Fallen Genius

Chapter 92 Two Urinals and the Basement

Click!There was a crash.

"Apprentice Xian...haha! I dug something!" In the dark forest, Ali laughed loudly, and immediately grabbed something from the soil.

Fu Shubao glanced over, but saw that it was a urinal whose spout had been dug out by a hoe, he immediately poohed and said, "Master, are you going to take it home and use it yourself?"

"We've been digging for three consecutive nights, but we haven't found anything. Could it be that Master is joking at this time, and it's okay to adjust the atmosphere?" Ali pursed his lips, glanced at the urinal, and threw it away. In the mountains and forests.

That's how it happened. From the mouth of the dead ghost Ye Maozi, I learned that the castle of Lian Tianjun Xie Yue Mingfeng was dug up by Bingyuan Jingxin Pavilion as early as 100 years ago. The things in the castle should be moved and destroyed. destroy.Although I don't know why Bingyuan Jingxin Pavilion did this, but the facts are already in front of us. If Fu Shubao wants to continue to understand Liantianjun Xieyue Mingfeng and his Tianshen Scroll, there are only two ways to go. One is to go to the ice field Jingxin Pavilion asks clearly, the second is to keep a little bit of luck, to see if there is anything that Jingxin Pavilion in Bingyuan didn't dig into the basement back then.The road to the Jingxin Pavilion on the Bingyuan is almost unthinkable, so only the second road is feasible. Therefore, under the strong request of Fu Shubao, Master Ali also had to carry a hoe and talk to Fu Shubao every night. Shu Baolai digs on the old grave slope.

Three days passed, and the urinal Ali had just thrown was the first prize.

"Apprentice, Liantianjun Xieyue Mingfeng was an old devil 500 years ago. Let alone that this place was dug up by those chicks from Icefield Jingxin Pavilion 100 years ago. In the years before that, you Can you guarantee that there are no tomb robbers who have looted this place long ago?" Ali said a little depressed.

"It doesn't matter if you don't dig, so what do you think we should do?" A wry smile appeared on the corner of Fu Shubao's mouth.Unless it's crazy, who wants to come here in the middle of the night to dig things?

"I think you'd better not bother with this kind of thing. Go back to Tiger City and continue to be your young master. You will be well-clothed and served by four beautiful maids. What's wrong? Why come to such a place to suffer? "

"Go back, after a year, my cheap mother will definitely take me to Guiyunzong to marry Bingying, not to mention Hideyoshi, Guiyunzong Mo Qingyun will not let me go, it's a dead end, you think I'm stupid Ah, go back?"

"Then go to the Fog Covered Swamp, the territory of the Poisonous Wolf Clan. With your cheap mother, there is no way Gui Yunzong would dare to go to that place to trouble you."

"Nonsense, what I'm worried about is the engagement in a year's time, not the current issue." Fu Shubao said angrily.If he doesn't have to return to Yunzong to marry Bingying after a year, why would he run away from home like this?

Ali smiled, "Then Master, I have another brilliant idea."

Fu Shubao's heart moved, "What?"

Ali licked his lips, "We can sneak into the Icefield Meditation Pavilion, disguise as a woman or something, and investigate the truth of the matter directly from the inside of the Icefield Meditation Pavilion."

Fu Shubao gave Ali a blank look, and said sarcastically: "Master, you old man coveted the beauty of those female disciples in Bingyuan Jingxin Pavilion to come up with such a bad idea? You can die if you want to, please don't drag me, I'm still young, Besides, Ye Maozi's words may not be credible, even if it is true, the castle was dug 100 years ago, we will investigate it 100 years later, thank you for thinking it out!"

"You've seen it all..." Ali muttered, picked up his hoe, and dug down again.

Fu Shubao used a shovel, and at this moment he also scooped up the soil with a sullen head.

Beside the master and the apprentice, several large pits lay quietly under the night sky, with nothing but sand and stones, which is quite ironic.

Kacha, a strange sound suddenly came from under Fu Shubao's shovel.Nervously, he stopped immediately, and carefully shoveled away the soil covering the surface with a shovel. Suddenly, a black round pottery product came into his sight.

"Damn it! Why is it still a urinal?"

"Hahaha..." In the same big pit, Ali suddenly laughed and fell to the ground.

Feeling angry, Fu Shubao picked up the shovel and plunged it in.There was a crisp snap, and the urinal shattered in response, but there was another deep bang.

Ali suddenly stopped smiling.

Fu Shubao froze for a moment, pulled out the shovel that was inserted into the soil, and then tentatively inserted it into the soil a few times, and the sound of bang bang came again.Such a sound can only explain one problem, that is, the ground is empty.

"Dig!" The fire of hope that had been extinguished was rekindled, and Fu Shubao followed suit with a shovel, shoveling up the soil again and again.Ali also moved.Soon, a stone slab appeared at the bottom of the pit.Hit it with a shovel, and the dull empty sound becomes clearer.

Using a shovel to pry open the stone slab, a dark passage appeared in front of the master and apprentice.

"Hey! You were really fooled." Ali said with a sigh of relief and a smile.

"Let's go in and have a look." Fu Shubao took the torch stuck on the wall of the pit, and then shone a few times on the opening of the passage, and only when he was sure that there was no danger, he sneaked in.Ali followed suit.

The smell of mold and rot filled the nostrils, and the light of the torch danced slightly, almost illuminating the world buried underground.The further you go down, the more turbid the air is. However, after thousands of years of sedimentation and soil purification, the air here is not as poisonous as the Wubaoshan Ancient Tomb, but it smells more unpleasant.

The passage leading to the underground is not long, there are only thirty steps in total.Walking out of the end of the passage, an underground stone room appeared in front of you.The ground is relatively dry, and thick dust has covered the stone slabs on the ground.He held up the torch to shine a light, but Fu Shubao gasped.The four walls of the stone room were covered with human skeletons, with the exception of no doubt that a foot-long iron nail was inserted from the forehead, nailed to the stone wall alive!

The evilness of Liantianjun Xieyuemingfeng can be seen only from the horrific scene in front of him.

Fu Shubao roughly counted, and there are more than one hundred human skeletons nailed to the stone wall alone, and several piles of human skulls are neatly stacked on the ground, and they are stacked into a pyramid shape. , there are 24 human heads on the base, and four skulls are reduced for each additional layer, and only one skull is left on the seventh floor, which is very strange.There is one such skull pyramid in the four corners of the stone room, and there are three in the middle. According to the calculation that each skull pyramid needs 61 pyramids, seven skull pyramids need 590 five skulls, plus nails. On the stone wall and some scattered on the top, the number of people who died in this stone room reached seven to eight hundred!

"Liantianjun Xieyue Mingfeng is simply a pervert. Those historical materials and legends seem to describe him incompletely. In my opinion, he is far more evil than those descriptions." Withdrawing his gaze, Fu Shubao's mood became extremely heavy.If practicing Liantian Shenjuan would turn a person into such a terrifying demon, then would he still be able to stick to his original intention of practicing Liantian Shenjuan?

As if sensing the change in Fu Shubao's psychology, Ali said jokingly: "Apprentice Xian, when you got the scroll of refining the gods, you thought you had picked up the treasure, but now you regret it?"

"It's a big deal not to practice, what's the big deal." Fu Shubao said angrily.However, at this time, he remembered why Du Huo insisted on destroying the Tianshen Scroll. Could it be that he already knew something?Du Huo has repeatedly said that refining the scrolls of gods is an ominous thing, so what exactly does ominous mean?How "unlucky" is it?

"It's a good thing that your cheap mom has already divided the Tianshen Scroll into two halves, and one half fell into Mo Qingyun's hands. Otherwise, I really don't know what would have happened." Ali said with a sigh.

"Master, if I tell you... even if I don't have the Heavenly Alchemy Scroll, I can practice it, what do you think will happen to me?" Fu Shubao said suddenly.

Ali was stunned on the spot, "What? Tell me, what's going on?"

Fu Shubao smiled wryly, and then he told about the fact that he accidentally discovered the scroll of refining the gods in the ancient tomb, and accidentally accepted the training content in the scroll of refining the gods. The thing about the five elemental perception chapters of the Tianshen Scroll will appear involuntarily.

Ali sighed, "It's over, it's over, you kid is over..."

Fu Shubao spat: "Damn! You have a crow's mouth? What are you talking about?"

Ali shook his head, "Although the scroll of refining the gods is not in your hands, the training content will automatically appear. Although it is only the perception chapter of the five elements, which is the most basic content, who knows that there will be no more advanced content in the future? ?Although you don’t notice anything unusual now, can you guarantee that you won’t have it in the future? Your cheap old mother has been sleeping for 200 years because of it, and when she wakes up, she forgets everything. Even Duhuo thinks it is Ominous evil thing, you, you...you are in the middle of the game without knowing it! Isn't this the end, what is it?"

"That's why I want to check Lian Tianjun Xieyue Mingfeng, otherwise, what am I doing here?" He couldn't figure it out at first, but after Ali said this, Fu Shubao's mood became even more depressed.

Ali sighed again, "Hey, it's all my fault that I failed to teach you well, Master, so that you go astray again and again, now you can only search in this dilapidated basement to see if you can find any clues, if not, you It's bad luck to save the boy."

"I'm so unlucky enough, you are still pouring cold water on me, making me worse... Damn! What a shitty master." Fu Shubao muttered sadly, and didn't want to argue with Ali any more. The stone wall walked over.

The stones that make up the stone wall are very common ordinary stones, and there is nothing unusual about the stone bricks on the ground. Fu Shubao couldn't find anything strange even when he went all the way to the front of the stone wall.Then he checked the other three stone walls one by one, but to his disappointment, he couldn't find anything in the end.

"Impossible, this basement is so secret that even the tomb robbers and the people in the Jingxin Pavilion in Bingyuan couldn't find it. It's impossible for Liantianjun Xieyue Mingfeng to just collect human bones?" Fu Shubao finally stopped at Under the stone wall in front, he rested his chin, thinking about something thoughtfully.

Ali said: "I think this is indeed the place where Liantianjun Xieyue Mingfeng abnormally collected bones. That's it, it's almost dawn, let's leave here."

"If you want to go, go by yourself." Fu Shubao didn't intend to leave, he moved closer to a skeleton nailed to the stone wall, and observed it more carefully.

Ali smiled bitterly and said, "I said apprentice, some things can't be rushed..."

Ali hadn't finished speaking when Fu Shubao suddenly jumped up and punched the one-foot-long iron nail.


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