Fallen Genius

Chapter 44

However, it was not Fu Shubao, but Tian Dan.

Tian Dan, who fell to the ground, hugged his legs, curled up into a ball, his face was pale, his lips trembled, as if he was being tortured by great pain, and his trousers were in tatters, and some bright red blood was coming from Seeps out from the torn fabric, staining the ground red.

The audience was silent again, and their jaws dropped all over the place.Including Hideyoshi and Bingying, before this, both of them concluded that Fu Shubao was going to be knocked down by Tian Dan, but what they couldn't figure out was why Tian Dan, who was beaten by Fu Shubao, fell to the ground instead. ?

"Hahaha..." The silence all around coincided with the time for Fu Shubao to laugh happily.

"Referee Quintes, Fu Shubao is cheating, he is hiding iron plates on his body!" Tian Dan suddenly struggled to get up, and interrupted the young master's sinister laughter bitterly.

There was an uproar all around, no wonder, with Fu Shubao's ability, how could he defeat Tian Dan without hiding the iron plate on his body?But then again, if the young master doesn't hide some sharp knives on his body, is it still the young master's style?

"Search him! If there is a hidden iron plate, referee Quintes, you should immediately sentence Fu Shubao to lose!" Naturally, Tian Feng, the elder of the Tian family, was most anxious.

"Fu Shubao, what do you say?" Quintes frowned amidst the booing that cursed the young master's treachery.

Fu Shubao smiled indifferently, "If I can't win, I'll play tricks, but I don't care, young master, if you want to search, just search."

"Are there any poisonous snakes or poisonous spiders hidden in your clothes?" When he came to the young master, he stretched out his hand to search, but Quintes suddenly thought of something, he stopped his hand, and looked at the young master suspiciously.

Fu Shubao was extremely speechless. When did his image become so unbearable?

"Referee Quintes, do you think I look like that kind of person?"

"It's not like, it's just like that." Quintes finally stretched out his hand, pinched the young master's body a few times hastily, and then shook his head and said, "There's nothing hidden."

"I don't believe it!" Tian Feng roared angrily, "Shan'er, go and search for it yourself!"

Tian Dan sneered and said, "Fu Shubao, do you dare to let me search?"

"You're obviously questioning Quintes' referee's character. Could it be that I, Fu Shubao, bought him?" At this time, Fu Shubao didn't try to sow discord.

Sure enough, when he said this, Quintes' face became very difficult to look at, and he said with a livid face, "Tian Dan, what do you mean?"

"Quintes referee, I don't mean anything else, I just insist on searching him myself." It's not that Tian Dan didn't understand that this was Fu Shubao's instigation, and his words also offended Quintes, but the duel this time It doesn't matter if it offends Quintista if it is about the survival of his family.

Quintes said angrily: "This duel is up to me. Since I have already searched, there is no need to search again!"

Fu Shubao smiled and said, "Referee Quintes, although Tian Dan doubts your character, if you don't let him search it, then he will say that we are in collusion again, hey, let people do it in front of so many people However, for the sake of the referee's innocence and reputation, I, Fu Shubao, swallowed my anger and asked him to search again."

Queen Stone sneered and said, "Young Master Bao is still the governor, unlike some people, anyway, Tian Dan, since Master Bao has already agreed, I will make an exception and let you search again."

Tian Feng, who was watching the battle from a distance, had a cold smile on his lips, and his hand shook slightly.Tian Dan, who had been looking at Tian Feng, understood, nodded his head slightly, and walked towards Fu Shubao gloomyly.

Fu Shubao smiled, opened his arms and legs, "Tian Dan, let me remind you, you can't play tricks and make sneak attacks."

Tian Dan walked up to Fu Shubao without saying a word, reached out to touch Fu Shubao's elbows, and then searched down her waist.But when he found the position below his waist, his right hand suddenly clenched his fist, and punched the vital spot between Fu Shubao's legs!

"I want you to hold on for the rest of your life!" The punch hit, and there was a loud bang, but Tian Dan, who had succeeded in the sneak attack, was stunned on the spot, and immediately, a painful expression appeared on his face again.

Fu Shubao sneered, "You fucking bitch, how dare you sneak attack!"

Suddenly aware of the danger, Tian Dan, who was terrified, withdrew his hand suddenly, but his speed was a step slower. Fu Shubao's legs closed suddenly, and his right hand was immediately sandwiched between them.

"Let go!" With his right hand pinched, Tian Dan became even more flustered.

"Referee Quintes, I asked him to search, but he sneaked up, what do you say?" Fu Shubao ignored Tian Dan at all.

Quintes sneered, "He dared to sneak attack in front of so many people. He has lost his face if he did such a shameless thing. You can do whatever you like."

"Fu Shubao, how dare you!"

"Hey, hey..." Fu Shubao sneered.

The young master's sneer already made Tian Dan's back burst into a cold sweat. Knowing that something was wrong, he suddenly punched Fu Shubao's heart with his left hand, but what was waiting for him was Fu Shubao's iron fist as tough as gold and stone!

There was a crisp bang, and under the collision at close range, the finger bones shattered, and Tian Dan suddenly let out a miserable howl.

"Let go of my son, or I'll make you look good!" Tian Feng was also in a hurry, but there are duel rules. Facing the punishment of Xiuguo's dueling law.

"Want me to look good? I'll make your son look good right now, and how good it is!" Fu Shubao's right fist suddenly descended, hitting between Tian Dan's legs with lightning speed .

Use the way of the person to treat the person's body.

Tian Dan wanted him not to lift it for the rest of his life, so how could he have the compassion to let Tian Dan have a chance to lift it in the future?

Snapped!A crisp sound.

"Ah..." A shrill scream came out from behind Tian Dan, and then his body flew up high and landed on the ground a few meters away, his eyes darkened, and he passed out completely past.

There was dead silence inside and outside the entire square, and many men subconsciously covered their own lifelines, as if the devastating punch had not hit Tian Dan, but had hit themselves.

"Chunlan Qiuju, Dongmei Xiazhu, take off your underwear, I will throw it in the face of this despicable person!" Fu Shubao suddenly shouted.Tian Dan had already passed out, so of course he couldn't wash his underwear, but the lottery he got in exchange for a hundred thousand gold coins couldn't be wasted.

The silent scene suddenly boiled up again, this is the real drama, isn't it?

The four maids took out the cloth curtains they carried with them, and in the blink of an eye, they surrounded the duel arena with a small invisible space, took off their panties in there, and handed in their hands under the eyes of everyone. In the hands of Fu Shubao.Although I didn't see the scene of the four maids taking off their panties, but they lost their panties, which made people daydream.Coupled with the thin and slightly see-through maid skirts on the four maids, when the sun shines, it is faintly charming again.Therefore, for those yelling lechers, after waiting for a long time, they finally got their wish and feasted their eyes.

Holding four pairs of underwear, Fu Shubao walked slowly to Tian Dan's side, threw one on Tian Dan's forehead, and stuffed the remaining three into Tian Dan's mouth.

The duel was over.

Tian Feng, who couldn't stop all this from happening, suddenly seemed to be ten years older.


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