Water Margin Survival

Chapter 103 Tiger General Qin Ming

I don't know if it's God's blessing, or this person was born with good luck. This Yu Hou, who avoided the death lottery in the life-and-death lottery, finally came to this Jingdong East Road Luzhi after two days of rushing away on the official road. The location is Qingzhou.

At this time, Qizhou has not yet been upgraded to Jinan Prefecture, so Qingzhou City is still the political center of Jingdong East Road.Concubine Murong was also interested in this, so she blew the pillow wind in Zhao Guan's ear, and arranged her direct brother here to be the Patriarch of Yizhou.

Besides, when the lucky Marquis Yu arrived in Qingzhou, he didn't dare to act recklessly as he did in Jeju before.When he arrived in Zhoucheng early in the morning, he saw that Zhizhou hadn't opened the government office yet, so he obediently waited outside the state government office for a long time, and finally waited until Murong Zhizhou went to court, and then he accompanied Xiaoxin all the way in, and went up to explain respectfully After knowing the situation, he handed over the official document of Jeju Zhizhou.

Although this Murong Zhizhou took advantage of his younger sister's power, he was not an idiot. When he saw the official document from Jeju, he smiled and said: "It's good that he is the assistant, and I am the master!"

Seeing that the situation was not good, Yu Hou had no choice but to go forward and beg Murong Zhizhou to make the decision. Murong Yanda smiled and said, "Don't worry! Liang Zhongshu is also an old acquaintance of mine. Since the thief who robbed his birthday card came to me Under the jurisdiction of Qingzhou, I can't sit idly by regardless of emotion or reason! Come on, go and invite General Qin, the military commander of this prefecture, to come and discuss the matter!"

Seeing that Yu Hou was overjoyed, he stepped forward and said, "Do you want the villain to send a message and ask Jeju to send troops to assist?"

The Murong Zhizhou saw that he turned his head and looked at this person up and down. Yu Hou was stared at him so uncomfortable that he couldn't help but want to speak, but Murong Yanda laughed and said: "What kind of talent does he have in Jeju? My Qingzhou Tiger General Qin Ming?" The birthday outline case is a hot potato in the hands of the Jeju magistrate, but in Murong's eyes, it is a chance to sell well with Cai Jing, so he does not blame the Jeju magistrate for beating drums to spread flowers at this time. Push the problem on yourself.Besides, even if this matter goes wrong, Liang Cai Jing doesn't dare to cause trouble for himself easily.In short, it is beneficial to do this well, and it is harmless if it is not done well, but it is profitable and worth doing.

Not long after, a golden-helmed general walked up. When Na Yuhou looked at him, he felt that this man was dressed in military uniform, so mighty. Compared with Li Cheng and Wen Da, the generals in his famous mansion , I saw the red tassel on the general's helmet fluttering with flames, the blood-stained orangutan on his brocade robe, and the golden scorpion on the lion's treasure belt.The cloud root boots are painted green, and the turtle back armor is piled with silver.What a heroic demeanor.

As soon as the general entered the hall, he bowed to the prefect of Murong and said: "Grandpa, what is the matter to call the general to come?"

Prefect Murong chuckled, walked up to Qin Ming, and said, "General, there is Erlong Mountain under our jurisdiction in Qingzhou. I heard that some bandits fell grass there. I wonder if the general has heard of it?"

When Qin Ming heard this, he opened his eyes angrily and said: "How can a little Erlong Mountain deserve to be asked by the grandfather? At the end of the day, he will set up a horse and trample him down, come back and talk to the gentleman!"

Upon hearing that, Murong Zhizhou praised: "Good!" Then he looked at Na Yuhou and said with a smile: "How is my general in Qingzhou compared to your Daming Mansion?"

Nayu Hou is used to observing words and expressions, and is the best at flattering in person. Naturally, he couldn't stop boasting at this time. Hearing that, Murong Yanda's face was flushed, and Qin Ming frowned when he heard it. He just cupped his hands at Murong Zhizhou and said, "This is not appropriate Late! Since Xianggong has ordered, I will set up soldiers and horses now, and go to kill this thief!"

Murong Zhizhou nodded, and asked: "Wait a minute, general, do you know that the Erlong Mountain is detailed?"

Qin Ming replied: "The last general heard that there was only a thief called Golden Eyed Tiger Deng Long who was making trouble there, and his subordinates were only three or four hundred mobs. When I go to get rid of this harm for the grandfather at this time, I will leave at night. Come back and offer a prisoner!"

Murong Zhizhou nodded repeatedly when he heard the words, and said: "So, how many troops will the general bring over there?"

"Not too many, just take one hundred cavalry and four hundred infantry, and ask Huang Dujian to lead the others to guard the city!" Qin Ming clasped his hands.

Murong Zhizhou loves his surname and refreshing personality. Before every battle, he said with a smile: "I asked people to go to the temple outside the city to steam the steamed buns first, set up a big bowl, and boiled the wine. The general just led the people there and kept three A bowl of wine, two steamed buns, and a catty of cooked meat! If you are full and have strength, I will wait here for the general's good news!"

At this time, Yu Hou hesitated on the side, and came up to him and said, "General, there is more than one Deng Long in Erlong Mountain at this time, Chao Gai and other gangsters are all joining there, General, be careful!"

"Don't care about Chao Gai Ma Gai, I'll take his head back! You think I'm just like Wen Da and Li Cheng in your Daming Mansion? You don't move forward when you encounter enemies, and you shrink back!" Qin Ming said angrily.He is not a native of this place, but Murong Zhizhou specially brought him here to escort him when he took office, seeing that this person underestimated him now, so he yelled out the shame of Li Cheng and Wen Da.

Na Yu Hou was yelled at and speechless, and stepped aside, Murong Zhizhou laughed loudly and said, "I really deserve to be the Tiger General of Qingzhou! General, let's go, I will ask someone to arrange meals outside the city!"

Qin Mingchao paid a salute to Murong Zhizhou, then went out.When he came to the commander's office, his apprentice Huang Xin was waiting for him, when he saw his master coming, he quickly saluted and asked, "Why did Zhizhou call the general?"

Qin Mingdao: "Just to wipe out the Erlongshan bandits, you call up one hundred horse troops, four hundred infantry troops and me, and I'll go there right away, so you can stay at home and guard the city!"

Huang Xin wondered: "Why did Mr. Murong think of Erlong Mountain? It's not been a day or two since those thieves have robbed their houses here. He never cared about it, but now he calls the general to come out. It's very surprising!"

"You and I are both soldiers of the country. The imperial court raised us to fight against thieves. We only think about it, so hurry up and order soldiers! Don't delay the time, I will come back to drink with you at night except for these guys!" Qin Ming said loudly.

Hearing this, Huang Xin no longer hesitated, nodded again and again, and went down to order troops. After a while, he picked out five hundred elites and handed them over to his superior and master Qin Ming. Qin Ming laughed, picked up the mace, got on the horse, and led Seeing that the five hundred soldiers and horses had left the city to eat, they came looking at Erlong Mountain.


"Brothers, it's bad, it's bad! We are surrounded by officers and soldiers who don't know where!"

Chao Gai and the others were having a drink when they heard a report from Xiao Luo, only to hear Chao Gai say: "Keep the checkpoint, we will come right away!"

At this time Liu Tang said angrily: "Where did the thief come from, dare to come here to beg for wild fire! Brother, wait for me to capture him!" After finishing speaking, the man took a simple knife and was about to go out.

"Wait a minute!" Gongsun Sheng hurriedly got up to stop him, and said to Chao Gai: "He who comes is not kind, and he who is kind will not come! Don't underestimate the enemy, we will go out together, let's wait and see!"

"The Taoist priest is right. Come on, take my machete and go to meet that official army!" Chao Gai nodded and said, and they agreed to leave Han Bolong to guard the village, and Chao Gai would lead Gongsun himself. Sheng and Liu Tang ordered three hundred minions to go out to fight.

"You redhead, if you hear my name as Thunderbolt, you will be tied up and surrendered, and I will surround you and not die! If you don't break your stockade in an instant, everyone will have no way out!" Qin Ming was riding on the horse, seeing this checkpoint. Majestic, but he didn't tackle key problems as soon as he came up, he just shouted in front of the battle.

At this time, the door was closed and opened, and three big men came out leading hundreds of young men. Qin Ming laughed loudly, looked at the leader and said, "Are you Deng Long's fellow, or some kind of heavenly king Chao Gai!?"

Chao Gai stepped forward and cupped his hands, "Little Brother Jizhou Chao Gai, don't you know the general's name?"

"I am Qin Ming, the general manager of Qingzhou soldiers and horses. I am here to destroy you and others under the order of the governor of the prefecture! If you surrender before the battle, you will save your life! But if you resist, you will all die!" Qin Ming shouted.

Here Liu Tang was furious when he heard that, and he brought up the simple knife and came to meet him. Gongsun Sheng saw that this man was majestic and majestic, and he was not of the easy-going generation, so he ordered: "Brother Liu Tang, be careful!"

Liu Tang giggled and said: "There is no real material in the army. I won't talk until I capture this guy! This bird general also brought hundreds of good horses, which are what I urgently need in the cottage!"

Seeing that the other party underestimated him so much, Qin Ming became furious, and saw him rushing forward holding the mace upside down.Seeing the two horses collide, Qin Ming swung his stick, Liu Tang quickly dodged when he saw it, Qin Ming hit the ground with his stick, and was furious, he used his mighty force to strike again, at this moment Liu Tang had no way to retreat Back, he had no choice but to use the simple knife to fight, only heard a "click", the simple knife was smashed into two pieces by Qin Ming, Liu Tang was frightened, he lost the weapon in his hand, he pulled his horse and left, Qin Ming urged the horse When he caught up, he hit the horse's butt with a stick, and the horse was bloody and bloody, and then he hissed, and fell down, pressing Liu Tang directly under it.Chao Gai was furious when he saw this, he rushed out with a machete in hand, and shouted anxiously: "Don't hurt my brother!"

Qin Ming laughed when he saw this, but he didn't kill Liu Tang any more, he just rushed towards Chao Gai. At this time, none of Erlongshan's minions went up to rescue the three leaders, and they watched Liu Tang being killed by the officials. The army caught it.Chao Gai was furious in his heart, he fought with Qin Ming all the way, he knew the weight of this man as soon as Chu took over, so he had to gather his mind and fight against him with all his might, the two of them fought for sixty or seventy times, Chao Gai gradually became stronger Shy, Gongsun Sheng was startled, wondering where this person came from, such a good skill! ?The King Tota, who was so powerful in killing, was a little bit overwhelmed, and seeing this officer's aura like a rainbow, Gongsun Sheng shook his heart, thinking that if he can't fight against this man today, the stronghold will be in danger!Even if he died here today, he couldn't watch Chao Gai and ask him to arrest him.

Gongsun Sheng sighed, raised his sword and urged the horse, and stepped forward to help. Chao Gai saw this and said, "Go back, the Taoist priest, don't bother me!" Qin Ming danced the mace vigorously, but laughed loudly Said: "Come one, catch one! Come two, catch a pair!"

At this extremely critical juncture, suddenly there was a sound like ten thousand horses galloping, and the faces of all the minions in Erlong Mountain changed color. They thought that the general in front of him was already difficult enough, why would there be reinforcements?Some people had the idea of ​​surrendering before the battle, just waiting for Chao Gai's defeat before abandoning their weapons to save their lives.Only Qin Ming, who was strong against the two of them, wondered: "What is my apprentice doing here at this time? Does this little Erlong Mountain need such a mobilization of teachers!" (To be continued.)

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