Fallen Genius

Chapter 81

Suddenly a group of knights came into view.

All white tall horses, not even a trace of variegation.The knight on horseback is wearing white armor, a white knight helmet, a saber with a white scabbard on his waist, and a white knight's short bow slanted across his shoulders. Even the quiver and arrows are all white.

One of the most elite knights in Xiu Country, the Knights of Purity.

It is said that Emperor Xiu Taizong, who founded the Knights at the beginning, intended to wipe out all hostile forces in the world, and the Knights of Cleansing is like a broom in his hands. Under his nose, no piece of garbage can hide from him The cleaning of the old man's house.

The number of the Knights of Purity that suddenly appeared in front of them was only a knight squad of 60 people, but the overall strength should not be underestimated.What's more, the Jiezhi Knights are only dispatched by the King Xiu's family, and their status is prominent. Even if it is an ordinary knight, his status and power would not dare to be provoked by an official like Anji.

Just as the onlookers backed away one after another, amidst the commotion, the white horse and the white knight were like a white whirlwind, with awe-inspiring killing intent, coming in the blink of an eye.

Hiss!With a neigh, the leading knight stopped his mount, and the formation of knights behind him scattered, and immediately surrounded the young master's gate in a fan shape.

"Which of you is Fu Shubao?" the leading knight shouted angrily.

Fu Shubao chuckled, "I, I, I am Fu Shubao, haha, a distinguished guest is coming, please come in!"

"Bastard! I am Bo Feng, the captain of the No.17 Knights of the Clean Knights. I am here to arrest you and interrogate you under the order of the royal palace of Xiu. Cut the nonsense, kneel down and be bound!"

"That...Captain Bofeng, I don't know what crime I committed?"

Bo Feng said angrily: "Intent to murder members of Xiu's royal family!"

"Actually, this is a misunderstanding. I can explain it." It is rare that Fu Shubao remained quite calm and calm in the face of a policeman and sixty knights of the Knights of Purity. Always maintain that lazy smile that doesn't rush when a touch of fire falls on the instep.

Bo Feng shouted: "You found this yourself, break his legs, tie him up and take him away!"

"Who, who dares to tie up our young master, I..." Although it was a threat, Zhan Lu's feet and voice trembled when he spoke.

"Whoever dares to resist will be killed on the spot!"

Clang!All the knights drew their sabers.

"Slow!" A clear shout came suddenly.

Is there another rescuer?The people of Hucheng who were watching were puzzled. They followed the prestige, but saw the elegant and elegant Mr. Hideyoshi in a blue gown, walking slowly.

If you were a hunter, you dug a trap painstakingly, and now the prey fell into the trap you dug, what would you most want to do?Of course, walking to the edge of the trap and watching your prey dying, it will make you feel very enjoyable and happy.This is Hideyoshi's mentality. The poisonous wolves he was worried about did not show up. In his eyes, Fu Shubao is like a fish caught in a net. If you want him to live, you can say that you want him to die!

But before closing the net, what Hideyoshi wants to see most is Fu Shubao's face of despair.

"Haha! Did you see that Mr. Hideyoshi is a nobleman of the royal family, and he is still my friend! So, if there is something to discuss, let's go in and talk." This was Fu Shubao's reaction.

But at this moment, with Bo Feng as the leader, sixty knights jumped off their horses and prostrated themselves in front of Hideyoshi, "See, Lord Duke."

"Wow..." Fu Shubao was a little dumbfounded.The title of Hideyoshi is headed by the prince, who cannot be named unless he is a prince, and the following are the duke, marquis, viscount and baron. Just from the titles of the knights, we can know what kind of status Hideyoshi is. I didn't expect it to belong to a certain prince. Son, no wonder you are so rampant.

"Don't be too polite, General Bofeng, do what you should do." Hideyoshi was still so gentle.

With just this sentence, the young master and a group of house slaves who were stunned into a fool were once again trapped in a bright knife light.

"Fu Shubao, don't put gold on your face. Although they said they were following the orders of the royal clan of Xiu, it was my intention. Therefore, I am the one who wants you to die today, so what are you doing with me?" Almost?" Hideyoshi smiled coldly.

Fu Shubao shrugged, "That's it? Don't you scold me like that old witch Mochou, calling me full of evil and deserving death?"

"Damn it! You don't know what to do at this time! Captain Bofeng, cut off his legs and threw him at my feet!" Hideyoshi was already furious. He wanted to see the expression of despair on Fu Shubao's face, but instead he saw a picture of How can people bear the sunflower's bright smile?

"Kill these lifeless domestic slaves and mercenaries!" Bo Feng directly escalated the order.

Rumble!The sound of hooves reappeared.

"Mom! The wolf of the spirit beast!" A few sharp-eyed people among the surrounding people of Hucheng screamed and roared at the same time as the sound of hooves appeared.

In an instant, there was chaos!

The wolf of the spirit beast, as strong as a fat cow, appeared at the end of the street in the blink of an eye, and came quickly.Under their feet, the earth trembles!

Poisonous wolf clan, eighteen wolf riders!

Above the sky, a pale green shadow suddenly appeared, and before anyone could see it clearly, that pale green shadow suddenly fell from the sky like a meteor, and suddenly appeared beside Fu Shubao.At this time, the eighteen wolf riders of the poisonous wolf tribe had also arrived, and surrounded the sixty knights of the Jiezhi Knights.

The last thing that appeared was Du Yin'er, with an innocent and lovely face, but in her bones she was a little witch who was full of poison. These two completely different temperaments appeared on her body at the same time, but it was a kind of weird The charm is irresistible.

Du Yin'er was holding a flower basket in her hand, on which were written birthday wishes.

"Brother Bao, I wish you a happy 17th birthday!" There was a sweet smile on the delicate dimple, but there was a touch of ridicule in Du Yin'er's voice. It's a big birthday at the age of 17, you can figure it out!

"Is it just one flower basket for twenty of you? It's too generous?" Fu Shubao's expression was not good.

Du Huo said with a smile: "It's easy for us to get here for one or two parts. We are short on time. How can we have the time to prepare gifts? I'll make them up next time you celebrate your birthday."

Fu Shubao sneered and said, "I'm afraid I won't survive today, you see, people are going to kill me."

Du Huo's face suddenly became icy cold, "Whoever wants to kill Fu Shubao, kill me Du Huo first!"

There was no trace of a smile on Hideyoshi's face.Although the Poisonous Wolf Clan is in the territory of Xiu Country, they are also a tribe of Xiu Country on the surface, but the Poisonous Wolf Clan has never bought the account of the King Xiu's family, and the King Xiu's family still owes the Poison Wolf Clan a few days. With such a big favor, even today's emperor has many scruples about dealing with the poisonous wolves, let alone this little duke?

However, that scoundrel kicked his nose and face at this time.

"Hideyoshi, aren't you going to kill me? Come on, I'll stretch out my neck to kill you." Fu Shubao really stretched his neck.

Hideyoshi didn't say a word, just looked at Fu Shubao's hateful face of being a villain.

"Captain Bofeng, aren't you going to chop off my legs? Come on, I'll stretch them out and chop them off for you."

"Don't get carried away! If you fight against the royal family of Xiu, you will always end up dead!" Bo Feng still showed enough courage, but he didn't have the extra courage to poke Fu Shubao with his finger.

"Haha, boring! Let's go in, too lazy to talk to these boring guys." Fu Shubao laughed.

"Wait!" A clear voice came suddenly.

At this moment, a golden figure suddenly appeared.

Looking up at the golden figure, a smile suddenly appeared on Hideyoshi's face...


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