Water Margin Survival

Chapter 109 Hua Rong's Thoughts

Qin Ming and Hua Rong looked at Huang Xin in surprise when they saw that Huang Xin sighed, and said, "You two don't know, Liang Zhongshu, who stayed behind in the Yanjing Daming Mansion, was sent to Tokyo this year to celebrate his father-in-law Cai Jing's birthday. When I arrived in Jeju, I lost it, and the escort Yu Hou came to find Murong Zhizhou with the official document of Jeju Zhizhou, so this is how the general went out!"

When Qin Ming heard this, his tiger face turned red instantly, and he shouted angrily: "My majestic military commander, but somehow worked for his corrupt officials and scandals! If Wang Yishi didn't understand righteousness deeply, I, Qin Ming, would have died in battle. , in the end, I’m afraid I won’t become a laughing stock in the army!?”

"Good robbery! This thief gave [-] stolen money to honor his father-in-law a year, and I don't know how much I kept! It's really a job as an official, causing harm to one side!" Hua Rong said with a cold face, only to see him pause , And then cursed: "If Cai Jing and Liang Zhongshu set an example, others will follow! Thinking of my village, where the government was smooth and the people were harmonious in the past, not long ago, a poor and hungry Liu Gao came to be the Zhengzhi village. Ren, he only defrauded a few households in the countryside, and the imperial court ruled everything! I can't understand how this guy cruelly harms good people, and is greedy for bribes. Every time I get beaten up by this guy, I can't wait to kill this filthy bastard!"

Hearing this, Qin Ming said angrily: "How dare you be so rude to a Zhizhai in this Liugao District!? After I report to Mr. Murong, I will make up for Brother Hua!" Thinking that there are countless officers in Qingzhou, only Hua Rong followed him. Seeing his beloved apprentice come to rescue him, Qin Ming didn't say anything, but was grateful in his heart.At this time, he heard that Huarong was being angry in the village, and thinking that Liu Gao was nothing to him, he made up his mind to stand up for Huarong.

Hua Rong smiled wryly when he said this, and thought that this guy didn't come from the same way as Mr. Murong of yours. He just deeply felt the friendship between Qin and Ming, and cupped his hands at him and said, "It's not that simple to control Mrs. It is not beautiful to tell the general to hate Murong Zhizhou, Shangguan's heart, I will accept it with all my heart!"

Qin Ming was taken aback when he heard the words, and then called out: "Brother Huaxian, don't you trust me, Qin Ming? I can't do anything to him in this small Zhizhai? Just wait, tomorrow I will go with you to the seat of Mr. Murong Distinguish!"

Huang Xin is an old lady, and he also saw that the matter was meticulous, so he hurriedly stepped forward to smooth things over and said: "Brother Huaxian is afraid that I will wait for the defeat of the army to be explained, and then cause other troubles in vain, not because he is afraid of Murong Zhizhou. Blame the benevolent officer? This is not urgent, Brother Huarong is in Qingfengzhai, not far from the state city, if you have any difficulties in the future, just come to me and the general manager!"

Qin Ming gave up when he heard this, and just persuaded Huarong: "My dear brother, just like what Huang Dujian said, if you are angry, just come to the city to find me, and I will definitely vent my anger on you!"

Hua Rong smiled, bowed to Qin Ming and Huang Xin, and said: "I was only talking about my own affairs, but I treated Brother Wang Lun and Chao Zhai Master poorly!"

Qin Ming heard the words and said hastily: "The defeated general of Qin and Ming, fortunately, everyone did not give up and let me go back. I will report to Mr. Murong about this Erlongshan matter, and in the future, my Qingzhou army and horse will not come to trouble the hero again. When the king of heaven wants to recruit peace, the young general can also speak up! It's just that Wang Yishi is in Jeju, but Qin Ming is a bit out of reach!"

When Wang Lun said that he and Chao Gai looked at each other, they both laughed, but when Chao Gai stepped forward and said: "General Qin is kind, I am happy in the green forest, but I can't stand the anger of corrupt officials! Don't worry, the younger brother is only here to lay grass, and he has the right to make small troubles, eliminate violence and make peace, and will never disturb the prefectures and counties, and embarrass General Qin!"

When Gongsun Sheng and Liu Tang saw Chao Gai's words, they all said in unison, they only said that they didn't want to ask for peace, only Han Bolong looked around and reluctantly said a few words.

Qin Ming sighed when he said that, and looked at the group of people on Liangshan, but saw Wang Lun kept smiling and said nothing, and saw a complex look in Yang Zhi's eyes, and immediately closed his eyes with tears in their corners.Lin Chong stepped forward and patted Yang Zhi on the shoulder, and said: "I think Lin Chong will do my duty in a safe manner, and call the dog thief so that it is difficult to vote for the country, and it is difficult to return to the family. once?"

Seeing that, Lu Zhishen agreed, "Brother is right! Calling for peace and security, is there no reason to suffer those pickles? The Sa family only lives in the water, and follows the elder brother to eliminate harm for the people every day, but it is not fun!"

"It doesn't matter whether we recruit or not. The important thing is that our group of brothers can get together and follow my brother to do justice for the heavens!" Tang Bin said with a smile at this moment.

Seeing Qin Ming's embarrassing expression, Wang Lun said at this time: "Thank you General Qin for your kindness. It's just that I waited to gather together in the mountains and forests. Although each has its own reasons, I just don't want to be manipulated by Jiang Chen again! General Qin's intentions are small. I'm ashamed to accept it, so I took advantage of the fate to get together tonight, how about taking advantage of the heavenly king's treasure to get drunk?" ""

Chao Gai also felt that there was a stalemate in the atmosphere, just as Wang Lun changed the topic, he also said at this time: "It should be so, Xiaozhai is lucky to gather so many heroes today, so I will let go of my status and position at this time, just to get drunk !"

"That's right, that's right!" Seeing that Qin Ming and Hua Rong were thinking about their own concerns, Huang Xin immediately echoed, thinking that it would be very rare for these strong men to give face to the three of them like this when they met for the first time. If you don't talk speculatively, you will annoy them, and it's not good to mess things up.He saw that he was just tugging at the hem of Qin Ming's clothes behind his back.

Although Qin Ming is irritable, he is not stupid. He was reminded by Huang Xin at this time, so he nodded his head. Chao Gai and others laughed when they saw this, and the atmosphere became enthusiastic again. Gongsun Sheng and Liu Tang were busy Helping Chao Gai to greet the guests, Han Bolong was still a little reluctant to let go in front of Wang Lun, he lowered his head and didn't know what he was thinking there.

At this time, Hua Rong was left behind alone, and he looked at all the people in front of him, thinking deeply.

His boss, Qin Ming, has a hot temper. He has heard it before, and he has seen it today.This person's surname is Lie Ruhuo, but he is a straight person, but he is blindly loyal to Murong Yanda, he talks about knowing the state, but keeps silent about Murong, and puts all his hopes on this person. It's a pity that this Murong Yanda is not a gentleman. General Qin's future might be a bit mysterious.

Huang Xin, the capital prisoner, is a sensible person, and it seems that he doesn't respect Murong that much in his words. Although this person is somewhat tactful, but he dared to come to rescue his benefactor with five hundred soldiers and horses. Make friends.

Chao Gai, the host here, is considered to be a good character, well behaved, but unfortunately there is no one under him, the Taoist and the red-haired man are considered outstanding, but it is a pity that compared with the reinforcements on Liangshan, they are obviously not one or two points worse.

After thinking about it for a long time, the person he couldn't see through the most was the gentleman in white, Wang Lun.This man was clearly able to win against his two groups of soldiers in Qingzhou, but he was merciful everywhere. He captured Qin Ming first, but promised to let him go down the mountain. Turn on the water.It was Tang Bin who was fighting against him. Although his archery skills were not as good as his own, they were not far behind.Especially this person's martial arts is far superior to his own, and he is merciful when fighting.What he couldn't understand was why Wang Lun only cared about doing this?Seeing that there are so many heroes under him, is it because he wants to recruit the three of himself?But he clearly promised to let Qin Ming go down the mountain!Since there is no picture, but there is mercy everywhere, this matter is really weird, and it is really incomprehensible.

Wang Lun was walking in front when he suddenly felt itchy on his neck and noticed something abnormal. He looked back and found that Hua Rong was looking at him. Rong.

Seeing this, Hua Rong did not pretend to be false. He walked forward in three straight steps and two in parallel. , but there is one thing I want to blame you for!"

Hua Rong was taken aback when he heard the words, and hurriedly said: "Brother, please tell me, Hua Rong is all ears!"

Wang Lun patted his hands with a smile and said: "Brother Yu once heard people say: 'Brothers are like brothers and feet, wives are like clothes!' The first half of the sentence is profound, but the second half is absurd. This statement is wrong!"

Hua Rong was confused when he heard the words, and said: "Little brother is confused for a moment, please tell me clearly!"

Wang Lun smiled and said: "Everything is too late, if you sacrifice family affection for the sake of loyalty, it is not true, and it will miss the family affection!"

Huarong still listened to the clouds and mist, but thought to himself that he had nothing wrong with his relatives!Why does he only care about such persuasion?After much deliberation, I still can't figure it out, but this person has an extraordinary status, but he is not like a person who is aimless. Huarong is a person with a strong heart, and he feels that he has done nothing wrong, so he doesn't ask any more questions, just vaguely said: "Brother's teaching, Hua Rong will keep it in mind!"

Seeing him like this, Wang Lun only sighed, and didn't say much anymore, he just dragged him to drink, and when they got to the wine table, Qin Ming, Huang Xin, and Hua Rong had their own concerns, and they just barely dealt with it. There was no accident during the drink, and neither Wang Lun nor Chao Gai said anything embarrassing. Gradually, the three of them put down their minds and began to drink with these heroes. The three groups of people continued to quarrel until midnight before they broke up, so it was a good time for the guests and the host.

In the early morning of the second day, after everyone got up to wash and eat, Qin Ming was about to leave, and Chao Gai wanted to stay. , weapons, the younger brother will return them to the general, so that the general will not be difficult to explain when he goes back!"

Qin Ming was overjoyed and said: "It's very kind, I will repay this kindness in the future!"

Chao Gai smiled wryly, and said: "If these people are not led by the king, how can we invite them to visit my Xiaozhai? At this time, Xiaozhai is arbitrarily making a claim, so I hope the king will not laugh!"

Wang Lun waved his hand and said, "We are guests, and we all listen to what the host has to say!"

Qin Ming, Huang Xin, and Hua Rong thanked everyone, and after saying goodbye again and again, they took the four hundred captive soldiers out to meet up with the outside brigade, and then rushed to Qingzhou City. They were all filled with emotion when they met each other, but they had already traveled dozens of miles to this embarrassment.Suddenly, on the road ahead, [-] to [-] strong men were blocking a caravan to rob, and saw a man riding a tall curly white horse, looking at the fat sheep in front of him, laughing endlessly. (To be continued.)

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