Fallen Genius

Chapter 38 Strength Testing

Hideyoshi, the handsome and powerful Birdman.

Bingying, the beautiful and mysterious birdman, has no interest at all.

This is Fu Shubao's first impression of the two "big shots" that Dean Jia Meng specified that he would not provoke him. Of course, Dean Jia Meng is also a birdman, greedy for money, lustful and sexual, but his name is obviously a birdman. It cannot be compared with Hideyoshi and Bingying.

Can't afford to provoke, can always hide?

Anyway, for the young master, Hucheng Lux Academy is just a place to visit when he is in the mood. That's good, he can practice strength and iron sand boxing in his own way at home with peace of mind.

Early the next morning, housekeeper Nie Ji appeared in front of Fu Shubao in a hurry.

"Master, haha...it's so interesting!"

"Butler Nie, why are you so nervous?"

"Didn't the young master ask the old slave to go around Tian's house early in the morning? I saw a very interesting thing when I went there!"

"How strange can it be? Could it be that you saw a pair of underpants worn by a chick above the gate of Tian's house?" Fu Shubao asked with a smile.

"Huh?" Butler Nie Ji, who was drooling while speaking, was taken aback for a moment, "How does the young master know?"

"Did you really hang a pair of underwear?" He knew that Fang Xin did it, but Fu Shubao didn't say anything.

Nie Ji was stunned for a while before he came up with a sentence, "Master is really a man of God, a prophet of the future! There is really a pair of women's underwear hanging on the lintel of Tian's gate. There is a peony flower in full bloom."

"Well, have you looked carefully? Are you sure that peony flower is not... blood or something?"

Butler Nie Ji, "..."

"Okay, I know about this. The Tian family must have provoked some peerless expert who humiliated his family on purpose. You go down." Fu Shubao waved his hand. Is there some kind of blood on the underwear or a blooming flower? He is not interested in the peony, as long as he knows that Fang Xinzhen has done so.

After Butler Nie Ji left, Fu Shubao went to the practice room alone.

The double palms have been transformed twice by the meteorite slag of the spirit, and they have reached the strength equivalent to that of stone. This has been well reflected in the fight with Lante. However, Fu Shubao is still not satisfied. What you want is the strength of gold and iron!

After removing the cork, Fu Shubao took out about one-fifth of the stone residue from the porcelain bottle again, spread it evenly on the palms, backs of the hands, and even the crevices of each finger, and then slowly rubbed it together .The familiar scorching sensation rose up, and then turned into burning pain like flesh and blood being ignited.

Although both palms, knees, elbows and even that vital part have been strengthened twice, which is already eight times in total, but the burning pain caused by the strengthening of the gravel still made Fu Shubao feel dizzy with pain. Sweat, unbearable.

The bloody film-like substance reappeared, evenly covering the palms of both hands, and the burning pain finally disappeared, replaced by a cool and comfortable feeling.It wasn't until then that Fu Shubao breathed a sigh of relief, wiped the cold sweat off his forehead, and said with a wry smile: "The strengthening of the spirit meteorite slag is certainly tempting, but this kind of pain is not something ordinary people can bear. The palm of my hand was melted, and new ones grew... Fortunately, this is the third time, and it will be completed after two more times. I hope that by that time, the parts I have strengthened can reach the strength of gold and stone."

Iron sand boxing is a simple and strong fighting skill that can be achieved by constantly strengthening the two fists. However, using the traditional method of inserting iron sand to strengthen the two fists will never reach the strength of the meteorite slag transformation of the spirit, and if His fists are as hard and powerful as gold and stone, so they are no longer pure iron sand fists, they are simply iron fists that are broken everywhere!

"The fist that has undergone two gravel transformations is equivalent to the strength of stone. I wonder how strong the fist after the third gravel transformation can be?" Thoughtful, Fu Shubao walked slowly towards a corner .There are two stones placed there, one is soft sandstone and the other is very hard blue steel.

After his palms were strengthened with gravel for the second time, Fu Shubao hit the sandstone and the blue steel stone with punches respectively. When the steel stone was pressed, the Qinggang stone was not damaged at all, but his fist would feel more obvious pain.So what now?

"Ho!" With a heavy shout, a punch suddenly swooped down, and the sound of the wind breaking through the air faintly emerged. When the true power was poured into the right fist, a faint red mark that was hard to be found suddenly appeared on Fu Shubao's fist, and the true power was condensed in Fu Shubao's fist. There will not be such a strange red mark on the fist, but the energy film contained in the meteorite slag of the spirit!

boom!The whistling right fist hit the sandstone heavily, and the relatively soft sandstone shook violently, then shattered into dozens of fragments, shooting like shrapnel in all directions.

"Damn it, it's obviously stronger this time." Fu Shubao snapped his tongue, with a horrified expression on his face.

During the short pause, Fu Shubao moved to the very hard blue steel stone, took a deep breath, and suddenly punched it down.The same piercing sound, the same gravel energy film, and the same intensity of real power running, this is already the strongest punch he can achieve with his current second-level real power, and the same intensity of punching, With different stone feedbacks, he can get the data he wants, and use this to judge the degree of energy enhancement of the stone slag.

boom!Another dull crash sounded in the practice room.

However, the intensity of the sound this time was significantly weaker than the first one.With a punch, although the blue steel stone also trembled violently, it did not shatter, but only a small piece of gravel fell from the place where the punch was struck.The feeling of pain still exists, but it is obviously much lighter than the last time.

Fu Shubao already had a rough standard in his heart. After the last strengthening of the stone slag of the Spirit Meteorite, his fists had reached the strength equivalent to that of ordinary stones. It is already standard and even surpasses the strength of ordinary stone.The remaining spiritual meteorite slag can provide two more reinforcements, in addition to his palms, his knees, elbows and even the hidden vital parts. According to the current strengthening effect, he fully believes , when the slag of the meteorite of the spirit is used up, not only his fists, but all his strengthened parts will reach the terrifying strength of gold and stone under the state of real power running!

Next, should you strengthen your elbows, your knees, or that area?

Fu Shubao chuckled, unable to make a decision.


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