Wanhua Merry

Chapter 899

() The guests and hosts in the small building had a good time, and the cellar had 20 years of immortal drunkenness, which made the rough face of the middle-aged woman glow red. Refreshing juice.

Weiwei happily ate spicy dishes that she had never tasted before.If she knew that this meal could sell for tens of millions of gold coins, would she still be able to eat and drink so happily?

Well, she doesn't know.Yun Mo naturally wouldn't say either.

After more than five years of hard life, the middle-aged woman drank too much today before these two young people.If you drink too much wine, you will naturally talk more.After being asked a few words skillfully by Yun Mo, the woman couldn't bear it any longer, and shared all the sadness she had felt over the years.

Hearing that his two children died unexpectedly due to the flood, Yun Mo felt extremely uncomfortable.Others don't know, but he naturally understands that it was his five-member team's blood sacrifice that opened up the birth of Treasure Island, which brought about the catastrophe that swept Minshun.

Yun Mo didn't know about this until he left the island, but it couldn't offset the guilt in his heart.Although this kind of thing will happen sooner or later, Yun Mo silently takes part of the responsibility.Asking for the rescue money in front of Ziyu is probably due to Yunmo's mentality of making up for it after he has done it.

At this time, knowing that Weiwei's family has also fallen into such a situation because of this incident, it is strange that Yun Mo is in a good mood!

Listening to the woman babbling about the village head not distributing relief supplies for various reasons, Yun Mo looked extremely calm, but his heart was already on fire!

The woman was talking, tears were already streaming down, Weiwei wiped her mother's tears with a handkerchief in a panic, coaxing her not to be sad.

Jin Yueteng's eyelashes trembled slightly, not knowing what to think.

Satisfied with wine and food, Yun Mo casually put away the messy table with cups and plates, and with a wave of his hand, meat that was as tall as a person appeared on the ground, including chicken, duck and fish.Yun Mo is a foodie, so he will naturally reserve some materials, which will come in handy at this time.His storage ring is big enough, so naturally there is no problem of not being able to fit it.

Bags of rice and flour appeared, bringing mother and daughter together

His face turned blue from the shock.

"My lord, we can't take these things!" The woman said with self-esteem.Although she is a housewife, there are some things she cannot do.This is what her husband taught her, and she naturally remembers it in her heart.

"You're welcome. This is a gift we gave to Weiwei. It's just a trivial matter. Since Weiwei called me brother, what is this thing? If you don't want it, you just look down on me."

Yun Mo said so.

Speaking of this, is there any reason not to refuse?Thank you, woman.

"Weiwei, let's go, brother will finish the work for you."

Yun Mo rolled up his sleeves casually, turned and walked towards the courtyard.

Weiwei was taken aback. "No, big brother, how can you do this rough work?" The mother and daughter rushed out together.

Jin Yueteng sat there quietly without moving.She turned her head and 'looked' at the man on the indoor bed who kept coughing up blood, and suddenly felt in her heart: It's really not easy for a human being to live, as difficult as a demon!

she sighed.

His eyes penetrated the wall, looking at the young man in the courtyard who ignored the opposition of his mother and daughter, picked up the ax and "Kaka" to split the firewood.

"You are very good"!As she said softly, she touched her belly subconsciously, and there was a trace of extremely complicated expressions in her eyes, and she fell into deep thought.

Yun Mo's speed is extremely fast, and his ax is like the wind!

In just a cup of tea time, the wood accumulated in the yard was chopped into thin strips, and the mother and daughter were stunned. Is this speed and quality of work really human?

The size and length of each piece of wood are basically equal, and they are automatically suspended and stacked after splitting.It looked like a juggling act.The mother and daughter opened their mouths wide open, unable to believe what they saw.

"Mom, it would be great if I were a practitioner, and I can help you do a lot of work in the future!" Weiwei said enviously, her eyes full of longing.

After Yun Mo finished his work, he didn't even show a trace of sweat. Hearing this, his heart moved, he looked at the girl, and suddenly shouted to the room: "Lady, come, help us see, does Weiwei have a talent for cultivation?"

Jin Yueteng silently appeared next to Yun Mo with a hippie smile, unaffected by his evil charm.

Bai Liaoyun glanced at Yunmo, and said in a concentrated voice: "What nonsense, who is your wife? Shameless!"

Yun Mo salivated and pointed to the expectant Weiwei.

Yun Mo himself has never tried such a thing as testing talent, and he doesn't know how to do it at all.However, Jin Yueteng definitely understood.No, Yun Mo called him out.

Yun Mo was silent, Jin Yueteng wanted to scold him but he couldn't catch the chance, so he could only stare blankly at Yun Mo for a few times, and then a crystal ball appeared in his hand, gently placed it on the ground, and said to Wei Wei: "Little sister, come on, put your hands on the crystal ball, and then, let's see if there will be colored lights and phantoms? If they can appear, then you can practice. From now on, you can be a practitioner." .

"Big sister, what if there are no colorful lights and phantoms?" Wen Weiwei asked worriedly.

"Then you can only be an ordinary person for the rest of your life. There is no way to do it." Jin Yueteng said softly.

Weiwei bit her lip and glanced at her mother.Seeing the woman's encouraging eyes, she stretched out her small hands full of water and frostbite, and put them on the crystal ball together.

For a while, the crystal ball remained silent.

Weiwei was so anxious that the eyes were filled with mist!

"Don't worry, it will only fail if there is no movement after ten breaths!" Jin Yueteng touched the girl's head rarely, and comforted softly.

Both Weiwei and her mother breathed a sigh of relief.

Time goes by, three breaths..., five breaths..., nine breaths...

Yun Mo's eyes dimmed.

Crystal tears rolled down from the corners of Weiwei's eyes, and there was a trace of regret on Jin Yueteng's face.This child is painful, Jin Yueteng naturally hopes that she has talent, but at this moment it seems hopeless.

A look of disappointment flashed across Weiwei's mother's face, and she returned to smiling.At this time, Weiwei needs encouragement the most, and of course she knows how to do it.

Ten interest time is up!

A white mist suddenly covered the entire small courtyard. The mist was like silk threads flying in the air, extremely thin but continuous!

"This...?" Everyone was stunned, this illusion is really mysterious enough.

There seemed to be a whistling sound coming from the mist, and the next moment, the light was shining brightly! <Back to the earth, as if all things revived, there were phantoms with four wings on their backs appearing in the sky, a row of pairs, so many, overwhelmingly descended to Weiwei and surrounded her!

The hymn sounded, and the phantoms sang together!I can't understand the vocabulary, but the style of music is melodious.

Weiwei looked at these phantoms around her with big teary eyes, and looked at the endless light in her courtyard, she was infatuated!

Yun Mo's eyes widened, and he grabbed Jin Yueteng, who also opened his mouth wide in disbelief, and asked anxiously: "What kind of talent is this? There is fog and light, is she water or light? Is she really... soul power?" Mage talent? I don't... I don't understand it very well!"

Yun Mo said incoherently.

"It's not water, it's not light, but both water and light have extremely powerful healing functions. This little girl is not a life system, the life system is a light green light. She is an innate healing system that can only appear in 1000 million years Mage, the level is very high, born with immortality! The innate healing system is more terrifying than the acquired healing ability of Demon Venerable Kuiye! Your sister, is this going to turn the world upside down? This little girl grows up, as long as she steps into the Zun Level, no one in the world can kill her! She has a bright future and is definitely a leader in this generation! Yunmo, compared with her, you are not at the same level in terms of vitality at all, and her cultivation speed is due to the healing system Blessed by the heavens and the earth, he will be faster than the talent of the warrior, and he will definitely be the fastest existence among mages."

"I've won the grand prize!" Yun Mo looked at the mother and daughter who were bewildered, their eyes sparkling.There are cross-shaped runes in the eyes of those angel phantoms. What is it if it is not a healing rune?

"Your sister, you've won the jackpot!" He seemed to be running around in the courtyard like crazy!

"Thank God, thank Buddha, thank Uncle Osama bin Laden! Your sister, my time has finally turned, and the Nazi Jinyi family is expected to succeed, hahaha!"

Yun Mo was so crazy that he didn't know why.

Weiwei left the crystal ball with her hands, and all the illusions disappeared.

She looked at Jin Yueteng in fear.

Jin Yueteng looked at this girl, as if seeing a peerless heroine who would influence the world trend in the future, she couldn't help but smiled and said: "Weiwei, you can not only cultivate, but also have outstanding talents. In the future, the world will be crazy about you!"

Whoosh!Yun Mo has already rushed back to the mother and daughter, squatted down, looked at Weiwei's face, and said in a concentrated voice: "Weiwei, are you willing to go to di du with your big brother? Take your parents, let's get out of here, go to di du If you live in du, you have talent and you will get unlimited resources. You are now the favorite of the world, and your future lies in the world, not in this corner.”

"Can I bring my father and mother?" Weiweihu asked.

"Yes, big brother assures you that in the future, you will be a giant who dominates the world."

Weiwei didn't understand this, she looked at her mother.

The woman didn't understand either, she hesitated and said, "My lord, let me discuss it with the old man."

"Naturally!" Yun Mo laughed...


Three hours later, this dilapidated small building and the four-story luxurious small building of Li Chang's family not far away suddenly caught fire!The fire was raging, and it was too late when the surrounding residents came to fight the fire.

The Li Chang's family and Weiwei's family will be removed from this place from now on!

On the 22nd of the first lunar month, Duke Wen Xing met Yun Mo.

The two talked in secret for a long time, and came to Purple Leaf City from the underground world. The three big demon kings who had eaten the weeping grass had already belonged to Duke Wenxing.Wen Xing blamed Yun Mo Yitong very much.On the 23rd of the first lunar month, Yunmo and Jin Yueteng took Weiwei's family to take off to bid farewell to Wen Xing and Pang Tianya. Neither of the two big brothers asked who the blond woman next to Yunmo was who covered her face. Although there were speculations, Better not to ask.

In the early morning of the 24th of the first lunar month, Yun Mo and Jin Yueteng parted ways over the south gate of Di Du.

Jin Yueteng left a sentence: "My child, I will stay, not for you, but for myself."

The motherhood in her heart has been stimulated by Situ Qiwei, who wouldn't want such a daughter?

Yun Mo secretly smiled triumphantly.Jin Yueteng left immediately.

With Weiwei's family of three, Yun Mo landed in front of Di Du's gate.

"We're here!" He looked back at the three people behind him.

"We're here!" Xiao Hei and Xiao Ci were no longer willing to be lonely, shouting in the spirit sea.

Holding a curious little girl with his right hand, Yun Mo motioned to a couple behind him.

The middle-aged man whose tuberculosis had been cured by Yunmo's elixir held his wife's hand, and the four of them walked towards the south gate of di du! ………


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