Wanhua Merry

Chapter 92

()do not judge a book by it's cover!Yun Mo learned the true meaning of these words with a painful lesson tonight!

"A skinny, unattractive old man with a goatee who is about to fall when the wind blows, nodding and bowing when he sees Cheng Fugui, is actually an important pawn hidden in Ziye City by other forces, and his own cultivation level is so low Reached the top tenth level of God Bless!

That's not to mention that he has a magic weapon with him, and he just took out a low-grade yellow weapon, and broke out with super power to beat himself to a half-dead state. This is a real person who doesn't show his face! " Yun Mo lay on the ground thinking like this, and secretly wailed in his heart for his ups and downs of revenge today!

"Damn it, everything is well planned, why are there so many crises all of a sudden, how many times is this the first time, how many times is this the first time? I almost finished playing again!"

Yun Mo cursed in his heart, complaining about his bad luck!

Also, he is really not going well today, he always goes wrong halfway!It was almost heroic in front of the Shenyu Pavilion, and the aorta of the neck was almost pierced by a perverted woman with a knife in the pine forest. The people who were most sure to deal with it - Cheng Fugui and Zhou Quan, suddenly transformed into a God Bless Ten with a magic weapon in his hand. Level peak master! "Do you fucking want to play me to death?" Yun Mo scolded God in his heart, but he didn't dare to delay. He stretched out his trembling hands and tapped the acupuncture points around the huge wound on the back of his chest to stop the blood rush!

Luckily!He glanced at Zhou Quan who was lying motionless on the ground, and thought to himself.

Thanks to being able to tap acupuncture points to stop bleeding, otherwise just bleeding would kill Yun Mo!

After he stopped the bleeding, he struggled to take off the tattered armor, tore off the clothes inside, and barely bandaged his injured body!

Struggling to sit up cross-legged, after recovering half of his skills through rapid exercise, he stood up and walked towards Zhou Quan!

Just at the very moment, Yun Mo took a desperate approach.This kind of risky way of fighting was originally disdained by masters, but sometimes it can indeed turn things around!

It's just because Zhou Quan thinks that he has controlled the audience and has a chance of winning, so he doesn't care about the flying blade thrown by Yun Mo!

When the dagger was thrown out by Yun Mo, he used the wind blade on the chain to wring the dagger off indifferently!But what he didn't expect was that the pointed section of the dagger that was twisted off changed its flight path in an instant, shooting towards his thigh!This was calculated by Yun Mo, but Zhou Quan didn't know it!

At that time, Zhou Quan could completely dodge it sideways, but if he did this, Feng Cone, who was about to succeed, would be in vain!He himself is a very decisive character!A hit on the thigh can be exchanged for stabbing the opponent to death or severely injuring the opponent. How could he let go of such an advantage?

So he didn't move his body and took a hard blow, and the chain wind awl in his hand also penetrated the enemy's chest as he wished. Seeing Yun Mo fell to the ground after being injured, he was extremely happy in his heart.

Then, he found out that he was wrong, and it was inappropriate to suffer this time!

"There is a strange poison on this dagger, it's so fucking despicable!" Zhou Quan cursed in his heart, but his whole body was covered in ooze, he couldn't move his fingertips, he could only make a small sound from his throat, and he couldn't hear it if he didn't pay attention!

He watched Yun Mo struggle to stop the bleeding, bandage, and recover his inner strength, he watched Yun Mo staggeringly walking towards him, he knew that he was done, he was not reconciled, he wanted to move, he wanted to get up and run for his life, but he couldn't ah!

Zhou Quan was full of regrets in his heart, he knew that this guy would use poison, so why should he fight him?Isn't it easy to kill him as long as you attack from a distance?

It's a pity that he realized it too late!

Yun Mo coughed, and the corners of his mouth kept bleeding. He knew that the awl had penetrated the upper part of the lung lobe of the right chest. This was an absolute serious injury and he must be treated as soon as possible, otherwise his life would be in danger!

But he gritted his teeth and persisted. How could he be willing to deal with these two bastards yet?

Peng!He stepped on Zhou Quan's thin face, twisted it hard, and crushed Zhou Quan's face. Zhou Quan's weak voice begged for mercy, but how could Yun Mo spare him?

After stepping on it for a while, Yun Mo struggled to drag Cheng Fugui, who was also immobile and still bleeding, by his hair like a dead dog, so that the two of them were placed face up on the ground!

The two of them couldn't move their bodies and their faces were covered with injuries, but their eyes were still working. The meaning of begging for mercy came from their eyes, and there was also a weak voice in their mouths, which naturally meant begging Captain Wen to let him go!

Wow!Yun Mo vomited blood profusely, with a stern expression like a ghost, panting and pointing at the two people on the ground.He said with difficulty: "Two old dogs, today I will let you die to understand!"

As soon as the words fell, the eyes of the two old guys blurred, the tall Wen Junlai disappeared from sight, and a little boy wearing ill-fitting clothes appeared in front of the two of them!

ah?The two of them turned pale with fright for a moment, their eyes almost opened, and they struggled to scream out, but the volume was too low unfortunately!

A boy's voice sounded: "I will change my name and surname if I can do it, and so will Yunmo!"

Seeing the almost boiling murderous intent in the little boy's eyes, the hearts of the two old fellows were completely chilled!

"The art of change is actually the art of change! Who the hell is this Yun Mo? He can actually know the art of change that non-masters of the Wanhua Sect can't teach. Could it be that he is the candidate for the head of the Wanhua Sect this year? people?"

In an instant, thousands of thoughts flowed through the hearts of the two of them, and they felt extremely regretful! "No matter how this boy got this world-famous untold secret, it can only mean one thing, we can't afford to mess with this man!"

How terrifying is Wanhuamen, how could these well-informed guys not know?Back then, Ye Lianhua, the owner of the Lianhua Pavilion, was just an abandoned disciple of Wanhua Sect. Because of her success in practicing Wanhua Kungfu, she turned into countless flower hunters and disturbed the world. She has been helpless for decades!In the end, dozens of practitioners from Yunxiao Palace and the Detective Department were dispatched to kill this person!For this reason, these two terrorist forces also suffered heavy casualties!

Wanhua Gongjue is all-encompassing, it is not a combat skill, it can be practiced by anyone.But there is a premise, you have to get this skill into your hands first, after the death of Pavilion Master Lianhua, only the current head of Wanhua Sect of Yaoyue Empire will be able to meet, so once there is another person who can, there is only one possibility, That is related to Wanhuamen.

In this way, doesn't it mean that anyone who possesses the Wanhua Gongjue is the most terrifying practitioner in the world, because behind him is probably the Wanhua Gate! "I am so blind that I want to chase and kill such an evil star!

Do you think that everything today has something to do with this little boy?In addition, he also has a companion female fire-type soul mage, that woman may be from the Wanhua sect, so there is no need to say how dangerous this person is! "

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