Fallen Genius

Chapter 06 The Gift of the Rich Master

There are some things that even geniuses can't take shortcuts, such is the practice of strength.However, the advantages of a genius are unimaginable to ordinary people. For example, Fu Shubao, he does not know at all that the "Puluo Xinfa" he uses is a piece of junk that can be bought on the street for two copper coins. The real strength training section is even more rubbish among the rubbish. Ordinary people don’t use it to practice strength, even understanding is a problem, but he not only understands, but also the first trial training. The innate aura has been cultivated!Back then, Master Jia Meng, who was known as the "Golden Arm Prodigy", used the advanced true strength method for a full month to cultivate the first substantial trace of innate aura!

The sky was getting brighter, and four young maids in maid makeup walked over from the path filled with golden sunlight. They were still holding washbasin towels, porridge, side dishes, tea, and a fairy mallet in their hands.

"Young master, why are you sitting on the ground again?" Chunlan said anxiously, "It's cold on the ground, young master, get up quickly, and be careful not to catch a cold."

Only then did Fu Shubao come back to his senses, and stopped his selfless practice of true strength.

"Huh?" Dongmei, the most well-behaved and pleasant, sighed strangely, and then said quickly: "Master is not cold, but hot, and his head is sweating."

Fu Shubao stretched out his hand and wiped his forehead, only to realize that although he was sitting in a meditation posture, he should have no physical exertion, but at this moment he felt as if he had gone through a long-distance run, his muscles were sore, his muscles and bones were hot, so that his whole body Sweating, especially on the forehead.But it is also very strange. Sweating is a normal physiological phenomenon of the human body, and the smell of sweat is usually sour, but the sweat he wiped has a foul smell in the acid, and the color is also cloudy, which is obviously abnormal.

After thinking about it carefully, Fu Shubao suddenly laughed, and said in his heart: "The effect of this training power is really extraordinary. I have already eliminated a lot of toxins accumulated in my body through this training, otherwise this foul smell and turbidity will not appear. of sweat."

"Master, what are you... laughing at?" Xia Zhu, the sexiest and provocative, asked a little strangely.When she was talking, her hands were gently covering her high breasts, as if she was afraid that the tight maid uniform would burst suddenly, and the huge one inside would hit her young master.

The young master glanced at the breasts, willow waists and buttocks of the maids one by one, and then he yawned, "Master, I am practicing, who will help the young master up?"

This task naturally fell on Xia Zhu who was holding the Yuxian gavel.When she was helping the young master, the young master's arm "absolutely not intentionally" leaned against her breast enlargement.

Elasticity... very good.

The size...is perfect.

"When I adjust this trash's body, then, hehe...hehe..." Fu Shubao was already in a good mood, full of bad water.

Washing the face with a small tongue with cloves, a girl's body cup of tea, carefully selected porridge cooked without covering the heat, and a moderately heavy Yuxian mallet, the emperor's breakfast is probably nothing more than this.There was no wine for breakfast, but Fu Shubao was a little drunk.

After breakfast, Fu Shubao picked the food residue between his teeth with a delicate toothpick, and said: "This kind of breakfast will be changed in the future. Rice porridge and side dishes can be kept, but a large piece of medium-rare roast beef should be added. It’s best to weigh half a catty, um, and a glass of milk, so it’s nutritious to eat.”

The four maids froze on the spot.

"Can't you understand what the young master said?"

"Master, the kitchen can make beef, but if you eat medium-rare beef, you will have diarrhea..." Chunlan said with some worry.She couldn't think of it even though she was thinking about it, her young master ordered a dish with a name isolated from time and space - steak.

"Also," Xia Zhu added tremblingly: "Master, there is no nanny around here, where can we find milk for you?"

How can she understand adult milk?Fu Shubao's eyes couldn't help falling on Xia Zhu's pair of breasts.

"Master, what are you looking at me for? I..." Seeing that the young master was looking at her, Xia Zhufen's face turned red, "Master, I have no milk. If you want to eat...you won't be able to eat it."

Fu Shubao wanted to eat, absolutely wanted to eat, even if he couldn't get any milk.

On the contrary, Qiu Ju was a little clever, "Young master must eat milk. Later, we will support Butler Nie and ask him to send someone to look for milk in the countryside outside the city."

"Qiu Ju is still smart, here, I want to reward this." Fu Shubao chuckled.

"It's Qiu Ju's duty to do things for the young master. Qiu Ju never dares to ask for any reward." Xia Zhu was flattered.

"This must be rewarded."

"Then what are you rewarding?" Qiu Ju's pretty face had two red clouds slightly, and her heart was already full of joy.The other three maids looked at Qiu Ju enviously, all of them wistfully.

But just when the four maids thought that Master Shubao was going to bring out some gold and silver jewelry, or some exquisite little gift, they saw a big hand raised high, passing through the cool morning breeze, and then gently landed on it. On top of Qiu Ju's perky buttocks.

There was a crisp sound.

The four maids were stunned, and Qiu Ju was the most stunned.

But it was this crisp and sweet buttock slap, which unpretentiously kicked off the young master's new day. Of course, it was also the beginning of a day that had fallen to nowhere.

While making fun of himself, a thin old man in his early fifties trotted towards the gazebo, holding a package in his hand.He is Nie Ji, the housekeeper in the mansion of Mr. Duoqian.Fu Shubao had met him twice, but he didn't speak much, so from his point of view, his housekeeper was a stranger.

"Said Butler Nie will be here soon," Xia Zhu said with a crisp laugh, "It just saves me the trouble of going to him to explain the recipe, and I will tell him as the young master ordered later."

Nie Ji's three steps merged into two, and he came over in the blink of an eye.Before he had time to take a breath, he bent his waist down, then raised the package in his hand above his head, and said humbly: "Master, the master sent you a gift from Bozhou, and the old servant received it. I rushed over here in a hurry."

Fu Shubao glanced at it but didn't reach out to pick it up, "What is it?"

"The old servant doesn't know, the master usually doesn't say clearly what he sends back." Nie Ji's voice was still very humble.

Only then did Fu Shubao take the package from Nie Ji, and said at the same time: "Butler Nie, it's all right, you go down."

"Yes, young master." Nie Ji replied respectfully.

"Wait," Xia Zhu hurriedly said, "Butler Nie will follow me to the side to talk, the young master's recipe needs to be changed, what do you want to drink...milk."

Only then did Nie Ji raise his head and look at Fu Shubao, his eyes were a little confused, but he didn't say anything, and immediately followed Xia Zhu out of the gazebo.While Xia Zhu and Nie Ji were talking, Fu Shubao returned to the table and put the package on the table.

Tear off the paper on the outer layer of the package, but there is still a layer of paper inside.Fu Shubao was puzzled, and then tore off the second layer of paper, but there was another layer of paper inside.Chun Lan, Qiu Ju, and Dong Mei, who were staring at the young master unpacking the package with beautiful eyes, also had strange expressions on their faces, as if the big gray-haired mouse that had been frightening them might jump out of the package that the young master was unpacking at any time. Come, or, a toad.

It wasn't until the eighth layer of paper was torn off that a wooden box with a simple style and color was revealed. It was half a foot long and three fingers wide. There was a fireball pattern on the yellowed box lid, but the pattern itself was already very blurred. .

"Master, I guess it must be a necklace. The master hinted that you would give it to the woman you love, so that he can hug his big fat grandson as soon as possible." Chunlan said flatteringly.In her opinion, the master has so much money, the family has a big business, and the young master is an only child, it is a shrewd choice to find a beautiful daughter-in-law and grandson as soon as possible.

"That's not it, I guess, what the master gave to the young master must be the thousand-year-old ginseng that is a great tonic." Qiu Ju has a different opinion.In her opinion, the young master is like a hard-working bee, flying among the flowers for a long time, weak in body, and the master's gift of tonic is a wise choice to prevent problems before they happen.

"You all guessed wrong, I guess it's a huge money ticket." Dongmei's opinion was different again.From her point of view, the young master prostitutes and gambles at night, and the change has long since bottomed out. Sending huge money tickets is the best way to show his father's love in the snow.

"Don't you think it's troublesome to guess? Don't you know if I open it?" Fu Shubao clasped his hand, then flipped it up, and immediately opened the wooden box.

Not a diamond-studded and bling necklace.

Nor is it the chewy old ginseng that has grown in the mud for thousands of years.

Not to mention the huge amount of money that can't be spent no matter how much you spend, and you need someone to help you spend it.

It was just a black stone.But the important point is that the stone is in the shape of a bar, with an oval front end, a thick stem with prominent veins, and two stone marbles on the end.

Master Duoqian didn't give anything, but gave his precious son a man's thing.

Including Fu Shubao, the three pretty maids in the gazebo were dumbfounded.The three maids were even more pink-faced, with shy eyes, as if they wanted to find a crack in the ground to sneak in.

Soon, Fu Shubao, who was taken aback by Daddy Duoqian's unique gift, found a piece of well-folded letterhead at the bottom of the wooden box.He took out the stone object, put it on the table, took out the letter paper, and opened it.

There is only one short sentence on the letterhead: "At the beginning of March, the caravan passed by an indigenous tribe in Bozhou. The local chief exchanged this thing for a woodcutter for my father, thinking that my son was weak and sick. This thing is auspicious for virility and evil spirits Wang'er wears it with her everywhere, to protect her health, her yang energy is upright, and no evil things can invade her."

Looking at the letter, and at the "mascot" on the table, the young master spent a whole meal without recovering from his senses.

May I ask, in heaven and earth, in and out of the universe, which father would give such a thing to his son?


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