Fallen Genius

Chapter 94

The alchemist who masters the power of the five elements can endow ordinary metals with extraordinary properties, which will be reflected in various forging tools.On this basis, it goes one level higher, which is the product of the combination of spirit beast and power refiner, power refiner.For refining power refining equipment, the element-level wrestlers refined are barely qualified, and the spirit-level wrestlers refined are considered competent. However, to combine the power refining equipment and spirit beasts, at least they must be the eternity-level wrestlers refined, and, It’s not enough just to reach the strength cultivation base, but also need related secret methods and materials. I am afraid that there are not many people in this world who can do it. Refining power refining beast.

Previously, what Fu Shubao had seen of the Lilian Beast was definitely only an illustration on a book, and then accompanied by certain textual annotations. .The magical product of the combination of the power refiner and the mouse spirit beast!

It is not a simple matter for a spirit beast to become a strength beast. There is a certain failure rate, so the requirements for spirit beasts are also very high. In short, the higher the level of the spirit beast, the higher the success rate. Therefore, generally The minimum requirements for the spirit beasts selected by the Hercules of Refining must be spirit beasts of the righteous spirit level, and even higher spirit beasts of the Holy Spirit level and the ultimate divine beast level will be selected.From this point of view, the minimum level of the mouse spirit beast in front of him should be the righteous spirit level, and judging from the terrifying strength it displayed, it is very likely to be a spirit beast of the Holy Spirit level!

The combination of the Holy Spirit level spirit beast and the power refiner is naturally the Holy Spirit level power refiner. Just thinking of such a title, Fu Shubao's jaw can only drop in shock!

"Boy, get out of here quickly, leave this place to me!" Suddenly jumped up from the ground, Ali, who had suffered a loss, looked extremely dignified.While speaking, his iron bone fan swished open, and the momentum of a decisive battle spread immediately.However, the erotic palace of beautiful women on the fan is a nondescript place under such circumstances.

Fu Shubao didn't move.Today, Ali, the master, finally showed a heroic spirit, and dared to die for his apprentice.

"Bastard! If you don't leave, I'll leave. Anyway, you run fast..." Ali suddenly said again.

Fu Shubao spat: "Damn, just now you have changed your image, can't you hold on a little longer?"

Although no one bypassed anyone with their mouths, the master and the apprentice did not move at this moment, they just watched the rat-powered beast as if they were facing a big enemy.

With a glance at the master and apprentice, Lilian Beast seemed to be making a certain judgment on the situation in front of it. Its mouse eyes stared at Fu Shubao and Ali who were blocking the exit of the passage without blinking, and its sharp little claws sometimes Swipe on the ground, sparks splash slightly, the sound is sharp and piercing.

The basement suddenly fell into a state of stalemate. Neither Fu Shubao nor Ali dared to make a rash move. The Rat Force Refinement Beast also remained quite calm, except for the occasional demonstrative smearing of its claws, which was useless. attack intent.

Time flows slowly without stopping.

A ray of dawn finally shined on the ground behind Ali through the entrance of the passage behind him, and the morning breeze also blew in from the entrance of the passage, making it icy cold.Although the temperature was a bit cold, both Fu Shubao and Ali were already sweating on their foreheads. The scene was like two idiots guarding a broken door in a basement. "Damn it! I can't stand it anymore! Water's Edge!" Such a stalemate will drive people crazy sooner or later. At the moment when the dawn light fell on the ground, Ali couldn't bear it anymore. With a loud roar, he waved the iron The bone fan was thrown out.As soon as the iron-bone fan was released, the whistling sound of the wind reverberated in the basement, and four white water blades also suddenly emerged from the tail of the fan, with sharp edges, heading straight for the beast.

The early morning wind not only made the temperature cold, but also brought in humid air, which had already created the conditions for Ali to attack with the power of the water attribute element.

Fu Shubao also moved, and had to move.The punch of Iron Sand Fist, which condensed the greatest power, roared out at the same time as Ali launched the attack. The human fist merged into one, and rushed like an angry shell!

Whoosh!There was a sound of wind.

A black shadow suddenly flashed past Ali and Fu Shubao under the pincer attack, its speed, even Fu Shubao who was wearing a pair of power refining boots could not match it!

Passing by, Fu Shubao, who missed a punch, couldn't control the momentum of flying, and plunged into the stone wall with his fist.There was a loud bang, and the entire basement trembled, and dust, stone bricks and bricks fell like raindrops.

Puff, puff, puff, puff!The sound of four sharp blades cutting into the stone was heard, and Ali's iron bone fan flew back to his hand around the stone wall, but the four wind blades of water cut into the place where the Rat Power Refining Beast was standing before, and immediately, the four Terrifying cracks appeared on the solid and thick stone slabs!

The momentum is fierce, but there is no record.

The master and the apprentice turned around in disgrace, and saw that the exit of the passage was empty, where was the shadow of the mouse power refining beast?

"Damn it, this rat's power to refine a beast is too weird? I just shot as fast as I could, but I didn't even touch a single hair of it." Fu Shubao said depressedly.

What shocked Ali was not only the speed of the rat's power to refine the beast, but also the speed of Fu Shubao. He almost shot Fu Shubao first, but Fu Shubao came first. Unable to control the force of the inertial rushing force, he plunged his fist into the stone wall, and his Iron Bone Fan and Water Blade only attacked where it should have been attacked. This was already a step too late!

"Boy, don't you think you are the monster?" Ali said what was in his heart.

"I'm not in the mood to joke with you right now. This is the basement of Lord Liantian, Xieyuemingfeng. How could there be a beast with the power of a mouse here?" Fu Shubao couldn't figure out what was going on.

"Look at the power refining device first." Ali walked towards the middle of the basement.

Four stone bricks protruding from the ground lay quietly in four different positions, and the space vacated by them was just right for that weird power refiner to be placed.At this moment, I took a closer look at the power refiner, only to find that the space in the middle of it was just right for the rat power refiner to lie down.

"Could it be... it has been dormant here or something. We smashed into the iron nails on the stone wall, took out the contents but also triggered the mechanism at the same time, and released the rat-powered beast?" Staying on the power refiner, Fu Shubao felt more and more that it was an exquisite dormant cabin, or simply a coffin or something.

"I also think it's possible, but what I'm most worried about right now is, what will this mouse-force beast do after being trapped for so long because of us?" Ali said worriedly.

"Genius knows, now we can only find some clues from this power refiner." Fu Shubao squatted down and pulled the power refiner similar to the dormant cabin out with his hands, but it was just this action, that power refiner. The instrument suddenly made a loud bang, and it was originally in the shape of a long box, but it melted in an instant and turned into a pool of black liquid.The four Spirit Beast Power Pills inlaid on the end of the pipe were even more weird, they exploded into a piece of powder!

"Did you find anything?" Ali asked narrowly.

Fu Shubao, "..."

This seemed to be the beginning of bad luck. Just when Fu Shubao was speechless to Ali's words, there was a sudden violent vibration in the basement, and the stones built on all sides fell rumblingly.In desperation, Fu Shubao grabbed the piece of black metal that had cooled down from its liquid state.Its size was only slightly larger than the Tianshen scroll he was familiar with, so it was not difficult to hold.

As soon as the front foot rushed out of the exit of the basement passage, the basement completely collapsed on the back foot, and even the ground was several meters deep.Fu Shubao stared in amazement at the pit he had just escaped from, and he had mixed feelings in his heart.

Liantianjun Xieyue Mingfeng is not an evil person in the historical records. Although he acts wickedly, he is still a person who hates evil like an enemy. This seems to be a good thing for him.However, the mysterious rat-power refining beast suddenly appeared and disappeared without a trace, which made things more complicated and confusing. So, where should we start?Or, should we continue?


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