Fallen Genius

Chapter 70

Running all the way, stones and stalactite strips rained down, and the rumbling sound was deafening.Fortunately, the hidden weapon of the mechanism was triggered when he came, and he also took the antidote. Although he was holding a dead man when he returned, Fu Shubao's speed was only a little slower, which had no effect on getting out of the tomb safely.

Crash!Two balls of water splashed in the pond, and then Du Yin'er and Fu Shubao, who were holding their breath, emerged from the water.

Seeing the sunshine again, Fu Shubao felt as if he had passed away.Du Wushuang in her arms was drenched by the pond water, and her long skirt as white as snow just stuck to her skin, which was also as white as snow and crystal clear as jade. From the looks of it, she looked like a An ice sculpture, so beautiful that it makes people tremble, but it is extremely cold.

As soon as they landed, the Eighteen Wolf Riders who had been waiting by the pool for a long time surrounded Fu Shubao and Du Yin'er.

The poison plate threw a pure white bear skin on the ground, "Mr. Fu, please put the patriarch on it."

"Holy patriarch?" Fu Shubao was slightly taken aback, "Isn't Du Lao the patriarch of yours?"

Du Pan didn't say anything, took Du Wushuang's body from Fu Shubao's hand, and then carefully placed it on the pure white bear skin, then closed the bear skin to wrap Du Wushuang up.

"I didn't find that thing, but I think the patriarch must know that after the patriarch wakes up, she will deal with that thing by herself. Compared with that thing, for our poisonous wolf clan, only the holy patriarch is the most It's important." Du Yin'er sighed.

"How is it possible? Could it be that the family history records are wrong?" Du Pan had a puzzled expression on his face.

Du Yin'er shook her head, "That's how things are, stop talking, hurry up and get out of here."

"Understood." Du Pan picked up Du Wushuang again, and placed it on his Spirit Beast Wolf mount himself.

"Wait," Fu Shubao said suddenly, "You mean... this woman will wake up?"

"The holy patriarch is not dead at all!" Du Yin'er's eyes flashed with reverence.

Can the dead wake up?Fu Shubao swallowed with a grunt, what the hell is going on?

"Miss Yin'er, ride with me! The patriarch will wait for us at the original place." Du Pan jumped onto the wolf's back of the spirit beast wolf, and waved to Du Yin'er again.

Du Yin'er took a look at Fu Shubao.

"You also have to arrange a seat for me, don't you? Who am I going to ride with?" Fu Shubao was concerned about such a thing.

Du Yin'er's eyes darkened quietly, and she flew onto Du Pan's Spirit Beast Wolf mount.

"Master Fu, you and I ride together." A wolf knight said aloud.

"Hehe, thank you very much." Fu Shubao was not polite, and sat on the wolf's back with a light leap.

A moment later, the eighteen wolves of spirit beasts started to move like an invincible black torrent!

Leaving the foot of Wubao Mountain, Fu Shubao found not only the traces of the python crawling around Wubao Mountain, but also the creeping traces of that kind of horror from time to time in the forest farther away. Not even a single stone is complete.From this, one can imagine the amazing power of a Holy Spirit-level snake of calamity!

However, judging from the signs of the python's activities, Du Huo made a circle around Wubao Mountain first, cleared away the people who were ambushing by the old witch Mochou, and then headed south.Although I didn't see how Du Huo led the Python of Misfortune to deal with Mo Chou and her men, but in terms of the horrible scene he saw, Mo Chou probably didn't have any good fruit to eat.She is only able to move in the sky by relying on the eagle of the earth, but Duhuo has the wings of power that are highly poisonous, so her advantage is gone, plus a snake of disaster, let alone to intercept ten Eight wolves are riding, I am afraid that even escaping for their lives will not be easy.

Running wildly all the way, even the spirit beasts living in the forest dared not stop the charge formed by the eighteen spirit beast wolves.Eighteen Wolf Riders didn't make any stops on the road, and only chose a relatively remote and safe place to camp at night.The next morning we continued on our way.

Fu Shubao didn't ask where he was going, but judging from the direction, the Eighteen Wolf Riders were heading to the north of the Buried Forest, which was exactly where he and Ali agreed to meet.However, he has been in the Buried Treasure Forest for nearly six months, that is, half a year, which has long exceeded Ali's agreed time limit for rendezvous in three months.He didn't know if Ali would be waiting for him there.

During the journey, Fu Shubao also discovered a very strange thing, that is, every night when camping, Du Yin'er would unfold the pure white bear skin, and then feed a pill into Du Wushuang's mouth.Asked she did not answer.

At first, Fu Shubao thought that what Du Yiner fed to Du Wushuang was probably a drug that could inhibit the decay of the corpse, but as the number of feedings increased, he discovered that Du Wushuang's skin was no longer the cold and white skin it was before. The skin color is a soft whiteness, and even a little blood can be seen faintly.

Thinking back to what Du Yin'er said unintentionally that day that the holy patriarch was not dead at all, Fu Shubao couldn't help having another big question in his heart, could the dead beauties of the Poison Wolf Clan really come back to life?

Traveling day and night, after seven days, the vast Buried Treasure Forest was finally left behind.A vast grassland lay before him.This is the Luodian Grassland after the Buried Treasure Forest, beyond the Luodian Grassland is the border of the Yue Kingdom.

This Luodian Grassland neither belongs to the territory of Xiu Kingdom, nor does it belong to the territory of Yue Kingdom. It is a veritable land of no owner.Of course, it also has an owner in the dark, that is, robbers and bandits who fled from Xiu Country and Yue Country, so Luodian Grassland is still a place where evil forces run rampant.In this land, whoever has the sharpest knife and the hardest fist is the master and has the highest power. Otherwise, he is a fish at the mercy of others!

After running for half a day, the outline of a town came into view.The surroundings of the town are piled up with earth to form an earth wall, and under the earth wall are sharpened horse stakes.The main entrance is a wooden tower with flags waving in the wind.However, the fabrics of those flags are not flattering, they are tattered, and the patterns drawn on them are nothing more than some obscene things like skulls.Before it arrived, people could vaguely see activities on the tower.

Suddenly stopped the wolf of the spirit beast under his crotch, the leader's poison plate pointed at the town that looked like a robber's den and said, "That's Hu Riming Town, the place we agreed to meet with the patriarch is there."

Du Yin'er sighed, "I don't know when grandpa will arrive, I'm so worried."

Du Pan laughed loudly, "Miss Yin'er was too worried. With the patriarch's cultivation, that snake of misfortune might cause some trouble, but as for those people like Mochou, he didn't take it seriously. Don't worry." , maybe the patriarch is already waiting for us in the town, let's go in and have a look first."

Du Yiner nodded, "Then go."

When they came under the tower, the tower and the earth walls on both sides were already full of people, swords were unsheathed, bows and arrows were drawn, and there was a tense atmosphere.

"Do you understand the rules?" A hideous man with scars on his face suddenly shouted on the tower.

"Understood!" Du Pan replied.

At this time, a bamboo basket was slowly lowered from the tower, Du Pan glanced at the bamboo basket, reached out his hand, took out twenty gold coins from his pocket and threw them into it.As soon as the gold coins entered the basket, the people on the tower immediately lifted the basket up.After a while, the wooden tower door slowly opened, revealing a road.

"That's okay? I thought there was going to be a fight." Fu Shubao said with a smile.

"The robbers of these gangs don't recognize their relatives, they only recognize their money. They can only die when they fight us, but if we don't pay poll tax, they will fight to death." Dupan said.

"There are twenty of us, and you gave twenty gold coins, one gold coin per person, is this head tax too high?"

Du Pan said: "It depends on the strength of the people who enter the town and how much risk they can bring to them. Letting us in, they are actually taking a lot of risk. This is not expensive. If it is an ordinary person, maybe One silver coin is enough."

"Well, that's how it is." Fu Shubao didn't ask any more questions.He was thinking about a new question. The map that Ali gave him, the final destination is Hu Riming Town on the border of the country. I wonder if that lustful guy will still stay here and wait?


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