Water Margin Survival

Chapter 138 Hunger Comes and Drives Me, Knocking on the Door

In the early winter, the prey gradually became scarce, and this period of time was the most difficult for hunters who depended on hunting for their living.Although I have been busy for more than half a year, I finally have a rare leisure time, but for the poor who are struggling to meet the food and clothing line, another meaning of being idle at home is tantamount to starving.

At this time, on the main road leading to the city, two men appeared in sight of the neighbors with some game. An old man basking in the sun greeted them and said, "Boss, second, go again!" Visiting relatives outside the city?"

"Yes!" The eyebrows of these two men are quite similar, they are siblings at first glance, and the one who is answering is the eldest brother. He is more than seven feet tall, with a purple-colored complexion and a slender waist and broad shoulders.The younger brother is also over seven feet tall, with a round face and a dark body.The two packed up some wild game today, and were going to look for the uncle and sister who opened the hotel at Shili Pai outside the east gate of Zhoucheng.

The old man is a well-informed person, and he sighed when he saw this.There were a few old people sitting next to him, and they all shook their heads looking at the figures of these two poor children.Thinking that these two juniors have amazing martial arts, the younger brother is even more powerful than the elder brother. Since he was young, he has two flying yakshas tattooed on his legs, and the Orion of Dengzhou made them the first.It's a pity that the two are honest and honest, and they don't know how to run a family. In addition, their parents died early, and other families think that his two brothers are poor, and they don't want to marry their daughter to them. , only his two brothers depended on each other.

"These are two poor people. Fortunately, there is a sister who runs a shop who often helps them, so they can barely live on!" an old man sighed.

"You don't know, the two of them have an aunt and elder brother. Seeing that he is a high-ranking official in the city today, how glorious is it? He repelled the bandits who came to the city a few times ago. It seems that they are called Sun Li. It's him, I heard that he has a lot of face in front of Mr. Nazhizhou, but this man doesn't miss these two brothers at all, he only cares about his own life and happiness. There is no old man in his family to say a few words about him, this man also When you are clean, you just pretend to be blind, how can you miss a trace of family affection?" The old man sighed.The villagers don't understand the big truth, but they regard ethics and family relationship as very important. Seeing that the two brothers' families are poor and rarely get married, there is an official uncle and brother in the city who is very handsome. This kind of contrast makes them very impressed. Not used to it, I couldn't help complaining for the two hard-fated brothers.

"They are all relatives of my aunt. The elder brother who is an official is not as good as the elder sister who runs a shop. It can be regarded as a scene in Dengzhou City here!" another old man sighed.

The two brothers obviously heard the discussion behind them, and the younger brother couldn't help but said: "Who are we going to vote for when we have hands and feet? Brother, why don't you go back!"

Seeing that, the elder brother replied: "When I can't wait, my sister must be worried. Instead, she will come to see you and me in person. Her shop is busy, but it doesn't delay her? I'm just waiting to send some game to her." I don’t want to accept her gift! I’ll get up early tomorrow, and while it’s still not cold, I’ll hunt some wild game and sell it for money!”

The younger brother made sense after thinking about it, and said: "Brother, you and I are not inferior to others in skill, why are you living in such a difficult life?"

The elder brother sighed when he heard the words, looked at his younger brother's face full of resignation and childishness, and remained silent.

The two of them walked dully all the way, two hours had passed before they knew it, and they finally saw the familiar hotel.The two walked for a long time, neither blushing nor out of breath, but when they reached the sister's shop, they both stopped, as if they were nailed to the ground, their faces were red, and they couldn't move any further. .

"It's easy to go. If you have free time, come play again!" I saw a woman with a loud voice escorting a gambler out. Seeing that the gambler had left, she was about to turn back with a smile. The younger brother who didn't come in at the door, the woman slapped her apron and blamed them: "Why don't you come in when you two are here? Why are you carrying things and treat me as an outsider?" As soon as she finished speaking, the woman The man came up and grabbed the two brothers, dragged them into the store, and shouted: "Second brother, come out and see who is here!"

Then a tall and strong man ran out. Seeing these two people, he said with a smile, "You two brothers won't come for a long time, but I miss your sister so much!"

The woman turned her head and stared at her husband, and said, "You don't want him? They are my brothers, but not your brothers?" The relationship between the brothers and the couple is unique, and this woman is them The relatives of the uncle in the face of the grandfather, but this man is the relative of the uncle in the face of their mother. These four people can be said to be more intimate.

When the man was told by his wife, he laughed embarrassedly, and hurriedly invited the two of them into the house. The brother brought the pheasant and handed it to the man, saying: "Brother, there is no filial piety. Two pheasants are not filial. Brother and sister have a tooth festival!"

The man smiled and accepted it, but saw the woman step forward and slap him on the hand, snatched the two pheasants, and stuffed them back into the hands of the two brothers, saying: "You two brothers, don't you?" It's easy, don't waste your craftsmanship like this, take it back and sell it for two dollars, save it to start a family and start a business early, and let my sister sleep peacefully!"

The two brothers are a pair of honest people, they can't talk, they just pushed hard and refused to take back the gift. The woman sighed when she saw this, and was about to enter the house as soon as she turned around. Handed it to him, said: "Second brother, take it to the back!"

When the man saw what he said, he took the chicken and went to the back. The woman went straight to the counter and grabbed a handful of scattered silver coins and scattered copper coins without asking how much. Only then did they walk in front of the two brothers, their faces turned red when they saw this, no matter how dull they were, they still didn't understand the meaning, they just hid from their sister and didn't want the money, the woman shouted: "You are my brother, I'm afraid you are an outsider! Don't talk about it, there are so many people coming and going, it's inconvenient to see!"

The two brothers looked at me and I looked at you, but they didn't stretch out their hands. The woman stuffed the silver into their arms, and when they were pushing, they suddenly heard the sound of horseshoes not far away. Zhang became angry, and said: "Your master is gone, I am the elder of you two, what are you just pushing and arguing about! Someone is here, don't put on airs!"

Seeing this, the two accepted the money with red faces, and their eyes were slightly red at this time. Seeing that they had accepted it, the woman smiled, patted the two brothers on the shoulder, and then greeted the immediate guest. I saw that there were five people in this group of guests, all of whom were riding rare tall horses. The woman hurriedly stepped forward and said with a smile: "You guys want to buy wine, but you want to buy meat? If you want to gamble, please sit down behind!" "

Then a white-clothed scholar got off a white horse. When he looked at the woman, he saw that she was born with thick eyebrows and big eyes, with a fat face and a fat waist.A strange hairpin is inserted, and the fashionable bracelets are exposed on both arms.Six red skirts, just like durian flowers in May; several layers of emerald collars, dyed like three spring willows.

The scholar looked at it for a while, and saw him stepping up to sing a promise, and asked, "Is your surname Sun?"

Seeing this, the woman hurriedly said: "Exactly, how do you know the name of my head?"

The white-clothed scholar replied: "Today I'm here to find Second Brother Sun. I have something to say. Please find a quiet place!"

Seeing this, the woman enthusiastically greeted the five people inside, and the two brothers were very surprised when they saw the horses that these guests rode.Thinking where in this Dengzhou land had I seen such a good horse, and the horse was so handsome, they looked at each other and thought in their hearts: Maybe it is a rare BMW in the north?

Thinking that the two were born as hunters, they had an indescribable love for the horse, so they couldn't help but stepped forward to take a closer look. The four guests all smiled when they saw this, and didn't say anything, just letting them approach. Seeing that the guests were easy-going, the two brothers smiled at them honestly, and went straight forward to touch these rare horses with their hands.

The woman saw that this group of guests had an extraordinary bearing, and she was very polite to her two brothers. She was very happy in her heart, and she graciously invited everyone inside. The white-clothed scholar said to the woman: "These two big men are relatives? Look at them. There is quite a resemblance between the eyebrows, why don't you come in and talk about it together!"

Seeing that she was puzzled, the woman froze for a moment, then looked at the two of them and said: "Two brothers, this guest officer invites you to come in and sit down, since you have nothing to do, let's come together!"

The two of them didn't think too much when they saw their sister's order, but reluctantly left the BMW and went in together. One of the five stayed at the door to watch the horse, and the other four went in with the woman.

The woman invited everyone to sit down, brought several plates of fruit, and then went to call the head of the house over. As soon as the man who brought the pheasant in entered the door, he cupped his hands and said, "I don't know why you call me a villain?" The characters of the gang are good, one of them is a big man who is majestic and heroic, even a character as powerful as his brother, at this moment, it seems that he can't help but be compared, and he is secretly surprised.

Seeing the white-clothed scholar, he asked, "I guess this is the Second Brother Sun Xin who is known as Little Yuchi in the Jianghu?"

"It's the villain!" Sun Xinjian said hastily.Seeing the imposing white-clothed scholar only looking at his brother, he introduced: "These two are my younger brothers. The elder brother is called Jiezhen with two heads, and the younger brother is called Jiebao with two tails. It's a villain's wife, and she also has a nickname called Mu Da Chong, and her maiden name is Gu! Don't dare to ask the names of all heroes?"

The white-clothed scholar smiled and said: "This is my elder brother Lin Chong, the leopard head. This person is called Huoyan Suanni Deng Fei. The big man behind me is named Jiao Ting without a face, and Xiaoke's surname is Wang Minglun. He is here today. Looking for Second Brother Sun, there is only one thing that bothers me!"

Sun Xin was stunned when he heard that, who among the heroes in the Jianghu world doesn't know the name of the white-clothed scholar Wang Lun?At this moment, he really couldn't think of such a famous person, how could he come to find him?Tell him to stay for a while.

At this time, Mrs. Gu was still able to hold her own, she stepped forward and said: "It turns out that there are some leaders on Liangshan Mountain. They don't want to condescend to come to the small shop. It's really disappointing! I hope you leaders don't blame me!" (To be continued.)

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