Ruan Xiaoqi said that he looked back at Zhang Shun and Wang Dingliu, and then he heard Wang Dingliu say: "Brother Xiaoqi, since this is the case, I won't go in and disturb my brother and Doctor An! I'll go back and get some food." Yes, I’ll give you a pad for everyone! I happened to kill two pheasants today, and I want everyone to try my little brother’s skills!"

Ruan Xiaoqi smiled gratifiedly, and patted him on the shoulder, Wang Dingliu smiled, cupped his hands at the guest, and went back.Zhang Shun was a little surprised when he saw this, he saw that this man was very ordinary, but he was a man who knew how to advance and retreat, and when he remembered that he jumped into the water to steer the boat for him just now, he couldn't help but feel good about him.

Seeing him like this, Zhang Shun also hesitated in his heart, but he was also worried about his mother's safety, but he was in a dilemma. When he was struggling with himself, he saw Ruan Xiaoqi turning around and saying: "Doctor An is giving his wife a knife, I'm afraid It's not easy to disturb, let's take a look at the door, and if we're done, can we go in again?"

Zhang Shun is also a sensible person. Seeing that he nodded repeatedly, Ruan Xiaoqi led him to the door. Zhang Shun gently opened the door curtain, and when he raised his eyes to look inside, he saw An Daoquan sitting on the ground slumped. I don't know how to describe that expression, I just feel that he has exhausted all his strength, he seems to have no strength to raise his hand, and a white-clothed scholar is washing something in the boiling water at the side, at this moment The scholar noticed that there was someone at the door, looked straight at this side, and then nodded to the two of them, walked around An Daoquan lightly, and pulled Ruan Xiaoqi aside as soon as he reached the door, Zhang Shun didn't care about it when he saw it. Good to stay at the door, just followed him over.

"Brother, what happened inside?" Ruan Xiaoqi asked in a low voice.

The white-clothed book let out a sigh of relief, with a tired but slightly excited expression on his face, and said: "The miraculous doctor's wife is fine now, if he takes good care of him in the next few days, there is a high probability that he will be out of danger." !"

Ruan Xiaoqi was overjoyed, and said: "Brother spent so much effort, how could he let that genius doctor miss, so gratifying and congratulations!" As soon as he finished speaking, he pulled Zhang Shun to introduce to Wang Lun: "This It's the Langli Baitiao Zhang Shun that my elder brother often told me about, his old lady is sick, so he came here to seek medical treatment from An An Shen doctor!"

Wang Lunjian said that his eyes lit up, he looked straight at Zhang Shun, saw that he was still carrying his mother on his back, and hurriedly said: "Brother Zhang Shun, please rest for a while, I will go and call Miracle Doctor An to come out! He is too tired at this time to Gather your energy, even if you come out now, I'm afraid you won't be able to diagnose Tang Yan!"

Zhang Shun nodded again and again, seeing that this man has outstanding temperament and extraordinary conversation, the two people who rescued him just now respected him as the leader, Zhang Shun guessed in his heart that this person might not be an ordinary person, if he was not carrying his mother on his back at this time, he would have clasped his fists salute.

Wang Lun saw his intentions and said, "Brother Zhang Shun, don't be too polite. We are all brothers in the rivers and lakes. Don't be too fussy. Just put it down!" At this moment, he suddenly remembered that Zhang Shun's mother seemed to have a memory. He was ill and couldn't lean on the chair, so he said: "I see there is a side room behind here, so please go and rest for a while, I will wait here for the imperial doctor!"

Zhang Shun saw that the scholar treated him like nothing else, and was considerate of his mother, so he was very happy in his heart, so he followed his words and wanted to send his mother to the back. Seeing that Wang Lun was about to bow down, Wang Lun hurriedly helped him up, only to see that An Dao covered his tears and said, "If it weren't for the presence of officials, the villain and my wife would have been separated from each other!"

Wang Lun supported him and persuaded him, "No wonder the imperial physician was surprised, it is very difficult to find the rotten intestine here. The imperial physician was able to hold back his palpitations and take out the affected part with the knife for the first time, which is not easy!"

An Daoquan let out a long sigh, but kept shaking his head. He was terrified when he thought of the knife operation just now. His wife's affected area was very difficult to find. After searching for a long time, he still couldn't see the festering intestine. It was the first time to go into battle again, and I was completely unsure. If it wasn't for the presence of this white-clothed scholar who kept guiding and encouraging me with a calm tone, the result would be really unpredictable, I'm afraid it would be unimaginable.

Seeing that he was exhausted, Wang Lun just patted An Daoquan's shoulder lightly and said: "The imperial physician, please rest for a while, this is a good man who came to the imperial physician for consultation, I wonder if the imperial physician knows him?"

An Daoquan looked at Zhang Shun, patted his head and said, "Brother Zhang Shun, we haven't seen each other for many years and have lost a lot of weight!"

Zhang Shun saw that the genius doctor knew him, and was overjoyed, so he knelt down and said, "I beg the genius doctor to save my old lady!"

Seeing that he was still kneeling while carrying his old mother on his back, everyone went to stop him, only to hear Wang Lun say at this moment: "Take me to the room, if the imperial doctor still has energy, please help my brother!"

An Daoquan saw Wang Lun opened his mouth, Zhang Shun was his old acquaintance again, and said straightly: "Go, go in and have a look!"

When everyone came to the side room, Zhang Shun carefully laid his mother's body on the bed along the bed, An Daoquan stepped forward to get the pulse, lowered his head and thought for a while, then Fang raised his head and smiled: "It's okay, it's okay! If you come two days later, The poisonous gas on my back invaded my viscera, and I have nothing to do! It’s okay at this time, brother, don’t worry!” Seeing that he didn’t even ask about the illness, he could guess the exact number exactly, which made everyone feel at ease.

Both Wang Lun and Ruan Xiaoqi had smiles on their faces, not to mention Zhang Shun, when he got the news, it just made him feel like he was born again. At this time, he couldn't help but bow down again. He stood up and said, "I'll wake up Yan Yan first!"

Everyone nodded, but they saw that An Daoquan didn't take the needle, he just stretched out his hand and pressed on one of the granny's acupuncture points for a while, the granny woke up faintly, and said, "Shun'er, did Shun'er escape?"

Zhang Shun said with tears in his eyes, he stepped forward and said: "I was saved by good people, my mother is safe now, the illness on your body has been cured by the imperial doctor, and my mother can live to be a hundred years old!"

Seeing that she was relieved, the mother-in-law was about to struggle to salute these benefactors, Wang Lun and An Daoquan would not accept his gift, they both stepped forward to support her, but at this moment Zhang Shun asked An Daoquan: "Brother, I don’t know the surnames of these two good men?”

An Daoquan was taken aback for a while, and then said "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Your name and your name!" Seeing this, Wang Lun had no choice but to abandon his mother-in-law and went to help him.

At this time, Zhang Shun was very surprised when he saw this. After a long time, An Daoquan didn't know this group of people. Why did the two parties seem to be friends for many years?At this moment, Zhang Shun couldn't allow Zhang Shun to think too much, he immediately bowed down and said: "I hope the hero who saved me will tell my name!"

Ruan Xiaoqi chuckled and said, "My name is not worth mentioning! Only my elder brother's surname is Wang Minglun, and he is now making a living on Liangshanbo in Jeju!"

Before Zhang Shun and An Daoquan could react, the mother-in-law said in surprise, "Are you the leader of the Liangshanbo king who does not harm the people and makes decisions for the people?"

Wang Lun helped An Daoquan who was stunned, and saluted his mother-in-law again, and asked, "Do you know my nickname?"

"I know, I know! I know too well, the people in my place, who doesn't expect someone like you to make decisions for us? I don't want to talk about the government where I am. The world is as black as crows, and I won't talk about him! Only in my place Which of the bandits in the world can be as promising as the king's leader?"

Speaking of this, the mother-in-law stood up angrily, and said angrily: "I have the three tyrants of Jieyang, all of them are not good things, they will only harm the beloved, and the judge Li Li on Jieyang Ridge is the king of hell." Reincarnated, he just used Mongolian sweat medicine to harm people in the hotel. No matter how fat or thin, he used it to make human meat buns. This thief killed countless passers-by! How could ordinary people dare to go there alone? And the Mu in Jieyang Town The two brothers of the family are devoted to fish and meat folks, they only care about harming good people, and bullying the market, making the people around them want to eat the meat of his two brothers raw to relieve their anger! What's more, that beast on the Jieyang River..."

The mother-in-law sighed and said ashamedly when she said this, "Don't hide it from the chieftain, I gave birth to that beast, and I have no face to face anyone, and I just want to die clean! Thinking of having this evil disease on my body, I'm going to die again!" Meeting that thief on the river, isn’t it all retribution? That’s why I don’t complain! I just hate that God has no eyes, why didn’t Wang Tou Ling be born in our place, and get rid of the three evils!”

The mother-in-law's words made it difficult for everyone present. An Daoquan was dumbfounded, Ruan Xiaoqi was speechless, and Zhang Shun was even more ashamed. At this time, Wang Lun coughed and wanted to say something to comfort the mother-in-law. But, unexpectedly, the mother-in-law stopped him and said: "Boss Wang, I am a person who is about to enter the earth. I just want to ask you one thing, and I hope you will promise me!"

Seeing this, Wang Lun hurriedly said: "Please tell me, if the younger generations can do it, they will all agree!"

The mother-in-law had a smile on her face when she heard the words, and she took Wang Lun's hand and said: "My son is kind-hearted, and he is not the same person as his elder brother, that bastard. Although he has done some stupid things in the past , It’s just defrauding my beloved with that beast, but it’s not a crime to be damned! The only thought in my life is that I can find a good job for my son, if I don’t meet the king, I don’t think much about it. It’s just that I met you now, please promise me, let him go to your mountain and do whatever he wants, as long as he can eliminate harm for the people, do good deeds and accumulate virtue, I will die without regret when I am old! Make this kid stand up for his dead father!"

Ruan Xiaoqi was overjoyed when he heard that, but looked at Wang Lun eagerly. Wang Lun thought about it for a while, and said to Zhang Shun, "Brother, what do you think?"

"He has a fart idea! I'm in charge of this matter! Chief Wang, you don't know. If he goes back, he's afraid that that bastard will be dragged into the water again. Now he's following Chief Wang, doing good deeds and accumulating virtue. Official, but didn't he call the old Zhang family to be honored for the rest of his life?" the mother-in-law said loudly.

Wang Lun said with a wry smile, but only looked at Zhang Shun, who sighed and said, "I used to be confused, but now I'm thinking about it! If I hadn't met Mr. Wang, I would have cured my mother's illness." , go home to be a fish boy, rely on this skill to make a living. Now that I have to meet the king, and it is your hero who saved the lives of my mother and child, and my old mother has such a wish, I am shy, I beg the king to take my mother and son in!" (To be continued.)

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