned, and no one will attack the other party's disciples and grandchildren without taste.

With such unspoken rules, it is natural to bring these guys along.

The reason why these two ground-level flying instruments are top-quality is because they are different from ordinary instruments!As we all know, it is impossible for an ordinary flying weapon to fly with many people at the same time, because it does not have such a large kinetic energy.

However, this kind of earth-level top-grade magic weapon made by adding certain rare materials in the refining process is very different from ordinary flying magic weapons in this respect. Its volume can be expanded and contracted freely, and it can fly with tens of thousands of people at its maximum state. !

This is an extremely terrifying place for the Wailou and the Chijia family, because they can transport a large number of experts remotely to attack the enemy!This is the extraordinary feature of the best of the earth level, strictly speaking, the best of the earth level is even more precious than the low-rank of the sky.

Just looking at these two treasures that came with many masters, the sects watching here from a distance will be shocked!

Hundreds of figures flew out from the two flying instruments that were far apart, either flying in the air, or stepping on ordinary flying instruments!They flew in all directions, connected with each other, and arranged formations to prevent too much energy from overflowing and affecting the secular world.

Generally speaking, on the bright side, there are not many top experts in all organizations.

For example, Yunxiao Palace, on the surface, its masters above the third level of heavenly deity have just passed the number of "five", and in the wisteria royal family, including Hong Wang, there are only six masters of the third level of heavenly deity, but the heads of all major forces are very worried Clearly, let's not talk about those seniors who can't show their faces and are no different from the dead, who are paralyzed in the coffin to avoid doom, just talk about the triple celestial beings who can really be dispatched, and it is estimated that there will be no shortage!Everyone is just pretending to be confused.

The elders that Yunxiao Palace dispatched last time when Ye Lianxing had an accident, everyone knew in their hearts that they were all three powerful!However, people did not admit it openly, so everyone can only pretend to be confused!

It is tacit to each other.

However, tonight, under the bright moon in the sky, there are hundreds of triple heavenly deities flying out of these two flying treasures!The rest are ordinary Zun-level and Heavenly King four-step masters, this power is simply shattering!

Needless to say, the Chi Yan family has recuperated and recuperated for more than 8 years. It is understandable to have such power.However, what kind of force is Kui Ye Mozun leading?To have such a background is simply frightening!No wonder the secret Zen sect was blocked in the mountain gate and couldn't get out.

Everyone was stunned.

Of course, the leaders of various forces who are qualified to know the secret also understand why they did not attack the headquarters of the secret Zen sect, because it is impossible for the old antiques of the secret Zen sect to see their ancestors' foundations destroyed in one fell swoop.Therefore, Kui Ye Mozun naturally wouldn't disturb those guys to make fun of himself.

The palace is majestic and majestic, suspended in the void, with an aura to shock the heavens!

Kunpeng's wings are enough to cover the world, and the golden light that laughs proudly at the world is shining!

However, these two Giant Macs couldn't stop the dazzling light from the two figures standing on these two treasures!

The focus of the world, the idol in the hearts of countless people, the endless glory and admiration belong to these two people!

The image of the swallowing beast became more and more ferocious. Looking at the three sharp long horns on its helmet, everyone wanted to know, what kind of image does this expert under the Kui Ye battle armor look like?Unfortunately, no one can answer this question.Who is the devil, except for their own people, who knows in the world?The intelligence agencies of various countries do not know either.In fact, they didn't dare to investigate deeply at all.Do you want to cause trouble for the country by investigating the identity of such an expert?

The huge five-digit ten-square sword of 'Kuye Ye' hovered above Mozun's head, looking at this world's second-ranked heavenly-level top-tier murderous weapon, everyone was trembling!

Of course Jin Yueteng would not tremble.

She quietly stepped on the position of Kunpeng's head, confronting Mozun from a distance, and the exquisite pattern of the space-breaking battle armor on her body was clearly presented in front of the world for the first time!

This set of legendary battle armor tailored for the Yaozu is so beautiful!

Forged with unknown golden metal, it looks like an image of a goddess of war as a whole!The surface of its battle armor is full of wing-shaped spirit patterns, and they flow to form the image of a divine bird with a pair of huge wings, which looks mighty and sacred!

The 'Yuduankong', which can only be used by the monster race, was quietly pasted on the shoulder of the battle armor.It was too small, and it seemed inconspicuous in the golden light of the battle armor.But everyone knows that this small thing, not to mention the enlarged fighting form, even in the form of a large embroidery needle like now, is not something ordinary cultivators can bear!It doesn't take much, just one blow, even if Tianzun Yiyi is wearing a heavenly battle armor, he will be shocked to death by this blow!Its majestic power is enough to make everyone's heart chill.

The little 'Yuduankong' harvests powers of the giant level, whoever dares to underestimate it will be dead or alive!

The subordinates flew away, and the two great powers confronted each other over Buzhou Island.This scene was recorded by the world, and everything that happened here tonight will be fully recorded.

Coincidentally, the two peak powerhouses flew away from the magic weapon they were in, and they made a gesture with their fingers. Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the two flying magic weapons of almost the same size instantly became smaller and as big as a fist, like an exquisite piece of magic weapon. The handicraft was collected by the two into the magic storage device.

The two masters stood in emptiness, their eyes traveled tens of thousands of miles away, and they were firmly locked together.

"Little bird, I haven't seen your Kunpeng Magical Artifact for hundreds of years. Seeing you today is really emotional. You said that you look good and your cultivation is strong enough. If you are like my Yushu Linfeng How wonderful it would be for disciples and grandchildren to become a couple of gods and immortals, why would you pursue them so cruelly into the hopeless Nether Monument Jedi? Damn it!"

The voice of the last two words suddenly amplified, and the waves below him were stirred up!

Jin Yueteng was not moved at all, she smiled quietly.Concentrated voice said: "Kuye, I chased and killed Ye Lianxing because I owed others a big favor, so I had to do this. With our status, it is reasonable to say that we should not take action against the younger generation, but the words are loud Izumi, if you want me to break my promise like you humans, it will be impossible!"

boom!One stone, one thousand waves.

The world has never known whether Kui Ye Mozun is a human or a demon. At this time, Jin Yueteng undoubtedly proved that the second best master in the world is definitely a human!When I saw him beheading the big demon king on the third floor of the basement, human society had already assumed this kind of inference, but there was no direct evidence to prove it, but Jin Yueteng gave sufficient evidence in one sentence!

You must know that there are not many such things as heaven-level supernatural weapons. If you don't hold them in your hands and study them, you can't tell whether they are refined for humans or monsters. Naturally, you can't use weapons to deduce their masters. identity!

There is a strong sense of pride in the hearts of human cultivators, and it is extremely inspiring to be so powerful as a human being.

This shows that in terms of extreme force, human beings are no worse than the monster race who claim to be one against ten at the same level!

Of course, everyone understands that this kind of situation only happens to Mozun or his shocking disciple Ye Lianxing, and he is hopeless for life!However, this does not affect people's self-confidence and sense of pride.

Humans are very good at pumping ourselves up like this.

"It would be great if the real body of the world's number one master is also human!"

Unfortunately, this is destined to be a mystery. Jin Yueteng and Jun Buliu, who have been beaten several times by the first master, don't know who the freak really is.

"What a human being who betrays his promise, how noble he is talking about the monster race! Let's stop talking about these useless words with you. You need to keep your promise. This sect leader must do to avenge his disciples and grandchildren! In this case, Let's start fighting, little bird, it's best not to use your domain. You also know that this sect master has a heaven-level top-grade guardian magic weapon, which is enough to offset the power of your domain. Even my descendants can’t be trapped, so why trap me? You don’t need to lose so much life to use that thing, just let your subordinates see the truth! Remember, the dodging area of ​​the battle should not exceed a radius of [-] million miles. Around here, you and I The subordinates have already set up a large formation to isolate the energy from interfering with the ocean and avoid causing disasters. The competition lasts for a hundred breaths, in which life and death are no matter what the destiny is, what do you think?"

This is the state of life and death before the competition, it is just a verbal agreement!One hundred breaths to determine life and death is too intense.

Jin Yueteng touched his lower abdomen secretly, thinking: I can't let the baby in my belly get hurt, it seems that today is a hard battle! "

She replied solemnly? "According to what the Demon Lord said, after one hundred breaths, regardless of life or death, there will be no enmity between you and me, and there will be no more involvement.

"Exactly. Please!"

Mozun said in a concentrated voice, signaling Jin Yueteng to attack first.

"Imperial combat skills!" With Jin Yueteng's yell, the life-and-death battle at the peak of Buzhou Island began.

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