Fallen Genius

Chapter 46 Pigeon

The buried treasure forest is behind the back mountain of Longmai Mountain. The fastest way is to enter from the front mountain of Longmai Mountain, and then turn over the back mountain and directly enter the Buried Treasure Forest. The front mountain mine of Longmai Mountain becomes the only way to pass.

When passing by the mine, Fu Shubao found that the cave where the meteorite was dug out had been dug out by the miners and turned into a new mining site.This result made Fu Shubao happy, because digging down the cave is equivalent to destroying the scene, lest someone would associate something based on a cave.

Fu Shubao and Ali did not appear above the mine, but walked directly through the forest.After turning over the front mountain, enter the back mountain of Longmai Mountain.It took three full days of trekking to reach the edge of the Buried Treasure Forest.It has long been heard that there are spirit beasts of the general level in the back of Longmai Mountain, but they have not encountered any spirit beasts in three days, and the rumors seem to be false.

On the evening of the fourth day, the master and the apprentice finally entered the famous Buried Treasure Forest in the northwestern border of Xiu Country.

"Camp here." On a rather flat forest clearing, Ali didn't leave.

"Master, didn't you want to train me? Why didn't you leave instead?" Fu Shubao said narrowly.

"What do you know, kid? Night is the time when the leopard is active. It is a very dangerous thing to meet it."

The level of spirit beasts is not based on their type but their strength, and their strength is directly related to the spirit beast power pill in their brains, but even the lowest spirit leopard at the general level, isn't it a beast? Leopard?If you're unlucky enough, it's more likely that you will meet a spirit beast at the level of a righteous spirit, a holy spirit, or even the highest level of a god, so what's the point?After thinking about it, Fu Shubao also understood the key points here, so he stopped arguing.

A simple tent built with sheets and branches soon appeared in the glade, and Ali also lit a bonfire with dead branches and leaves.

After eating some dry food and drinking some water, it became dark.After chatting with Ali for a while, Fu Shubao collapsed into the tent and fell asleep.Sometimes at night there is a mountain wind blowing and whistling.Sometimes there are beasts roaring and creeping.I was not used to it at first, but I didn't care much about it later, and it was already dawn when I woke up.

Ali also slept in a tent, but when Fu Shubao got up, he didn't see anyone else. After he got out of the tent and searched around, he found a map and a note beside the campfire.

"Apprentice Xian, since it's an experience, then Master can't protect you. For three months, it's up to you whether you live or die. Master, although the map I bought is a fake map, except for the fact that the ancient tomb is fake. , the rest is true, you can use it to go through the Buried Treasure Forest to reach the border of Yue State, Master, I will wait for you there."

Looking at the fake treasure map and note in his hand, the young master was stunned for a while before he said, "Damn it! Let me go!"

It’s safe to go back now, but if you can’t even face the difficulties in front of you, how can you face the suffering in the future?Fu Shubao quickly gave up the idea of ​​going back, tidied up, and continued to advance deep into the buried treasure forest.

There is no equipment to guide the direction, only a map, and the terrain in the forest is the same mountain and virgin forest. After walking for half a day, Fu Shubao soon found...he was lost.

"Let's go on like this, not to mention walking out of the Buried Treasure Forest in three months. Three years is a problem. It seems that we only need to find a relatively high place to confirm the position, and then compare the map to formulate a route." Looking around to search , Fu Shubao quickly locked on a target, a relatively high mountain.

The height of the mountain is only about [-] meters, but the steep mountain and the virgin forest with no roads form an obstacle. I thought it would take two or three hourglasses to climb to the top of the mountain, but after two or three hourglasses, Fu Shubao still can't reach the top of the mountain. Hanging on the mountainside.

"This is not possible. The entire Buried Treasure Forest has such a terrain. At this speed, it is impossible for me to cross it in three months. And to go here is still without the attack of spirit beasts. If I If you really meet a spirit beast, the speed of such a tortoise will enter the stomach of the spirit beast sooner or later, it seems that you must find a way to increase your speed." While trekking through the forest full of thorns and weeds, Fu Shubao thought Looking at the problem that caused him a headache, the easiest way to increase his speed is to run, but that would consume too much energy, and it would not last long. In the primeval forest full of dangers, maintaining energy is directly linked to survival First and foremost, that's obviously not going to work.

Walking and thinking, Fu Shubao stopped suddenly after a while, and a bright smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "By the way, my current strength cultivation has reached the first level of internal force, and the internal force field can be separated from the air. Lifting a weight of ten catties, if I put my internal force on my feet and let it form a buoyancy of about ten catties, then not only can I increase my walking speed, but it will also be much easier.”

The starting point of the buoyancy of the Zenith Field is three catties, and every time one level of cultivation is raised, the buoyancy of the Zenith Field will increase by one catty, until the upper limit is five catties.But true strength is the basic period for practicing strength, and sub-universes will also emerge during this period. Therefore, when strength cultivation reaches the realm of internal strength, the buoyancy of the force field will have a blessing, which is the starting point for adding five catties Weight, this is also the reason why the buoyancy starting point of the internal force field is ten catties.And when the strength cultivation reaches the realm of internal force, every time one level of cultivation is raised, the buoyancy of the internal force field will increase by two catties, up to the upper limit of fourteen catties.

The starting point of the buoyancy of the mental force field is fifteen catties, and every time one level of cultivation is raised, the buoyancy of the mental force field will increase by four catties, until the upper limit is 23 catties.

The starting point of the buoyancy of the elemental force field is 24 jins, and every time one level of cultivation is raised, the buoyancy of the elemental force field will increase by [-] jins, until the upper limit is [-] jins.

The starting point of the buoyancy of the spiritual force field is 41 jin. Every time one level of cultivation is raised, the buoyancy of the spiritual force field will increase by 73 jin, until the upper limit is [-] jin.

The starting point of the buoyancy of the Eternal Force Field is 74 catties, and every time one level of cultivation is raised, the buoyancy of the Eternal Force Field will increase by 32 catties, until the upper limit is 130 catties.

That is to say, the character who can condense the force field into wings of power to fly in the void must be a person whose strength has reached the realm of eternal power.Only with a buoyancy of 74 catties at the starting point, coupled with the buoyancy of exercise and airflow, can the flying action be completed.A spiritual-level warrior like Ali can at best reach the realm of Lingbo Microsteps.

And when the power cultivation base reaches the realm of great power without the universe, the starting point blessing of the force field will become infinite, and the wider void world can also travel at will, let alone flying in a mere way?

What Fu Shubao decided to do was related to the buoyancy of this force field.


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