Fallen Genius

Chapter 134 The Little Red Carp Without Pants

The art of escaping from the earth, for ordinary fighters who master the power of the earth element, is only limited to the range of soil and rocks, but for the fighters who master the power of five elements, it can be mud and rocks, It can also be wood and pools, or even steel plates and burning fire walls!Nothing can escape!

The toughness shown by Qingshui beauty dog ​​surprised Zeniya, "Mr. Fu, she is..."

"She is... my bodyguard." Fu Shubao said, "Stay here and don't go out."

Zeniya said firmly: "No, I am a spiritual force fighter. My strength cultivation has reached the third level of spiritual power. I practice the perception of water elements. I can help you in battles above the sea. busy."

"What's under your feet?" Fu Shubao suddenly pointed at Zeniya's feet.

"What?" I don't know why Fu Shubao is still paying attention to the things under her feet at this moment, Zeniya hastily lowered her head to look at it, and at this moment, she cut her neck lightly with a palm knife, and let out a muffled groan , she fell limply on the deck of the cabin.

"I'm sorry, but your help can only be a disservice." Fu Shubao glanced at Zeniya who was stunned by him, turned around and rushed out of the cabin.

As soon as he got on the deck, the fog all over the sky suddenly entered Fu Shubao's sight.Black smog shrouded the sky and swept from the sea in all directions, but it was isolated by the force field of Qingshui beauty dog ​​within a hundred meters away. Her force field was like a semicircular transparent cover. The body is covered on the flagship, and the smog outside the cover is surging with the wind, but it cannot break through the cover and break in.However, the black smog covered the sunlight in the sky. Although the smog couldn’t enter, the light had already dimmed. The sea was also full of big waves, and the sound of slapping the hull was endless, but there was no breeze floating inside the hood. The scene was very strange.

In the midst of panic and tension, a strange voice suddenly pierced through the smog and rang in my ears like thunder, "Lian Tianjun! We have always kept our waters in check, what are you doing here on my territory?" ?”

"Lian Tianjun?" Fu Shubao was stunned on the spot suddenly, but after thinking about it, he understood again, "It must be that I just inspired the five-color elemental fire to illuminate and was sensed by the little red carp of the Spirit King, and the five-color elemental fire It is the unique signboard of Liantianjun Xieyue Mingfeng, and it must have mistakenly thought that I was Liantianjun Xieyuemingfeng." Thinking of this, he had a further speculation in his mind, "Liantianjun was notorious during his lifetime. Yuanbo, I'm afraid even a spirit king like Little Red Carp should be a little bit afraid, it must be scruples to dare not come here rashly, this is an opportunity."

Without making a sound, Fu Shubao spread out his hands, causing a fire of five-color elements to shine out from the palms of both palms.

"Hmph! Don't think that your fire of five-colored elements roasting sparrows can scare me! If you don't give me an explanation, even if you are the Heavenly Lord, I want you to be unable to eat it!" The voice of the little red carp clamored It came again, but the yelling belonged to the yelling, it never dared to come near here.

The stalemate is undoubtedly beneficial to Fu Shubao's side, because fearing the notoriety of Liantianjun Xieyuemingfeng and the ruthless methods that make people chill to the bone, Little Red Carp will not take rash actions before seeing through the situation here. Coupled with the fact that the beautiful Qingshui dog was watching covetously, it didn't dare to move rashly.In this way, Fu Shubao also gained precious time to look for Qianye Duckweed. However, surrounded by poisonous fog and the boundless sea, where can I find Qianye Duckweed?

After thinking for a while, Fu Shubao's eyes suddenly fell on the sails of the flagship nine-masted sailing ship.

"Wood can generate wind, so it can drive wind. With the power of five elements, why not use the power of wood element to generate a gust of wind, blow the sail, and let the sailboat go where you want?" Thinking about it, Fu Shubao suddenly withdrew the fire of the five-color elements, and pushed his palms towards the mainsail through the air.

The sub-universe suddenly moved, and the power of the refined elements instantly changed to a form of power dominated by the power of the wood element, supplemented by the power of the other four elements.The energy of the wood element scattered in the air was pulled, as if attracted by a magnet, and they gathered one after another.In an instant, a breeze rippling around Fu Shubao, and immediately blew on the mainsail.The mainsail fluttered in response to the wind, and soon it swelled up.

With the gathering of the wood element's ability and Fu Shubao's increased strength, the initial breeze quickly turned into a strong gust, and it was concentrated on the mainsail and several other sails, without any waste.Under this, the huge sailboat suddenly trembled, broke through the sea with a crash, and sailed forward quickly.

"Success!" Fu Shubao exclaimed in his heart, but his movements were not slow, and he kept accelerating the sailboat against the strong wind.

Although the nine-masted sailboat was traveling at high speed, the beautiful dog Shimizu continued to carry out her instructions. Under her actions, her force field still maintained a range of more than a hundred meters. Although the sailboat was traveling at high speed, the The poisonous fog around him was still unable to break through.

"Lian Tianjun! I know, you shameless old man is trying to hit my Qianye Duckweed! Let me tell you, don't even think about it!" The voice of Lingwang Xiaohongli came out again, ethereal, as if It is the force field of the Qingshui beautiful dog outside the body, and it seems to be in the depths of the distant thick clouds, making people unpredictable.

Just after these words, the poisonous mist suddenly dissipated.

Under the sun, the sea suddenly returned to its previous calm scene.

The sailboat was still traveling at a high speed, which seemed particularly strange in this windless sea.

Crash!A huge water column with a diameter of tens of meters suddenly rose out of nowhere on the sea about hundreds of meters away in front of it, and it climbed to a height of nearly 50 meters in the blink of an eye!Condescending, rushing toward the nine-masted sailing ship like mountains and seas!

Looking up, a red figure stands impressively on the top of the huge water column. Although it is separated by a considerable distance, you can still see the gleaming scales on its body, and it looks majestic!

"Spirit King Little Red Carp!" Fu Shubao exclaimed in his heart, hurriedly removed the wind driving the boat, and instead hit his hands on the raging sea, shouting: "Xiaoqing, learn from me and let the sea freeze !"

If the water column rushed over, the nine-masted sailing ship would only be smashed to pieces.The only way to fight against such a huge water column is to freeze the sea water.Although Fu Shubao is now an element-level wrestler who can freeze water by using the branch changes of water elements, he is weak after all, and it is impossible to reach the required level, so he must rely on the power of Qingshui beautiful dog.

If Qingshui beauty dog ​​directly urges her Lianzhidawu cosmic-level power to freeze the sea water, she may not even understand what the command is, but if she is asked to follow his actions, she will be able to do it. Get it soon.This is the result of domestication.

With the water element power as the main force, and the other four element powers as the auxiliary power, the refining element power is sent out from both palms, and hits the surface of the sea with a bang. The waters in the water began to freeze, and the azure water turned into white ice in the blink of an eye.However, Fu Shubao's action was only to freeze a piece of seawater with a diameter of only about ten meters into ice, and it could not stop the attack of the huge water column at all.

boom!Crash!Suddenly there was another loud noise, and a wave that exceeded the height of the deck suddenly rose up in the waters in front of the nine-masted sailing ship. At that moment, even the sea water was divided into two, revealing a deep trench!

Qingshui beauty dog ​​may not know anything else, but he has learned Fu Shubao's movements to the point of understanding and proficiency.Fu Shubao freezes the sea water, which is as common as breathing for her who is already a great cosmic warrior. In addition, the power of her palm is not only a hundred times that of Fu Shubao!

Quack quack quack... The frozen area of ​​the sea water spread rapidly, and in the blink of an eye, it overflowed the huge water column that the little red carp of the spirit king was riding on!The strong momentum still hasn't stopped, and after freezing the huge water column, it continues to spread, and it doesn't stop until a thousand meters away!

In the blink of an eye, this sea area is still full of rough seas and raging winds, but after the blink of an eye, it is already a frozen world. It's hard to even breathe.Especially the giant water column that King Ling rode was several meters in diameter and tens of meters in height, which suddenly froze between the blue sky and blue sea, which was particularly strange.The red figure on the top of the icicle peak still stood proudly, glowing red, like a demon god overlooking all living beings.

Stopping, standing still, is just a matter of a moment.The frozen water column is in an inclined and diving posture. After being frozen suddenly, it can still maintain its shape, but the weight of the front end makes it difficult to maintain this posture. Soon, creaking and creaking sounds can be heard all over its interior. , In the blink of an eye, it collapsed, and huge ice cubes were scattered all over the ground!

"Hahaha... I thought it was Lian Tianjun's old bastard, but unexpectedly it was a baby and a little girl. Uh, no, she is a great universe-level wrestler of Lianzhi, and her appearance age cannot be her actual age. What is your age, why, just because you dare to run to my forbidden sea to play wild?" When the icicle collapsed, the little red carp of the Spirit King had already jumped off the icicle, and landed on an ice surface like flying catkins. superior.

As Zeniya described, the little red carp of the Spirit King is a monster with the height of two people and the body of a fish head. Its body is covered with red scales, and the head of a fish is bigger than the head of an ordinary person. Double, with a pair of blood-red pupils without eyelashes and eyelids, nostrils open to the sky, no nose bridge, just like two black holes.The most frightening thing is the sharp sawtooth-like teeth, flickering with cold light, which makes people feel afraid.

Fu Shubao's eyes suddenly landed on the waist of Little Red Carp, the Spirit King. It was a red leather belt, and a white jade bone fan was inserted on the belt, which was very conspicuous.There are no pants under the belt, but there are no protruding male organs, just a red fish scale.

Seeing the "advanced" dress of Lingwang Xiaohongli, Fu Shubao suddenly understood something besides a feeling of nausea. Ali had read a good poem before, and he said it was made by Lingwang Xiaohongli. He believed that a spirit beast of the highest level could actually learn to write poems poorly, but now that he saw the spirit king's little red carp's attire, he believed it a little bit.In addition, this is probably the real reason why Lingwang Little Red Carp did not kill Zeniya. How could it compose poems, wear a belt, and pretend to be elegant and elegant, would be willing to kill a peerless girl like Zeniya who was born with a charming fragrance?


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