Wanhua Merry

Chapter 913

It's no wonder that Ye Lianxing yearns to sit on a dragon boat. This dragon boat suspended in mid-air is too gorgeous and mighty!

The whole is thousands of feet long, and the whole body is noble purple for the emperor.This kind of purple is different from ordinary purple. If you look carefully, you can see colorful light shining through the purple. It is obvious that the production skills are at the peak, and various colors are contained in it, which can only be seen vaguely.Such a superb refining skill cannot be achieved by ordinary master craftsmen.

Under Zheng Xun's precepts and deeds, Ye Lianxing knows a little bit about refining weapons, so he is naturally full of praise!

At the head of the dragon, Emperor Ziyu sits on the wisteria coiled dragon throne, wearing a purple imperial robe and an emperor's crown on his head. have to!

Behind him are hundreds of top masters wearing earth-level top-grade battle armor, each carrying bows and arrows with long knives and swords slung across their backs.Among these palace guards, there are half men and half women, but every one of them is a dragon and a phoenix.

Needless to say about appearance, the man is handsome and mighty, while the woman is beautiful and noble.Even the height is almost the same.Men are all around 1.8 meters, and women are all around 1.7 meters. It looks so exciting!

On the dragon boat, the wisteria national flag of the empire fluttered, covering half the sky!There is a flag guard squad at the flagpole.Every one stands straight like a gun.This style, this ostentation, is too awesome!

The countless exquisitely carved dragon scales on the dragon boat exude blurred colors in the cold sunshine in the morning, it looks like the emperor of heaven leading the generals into the mortal world!

'Too bluffing! This is what Ye Lianxing thinks in his heart.

I have a deeper understanding of Ziyu in my heart.

"This guy is definitely the same as the first emperor of the previous life. He is an emperor who is very happy and has an infinite heart! It is not suitable for defending success, but it is most suitable for expanding the territory and achieving eternal supremacy. Don't you see him acting like this?"

Can Ye Lianxing not be envious?If so, put other things aside for now, ignore the emperor's inquiry, and just open your mouth and say, "I also want to sit up for a while."

boom!Everyone was in an uproar.

Ye Lianxing really doesn't understand the rules. This wisteria dragon boat magic weapon, which was only used by successive emperors when traveling, has strict rules.In addition to the emperor himself can sit on it, even the powerful members of the worship group can only stand.

This magic weapon called 'Wisteria Shuntianzhou' is a symbol of the royal family.

On this dragon boat, the glory of the royal family is boundless, and no one can steal the limelight from the royal family!Regarding this point, all major forces have a default attitude, which is a manifestation of the royal family's face!

But what Ye Lianxing said was to go up and 'sit', there is a world of difference between sitting and standing, even if you are a duke, you are not qualified to sit on this dragon boat.So, Ye Lianxing's words are extremely unruly?What's more, he was still screaming like 'Your Majesty Ziyu', which is simply too unreasonable!

Everyone thinks so.

Connie held back the joy in her heart, and shouted 'presumptuous' in front of everyone!

He is very clear that this is the bottom line of the royal family. Ye Lianxing's words are tantamount to committing a crime of deceiving the emperor. Of course he will be a loyal minister who will protect the emperor with all his strength!If you don't reprimand the traitor at this time, when will you wait?

Ye Lianxing didn't wait for Ziyu's response, but waited for these two words, and couldn't help being furious!

"Presumptuous? Your sister, you are presumptuous, your whole family is presumptuous! I am talking to the emperor, when will it be your turn to intervene, the prisoner? School guards, slap the prisoner Kang Nie a hundred times!"


The school guards of the Detective Division responded in unison.In the horrified eyes of everyone, the captain of the detective department stood up and rushed to Connie with a whoosh. The three school guards around Connie held down the struggling and cursing Connie.

The middle-aged captain swung his arms round, and slapped Connie's left face with a big mouth!

"Your majesty, old minister..., ah...! Puchi...!"

Before he could finish shouting to the emperor for help, this slap hit his face extremely violently!In an instant, five black marks appeared on his well-maintained face, which instantly swelled like fermented steamed buns, and red blood mixed with big teeth spewed out!

"Help, emperor...!"

'Crack, clap, clap...! '

A dozen big mouths slapped his face like lightning, almost killing him directly!The captain shot too fast, in the blink of an eye, a dozen big mouths were all slapped!

Ziyu at the dragon's head was just stunned for a moment, and Kang Nie below was beaten into a pig's head.

"Stop!" Ziyu sternly shouted.

The detective captain immediately stopped when he heard the sound, half kneeled in the tunnel and said, "I would like to obey the holy order."

He stopped hitting.

Of course, the school guard of the Detective Division will strictly follow the order.At first, Ye Lianxing ordered the exit without even the slightest hesitation, the big mouth slapped so fiercely!But the detective department is the eyes and ears of the emperor, and the one who speaks most powerfully is of course the emperor himself.

Although Ye Lianxing had the right to kill first and play later, but the emperor himself was present, so he naturally had to follow the emperor's lead.

The Detective Department orders and prohibits, very well-regulated!

That is, why did the captain shoot so quickly?If he was slower and only slapped twice, Ziyu probably would have reacted.But now?

Everyone looked at Kang Nie who was lying on the ground coughing up blood and howling, and they all knew in their hearts: This captain did it on purpose!Well, Ye Lianxing hasn't officially taken office yet, and these school guards are so supportive?

Of course Ziyu also understands the subtleties, but there is no way, he is just a small soldier, and he is very good at carrying out the orders of the two bosses, who can pick out the faults?

Ziyu can only act as if he doesn't understand.

In terms of 'rarely confused', the emperor is not inferior to other old foxes.

Ye Lianxing glanced at the captain appreciatively.

The detective captain secretly smiled at his immediate superior, and then pretended he didn't see anything.

"Talent, talent!" Ye Lianxing praised secretly in his heart, raised his head and said to the dragon boat: "Your Majesty, if this old boy dared to rob the emperor, he would be so soft on his mouth! He is eloquent and eloquent to gain fame and reputation, and he keeps saying that he is for the great affairs of the country. The above remonstrance is actually ridiculing the emperor secretly with evil intentions. His heart can be punished, and his behavior is extremely shameless! This kind of dog official who is rich in gold and jade is the target of my detective department! His family is not a good guy either, and the police department will definitely conduct strict scrutiny, and once something vicious is found, they will be severely punished! In broad daylight, this guy dares to slander Shengshang Qingyu with unreasonable words. Heart! Please order the emperor to let the detective department review the case!"

Ye Lianxing raised her head and spewed out this long paragraph.

At the end, he pondered for a while, and then said softly: "Your Majesty, on that dragon boat, do you want to sit with me or not? If you don't agree, tell me. How can there be any reason not to say anything?"

Everyone's heads were dizzy, and they cursed in their hearts: You bastard, this guy is still thinking about the dragon boat ride?Are you really ignorant of the rules, or are you just pretending to be stupid?

Ziyu's eyebrows jumped up!

At this time, hundreds of millions of people are watching, and they can't lose their composure. Fortunately, the imperial capital prohibits forces other than the Royal Enshrining Group and Yunxiao Palace from using water mirrors to monitor, so Ziyu doesn't have to worry about the strange expression on his face falling into the eyes of foreign hostile forces. Make a big fuss.

As for Yunxiao Palace, how many people would dare to say no to people scanning the world with water mirrors?The same goes for the royal family.

Fortunately, although Yunxiao Palace has this right, it is rarely used.Even better, Yunxiao Palace within the imperial palace cannot be monitored by water mirrors, so Ziyu can keep**

"Ye Aiqing, you are impeaching Kang Aiqing for misbehavior in front of me, and you have a heart of disobedience! But everything must be based on evidence, and you can't just say that one is one, if you have convincing evidence, I will certainly act, but if it is out of thin air It is a fabrication, then I can only pursue you for the crime of framing, you should think about it carefully. As for this "wisteria shuntian boat", only the emperors of the past can sit on it. I can only stand. When I did not inherit the great treasure, I was fortunate enough to stand behind my father and patrol the provinces on this boat. For your achievements, I can reward you with this honor, but there is no seat."

"Ah, what's going on, it turns out that there are so many details, isn't it just a broken law..., uh...? I'm sorry, the minister said it a little bit, and it was unintentional, haha...! In this case, I can only stand What's the point of not being able to sit still? Still patrolling the provinces? Don't you feel tired? I don't have extravagant hopes."Ye Lianxing giggled and popped out such a sentence.

The people and officials have become wooden people!

What this person said was all treasonous words, and he was short of saying clearly, "I won't let me sit on this broken magic weapon, I don't care about it", this is crazy!

Ziyu's face flushed with anger, but it was inconvenient to attack at this time.

"Stop talking nonsense, this is a great honor, you martial artist who doesn't understand the rules, you need to learn etiquette in the future. Now let's get down to business, do you have evidence to impeach Connie?"

Ziyu dragged the topic back.

Ye Lianxing's thinking jumps extremely, if he doesn't hurry up and get down to business, he may talk about something later!This person doesn't know how to save any face for his father-in-law, it's really hateful!

Ziyu gritted his teeth secretly.

"Evidence? Yes, yes! Come, come, everyone stand up."

Ye Lianxing laughed, turned around and told everyone to stand up.

No one ignored him.

Ye Lianxing was a little embarrassed, he looked up.

Ziyu laughed secretly and waved his hand.

A little eunuch jumped out from behind him, and shouted in a thin voice: "Pingshen".Apparently he issued the oral order on behalf of Ziyu.

"Thank you, Lord Long, my emperor will live forever!" Everyone kowtowed and stood up in unison.

Ye Lianxing could only laugh dryly.

"Damn it, the evil feudal society!" He cursed in his heart.

"Everyone here is a witness, and they can all prove that what I said is true."

The officials are in a hurry!Someone who was extremely angry and laughed back laughed a few times, and raised his voice: "My lord, this person is talking nonsense and running a bullock cart! Who is the witness of others? Nonsense!"

"That's right, isn't this person out of his mind?"

"Oh, what a young man, why isn't his head clear?...

No matter whether it is an official or a civilian, Qi Qi talked about it, calling Ye Lianxing an idiot.

"You bunch of pigs, shut up for me."Ye Lianxing was furious and cursed loudly.

"You're a pig!" the officer yelled.

"idiot"! "color pig"! ………

The people cursed.

Ye Lianxing is in a hurry!

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