Fallen Genius

Chapter 121 The Elemental Pill of the First Refinement

When the mental power reaches the second level, it can already penetrate to the point of controlling the mind, influence the opponent's mind and even directly control him, but there is a requirement in this, that is, the opponent must be weaker than the doer.

Under normal circumstances, if Fu Shubao wanted to invade the brain world of Qing Shui, a great master of refinement and control her, it would be a dream, but the current situation is different. First of all, Qing Shui has undergone self-refining It has been weakened, and after being turned into a beautiful dog by refining, she has no intelligence and no memory. The soul is already in an extremely weak state. Finally, Fu Shubao can be domesticated, so that she is forced to give up her instinctive resistance. Several conditions are ripe for success.

However, entering Qing Shui's brain world is only the first step.Actual control is the second and most critical step.

A piece of soft luster suddenly entered Fu Shubao's line of sight. From a distance, the place looked like a portal exuding soft luster, but when he got close to it, he found that it was actually a sphere, and there was no way to enter.

"This must be Qingshui's brain center. Controlling it is equivalent to completely controlling Qingshui." The thought flashed, and Fu Shubao's spiritual power penetrated in again.Inside is no longer a vast world like an ethereal starry sky, but a world full of golden pipes.His spiritual power was cast inside like a net, and immediately attached to it, and combined with it.

At this moment, Qing Shui, who had completely given up resisting, suddenly trembled, and her eyes widened slightly.

"Stand up and go to the Liantian Cauldron." Fu Shubao issued an order in his consciousness.

Qing Shui stood up after him, and walked towards the Liantian Cauldron numbly.Although it is a standard human upright walking posture, Qing Shui still maintains the characteristics of a beautiful dog. Her hands are slightly raised, placed on the left and right sides of her chest, and her palms are naturally drooping. She looks exactly like a dog standing up and walking. kind.

At this time, Qing Shui has actually merged with Fu Shubao at the spiritual level, and her own consciousness has fallen into a deep sleep. Now it is no longer herself who controls everything in her body, but Fu Shubao.Therefore, without any instructions in words or actions, Fu Shubao can receive and execute the conscious commands in her heart almost within the synchronization time.

Arriving at the Heaven Refining Cauldron, Fu Shubao gave the second command in his consciousness, "Sit down cross-legged, put your palms on the cauldron body, and use the elemental fire to act on the cauldron body."

Qingshui sat down cross-legged woodenly, and put a pair of delicate palms on the body of the Liantian Cauldron near the bottom. Immediately, the sub-universe released powerful and incomparable energy. Immediately, a transparent and colorless flame burst from her body. Aroused from both palms, it silently roasted the refining heaven cauldron.

There has long been a material for refining the pill of wood attribute elements in the Heaven Refining Cauldron, which was prepared by the Sky Rat in advance.At this time, the Lian Tianshu, who was screening materials in a corner of the warehouse, also noticed the strange phenomenon here. It then dropped the work in its hands and came to the side of the Liantian Ding, watching in amazement that it was being scorched with elemental fire. Immediately after the Qingshui that refined the Tianding, it shifted its gaze to Fu Shubao.It suddenly understood that the little master who knew only a little about domesticating spirit beasts and refining beasts showed amazing talent for domesticating in Qingshui, a "half-trained human" complex individual, and what he was doing at this moment was undoubtedly It is a unique way of domestication!

Controlling a special individual like Qingshui to refine the elemental pill, such a thing is not only unbelievable for a while when I see it with my own eyes, but I am afraid that in today's world, no one dares to believe it is true!

However, successfully controlling Qingshui to refine elemental pills does not mean that qualified elemental pills can be successfully refined. Fu Shubao, who has never refined anything before, seems a little flustered at this time. On the one hand, he has to continue To control Qingshui, on the one hand, Qingshui’s body needs to input refining information to the Desire Stone in the Heaven Refining Cauldron, that is, what will be refined in the end, the decomposition and combination of substances, etc., although it is only a pill Medicine, but also extremely complicated.

It is also something to be thankful for. In the past ten days, Fu Shubao memorized the part of how to refine the elemental pill from the refining secret technique left by the refining heavenly monarch Xie Yuemingfeng. After a certain degree of digestion , Although he is not proficient in this way now, he still knows what to do and how to do things better. During operation, he will not make beginner's low-level mistakes.

Time passed quietly, and the Stone of Desire had recorded all the information about Fu Shubao's refinement of the Elemental Pill.There was a shimmering light, and the desire stone, which was originally static and unchanged, suddenly emitted a faint beam of light, and the phenomenon of fluorescent beam of light appeared again.At the same time, various materials in the Heaven Refining Cauldron began to decompose under the action of the elemental fire, and finally melted into a pool of emerald green liquid.

The steps of refining the elemental pills kept flashing in his brain, bit by bit. When he was about to succeed, Fu Shubao became more nervous, and he tried his best to operate without deviation.Just when the material melted into a pool of green liquid under the action of the elemental fire, he controlled the clear water to weaken the power of the elemental fire, and the initial fierce fire calcination turned into a simmering fire with low temperature.Under this condition, the green liquid in the Heaven Refining Cauldron gradually shrinks in volume, and tends to converge into a pill.

After about a quarter of the hourglass time, when Fu Shubao, who gradually reduced the power of the elemental fire, weakened the power of the elemental fire to a state of nothingness, the Liantian Cauldron suddenly trembled slightly, and a crisp sound of gold and stone came out. , Immediately, everything stopped again.

"Huh..." Breathing out a turbid breath, Fu Shubao wiped the sweat from his forehead, his whole body was sore and unbearable, but.The physical fatigue was not as good as the mental fatigue. What he wanted to do the most at this moment was not to see if he had refined the elemental pill, but to close his eyes and sleep comfortably.

Qing Shui, who was no longer under control, remained unchanged, but stared blankly at Fu Shubao with a pair of beautiful jet-black eyes, not knowing what was going on in his heart.

"You look at me with such eager eyes, do you want a reward?" Fu Shubao smiled wryly, and then took out the gold brick that was taken back from Qing Shui's hand from the storage ring of Lianzhi.

"Wow!" Seeing the luminous object returning to his side, Qing Shui yelled happily, rolling on the ground several times in succession.

"Little master..." the voice of Lian Tianshu came suddenly.

After rewarding Qingshui, Fu Shubao, who was about to check the elemental pill, followed the sound, but saw a black shadow jumping out of the Tianlian cauldron. The green elixir of laughter has an elegant fragrance.

"This...is the elemental pill I refined?" Fu Shubao became excited.

The Tianshu Lian nodded and said with a smile: "Little master, you are simply a miracle. I have never seen anyone successfully refine a thing for the first time, and you not only refined it, but also Still in the situation of controlling others, it is conceivable that once your strength cultivation reaches the realm of elemental power, you will make the entire world of forged warriors a sensation for you!"

Fu Shubao chuckled dryly, "Don't put a high hat on me when you refine the old man, tell me honestly, is the elemental pill I refined qualified?"

Lian Tianshu said: "It's not just qualified, it's a good quality. Under normal circumstances, only those who have two years of refining experience can refine this kind of high-quality elemental pill."

Fu Shubao originally thought that Tianshu practiced to exaggerate his achievements on purpose to encourage him, but he didn't expect it to be so detailed. In this way, he had to wonder if he stepped on shit. A high-quality elemental pill came.However, such achievements did not make him arrogant to the point where he thought that he was a genius of the Alchemist, but he calmly changed the topic, "Old Alchemy, what should I do now? Take it?"

"Of course, I can't wait to see how far the little master can improve." Lian Tianshu is actually looking forward to everything about Fu Shubao.

The Pills of Wood Elements are followed by Pills of Metal Elements, Pills of Fire Elements, Pills of Water Elements, and Pills of Earth Elements. Taking the Pills of five elements is a holistic practice. Afterwards, it will enter into a cycle of refinement and cultivation, in order to improve the elemental perception ability, mastery ability and spiritual strength of the five attributes.In this regard, why isn't Fu Shubao full of expectations?


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