Wanhua Merry

Chapter 967 Early Morning at the Scholar's House of Shoufu University <Part [-]>

Among the descendants of the Shoufu lord's family, Helian Fangfei is the most talked about in recent years.

As the granddaughter of Helian Chupo, Fang Fei once made the elder brother extremely sad.The reason is naturally that six or seven years ago, he was robbed by the owner of the Lianhua Pavilion in the street, ruining his innocence.

This incident made the Helian family extremely distressed. The reason is very simple. Helian Fangfei showed an unparalleled talent for cultivation in the early years.

Naturally, Helian Chupo, who likes talents and hopes for the prosperity of the family, attaches great importance to this point.Therefore, it is definitely not a lie to say that Helian Fangfei is more favored by the old man than the eldest grandson.

Women in the Wisteria Empire can also be officials. Fang Fei has this qualification and was admitted to the practice branch of the Wisteria Academy. Coupled with her beautiful appearance and moon charm, she became a famous beauty in the imperial capital at a young age, attracting countless heroes. The one who bowed down and came to the door to protect the matchmaker, almost leveled the threshold of the Helian family.However, Fangfei has great intentions and is unwilling to get engaged early.Women's words also have weight, so this matter was put on hold.

However, there are unpredictable circumstances and people have good and bad fortune.Fangfei's fame was too much, which naturally aroused the covetousness of the extremely arrogant Pavilion Master Lianhua at that time, and if so, the following things would happen.In front of masters like Pavilion Master Lianhua, Fang Fei's two actions were not enough to watch, and she was taken away in the street.The whole empire knew what happened next.

It stands to reason that women who are prostitutes will definitely be disgusted in front of people like Helian Chubo, who uphold the rules and be their ancestors. They even have old-fashioned old elm bumps, and they will force their own granddaughter to commit suicide by using her full name as a festival. .

However, in this matter, Helian Chubo's approach surprised the entire empire.His attitude is to support his granddaughter, because the granddaughter is a victim, kind and virtuous in nature, so it is justifiable.The boss has never followed those rigid old rules in this matter all his life, and spared no effort to protect his granddaughter.

Many old antiques scolded him for being shameless, but more people admired him in their hearts.

The rules are dead, and some things can be done from another angle. Obviously, Helian Chupo will break the rules at some point.

He expressed his position, and the whole family will naturally have no objections.So Helian was able to continue her studies, and even had the opportunity to enter the Treasure Island for adventure and treasure hunting.

After her accident, not only did she not get looked down upon and disliked by her family, she was even more favored than before.This is also the reason why Fang Fei can always survive the gossip.With the support of family members, nothing is a problem.

As the saying goes, if you survive a catastrophe, you will be blessed!Fangfei's life is too short, she risked her life to participate in the battle for treasure island resources, miraculously got out of the island unscathed, she shined in the Wisteria Academy, her cultivation progressed by leaps and bounds!

During the Shangyuan Lantern Festival five years ago, because of Shangguan Huo'er's incident, Ye Lianxing's junior sister fought against the top master Guan Xie in the middle of the night, and the result shocked the world!After the girl left a warning of 'Don't criticize Shangguan Huo'er and Helian Fangfei', she never appeared again.

However, the effect is too great!Princess Ziying and other big dudes strictly carried out their promise to the girl. No one in the shocking Wisteria Academy dared to talk secretly about Fang Fei's affair with Master Lianhua. Fang Fei's spring is here!

Good things come in pairs, Tian Quantian, the young generation of the world-famous Yunxiao Palace, fell in love with Helian Fangfei at first sight!They didn't care about the fact that Fang Fei was not perfect. After several years of passionate love, they personally prepared countless rare treasures and went to the house to propose marriage.

Helian Chubo is very relieved!Not to mention that this matter can strengthen the relationship between the empire and Yunxiao Palace, the most important thing is that my favorite granddaughter finally has a happy home, which is more important than anything else!

Quan Tian is already the next hall master of His Royal Highness Qiuyue, and his status is high enough to be on an equal footing with Helian Chubo.The marriage has been settled, and a grand wedding will be held in two years' time.

When the news came out, the world was in an uproar!Because he promised to give Helian Fangfei the position of equal wife all day long!According to Quantian, the other flat wife position is reserved for another beauty.And he wrote in black and white that he would never marry a regular wife for the rest of his life.That is to say, after Fang Fei married the highness Qiuyue who covered the sky with her hands as the palace master, she had a very high status in the family!

A girl who is not a virgin can receive such a lot of love from Tiantian, and the beautiful female nuns who are waiting in the boudoir are almost jealous to death!

Helian Fangfei comes and goes, first bitter and then sweet.After graduating from Wisteria Academy, she joined the Detective Department. Currently, she is the deputy head of the Banner with the most powerful hands in other provinces, and her official position is the third rank. As long as her cultivation can be promoted to the rank of honor, she will have a place among the big heads of the Detective Department.

The number of heads of the detective department is often rotated, and a batch will be changed every few years.The old people in the past were obviously hiding in the dark, and they didn't know what they were doing. There were only eight big positions on the surface.Helian Fangfei has already set foot on the political stage, and she will become more and more brilliant in the future.

To Fangfei, Helian Chubo is far better than to his son.Maybe everyone is the same, love granddaughter love grandson!

At this time, when the old man asked about Fang Fei's recent situation, the three brothers knew that their father, who had a stern face and taught others, had regained his peace of mind, and they were naturally happy.Always look at this serious face, prone to hemorrhoids!

"Thank you for your father's concern. Fangfei is currently working in other provinces, and she is very effective in her work. It is said that the Detective Department has confirmed that she is a candidate for the top position, and she is expected to be one of the eighth divisions of the Detective Department in the future! Look at the meaning, Hong Wang and Li Xiangxiang think highly of their daughters, I just don’t know what the new Ye Zhangyin thinks about my little girl? My son heard that this person is extremely lecherous and shameless, and I am very worried that this person will have bad intentions for my little girl. If he does, it will be bad food.”

"Huh, he dares, let him get out of the detective office today! He wants to set up the Osama secret hall, and do it himself. It is a dream to do evil in the detective office."

Helian woke up with a wry smile, thinking to herself: I just said that people are high and powerful, so it may not be as dirty as the rumors.

After Helian Chubo scolded Ye Lianxing, he suddenly smiled lightly and said: "Besides, Quan Tian is Fang Fei's fiancé, even Ye Lianxing, you have to pay attention to your attitude, Yunxiao Palace is not easy to mess with."

"What the father said is very true, it is the son who is worrying too much."

Feeling cold sweat secretly, Helian woke up and said hastily.

"Okay, go and change into the official uniform. Today is an important day, the Great Court Meeting! If you gather so many officials, if you don't blow Ye Lianxing down from the stage, the old man will be with His Majesty today."

The three men hurriedly resigned, and Qiqi wiped off his cold sweat to change into official uniforms.

After a while, four officials in official uniforms boarded the carriage that had been waiting for a long time.

The door of the mansion was wide open, the servants and the guards respectfully sent the four bosses out of the mansion, and immediately closed the door tightly.Everyone feels a little more relaxed.

The wives are kind-hearted and kind-hearted. During the day, when Helian Chubo is busy with state affairs and not at home, it is the most comfortable time for everyone.Her wife and concubines hurried back to their room to sleep.

This master's rules are too strict, and all the concubines are secretly complaining.Not to mention how hard it is, this is something that one must encounter when marrying into a wealthy family, and one is already used to it.Just say that everything is done according to the rules, and all the female family members including Zeng's family are complaining!

For example, bed matters.

This big guy strictly followed the ancient health regimen, had sex three times a week, and changed a servant each time, only once a night, and would be reprimanded by the boss for indulging in lewd pleasures once more!

These wolves and tigers are all dissatisfied with their desires, but they dare not steal others. The boss is a high-level master, so how can we hide it?I can only live by it, my heart is miserable!

This kind of thing can't be told to others. Over time, the atmosphere in this house is weird!

This is the home of the chief assistant of the empire, absolutely staid, absolutely following the rules.It would be hard to believe that he could raise a dude!

It is such a person who is qualified to be the prime minister for state affairs!It is very reassuring to discuss important matters with such a person.

The red-eyed monster horse's hooves "dede", went out of the mansion gate, turned a few streets and arrived at Feilongmen.

At this time, the bustling crowd in front of the Feilong Gate seemed to be a festival, and a large group of men and women dressed in official uniforms of various grades gathered. There were more men and women than women, and they were not young, and they all looked like they were middle-aged or above.

That's right, there are very few people who are too young to become high-ranking officials. Ye Lianxing is a special case.

The carriage came, and the accompanying guards were looking for a place to rest near the Feilong Gate.

Their duty is to protect the adults and ensure their safety.When they got here, the security work was taken over by the palace guards. Naturally, they could only wait outside the door for the end of the court meeting before escorting people back.

At this time, the guards from all the prefectures greeted each other familiarly, and went to the surrounding small restaurants that did business early in the morning in twos and threes to eat something, bragging about each other, and talking about the anecdote of which master fell recently, which was very enjoyable.

"Morning Shou Fu!" All the officials bowed and saluted when they saw the big man coming.

Naturally, his three sons could not be with their father at this time, and they had already gone to a group of officials of the same rank.Being able to leave this father for a while, these three feel much more at ease!It's too serious, it's really meaningless.

It's just that no one dares to talk nonsense.

"Okay, okay, Liu Shilang, your old body is getting stronger and stronger. Last week, the wind and cold recovered so quickly. The doctors are really skilled!"

"It makes the Grand Scholars laugh. The body of the old man can't be compared with the body of the Grand Scholars. I really envy the physique of the Grand Scholars. It's a pity that apart from being able to read, the old man has no talent for cultivation all his life. Alas, it doesn't work."

"Hey, what did the servant minister say? Among all the officials, you are the oldest, and you really rank seniority. Even I am your junior. You have worked hard for the empire, so you must take good care of it. Made some health-preserving elixir, and let the dog deliver it to your house in a few days?"

"Then the old man has the audacity to accept it. Hey, Mao Qingtian, will you officials impeach the old man and take bribes for this matter?"

Mao followed with a look of embarrassment, and said, "Don't dare, dare not."Everyone laughed and the atmosphere was warm.

Not long after, the Vice Minister also came here, and all the officials greeted each other.

When the time comes, the Dragon Gate opens.

Cracking whips, countless heavily armed guards standing on both sides of the corridor, and the sound of courteous music.

"All the officials go to court!" A eunuch shouted.

According to the level of official position, civil and military stations, all the officials walked to the palace, and the grand court meeting began...


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