Ruan Xiaoqi saw that Wang Dingliu didn't know how to ride a horse, so he just led him to get rid of the two water thieves on foot. Looking at the appearance of these two heroes, it seemed that he didn't pay attention to the two thieves who were about to die. Talking and laughing on the road, chatting while walking.

At this time, Wang Dingliu said: "Brother Xiao Qi, I think that Doctor An's whole family is very sick, even that doctor An is very disturbed, but he keeps asking brother for advice, could it be that brother also knows medical skills?"

Ruan Xiaoqi smiled when he heard the words, and said: "There is nothing my brother doesn't understand! You don't know, there is a Wen Junshi in my cottage, who is called a learned man, but in front of my brother, he always claims to be inferior. Seeing today Willingly assisting my elder brother, he was guarding the village at home when we went down the mountain. Brother, listen to me, my elder brother is really amazing! That day he didn’t dislike the three of my brothers from humble backgrounds, so he personally went to the village to invite us At that time, there were only less than 100 sailors in the Shanzhai. You see, in less than a year, the sailors already numbered 500! You don’t know that my brother went back to the village to recruit people and tried his best Four or five hundred people were gathered, and I was still very happy in my heart, I just felt that I could make a job this time? What did your brother say at the time?"

"What did brother say?" Wang Dingliu was fascinated by what he heard, and seeing Ruan Xiaoqi's trickery, he hurriedly asked.

"He said, don't be lazy. What are 500 people? In the future, there will be 5000 people and 5 people! My three brothers didn't believe it at the time. They just thought my brother was joking, but what do you think now? Be steady." Four thousand men! Just like you, all of them are young and strong! Seriously speaking, the three brothers in the navy now really can’t take care of them! My brother knows people well, and he paid a fee to protect their four brothers on the way. , I met you again here, and now my navy has eight leaders, even if we quarrel with the leaders of the horse army and the infantry, the voice is louder, isn't it?" After talking, just listen to Ruan Xiao Qi laughed out loud.

"Arguing?" Wang Dingliu's face was full of joy, but he was stunned when he heard what Ruan Xiaoqi said about the leader of the horse army.

"You're serious!" Ruan Xiaoqi said with a hearty laugh, and said, "The leaders of our cottage are all loyal and heroic, and they exchanged their heads for friendship! What are the quarrels? Those leaders of the horse army and infantry are fine. Copy guys, you see you are serious again! They are trying their hands and feet!" Speaking of this, Ruan Xiaoqi, who was quick to talk, let out an extremely rare long sigh, and murmured: "Only brother is like that!" It is only by the people who have so many heroes that we can gather so many heroes together to be happy!"

Wang Dingliu nodded thoughtfully, and thought to himself: "Even if I am such an incompetent person, my brother will not dislike him, and I will make friends with him directly. Why don't people admire me?" Thinking of this, he also sighed. With a sound, I can't wait to spit out the depression that has been accumulated in my heart for many years.

Seeing him like this, Ruan Xiaoqi said, "Brother, what's the matter?"

Wang Dingliu said: "Thinking that I am so incompetent, and my brother thinks highly of me, I am afraid that I will let him down!"

Ruan Xiaoqi laughed, and said: "The Yangtze River is so fast, you can come and go freely, why are you so incompetent? According to what you say, I, Ruan Xiaoqi, am also incompetent? Brother, my brother It is often said that heroes don’t ask about their backgrounds. You sell wine by the riverside. Didn’t I, Ruan Xiaoqi, fish in the lake at that time? Just put your heart in your stomach. If you think you are illiterate, you can ask the military teacher for advice in the future. If you think you can't do it well, then go to Instructor Lin for advice, and you don't need to tell your brother about these trivial matters, I, Ruan Xiaoqi, will find someone for you!"

Wang Dingliu was overjoyed when he heard the words, and wanted to thank him, but Ruan Xiaoqi didn't help him, he slapped him on the head, and said strangely: "They are all Shanzhai brothers, you give me these!"

Wang Dingliu smiled shyly, got up by himself, and said: "Brother Xiaoqi doesn't know, how many masters I worshiped and how many stares I received in order to learn the stick, but now when I meet my brother, I feel that I used to see him as high as the sky. Problems solved!"

Ruan Xiaoqi snorted, and said angrily: "What kind of master do you worship, who only cares about money, and has the ability? Teacher Lin in my cottage, what a skill, he should be courteous first when he sees people, my brother said that is called humility." Anyway, I don’t understand, all I know is that any person with real ability should be like Coach Lin! Jumping up and down like me, but it’s not on the table!”

Seeing what Ruan Xiaoqi said, Wang Dingliu persuaded him repeatedly, Ruan Xiaoqi laughed and didn't care, Wang Dingliu said again: "Brother Xiaoqi is talking about the instructor Lin, is it Lin Chong, the instructor of the 80 Imperial Army in Tokyo?"

"Who else is it?" Ruan Xiaoqi replied, "You go back, if you are free, I will take you to find him, if you get him to teach you, will you not be a thousand times better than those bird masters?"

Wang Dingliu was overjoyed when he saw it, and said: "If I can learn a few tricks from him, my life will not be in vain, and I can also earn some face for my brother, so that people won't say that he misjudged me!"

Ruan Xiaoqi sized Wang Dingliu up at the words, and said after a long time, "Brother really saw you right!"

Wang Dingliu's ears felt hot when he heard the words, and he lowered his head. Ruan Xiaoqi didn't speak any more. The two hurried along the road for a while, and then came to the place Wang Dingliu said. Is there a shadow of a ferry?

Ruan Xiaoqi didn't suspect that it was Wang Dingliu who didn't handle the matter well, but secretly yelled "Oops", looked back at Wang Dingliu and said, "Could it be that these two thieves have gone to kill someone again?"

Wang Dingliu was also very anxious at this time, secretly thinking that it was the first time he did something for his brother, did he screw it up?Suddenly, Ruan Xiaoqi pulled his hand, pointed to Jiang Zhong and said, "Isn't there a small boat over there?"

Wang Dingliu said that when he looked at it under the moonlight, it was vaguely like the shadow of a ship, but he couldn't see it clearly. When he was about to ask Ruan Xiaoqi, he saw that he had already held the long knife in his mouth. He started to take off his clothes, Wang Dingliu patted his forehead when he saw this, cursed himself for being too stupid, and then followed suit.

The two quickly hid their clothes and walked towards the middle of the river. Seeing that the water was already submerged up to their waists, Ruan Xiaoqi walked towards the water, followed by Wang Dingliu.This Ruan Xiaoqi is an expert in the water, from the posture of Wang Dingliu making the water, he knows that this person has something on him, it seems that Hengdu's talk is really not a blow.The two went straight to the boat lightly, and when they were about to arrive, they suddenly heard an urgent voice from a man on the boat: "Hero, you have given me all the gold and silver to you for the lives of my mother and son!"

Just listen to the boatman said: "I also want gold, and the lives of your mother and son!"

The man wanted to cry without tears, and begged urgently: "My old lady has a back disease and can't see the water! Good man! Just listen to me and tell you, in life, no one is raised by his mother's parents. If you only care about my old lady, Are you afraid that you will be punished?"

The boatman laughed loudly and said: "Your old lady must not be my old lady, why are you just talking nonsense to me?"

At this time, a mother-in-law said: "Shun'er, don't ask him! Even if I die, it doesn't matter, it's all retribution! Thinking that your big brother doesn't do good deeds all his life, he only cares about harming his beloved, so I persuade him How many times, he just shouldn't! Now that I have this fatal disease on my body, the famous doctor shakes his head, and there is no medicine to cure it. Your elder brother just pretends to be blind and half-way to see me, as if my life and death have nothing to do with him You said that God ignores such beasts, but only pays the doom to our mothers, are you blind?"

The boatman laughed and said: "It turns out that they are also the family members of the wicked, and taking your surname is considered to eliminate harm for the people, you two, let's go!"

Suddenly, the mother-in-law shouted sharply: "My son and I are both innocent people. Although he was bewitched by his elder brother and did some stupid things in the past, it is not a crime worthy of death! And now he has been persuaded by me to turn back. , if you want to harm us, you can't use white swords to kill us, just push us into this river, and I'll be a ghost and I won't bother you!"

Hearing the words, the bound man had tears in his eyes. As a son, how could he not know his mother's intentions? He thought that this old lady was going to sacrifice her life to save herself. Falling into the water was like returning home to him, let alone a burden. With the rope, even with the iron rope, I can think of a way to escape, but my old lady has a back disease, how could she get in the water?Thinking of this, the man couldn't help the grief and indignation in his heart, and regardless of how tightly he was bound at this time, he was going to step forward to fight with his brother's companion.Seeing this, the mother-in-law yelled, "Shun'er, if you dare to move, I'll jump into the water by myself!"

The boatman laughed loudly and said: "Since the mother-in-law has spoken, how dare the villain refuse to obey? Then let's discuss, who will dance first?"

Hearing this, the man felt heartbroken and begged, "Hero, if you save my old lady's life for a moment, I will be grateful for your great kindness!"

The boatman laughed and said, "So you jumped first?"

At this time, another boatman noticed a clue and stepped forward and said, "Fifth brother, is this man lying to us? I heard from his old mother that he has a brother in his family who is not a good person. I'm afraid there is something strange about this man!"

The fifth elder brother heard the words and thought about it, and suddenly realized: "No wonder you two want to die whole, and dare to cheat in front of the master?" As soon as he finished speaking, he saw that his face was full of anger, and he wanted to raise a knife to kill the mother and son. , the bound mother and child were shocked, and heard the mother-in-law screaming loudly: "Jump! Jump! Are you really trying to force me to death!"

This fifth brother is not willing to let this man go, he raised his knife and slashed him, threatening: "If you dare to jump, I will take your old lady's life first!"

The mother-in-law screamed and jumped into the river with her eyes closed in order to save her son.Seeing this, the man felt like thousands of arrows were piercing his heart, and knelt down on the ground looking at the waning moon in the sky and howled loudly.At this time, the fifth elder brother was about to come over with a knife in his hand and grinning, when he suddenly felt a pain in his leg. When he lowered his head to look at it, the sole of his foot was actually chopped off, and he saw the fifth elder brother screamed and fell straight down. Fall on board.Another boatman came over to take a look, he was furious, and scolded: "The sixth son of the Wang family, you little bastard, how dare you lay hands on the master!"

Wang Dingliu snorted coldly, supported the boat with one hand, and swept the knife with the other, the boatman dodged sharply, and hid at the other side of the boat.At this moment, Wang Dingliu turned over to the boat, and killed the "mud in oil" Sun Wu who was lying on the boat and groaning in pain. The bound man yelled, "Hero, untie my rope first, my wife has fallen into the water!"

Wang Dingliu saw that he smiled at him, the man felt that this smile was the most joyful expression he had ever seen in his life, and was about to thank him from the bottom of his heart, but unexpectedly the man finished smiling at him and went straight to the cabin At this time, the man felt as if he had fallen into the [-]th level of hell. He wished that his teeth were broken, and when he was about to yell, he suddenly heard a voice from the bottom of the boat saying: "Who said your old lady fell into the water?" Then? Whose mother is next to me!" (To be continued.)

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