Fallen Genius

Chapter 77 Returning to Tiger City

"I heard that Fu Shubao is back!"

"What? How is this possible? Didn't Mr. Hideyoshi say that the kid is dead?"

"Yeah, how can he not die?"

"What do you know? It's called good people don't live long, and bad people live for thousands of years! How can a bad person like Fu Shubao die so easily?"

"I thought that Hucheng would be clean for a while, and we could live a peaceful life, but I didn't expect that villain to come back again! Hey, God is blind!"

In a tavern of flies in Hucheng, a few coolies were drinking cheap shochu while talking about a well-known figure in Hucheng, all of them sighed, looking very painful.

It's not just them talking about it, in fact, everyone in the entire Tiger City is talking about it, from the family of the city lord, down to the traffickers on the street, and even the ladies and clients of the brothel.For Hucheng, the young master's return is like a piece of shit suddenly dropped into a bowl of delicious fish soup.

As for Hideyoshi, this indecent thing can be said to hit him right in the face.

To the west of Hucheng, the old house of the Mo family.

The servant who reported the letter knelt in front of Hideyoshi in fear and fear, not daring to speak out.

"Are you sure there is no news?" Hideyoshi said with a gloomy face.

"Returning to your son, the news is correct. He has indeed returned. Originally, he came back secretly. It has been two days. I also saw his maid come out to buy things. I only asked the truth in order to prove it. , I walked around in front of Fu's mansion for a long time, and finally saw that kid walking his little flower pig in the front yard for fun."

Hideyoshi sneered and said, "It's ridiculous, did he think he'd be fine after sneaking back? I'm worried that I have nowhere to settle accounts with him! You call the master, and come with me to level Fu Shubao's kennel later!"

"Yes, young master." The servant replied and got up.

"Wait!" Mo Chou's voice suddenly came from the inner hall.In a moment, Mo Chou walked out of the inner hall with Bingying's support.In fact, Mo Chou can walk like flying without anyone's support, but it seems that what she wants is this kind of filial piety.Ever since, her gait appeared very broken and light, as if the wind could blow it down.

"Grandma Mo, sister Bingying, do you also know about this?" Hideyoshi asked aloud.

"You talk so loudly, I don't even want to hear it." With Bingying's support, Mo Chou sat down on a black sandalwood chair.

"That's good. Grandma Mo doesn't need to do this. I'll level up that kid's kennel with my own help!"

"Ridiculous, why are you so impulsive?"

Hideyoshi said angrily: "Grandma Mo, that kid almost killed my sister Bingying and me on Wubao Mountain, shouldn't I do this? Besides, I didn't kill him innocently, but I was accused of attempting to murder a nobleman. If you kill him, you will kill him, no one can do anything to me!"

But Mochou shook her head, "No, that kid is not simple-minded, full of bad ideas, he dared to come back blatantly, didn't he think that we would deal with him? I'm sure, he must have thought, and There are countermeasures, you may have fallen into the trap of that kid if you led people there rashly."

Hideyoshi said disapprovingly: "That kid is just a little clever, I don't believe he has any countermeasures, but I am willing to listen to Grandma Mo, tell me, Grandma Mo, what are you going to do?" In terms of point, it's no wonder that a noble son like Hideyoshi would listen to Mo Chou.Indeed, if someone else's granddaughter wants to sleep in his bed, if he can't bear the grievance, how can he make Bingying take off his pants?

Bingying is indeed Bingxin intelligent, a pair of beautiful eyes looked at Hideyoshi affectionately, and a sweet smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, like an orchid in an empty valley.

After being silent for a while, Mo Chou said: "I've always thought it was strange that I fell off such a high cliff, and I went down to look for the body in time, but I couldn't find it. At that time, I suspected that the boy's body was washed away by the water. But now it seems that he must have been saved by someone."

Bingying said softly: "Grandma, do you know who saved that scoundrel?"

"It's not difficult to guess at all, Fu Shubao must have been rescued by the Poisonous Wolf Clan, and that kid may have participated in the actions of the Poisonous Wolf Clan that day, but I was afraid of the evil snake and didn't dare to get too close Tanchi, and the fog in the sky, so I didn’t see that kid, but think about it, if that kid Fu Shubao hadn’t found a backer like the Poisonous Wolf Clan, would he dare to go back to Tiger City so blatantly?”

Ginger always gets hotter with age.Although she didn't see it with her own eyes, but based on various signs, Mo Chou guessed it was right.However, she didn't know that she had only guessed the surface, not the core.That is, the young master already has one more mother who can make the entire poisonous wolf clan kneel with a single roar!

"Grandma Mo is going to do this?" Hideyoshi's face became more gloomy.As a member of the Xiuwang family, his understanding of the Poisonous Wolf Clan is far beyond comparison. He also knows that the Xiuwang Family still owes the Poisonous Wolf Clan a few huge favors. If Fu Shubao really finds such a backer , with his current strength, he can't shake a mountain like the Poison Wolf Clan.

Mo Chou sneered, "Xiuji, don't be in a hurry to move a big mountain. You have to start from the foundation. As long as its foundation is hollowed out, don't you worry about it not collapsing? In addition, you should also think about it. Don’t you have two bigger backers like that? The Xiu royal family, and our Guiyunzong, a poisonous wolf clan, although it is very troublesome to deal with, why should we be afraid of it?”

Hideyoshi smiled and said: "After hearing what grandma said, I know what to do. I'll find out the details of that kid first, and then make a move. In short, I want him to never stand up!"

"Remember, Fu Shubao is just a local ruffian. Our real goal is that thing. Everything we do must be centered on it. We must not act on our will."

"Grandma Mo, don't worry, I will let people continue to investigate Fu Shubao. If the Poisonous Wolf Clan is really Fu Shubao's backer, then it is impossible for them not to appear in Tiger City." Death!

Mo Chou looked at Hideyoshi, then at her quiet granddaughter Bingying, a smile of approval finally appeared on her face, and Lao Huai was relieved.However, she was thinking about a question that neither Hideyoshi nor Bingying could think of.That day, the poisonous work of the Poison Wolf Clan led to the python of calamity, disrupted the camp, lost soldiers and lost generals, and later the ancient tomb collapsed. There are all signs that the Poison Wolf Clan has succeeded. However, the Poison Wolf Clan who succeeded under normal circumstances should It is right to return to the foggy swamp immediately, and she has already made arrangements to intercept along the way, but the people in charge of intercepting did not send back any news, but at this critical juncture, it seems that it has nothing to do with this matter But Fu Shubao swaggered back to Tiger City... What's going on?

After much deliberation, I still can't think of the answer.

At this moment, the house slave who had gone out before trotted all the way and turned around, looking flustered.

Hideyoshi said angrily: "What's going on? Didn't I ask you to inquire about Fu Shubao's situation? What are you doing back here?"

The slave took a breath and said: "Young Master, Young Master, someone from the Fu family has sent invitations."

Mochou, Bingying and Hideyoshi froze on the spot. What's going on?

"What invitation?" Hideyoshi shouted.

The slave handed over a bright red invitation card, "The one who came to send the invitation card is a maid of Fu Shubao, named Dongmei. She said that tomorrow is her young master's 17th birthday, and he invites everyone who is famous and powerful in Hucheng." By the way, young master, you are naturally also invited, oh yes, Mrs. Mo and Miss Bingying are also invited."

I have seen people celebrate their 17th and [-]th birthdays, but I have never heard of anyone celebrating their [-]th birthday!

As for the birthday boy, isn't he afraid of losing his life?

Speechless and depressed for a while, Hideyoshi finally broke out, "Damn! That rascal must be crazy, I can't wait to pull his tendons and skin his skin, but he still has the face to invite me to celebrate his 17th birthday! "

"The maid who delivered the invitation also said, said, said..."

Hideyoshi said angrily: "Why are you hesitating? Say it quickly!"

"The maid also said, son, you must prepare a decent gift. He will accept antiques, secret books, magical weapons, gold, silver and money, and modern calligraphy and paintings are not required..."

Hideyoshi felt like his lungs were about to explode.

Seeing that her heart was so angry that she almost vomited blood, Bingying felt distressed, and said with a sullen expression: "You went back to Fu Shubao's maid, just said we won't go, send her a word, let her go back and tell her young master, tell him not to come here We put gold on our faces, what are we, how can we participate in his 17th birthday? Absurd."

The slave looked at Hideyoshi eagerly, "My lord, what do you mean..."

"Bastard! Sister Bingying means what I mean, so don't do it!"

"Yes, I'll do it now, little one." Under Hideyoshi's scowling look, the house slave stayed where he dared to, turned around and left.

"Wait!" Mo Chou suddenly stopped and said, "Go and tell Fu Shubao's female slave that we will definitely arrive and prepare a big gift for him."

"Grandma, what do you mean?" No matter how smart Bingying was, she still didn't understand Mo Chou's intentions.

Mo Chou smiled and said, "Aren't we going to investigate that kid's details? Now that they have all come to your door, how can we miss such an opportunity?" After a pause, she said again: "Hideyoshi, pass on my words, Let our people get ready, after I find the clues I want, that kid will do whatever you want."

A smile finally appeared on Hideyoshi's face, gentle and elegant.

Tomorrow might be the last birthday of that villain Fu Shubao!


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