Fallen Genius

Chapter 31 Iron Cable Mine Transport

Half a month passed in the blink of an eye, and there was still no news about Ali, who must have gone to hide far away.Not having Ali is exactly what Fu Shubao wanted, because without the existence of Ali as a master, he can freely carry out the strength training he has researched.However, with the last experience, he has also learned to be good. He uses Lingshuang to practice real power every seven days, and he usually uses the comprehensive cultivation power refiner to practice.For this reason, he personally went to the largest Baicheng Trading Company in Hucheng to buy a Puling-level spirit beast power pill at a high price.This Li Dan is a little lower than the one I got from Ali last time, but it can only be used to make do with it.

It is quicker and quicker to use the comprehensive cultivation power refiner for strength training, and the effect is much better than traditional training, but it is actually a waste of money.

When it comes to money, Fu Shubao finally encountered a problem that gave him a headache.

"What? The old guy froze all the cash in the bank?" In the study, Fu Shubao frowned.

"Not only that, but the master also restricted the young master's pocket money. From now on, the young master can only receive one hundred silver coins per month." Bending his waist, butler Nie Ji raised his eyes slightly, and sneaked a glance at the young master who was furious.

"The old guy is doing business in Bozhou, did he fly back with wings? Such a long distance, even with wings, he can't fly so fast? Butler Nie, is it your fault?" Although he was angry Under the condition of the state, but Fu Shubao's thinking is not chaotic at all.

Butler Nie Ji heard that the young master's words were wrong, and knelt down in front of the young master with a plop, "Young master has wronged this old slave, even if this old slave has the guts to do so, the master is indeed doing business in Bozhou. But he has explained to several banks in Hucheng that once the young master's withdrawal reaches a certain limit, the bank must freeze the account according to the master's instructions, otherwise, the master will not accept the account, so those bank accounts must follow The master ordered to deal with this matter. The young master spent as much as he wanted a few days ago, which was within the limit, but he recently bought [-] wasteland at the foot of Longmai Mountain. The supplies for the cableway, and the young master’s recent purchase of a spirit beast power pill...these expenses add up, and the limit is enough...how can this old slave do anything?"

"Okay, okay, get up, isn't it just a little money, the old guy won't make money if he doesn't give it to me, the cableway in the mine should be completed today, let's go and have a look." I just heard that there is no money to spend Fu Shubao was indeed a little angry at the time, but he didn't take it to heart.In fact, even if Master Duoqian did not impose such restrictions, he would not spend his parents' money for a long time.If you can't even support yourself, isn't it really a waste?

Butler Nie Ji just got up from the ground, "Master, you are becoming more and more polite to Master."

"Why do you say that?" Fu Shubao clearly remembered that he called "old guy" several times in succession. This was already disrespectful, so why did he become polite?

"In the past..." Butler Nie Ji said: "When the master is not around, you always call him old and immortal, young master."

Fu Shubao was at a loss for words on the spot.

Under the protection of a large group of vicious domestic slaves, Fu Shubao, riding a tall horse, came to the foot of Longmai Mountain again.From a long distance, I saw the iron frame standing on the mine. Two iron cables as thick as children's arms stretched from the iron frame to the small river at the foot of the mountain, and then from the river to the soil slope.There is also an iron frame rising from the earth slope, towering ten meters above the sky.The next thing is to connect the iron cables lowered from the mountain to the iron frame on the soil slope, and then load the iron box car for transporting iron ore and you're done.

The two iron cables are not a whole, but are connected one by one, but even so, the weight of one of them is at least [-] jin.Without lifting and traction equipment, there is no way to erect the two iron cables on the iron frame. At this time, the mine guard team in the mine played a huge role. A strongman with internal strength can lift about two thousand catties Ten heavy objects add up to [-] catties, and the entire mine guard team has about [-] internal force fighters, plus Captain Zhan Lu, who is mentally strong, to erect two iron cables to the iron frame The above is no problem at all.All that is waiting now is an order from the young master.

But Fu Shubao didn't rush his men to set up the iron chains, but rode his horse slowly towards Tian's wheat field.Beside Tian's wheat field, Tian Feng and Tian Dan and his son were looking at him with red eyes.

Fu Shubao suddenly stopped the horse a few meters away from the Tianjia wheat field, and said with a smile: "Oh, I almost forgot, further ahead is your Tianjia's territory, look at my memory, I almost made a big mistake, Hahaha."

"Fu Shubao, you bastard! I'm going to settle the old and new grudges with you today!" Tian Dan said as he strode forward, full of murderous intent.

Fu Shubao sat firmly on the horseback, he remained motionless, but dozens of house slaves behind him drew their swords one after another, and blocked the young master in unison.

Facing the bright knife light, Tian Dan had no choice but to stop his steps no matter how reckless he was.He is just a strong fighter with real strength, and his real strength cultivation has only reached the third level, but most of the house slaves standing in front of Fu Shubao are internal strength fighters. If he just rushed up to beat Fu Shubao, those slaves would also One hundred percent should have cut him with a knife.

"Brother Shan, it's your fault. I didn't step in the land of your Tian family, but you have to see clearly. The land in front of you was bought by me recently. Please be sensible and don't step in. Otherwise, my people won’t betray your face, Young Master Shan.” Left a sentence of Brother Dan, and another sentence of Master Dan, Fu Shubao’s tone is humble and polite, but everyone present can hear ridicule and contempt from his words the taste of.

After being ridiculed by Fu Shubao, Tian Dan's handsome face turned blue and then turned pale, and he looked at Fu Shubao viciously but was speechless.

"Nephew Shubao, do you really think that your ropeway can transport mines? I don't think so." Jiang is always old and spicy, and the scene has become so stiff, Tian Feng can still maintain a gentle smile , The tone of speech is definitely the tone of an elder persuading a junior, a bit amiable.

"Master Tian, ​​you can speak, but please be careful not to step over the line." Fu Shubao said with a smile.

"You..." A fierce light flashed in his eyes, but Tian Feng was a brat like Tian Dan, he suppressed the anger in his heart in a blink of an eye, and said with a fake smile: "Shu Baoxian Nephew, in view of the years of cooperation between your two families, I advise you not to bother. I have never seen any mine that can transport ore down the mountain in this way. Like this, but Uncle will suffer a bit, I will pay for the money you spent on building the cableway, and I will pay [-]% of the market price for your iron ore, how about it?"

"The conditions seem reasonable."

"Shubao's nephew is indeed a thoughtful person. Neither of us will benefit from fighting like this, so it's settled. I brought the contract for selling mines. How about we sign it now?" Tian Feng always seemed very enthusiastic about buying mines.

"Didn't it mean [-]% of the market price? Why did it rise to [-]%?"

"Hehe, this..." The smile on Tian Feng's old face suddenly froze.Half a month ago, he concluded that Fu Shubao couldn't solve this kind of problem, and his family's iron ore business couldn't be transported out, but now it seems that the situation has changed drastically. If the cableway created by Fu Shubao can really transport the iron ore If he goes down the mountain, not only his wishful thinking of buying mines will be defeated, but even the [-]% discount price for iron ingots will disappear. This is undoubtedly a huge loss for his family!

Fu Shubao smiled coldly, "I think you still want to die early to buy mines. You didn't leave me any escape route back then, and I won't let you now either. I use the cableway to transport mines, and your Tian family's [-]% The preferential price is cancelled, starting today, your Tian family can buy my iron ingots, others are at the standard market price, and yours is ten times the market price!"

The faces of Tian Feng and his son twisted immediately. They had already had such worries when Fu Shubao set up the iron chain, and now, this worry has become a reality.At present, the iron ingots used in the Tianjia Weapon Workshop are bought from Panshi City, and the high freight has also led to high costs. The weapons produced have no profit at all. There will be really big troubles in the future.

"Don't pay attention to them, let's start the cableway!" Turning his horse's head, Fu Shubao said loudly.

"Yes, young master." Zhan Lu said with a chuckle, he felt happy seeing the elongated faces of Tian Feng and his son.

Under the leadership of Zhan Lu, the slaves of the Fu family began to erect the iron chains, and the progress was rapid.The young master was lying on his back in the soft lawn above the mound, watching his subordinates work while enjoying the meticulous service of the four maids.Dongmei brandished the Desire Hammer, and tapped left and right on the young master's shoulder.Xia Zhu pinched the young master's legs here and there with a pair of small pink hands.Chunlan knelt in front of the young master's feet, took off the young master's shoes and socks, placed the two soles of the young master's feet between her lower abdomen and between her legs, and focused on kneading and massaging the young master's soles.Qiu Ju also had work to do. She carefully removed the skins of the grapes, and then put the delicious flesh into the young master's mouth, and stretched her hands to the young master's jaw, waiting respectfully for the young master to spit the grape pits into her palms come among.

There is no doubt that the young master is a person who knows how to enjoy himself.

However, for Tian Feng, Tian Dan and his son, this scene was a bloody sharp knife, poking the father and son's heart again and again.

Half a day passed, and when the sun rose into the sky, the cableway from the Longmai Mountain mine to the slope was also erected.The span of the two cableways is about [-] meters. There are iron frames at both ends as a stable base. There are gears on the top of the mine. Its function is to pull the iron box car that transports ore down the mountain back to the mine. above.The left side of the two cableways is the cableway for feeding the ore down the mountain, and the right side is the cableway for pulling the iron box car back to the mine. Each part plays an indispensable role.In the eyes of Zhan Lu and others, this is simply a wild and unconstrained creation, but in the eyes of the young master, this is actually a boring work that is too simple to be simple.

An iron box car full of iron ore quickly slid down from the mine, followed the sky above the river straight to the iron frame on the soil slope, and the impact plate of the iron box car hit the iron frame on the iron frame. With a bang, he unloaded a cart of iron ore on the mine pile under the slope.After that, the miners on the mine shook the gear box, and the reel connected to the gear shaft drove the right cableway to recover. Under this, the iron box car slid obediently to the mine on the mountain.

"Aha! Master, this method is absolutely perfect! This iron box cart transported no less than four thousand catties of iron ore. If it was pulled by bullock carts in the past, it would take four bullock carts to pull it for half a day. It was pulled from the mine!" Zhan Lu laughed happily, and immediately ran to flatter the young master.

Only then did Fu Shubao slowly get up from the grass, stretched his waist comfortably, and laughed loudly at a large group of Tian family members who were dumbfounded: "I'm sorry, I transported the mine down, and this matter Come here, in the future, if your Tian family wants to buy our iron ingots, they will pay ten times the market price, and I don’t want to talk to you, young master, so I will leave.”

Seeing that the young master was leaving for the farm, the long waiting and suffering of half a month was in vain, and he was ridiculed and ridiculed by the young master. Tian Feng, an old fox, could barely hold back, but the young and vigorous Tian Dan couldn't bear it any longer, and immediately scolded: "Fu Shubao, you're just a fucking bastard hiding behind the slaves and guards, you dare to fight me alone!"

Fu Shubao, who was about to step on Dongmei's back to mount the horse, turned his head and looked at the shouting Tian Dan with a smile.

"Fu Shubao, are you still a man? If you are a man, stand up and fight with me!"

"How do you want to fight?" Fu Shubao said calmly.

"Fight alone! If I win, we will still buy your iron ingots at [-]% of the market price!"

Fu Shubao smiled and said, "What if you lose?"

"I lose? Pooh! Can you beat me just because of you?" Tian Dan spat bitterly, "However, if I lose, I, I... the wheat field of my family will belong to you! "

Fu Shubao smiled and said: "I can promise you, but I don't have time right now, just one month later, I will fight you in a duel, if you win, I will still sell iron ingots to your Tian family at [-]% of the market price, but if it is you If I lose, I don't want this wheat field in your house, you just wash the panties of my four maids in public."

As soon as the young master said this, everyone who heard it was stunned on the spot.

What kind of bet is this?

If you lose, you have to sell [-]% of the iron ingots, which is a lot of money, but if you win, you have to wash the underwear of the four maids. The young master's thoughts and style of doing things have exceeded everyone's imagination, not to mention unconstrained, unpredictable The state of the world is already more than enough.Just imagine, who can understand what the young master wants to do?

But what is certain is that if Master Duoqian comes to the scene in person, he will definitely vomit blood and fall to the ground from his own prodigal son!

"Master, you must not promise Tian Dan, that kid is about to reach the level of internal strength..." Butler Nie Ji said anxiously, he was sure that his own young master would not be able to beat Tian's young master. Things go to waste again, and it's a lot of money at stake!

"Butler Nie, do you want to feed the pigs?" the young master said casually.

"Hey...young master, you pretend I didn't say anything." Nie Ji rewinded as fast as he could.

"Master, this... Excuse me, if you want to duel with Tian Dan, the young master should gamble on his family's wheat field. If you just wash our underwear, wouldn't that be too cheap for him?" Dongmei said timidly.

"That's right, it's too cheap for him. Besides, we can wash our own underwear without his help." Xia Zhu interjected.

But Fu Shubao smiled and said: "I still don't like this piece of broken wheat field, I just want to see the scene of that kid washing your underwear in public, you four listen carefully, from today you can only wear the same pair Underpants, and they can't be washed, they can't be taken off until the day of the duel."

The four maids and the four pretty faces suddenly lost their color.

The young master was muttering, and the members of the Tian family were also buzzing and buzzing.Only Tian Feng was not surprised, and a look of joy flashed in his eyes. He walked to his son and said in a low voice, "Shan'er, quickly agree to that kid, because my father knows that this kind of bet is an insult to you, but you can't." You will lose to Na boy, so that kid Fu Shubao is just showing off his tongue now, and on the day of the duel, you can take revenge with your fists and feet!" With a cold smile, Tian Fengcai said: "For example, fight Breaking his legs or something, although the point of the duel field is exhausted, but that is just empty talk."

Tian Dan also had a slight smile on his lips, nodded, and then shouted: "Fu Shubao, I agree, one month is one month! The place is at Hucheng Lux Academy!"

"It's a deal!" Fu Shubao jumped on his horse and walked away.

Behind the young master, at least a hundred people were chanting the same sentence in their hearts: hopeless prodigal son, rotten person, rotten person, rotten person...


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