Fallen Genius

Chapter 101 Ignite the Tinder

Sitting quietly like a rock at the bottom of a river, Fu Shubao remained motionless even though he was washed by the current.Under the operation of the mental method of the source of power, the innate aura scattered in the air gathered towards his nest like a hundred birds returning to their nest.However, this is just an ordinary part of his spiritual training.The sudden emergence of five-color elemental light is the most important part of his practice.

This time, Fu Shubao chose the fire element seed map that he had never chosen before.

Each of the chapters on the perception of the five elements emerging from the volume of refining the gods has a seed map of practice. The wood element is a tree species, the water element is a drop of water, the gold element is a piece of metal, and the earth element is a rock. This fire element is a group of flames, but this group of flames is still, never burning.

When the flame seed map of the fire element emerged, Fu Shubao gathered his consciousness into a thread, and penetrated into it like a needle.It's not just observation. According to his experience in training wood element perception, this intrusive method will achieve better results, whether it is speed or the improvement of element perception ability.

In the first period of time, the flame seed map of the fire element did not respond at all, but at a certain inadvertent moment, the static flame suddenly moved, and then, with the infusion of Fu Shubao's spiritual energy, its movements changed. It became more and more obvious, and in the end, like a real flame, it burned in the nothingness of the brain world.

The two branch attributes of the fire element are fire and light.Calcination is calcining and melting, the most complete destruction.But light is just the opposite. The sun emits light and heat because of burning. When it comes to self-strengthening and self-healing of Luxuriators, the same can be applied to other people, as well as in the refining of power refiners and power refiners.

Time passed quietly, and with the burning of the flame seed map of the fire element, a scorching element perception appeared in Fu Shubao's brain world, getting hotter and hotter, and the light emitted by the flame became more and more intense , at last, almost to the point of glaring.At this moment, the voice of Lian Tianshu suddenly came from the consciousness, "Keep your heart in one place, concentrate on entering, and transfer the perception of the fire element to the fire-attributed soul-locking iron in your hand, and you will get the magic power hidden in it." energy within."

Although a voice was forcibly inserted into his consciousness, Fu Shubao's practice was not affected. Immediately, he followed the prompt of Lian Tianshu and transferred the perception of the fire element to the fire-attributed soul-locking iron held in his hand. On top of that, suddenly, another scorching energy flow suddenly spread from his palms all over his body!

This scorching energy is superficially the same as the scorching heat obtained by practicing fire attribute perception, but its essence is different. The former is a kind of void scorching heat, which belongs to the nature of perception, but the latter is real energy!

The ground shook violently, but the scorching energy spread from the fire-attribute soul-locking iron throughout the whole body. When entering the brain world, Fu Shubao's consciousness almost lost consciousness due to the powerful energy impact.It managed to endure it reluctantly, but in the blink of an eye, it discovered that the flame seed map of the fire element had changed strangely.It is no longer burning restlessly, but is burning very regularly and quietly. Under this, the impurities in his spiritual energy are burned one after another, and a gradual purification result is obtained.

"Strange, what kind of energy is left in this piece of fire-attributed soul-locking iron? How did it achieve such a terrifying effect?" Fu Shubao was a little excited when he realized the amazing changes in himself, and it was because of his slightly low Distracted, the quietly burning flame seed map appeared in a disordered state again. At the same time, as soon as the flame seed map changed, the energy from the fire-attributed soul-locking iron lost control, like breaking a bank. Like a torrent of blood crazily washing the meridians and blood vessels around him, the pain was unbearable!

"Bao Yuan Shou Yi! Calm down! Then use the fire element perception to enter the fire attribute soul-locking iron..." The voice of Tianshu reappeared in Fu Shubao's brain world again, waking up at the most critical point of thinking. A teenager in training.

The training and intake have entered a normal and orderly state again. Originally, he thought that the training would end after absorbing the energy contained in the fire-attributed soul-locking iron, but the fact is just the opposite. After the last trace of energy was absorbed by him, His sub-universe trembled uncharacteristically.At that time, a strange light flickered in the sub-universe, and the rainbow-like psychic energy cluster squirmed endlessly, and in an instant, it doubled in size!

"Huh..." I don't know how long it took, Fu Shubao finally finished his training, and slowly opened his eyes.On the surface, there is no wave, but inside is an uncontrollable excitement.This training not only allowed him to obtain a purification effect on his spiritual energy, but also allowed him to directly break through the bottleneck from the first level of spiritual power and reach the second level!

Thinking about it carefully, the practice of Lingshuang during this period is certainly of great effect, but if it weren’t for the spiritual power training under the guidance of Lian Tianshu this time, it would still take a long way for him to reach the second level of spiritual power to go.As a result, his thoughts inevitably returned to the place where he was suspicious before. It is impossible for a piece of fire-attributed soul-locking iron to have such a huge effect. If that is the case, the fire-attributed soul-locking iron in this world will definitely be fired into the sky Go, I'm afraid it's hard to buy it even with more money, so, if it's not just like this, is there any mystery of life in it?

"Boy, how do you feel?" Seeing Fu Shubao open his eyes, Lian Tianshu asked eagerly.

Fu Shubao said thoughtfully: "It feels...very strange. Not only has my mental power been purified to a certain extent, I found that I have broken through from the first level to the second level."

"Hahaha..." Lian Tianshu laughed loudly, "This is what was expected!"

Fu Shubao was slightly taken aback, "Lianlao, did you know this would happen?"

"Of course," said Tianshu with a smile: "The fire-attributed soul-locking iron itself has the characteristics of allowing the soul to live, and the energy it contains is actually the most natural and purest spiritual energy, but if it is not for the fire of the Tianshen Scroll Element perception chapter, that is something that no one can ingest. You must have seen by now that your flame seed map of the fire element has been ignited and entered a constant burning state? After that, it will continue to burn until you The strength of your cultivation level has entered the realm of elemental power, and in this process, it will purify your spiritual energy in a subtle way, and its effect is so great that it can be called unparalleled."

Only then did Fu Shubao nodded, "Refining the old man, I understand that although the fire-attributed soul-locking iron contains the purest and most natural spiritual energy in the world, not everyone can absorb it. Is this the role of the god scroll?"

Lian Tianshu laughed and said: "The little master is a smart person, it is true, but the magic of refining the heaven scroll is far more complicated than the little master imagined, and you will understand later."

The road to practice is extremely long, so Fu Shubao is not in a hurry, he has plenty of time to understand everything about refining the Heavenly Scroll.

During the conversation, the door was suddenly pushed open by Ali rudely, "Are you done? Let's get out of here as soon as we are done!"

Fu Shubao frowned and said, "Master, didn't you say you won't leave?"

Lian Tianshu also said: "That's right, didn't we agree to pretend to be that bastard Third Prince Xiuli and sneak into Iceland Island?"

Ali said unhappily: "Okay, what I'm talking about is the incident in the show of the third prince who is pretending to be a bastard. Don't you think about it. Is it so easy to pretend to be a prince? Which one can be less scenes and props? Which one have you seen?" Where does the prince live in such a shitty hotel?"

Fu Shubao said: "How about we change to a more luxurious hotel?"

"This is a must. Also, attendants, maids, accessories, high-end clothing...all of them!"

Fu Shubao suddenly understood why Master Ali was so excited.Who made him promise to buy some blond-haired female slaves for the uncle?

It's still the same old saying, dogs can never change the virtue of eating shit!


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