Fallen Genius

Chapter 119 Refinement of Hercules Material Library

Led by Lian Tianshu, Fu Shubao came to the Temple of the God of Nature at the bottom of the tower.The entrance to the basement mentioned by Lian Tianshu is actually under the statue of the God of Nature holding a branch and a water purification bottle.Move the statue of the god of nature, and the entrance is revealed.Such a secret entrance can only be discovered by a powerful beast like Liantianshu. If it were someone else, it might be easy to find for a while.

Entering the entrance, a corridor is also filled with hidden weapons of their own. It would be a thrilling experience for Lian Tianshu to enter, but with its strength and size advantage, these hidden weapons can't hurt it.Follow Lian Tianshu to walk in, out of the passage, a very spacious dome basement appeared in front of him.

The four walls and the ground in the middle are filled with shelves, and each shelf is filled with the materials for refining Hercules.These materials are divided into several categories and stored in a very organized manner.There are metals, rocks, plants, and liquids. Each category is subdivided into several subcategories. For example, plants are divided into branches and leaves, tubers, and fruits.In this way, the basement that houses the materials of the Hercules of Alchemy contains no less than a thousand pieces of each material.After looking at them one by one, there are no fewer than dozens of fine and extremely precious materials.It can be said that the basement in front of you is almost an encyclopedic warehouse of materials for the alchemy warriors, but you can find all the materials for the alchemy warriors you can think of here.

After sweeping his eyes roughly, Fu Shubao said with a wry smile: "The materials of the alchemists here are difficult to estimate, but the approximate value must be more than 1000 million gold coins. We can only look at such a huge wealth, but we can't take it away. What do we do if we find it?" use it?"

Lian Tianshu smiled and said: "Who said we have to move it away, with these things, you can refine the elemental pill, little master, and improve your strength and cultivation at the same speed as flying. I said before, eight Within a month, the little master can reach the realm of elemental power and become the youngest refining warrior ever in the world of refining warriors, but after discovering this basement, I think that the eight-month period is too long. After four months, he can become an elemental warrior of refinement."

"Four...months?" Fu Shubao couldn't believe what he heard.

Lian Tianshu nodded, "Yes, for four months, refining the elemental pill is a secret technique created by the master to improve the strength of the alchemist. There must be something related to the alchemy technique he left behind. Records, with it and the many materials in front of you, it is not an exaggeration to describe your strength training at a speed of flying."

Fu Shubao then released the refining secret technique left by the refining Tianjun Xie Yuemingfeng from the refining storage ring, looked through it carefully for a while, and found the relevant records of refining elemental pills.

A refined wrestler possesses five elemental powers, and each point of strength improvement requires the joint improvement of the five elemental powers. This is why a refined wrestler is much slower than an ordinary wrestler who masters one type of elemental power. s reason.However, the secret technique of refining elemental pills and using them for strength training recorded in the secret technique of refining left by Tianjun Xieyue Mingfeng is another shortcut, which can quickly improve the strength of a warrior of refinement.

It is divided into two parts.

The first part is to select materials and refine the elemental pill.Material selection refers to the selection of materials with the same elemental attributes. For example, if you want to refine an elemental pill with a wood attribute, you need to select a certain amount of wood attribute materials, and materials with other attributes cannot be used.After preparing all the materials, put a desire stone into the refining cauldron and use the elemental fire to refine it into a pill.That part is done.

The second part is to take the elemental pill and practice.Taking elemental pills and practicing is not a simple matter. Elemental pills have the most powerful elemental energy. It can be said that it is a compressed body of elemental energy refined by refining and extracting the materials of the same attributes of the alchemist. , and took a considerable amount of pure elemental energy, and refining and absorbing such energy has a certain degree of danger, so this requires the assistance of related mental methods.At this point, the alchemy mentality of refining the elemental pills left by Tianjun Xie Yue Mingfeng can play its due role.

On the surface, refining the elemental pill and using it to cultivate strength is a matter of course. After all, there are sufficient materials and related refining methods, but Fu Shubao knows that he lacks one most crucial thing.

"Refinement, I'm afraid this won't work? You don't have elemental fire. My current strength cultivation is only the second level of spiritual power. I can't emit elemental fire. How can we refine elemental pills? "Fu Shubao said with a frown. For him, everything is ready for the matter in front of him. He only owes the east wind, and this east wind is the most basic and necessary elemental fire for a powerful warrior.

Lian Tianshu said with a smile: "I don't use elemental fire, and you don't have the ability to emit elemental fire, young master, but you seem to have forgotten that we have a top-level helper."

Fu Shubao's gaze suddenly shifted to Sect Master Qing Shui.

Although Sect Master Qingshui suffered backlash, and was transformed into a beautiful dog under the influence of the evil material refined by Tianjun Xieyue Mingfeng, he temporarily lost his mind as a human being, but his own strength did exist. It may not be possible for her to use the elemental fire to refine advanced power refining equipment, but with a little training and training, it should not be a problem for her to refine the extremely simple elemental pill.

"However, we have asked Qing Shui to declare that she will only retreat for one month. After one month, the female disciples from the Jingxin Pavilion in Bingyuan will definitely come here to meet their suzerain. If we still stay here at that time, we will definitely be discovered." Fu Shubao frowned and said that the problem of refining the elemental pill was solved, but time was another problem that needed to be solved.

Lian Tianshu said: "Little master, when the time comes, we will let Sect Master Qingshui stand on the top of the Tower of Nature and announce to retreat for another three to five months, won't that solve the problem?"

Fu Shubao patted his forehead lightly, said with a wry smile: "This is a good idea, I didn't think of it, just do it like this, but where do we start?"

Lian Tianshu said: "We are still splitting up. Young master, you are responsible for training Master Qingshui and studying the alchemy method in the alchemy secret technique. I will select the materials and use them to refine the elemental pill."

Fu Shubao smiled and said: "It seems that we will have to stay here for a long time."

The four-month period was divided into two parts. The first part was one month. If Sect Master Qingshui declared another three-month retreat, it would be the second part.But now there is no need to distract yourself from the second part of the plan, Fu Shubao and Lian Tianshu discussed and split up to act.Fu Shubao looked through the secret art of refining left by Xie Yue Mingfeng, the king of refining heaven, to domesticate Master Qingshui, while Lian Tianshu was responsible for screening the materials to prepare for the refining of the elemental pill.Everyone is busy.


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