Wanhua Merry

Chapter 993 The Era of Light and Shadow <Part [-]>

Ten copper coins are really not expensive to ordinary people.That is, the price of buying several catties of wine and meat.

What's more, since the post-disaster reconstruction began a few years ago, there have been millions of super-large garment production bases in Minshun Province. The main production area of ​​Chinese cheongsam is in Minshun, and countless young and middle-aged people have a way to make money.The older girl and the younger daughter-in-law also enthusiastically applied for the factory.

Each set of Zhonghua Qipao can be sold at a high price, and the profits are unimaginable. What makes the millions of people in Minshun celebrate the most is the wages paid by Zhonghua Qipao, which are more than ten times that of the original garment factory!And following the law of 'the more you work, the more you work hard, the richer you get', those who pay more overtime can make people laugh to death!

In just a few short years, Min Shun was liberated from the predicament of starving people everywhere after the disaster. Basically, everyone has a house to live in and clothes to wear.It has become the province with the richest living standard per capita among dozens of provinces in the empire!Of course, it is not as good as the imperial capital, but the imperial capital belongs to the territory directly under the imperial family, not to the province.

Idle laborers from other provinces kept pouring into Minshun.

China Commercial Group saw the increase in labor force, and immediately opened up new projects under its banner.Cash crops, fishery infrastructure upgrades, new salt farms...!All in all, Min Shun offers numerous development opportunities in all aspects.

'Go to Minsun to work'!Over the years, it has become what the working people in the empire most want to do.

In other words, a young man who is a bachelor can buy a house and marry a beautiful girl after working hard in Minshun for a year, and live a good life.Can the common people not flock to it?

And after entering this year, Ye Qingtian Jiren Tianxiang has returned!

This made the people of Minshun, who had been worrying about the disappearance of this high-ranking official, feel happier than their long-lost relatives coming back. This powerful adult who has this people in his heart is firmly in the detective office of the imperial capital. The throne, the people of Minshun feel that there is hope for life!

Where does the good life come from now?The people know it.

The name of Ye Qingtian, among the people of Minshun, is even higher than that of the emperor!The rapid economic growth has greatly healed the heartache of Minshun people who lost their loved ones in the flood a few years ago!

This is what Yun Mo has always wanted to see.He couldn't tolerate the destruction of so many people's homes because his group unblocked Treasure Island.In his heart, he always felt sorry for the people of Minshun.Therefore, he tried his best to make the people here live a happier life.

Things are going well for Min Soon.

Of course, it refers to civilians.It's not a good life for the aristocrats.

After the crackdown that swept across the country was launched in Minshun, years of injustices were uncovered. I don’t know how many young ladies from aristocratic families were arrested by Minshun’s police department. Come out, if you are unlucky, it has been verified that you have a human life in your hand, and one of the three palm prints at the police station far away in the imperial capital swipes a pen, and the head will fall to the ground in an instant!Those who commit the most heinous crimes will be executed by Ling Chi without a whole body!Over the years, the nobles collectively feel that they are living in dire straits, but who can do anything?He could only grit his teeth and restrain his children from causing trouble.

For the first time in the history of the Wisteria Empire, civilians were treated fairly and justly. This thing has its essence and taste. In the future, if you want to bully civilians at will, you have to weigh whether you can withstand the torture of the detective department!

The economy is good, and the status has been imperceptibly improved because of the efforts of Ye Qingtian who shouted "Long Live the People".The people tasted the taste of happiness.

Nazi entertainment is here, and it's time!I couldn't even eat before, what kind of fun is it?

Now they have a bit of spare money in their hands, especially those fishermen in the past. After the fishing industry was meddled by the Zhonghua Group, the seafood sold at sky-high prices.The acquisition channels of the empire in the past were almost blocked by Chinese commerce and trade. These fishermen have transformed into the richest among ordinary people, and countless rich people have been born in a short time!

However, these guys know very well how their money comes from, and there are very few people who are rich and unkind.Even if there were one or two villains who gained power, they were quickly beaten back to their original form under the severe crackdown of the detective department.All of a sudden, the newly born billionaires were shocked!

They themselves have come through hard times.

Few of the new rich men dare to act against their conscience, which is a good sign!

Yun Mo had expected this. 'In order to prevent this kind of thing, we must strictly enforce the law on the newly born rich'.

Minshun's social ethos has reached the best ever, and he is almost in a state of not closing his house at night and not picking up lost things!

As long as there is a case, it will be resolved in the fastest and most timely manner. Countless thieves who have reached the level of heavenly kings have been arrested and brought to justice by the detective department, and executed in public!

The wicked are ushering in the most difficult days in history, hiding in their lairs and not daring to show their heads.

Min Soon's real spring has come!

Yun Mo often thinks: In the previous life, a great man drew a circle in the south of the motherland, and then... a special economic zone appeared!Now, I have drawn a bigger circle in another world. In the future, the whole of Minshun will be a special economic zone for wisteria, so can I be considered a great man?

"How stupid is a great man? Is it for atonement? If the people of Minshun know that the flood that killed countless people was caused by him unintentionally, maybe Ye Qingtian will be scolded as a sinner through the ages?"

Thinking about it this way, his great man complex was blown to pieces!

The people of Minshun are living a good life, and the Nazi lights and shadows are bound to be highly sought after, at least in Minshun.

The first day of the premiere of Nazi Light and Shadow, the income has been beyond imagination!

The whole world, regardless of the human society or the demon society, enjoyed two wonderful films at the same time. At one time, the two films were played in a loop in a luxurious theater that could accommodate tens of thousands of people watching at the same time. To appreciate the charm of light and shadow!

In the following days, the three popular songs swept the world with the speed of the wind!People over a hundred years old, down to children who are just learning to speak, can hum a few lines with their five-tone insufficiency.

The fees for nobles are high, but they enjoy the VIP box treatment, spending a lot and saving face.There are fewer complaints.

For a time, "watching light and shadow" became the most popular thing in the world.

The population base is too large. Even if the screening is repeated, due to too many people, it is impossible for everyone to watch it within two months.

People who have seen it once or even several times will show off in front of those who have not seen it.

People who haven't watched these two films and can't sing the three golden songs will be collectively despised!

After all, everyone has ten copper coins. If you look down on them, it means that you can't get a theater seat number, which means that you have no skills!

All those who haven't seen it, try their best to get the seat number.

This formed the cycle and Nazi entertainment was as successful as ever!

As time goes by, within one month, the whole world sets off a wave of entertainment!

Even in the war-torn Heifan Empire, places that were not affected by the war, the light theaters are overcrowded, and tickets are hard to come by!

The happiest thing is the Buddhism of Shizang.

A lot of publicity was given to it in the film!

This sect almost completely accepted Yun Mo's suggestion.One of them is very important: Buddhist sects of Shizang no longer cherish their own brooms, and are the first to set up a "Buddhist hall for lay disciples" among Buddhist sects!Those who enter here do not need to be ordained ordained as monks, they can choose martial arts or Buddhism according to their qualifications and interests!

According to Yun Mo's words: Even if these people don't believe in Buddhism, but after receiving the favor of Buddhism, how can they forget to repay Buddhism in the future?Not to mention anything else, to help the Buddhist sect to publicize, to maintain the reputation of the Buddhist sect in the secular world will always be done subconsciously!It is also possible that among secular disciples who have understanding, they will develop faith in the process of accepting skills.It depends on whether the eminent monks are willing to save those good seedlings?

The eminent monks are naturally confident about this. When it comes to fools full of famous sayings, who can be more awesome than Buddhist eminent monks?

This suggestion was passed within the Buddhist School of Buddhism. After the film was released, Buddhist Buddhist Schools all over the world welcomed countless enthusiastic young people who hoped to learn their own skills and make a career!Most of them choose to be lay disciples, but there are also quite a few who directly shave or become monks!

In just a few months, Shizang Buddhist Sect welcomed a large number of fresh blood. The Buddhist Sect was smiling from ear to ear, and all praised: the cooperation with the Nazi Jinyimen is great!Sovereign Copey made the wisest decision ever!

On the other hand, the name of 'Nazi Jinyimen' has been passed down to the world!

Countless young men and women with high hearts carried packages on their backs, bid farewell to their relatives and went on the road together. They had to go to the imperial capital to observe the ceremony before the opening ceremony of the Nazi Jinyimen, and then apply to join the Nazi Jinyimen!

The impact of the film is unprecedented!There are far more people who aspire to enter the Nazi Jinyimen than those who go to the Buddhism of Buddhism.

No need for faith, naturally attracts more talents.

All sects can't sit still!

This summer will be the "enrollment ceremony" that competes for talents every few years. The birth of Nazi entertainment will make the Wisteria Academy and Yunxiao Palace stand on their backs!

This sect is too capable. With such a publicity, these two veteran super sects will face the dilemma of not being able to recruit enough talents. This is something they cannot allow!

In this situation, Yu and Su Su visited these two sects at the same time!

A few days later, the release of the two series of films was announced!They are "The Splendor of the Wisteria Academy Series" and "The Nation's Tripod of the Yunxiao Palace Series".

It was also screened in light theaters, and it was unprecedentedly popular!

In this way, there are four films shown in a loop in light theaters all over the world!Countless young people have two choices in their minds.

Wisteria Academy and Yunxiao Palace felt relieved.Although a trillion gold coins were extorted by two Nazi Jinyimen elders, it was worth the money!

Yun Mo had already considered this situation before going to Tianwai Yunlou.After all, these two behemoths cannot be angered, otherwise it will be difficult to move an inch.Eating alone is not an option, he can only give away part of the cake, but fortunately, the gold coins extorted are real!In this atmosphere, young people from all over the world are gathering at the Wisteria Imperial Capital! …………


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