When He Tao, the arresting envoy of Sandu, saw Mr. Yin, the prefect of this state, for the first time in the early morning, he was so shocked that he was stunned and tongue-tied. must! ?

It should be noted that the most proud of the Zhizhou Prime Minister in his life is his beautiful beard. Whenever he encounters something proud, he will subconsciously stroke his beard and smile.Unexpectedly, the top of the chin is now bald, which is not used to at first glance.

At this time, He Tao saw the gloomy face of the old man again, and he really didn't want to go up and touch the old man's bad luck, but he got important information last night, and he couldn't do it if he didn't report it now, so he had to put his heart on it, and went up cautiously .

"He Tao! It's been four or five days since you went to Yuncheng County to arrest Chao Gai and let him run away for no reason. What else do you have to say at this time? Are you trying to force me to slap the smear on your face? Fill in the name of the state with the gold seal, so I'm going to be assassinated!" The Zhizhou was full of worries and fears all night, and at this time He Tao came forward on his own initiative, telling him that he immediately found a punching bag, and only let the grievance in his heart go. The subordinate officials sprinkled it on them.

He Tao listened hard to the cursing of the governor, and when he rested, he seized the opportunity to raise his head immediately, and whispered: "Master Zhizhou, don't get angry, the villain has already got the exact news. , Chao Gai and his gang are gone!"

"Then why don't you take people to take these guys away, and just ask for wildfire in front of me?" Zhizhou said angrily without thinking. Surprised, he thought to himself: Could this person also know that Chao Gai is on Liangshan?

He Tao was scolded for no reason, and said with a mournful face: "Don't dare to hide the truth from my husband, the villains are really powerless, beyond the reach of the whip! That Chao Gai is not on my border of Jizhou at this time, and now he has gone to Qingzhou. A place called Erlong Mountain has fallen grass, and three to five hundred minions have gathered, and they are looting houses right now!"

Nazhizhou heard that it was like a rainstorm in a long-drought field, and he couldn't wait to shout "Yes"!Now that Chao Gai didn't hide in the Jianghu, making people nowhere to be found, on the contrary, he showed up, why didn't he be overjoyed!Since this guy has turned into a bandit, I don't think he can escape for a while, and he is on the territory of a neighboring state, so he finally has an explanation for Cai Jing in Tokyo and Liang Zhongshu in Yanjing, and he can't beat them all. Forget it on yourself, even if you ask someone to intercede in the future, there is also a saying that it is not true.

It's just that so many thoughts appeared in the mind of the magistrate, and it was only a matter of a moment. The ups and downs of the officialdom for more than 20 years had already trained him to maintain that dignified face in front of his subordinates. He nodded slightly, and said emphatically, "How dare you guarantee that what you just said was not half a lie?"

Seeing this, He Tao hurriedly said: "The villain dares to guarantee his life! Since the gentleman stabbed this row of gold seals on the villain's face that day, the villain has always warned himself in his heart. These days, there seems to be something wrong with him. With all the strength, and mobilizing all the brothers and all the connections to investigate this group of people, the emperor paid off, and finally let the villain get the whereabouts of Chao Gai, there is no mistake!"

Nazhizhou felt relieved when he heard the words, nodded to him, and said: "Go down now, quickly invite the two Marquis Yu and Huang Tuan from Liang Zhongshu's mansion to come over, I want to discuss with them the important matter of suppressing bandits!"

Seeing this, He Tao saluted hurriedly, and hurried away. At that time, there was no one around Zhizhou, so he burst out into a big smile. He laughed for a while, and hurriedly took out the pen and ink, opened the ink, and spread it out. The paper was writing vigorously there, and not long after, I had just finished writing the last word and used another chapter. It happened that the two Marquis Yu and Huang An came into the hall one after the other, and met with them. Without playing charades, he said immediately: "You two Marquis Yu, now I have news about Chao Gai and his gang of thieves!"

Seeing this, the two Marquis Yu were overjoyed and said, "Then Zhizhou Xianggong, hurry up and arrest him! Why are you wasting time here with us?"

Zhizhou was furious when he heard the words, knowing that these two people really didn't know what to do, he calmed down and said: "At this time, we have to discuss with the two of you, so we can do it!"

Seeing that the two Marquis Yu looked at each other, they hurriedly asked, "Please tell Zhizhou the details!"

Na Zhizhou nodded, and said: "Chao Gai has fallen into the grass in Qingzhou now, but it's a pity that the lower officials can't cross borders to arrest people. I have already written an official document at this time, and I am going to hand it over to Qingzhou Murong Zhizhou, asking him to take the lead." , I will be your assistant. After all, Erlong Mountain is under the jurisdiction of Qingzhou, and it is not easy for officials to turn against others. But if Murong Zhizhou intends to kill this thief, I, Jizhou, are willing to help with all my strength. , just to avenge Cai Xianggong and Liang Zhongshu!"

The two Marquis Yu looked at each other and paused for a moment before asking, "Master Zhizhou, is this news reliable?"

"This is the news sent by the three capitals under my command to arrest the envoy He Tao. If it is not true, I want him to look good!" Zhizhou said firmly.Seeing that the two were completely stunned there, he said: "The principal culprit in this case has fled to the territory of Qingzhou. The two Marquis Yu took the official document of the lower official and went to the governor of Qingzhou Murong, asking him to decide! Raise the soldiers and horses, as long as there is a letter from Qingzhou, the lower officials will cooperate with the suppression of the bandits, and it is their duty!"

Seeing that they had no other choice, the two had no choice but to go forward and accept Zhizhou's official document, only to hear Zhizhou say again at this time: "I have few soldiers in Jizhou City. If I want to use troops against Erlong Mountain in the future, I will use my best to fight against Erlong Mountain." I'm afraid that the city's defenses are insufficient, but I'm not afraid of other things, but I'm afraid that these three death row prisoners will be put in prison and be robbed by others!"

"Then Zensheng is better? Do you want the two of us to be escorted to Qingzhou?" asked the two Marquis Yu.

"It's not an option to go to Qingzhou. After all, he also needs to use troops there. According to the officials, it is better for the two Marquis Yu to send one of them to escort the three death row prisoners to Cai Xianggong in Tokyo, so that the old man can feel at ease. Here I am. So I ordered a hundred horsemen to escort them along the road, what do you two think!"

Those two Marquis Yu also know how to pretend to be majestic, and they really have no idea when they encounter problems. At this time, they are led by the nose by the old fox Zhizhou, and they don't know it. Yanjing is good, they are from Liang Zhongshu's house, and they have no sympathy in front of Cai Jing, not to mention that such a big thing has happened now, Liang Zhongshu is also their benefactor, no matter what, they will always take some sympathy into account. They have some feelings!

Finally, after the two discussed it, they said to the Zhizhou: "According to what the Zhizhou Xianggong said, the two of us will divide into two groups, one will escort the three death row prisoners to the Yanjing Daming Mansion to stay at the Xianggong Mansion, and the other will take the official documents to Qingzhou to find the man. Murong Zhizhou! Mr. Zhizhou is here, I hope to send more soldiers to see him off!"

Zhizhou was overjoyed when he heard the words, and he touched his long beard as a habit, and suddenly realized that there was nothing under his chin. It's well arranged! It's just that I don't know when you two are going to leave?" Zhizhou gave Huang An a deep look in his eyes after speaking, and Huang An was not surprised to see that his beard was gone, but Wei Wei took the lead.

The two Marquis Yu looked at each other and said, "It's not too late, let's go back and clean up, and leave the city in half an hour!"

Zhizhou nodded and said: "I also hope that the two of you will say a few kind words to the official after seeing the left-behind husband. I am very grateful!"

The two returned a few polite words and then left. Zhizhou called Huang An over and whispered a few words. Huang An nodded and said nothing. At this time, he chased after the two Marquis Yu.

Not long after, the two marquises of Yu packed up and stopped, and led the horse army sent by Huang An, the regiment training envoy, to part at the gate of the city. One went to Qingzhou in the northeast, and the other went to Daming Mansion in the northwest.

In addition, Xiao Rang, Jin Dajian, and Bai Sheng, who were beaten to pieces, were imprisoned in the prison car and walked slowly with the team. At this time, the hot sun was baking on their unhealed wounds. You can see it in the expressions on their faces.

Up until now, miscellaneous thoughts flooded Xiao Rang's mind like a tide. Seeing that he had embarked on this road of no turning back, if he had the chance to choose again, even if he died, he would never be with Wu Yong again. Friends meet.

Although there will be some unreliable friends in everyone's life, there are really not many who reach Wu Yong's level.Perhaps in the heart of this bad friend, everyone is a stepping stone for him to move forward, a stepping stone to knock on the door, and after being used up, he will be thrown aside at will, and he will no longer care about it.

Thinking of this, Xiao Rang shook his head with a wry smile, remembering that when he was outside Xixi Village, the white-clothed gentleman Wang Lun had reminded himself to be careful when making friends!If I really listened to these words, how could I fall to where I am today! ?

Now that the incident has happened and offended Cai Jing and Liang Zhongshu, what kind of torture is waiting for him when he arrives?Perhaps, this journey of hundreds of miles is the last length of my life.

Xiao Rang, who was in deep thought, was suddenly startled by a burst of crying. It turned out that Bai Sheng in the other prison car started crying at this time, and the howling sound seemed unbearably sad.

The White Rat was reminded of the life of idlers that he had hated so much before, but at this moment his heart was extremely longing for it.He regretted in his heart, if he hadn't been attracted by the ten thousand copper coins, how could he have embarked on this road of no return?Chao Gai, Chao Gai, you have never thought of me in such a good way, but you have been thinking of your grandpa Bai for such a crime of beheading, now you are all right!I just told you that Grandpa Bai died, and now even if you want to live the days when you were hungry and full, you can't do it anymore!

The escorting officers and soldiers all glanced at this soft bone with contempt, but no one paid him any attention.Even Xiao Rang and Jin Dajian who were in the prison car didn't even look at him.Since there is such a person as a partner, who will be cheated if he is not cheated?At this time, both of them were gnashing their teeth. Although Bai Sheng's crying was very contagious and almost brought tears of regret from their eyes, they were still held back by each of them. I don't know why, maybe it's just for the sake of being human. One last bit of dignity.

At this most pessimistic and desperate moment, a rude voice sounded, only to make the three people in the desperate situation hear the sound of heaven, only to hear the person shout: "Fight, fight... Jie!" (to be continued) .)

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