Fallen Genius

Chapter 08 The Master's Conspiracy

Not long after the young apprentices from Thundercamp arrived, Lin Zhan, a burly and terrifying strength instructor, and Chongyang, a fighting instructor, also arrived one after another.Strength instructor Lin Zhan has seen it once, but fighting instructor Chongyang is the first time he has seen it. Fu Shubao was a little surprised that this Chongyang instructor was actually stronger than strength instructor Lin Zhan, except for being extremely tall. , that muscle is like iron bumps.What impressed me the most was the scar on his face that ran through the bridge of his nose, coupled with his unique triangular eyes and thick black eyebrows, he gave off an extremely hideous feeling.

For the appearance of Fu Shubao, the two sturdy male coaches were obviously taken aback.

"Why is that guy here?" Lin Zhan's voice was very low.

"That guy made it clear that he wanted to embarrass our Jinglei Camp, why don't I scare him and let him leave on his own." The Chongyang coach's voice was a bit hoarse and deep, giving off a powerful feeling.

Instructor Li Qingyao shook his head, "I agreed with him to come. His father donated a sum of money to the college last time, and even renovated the study for the dean. If we drive him away, I'm afraid we won't get much in the future." The dean will be unhappy if Mr. Qian donates, anyway, everyone knows what is going on with this good-for-nothing young master, embarrassing him is only embarrassing himself, we have no reason to be angry about him."

"That's right, it's simply stupid to be angry about this kind of person." The instructor of Chongyang chuckled, but a pair of triangular eyes quietly fell on the plump buttocks of instructor Li Qingyao.His smile is clearly pointing to something else and has another hidden meaning.

Lin Zhan had a gloomy face and did not speak, but his eyes had left Fu Shubao and turned to the entrance of the Hall of Strength.Under the command of the exhibition guards, some people have already started to enter.

Up to this moment, Fu Shubao was so angry that he was about to explode.Although the conversation of the three coaches was very quiet, it was no more than a small square team of 50 people at best, so he, who was standing in the last row, could still hear it.The contempt of the three instructors coupled with the ridicule of the previous apprentices in the same camp gave him a feeling of "wonderful" that stood out from the crowd.On the surface, he was still calm and composed, but in his heart he said: "There should be a limit to bullying people? You won't let me in, but I want to go in and have a look!"

Looking around, Fu Shubao's gaze quickly landed on a corner beside the square.There, under the cover of a tree-lined avenue, a fat officer was lying on a recliner made of mottled bamboo slices. One guard was fanning him, and the other guard was occasionally picking up from the fruit plate on the side coffee table. He picked a grape and fed it to his mouth, and when the officer finished eating, he caught the grape core spit out by the officer with his palm, as humble as a grandson.This discovery moved Fu Shubao's heart, and he had an idea.

"Coach Li, I need convenience!" Fu Shubao's voice was loud, which immediately attracted a lot of attention.The boys are better, but the girls are blushing and blushing.

Li Qingyao frowned, and said impatiently: "Go, from now on you can leave as you like, you don't need to say hello to me."

"Our good-for-nothing young master must have gained self-knowledge, knew that he could not pass the test, and used his urine to escape, haha...coward!" A young man who was a head taller than the others in the Thunder Camp queue laughed.His words immediately elicited a burst of laughter.

Fu Shubao, who was about to leave, stopped and looked back at the boy.This guy seems to have a grudge against him, he laughs the loudest every time, and he targets him everywhere, but unfortunately, his previous memory is incomplete, he can only think of some things that are particularly impressive, but for this boy I have no impression.

"What are you looking at? I'm not afraid of your shadow guard!"

Tian Dan?The name that came to his ears suddenly gave Fu Shubao a sense of familiarity, and there were fragments of impressions in his mind.After sorting it out quickly, he also had a more comprehensive impression.

Tian Dan's father, Tian Feng, is a well-known weapon maker in Hucheng, and he himself is a powerful internal force warrior. Under the influence of Tian Feng, Tian Dan's strength cultivation has always been very good, and now it is a standard true strength He is a super strong fighter, and is expected to reach the realm of internal strength in the near future. He can be regarded as a high-quality apprentice in the Jinglei Battalion.

But these are not the reasons why Tian Dan fights against him everywhere.

When the young master was three years old, Master Duoqian ordered a batch of weapons from Tian's weapon shop, but after selling the weapons at a high price, Master Duoqian refused to pay the final payment on the grounds of poor quality. .

When the young master was eight years old, Tian Dan's head was smashed with a brick under the dominance of a gang of idiots. Later, the young master used money to bribe the magistrate of Hucheng, so that the matter could be settled.

When the young master was 12 years old, he used a huge amount of candy and a lot of accessories to successfully win Tian Dan's love. Zhu Xiaoxiao, the daughter of a pig butcher in Hucheng, cheated on his feelings and then abandoned him like a worn-out shoe and a sock. The pig butcher wandered around Master Duoqian's mansion with a butcher's knife for several days.

When the young master was 13 years old, he bought eight packs of laxatives from a prescription pharmacy, climbed the wall and entered Tian’s house at night, poured them all into the necessary water tank in Tian’s kitchen, soaked them in urine, stirred them well, and went up and down Tian’s house the next day. The diarrhea continued, and almost half of the antidiarrheal medicine in Hucheng was bought by the Tian family...

These are the reasons why Tian Dan opposes him everywhere.This also fully reflects the might of the young master.But today is no longer what it used to be. The Tian family's weapons shop has grown and grown under Tian Feng's painstaking management. Not only do they have several branches in Hucheng, but also have branches in other places.In addition, today's Tian Dan is no longer the old Tian Dan. Not only is his strength excellent, but he also has three or two bodyguards when he goes out, so he is not afraid of the young master's challenge at all.On the other hand, the young master, who has practiced strength for ten years, has not cultivated even a trace of real strength. It is strange that Tian Dan did not seize the opportunity to retaliate.

Facing Tian Dan's aggressiveness, Fu Shubao smiled indifferently, "Is that Tian Dan? You heard clearly, I bullied you before, and you will inevitably be bullied by me in the future." , let's wait and see."

"Hahaha... a person who doesn't even have a shred of real power dares to bully me. Do you think it's funny? If it wasn't for your shadow guard, I would not only beat you here, but also once when I went out!"

"I said, let's wait and see." Fu Shubao calmly left the queue and walked directly to the side of the square.

"Bah! You're so upright and self-confident in taking advantage of urine, you useless guy!" Tian Dan spat fiercely at Fu Shubao's back.There was laughter all around.The three instructors turned one eye to the crowd's ridicule of Fu Shubao, but closed both eyes, pretending they didn't see it at all.Here, the young master is completely isolated.

Walking out of the square, looking back, Fu Shubao walked slowly towards the officer only when he confirmed that no one was paying attention.

"Stop!" Before Fu Shubao approached, a guard stood up and blocked his route.

"Wait a minute." Mao Youcai bent down, pretended to fish it out on the ground, and when he opened his hand again, there were already two glittering gold coins in his palm, and he said with a smile, "General, you are too sorry." Be careful, is this the money you dropped?"

The officer on the reclining chair is just a general with hundreds of feathers commanding hundreds of people, and his monthly salary is only fifty silver coins, which means that he will have to earn four months to earn the two gold coins in Fu Shubao's hands.The golden light that suddenly flashed in front of his eyes attracted him so much that he forgot to swallow a grape in his mouth.

"There is no one else here, so it must have been left behind by the general." Fu Shubao said.

"Haha..." The Baiyu general sat up, laughed twice before remembering that there was still a grape in his mouth, and after hastily swallowed it, he smiled and waved, "It's not bad to pick up money, this young man is a good character, why don't you come and eat How about two grapes?"

Fu Shubao walked over, put the two gold coins in General Bai Yu's open palm, and said in a low voice: "General, I really want to go to the Great Hall of Power, but I can't pass your qualification test. ,What do you propose?"

"This is..."

Fu Shubao retracted his hand pinching the gold coin a little.

"Haha, don't worry, my lord. I'll ask someone to tell my people, you just go in." General Bai Yu never left the two gold coins in Fu Shubao's hand for a moment, and Fu Shubao shrank back. There is a reason not to rush to agree.

"However, I don't want to go in sneakily, I want to go in openly."

General Baiyu laughed and said, "It's easy to handle. The rule of the test is to lift an iron ball through the air with real strength. You can lift it as high as you want when you stand there."

"Hehe, thank you general." Fu Shubao smiled knowingly, and finally put the two gold coins in his hand into the hands of the general of Baiyu.

"General, I have one more thing to ask for your help."

"Little brother, don't push yourself too hard." Once the money was in the hands of General Bai Yu, the "son" became a "little brother".

"General," Fu Shubao pretended to grab the ground with his hand again, "You lost money again."


Fu Shubao spread out his palm, and there were two golden coins lying in the palm, they were as charming as two naked beauties.After discovering the treasure, he held the two gold coins in the palm of his hand again, and then slowly stretched his fist over the palm of Bai Yujiang's eagerly stretched out hand.

"Hahaha... It's easy to pick up money again. It seems that the character of the young master is so good that there is nothing to say. Then, what else can the young master need my help for?"

"I am an apprentice of Jinglei Camp. There is an apprentice named Tian Dan in Jinglei Camp. I don't like that guy in any way. I don't want him to visit the Hall of Power."

"I don't know how far his strength has been cultivated?"

"In the late stage of real power, it has not yet reached the realm of internal power."

General Bai Yu smiled and said, "It's easy to handle. If you don't want him to go in, then he won't be able to lift the iron ball to test his strength even if he holds his shit in his crotch."

"Hehe, thank you General, be careful in the future, and don't lose any more money." Fu Shubao spread his palms, and let the two gold coins fall into the palm of the Baiyu General in a free-falling posture.After that, he turned around and walked towards the formation of Thunderbolt Battalion.

General Baiyu, who had picked up four gold coins for no reason, stared blankly at Fu Shubao's receding back, and he was stunned for a long time before he uttered a sentence, "Prodigal son, definitely a prodigal son. Yes, but this is the best, the best!"

"General, hehe, you can go shopping tonight, don't forget about us..."

"Then what are you doing in a daze? Why don't you go and get things done!" Bai Yujiang suddenly roared.

"Yes, let's go, let's go!" The guard only hated the loss of two legs, and ran straight to the test point in front of the Great Hall of Strength.


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