Hearing this hoarse and vicissitudes of life suddenly, Lin Chong trembled violently, and looked up at the place where the voice came from in great surprise.

With the light from the burning torches, one could see a man with a dove-shaped face covered with hair, but his appearance could no longer be distinguished.I saw that the man's eyes were full of dirty tears, washing his square face full of dirt.At this time, the muscles on the cheeks on both sides of his nose trembled slightly, obviously excited.He also saw that he opened his mouth wide, and there was a grunting sound in his throat, but he couldn't say a whole sentence helplessly.

Lin Chong was astonished, he felt that the person in front of him did not match the heroic image in his mind, and he heard that this person had already been murdered by Gao Qi! ?He suddenly looked at Sun Ding who was being supported by him, hoping to get accurate information from this fellow prisoner.

Seeing this, Sun Ding shook his head helplessly, thinking that he was born in Kongmu, a great mansion, and he has seen countless people. How could he not understand Lin Chong's meaning at this time, but he really couldn't recognize this person, and said: "Teacher Lin Chong , I just arrived here for the first time, but this guy doesn't know him, I think he has been here for more than three years, and he has never said a word, and no one in the prison knows his identity!"

Seeing that Lin Chong reacted abnormally, and seeing that Sun Ding was unable to determine the identity of this person, Wang Lun looked straight at this man who had been tortured out of shape, and thought that everyone else had no hindrance to his hands and feet, but he was wearing an iron shackle, and his hands were naked. Being imprisoned in front of the chest, the iron chains on the ankles probably weighed ten catties?It must be strange to think that the Shamen village is so guarded against this person!I'm afraid this person's kung fu is extraordinary, and this person knows Lin Chong, so he is also a hero in the Forbidden Army.

Thinking of this, Wang Lun winked at Jiao Ting, the man immediately came over and supported Sun Ding, Wang Lun and Lin Chong got out, and wanted to ask the man for a closer look.Seeing the actions of Big Leader and Leader Lin, some of the guards had already stepped forward to cut the lock, but the iron lock was no better than that of Sun Ding's side. When the knife went down, although it was full of flames, except for leaving some knife marks However, the lock was intact and very strong.

Wang Lun didn't hesitate when he saw this, he took out his saber, swung it out, saw sawdust flying everywhere, and the upper end of the log had been cut in half, Lin Chong glanced at Wang Lun, thinking that brother Although the sword is extremely sharp, but it can cut through such a thick wooden pillar, and the sword body is not stuck in the wood, but it is quite powerful, I am afraid that the skill of the hand has improved.

At this moment, he wanted to return to his thoughts, but his hands were not slow, and then he stepped forward and pinched the broken wood with his hands, and squeezed hard into his arms, only to hear a "click", and the prison pillar snapped.

Wang Lun and Lin Chong glanced at each other, they rushed into the cage, just got closer to this person, and suddenly heard a pungent smell filled the air, the two of them did not hear it, they both took three steps at the same time Two steps, and rushed to the side of the man.

Seeing that he was extremely weak and his lips were covered with blood scabs, Wang Lun didn't bother to ask questions, he took the gourd straight away, but Sun Ding had already drunk the water, so Lin Chong hurriedly took his own and fed the man water.

The man took a big sip of water, calmed down, and said, "Thank you for the water, both of you!"

Hearing this man's voice again, Lin Chong couldn't help but said, "Isn't your honor my elder brother, Instructor Wang?"

The man swallowed a mouthful of saliva, looked at Lin Chong and said, "Brother Lin, I am not a human being, a ghost or a ghost. Don't tell me you look like this. I'm afraid I won't recognize it myself. When Tokyo was farewell, brother well?"

Lin Chong sighed, and said: "My little brother also called Gao Qiu to kill him, saying that I broke into the Baihu Festival Hall with a knife and wanted to assassinate him. , Brother, don’t you see this row of gold seals on my face?”

At this time, Sun Ding heard this man admit that he was Wang Jin, and he was so shocked that he couldn't keep his mouth shut for a long time.

At any rate, I had some contacts with him when I was in Tokyo. As the No. 80 coach of the 1 imperial army, this hero was so majestic back then, not to mention his amazing martial arts. Pai Jun (guard and secretary) waited on him, he didn't want to be so depressed at this time, and he was tortured so badly.Previously, he was imprisoned in this Shamenzhai at the same time as himself, and he didn't know each other, which made Sun Ding feel sore and choked up, and said: "Teacher Wang, it's my brother's fault that I didn't recognize you!"

Wang Jin saw that he just sighed, but he didn't want to be powerless to follow up. He couldn't even sigh, but it caused coughing again and again. Seeing this, Wang Lun went outside and ordered: "Go, find rice and cook porridge. Everyone in this prison has a bowl. Deal with it first, but don't eat too much, so as not to spoil everyone's stomachs!" As soon as he finished speaking, he listened to Zhang San and took the orders with a few personal guards.

At this time, Lin Chong fed Wang Jin and took a sip of water. Seeing that the white-clothed scholar was very powerful, Wang Jin was about to salute, but he was wearing a shackle and his hands were imprisoned, so he had to slightly clenched his fists and said, "I haven't asked this man for advice." You are a great man, why are you here with me, Brother Lin Chong!"

Seeing this, Wang Lun pinched his hands, feeling that those hands were as cold as iron, and the place where he lightly grasped was completely devoid of flesh, just a thin layer of rough skin covering the bones. A sense of sadness welled up in Wang Lun's heart, and he said: "Xiao Ke Liangshan Wang Lun, seeing that we are falling grass in Jeju, this time I came here to save my brother, wife and brother-in-law. I don't want to meet the teacher here. God's will! From this point of view, God can't bear to see heroes fall into trouble!"

"Jezhou? There are no natural dangers, but there is only one water park to live in. However, there are not many naval forces in the Northern Song Dynasty, and the king's leader has a good eye!" Wang Jin sighed.He has been imprisoned for more than three years, so how is it clear what happened outside?Let's say that when he was in trouble, no one knew the treasure land of Liangshan. Naturally, he had never heard of the name Wang Lun.

Unexpectedly, the clouds here are calm and the wind is light, but the surrounding cells are extremely quiet. When everyone came back, they couldn't help but exclaimed, and someone sighed: "I haven't heard of anyone who dared to rob this monk in a hundred years." People in the village, I don’t know who has eaten the heart of a bear and dared to come here to disturb the beard of a tiger, but I don’t think it is the leader of the white-clothed scholar king on Liangshan Mountain, so he will be robbed, he will be robbed!”

As soon as the man spoke, there was a clever slap on the forehead, and he kept complaining in his heart why he forgot to take this good opportunity to please this leader in the green forest?Without his help, how could I escape?After all, this Salmonella Island hangs alone in the sea, even if it is out of prison, it still has to rely on this white-clothed gentleman to cross the sea!At this time, everyone started to flatter.

Seeing this, Wang Lun got up and gave an order, and then his personal guards stepped forward to open the cell door and invited all the prisoners in the vicinity inside. It would be inappropriate for them to hear the conversation between the three of them.

Wang Jinjian said that he glanced over there, he was silent for a while, and then he turned his head and said to Lin Chong: "Brother, are you a weed now?"

Lin Chong nodded when he heard the words, Wang Jin sighed and wanted to say something, but he didn't say it. At this moment, Lin Chong said: "My brother is in trouble now, please go to Xiaozhai to rest your horse, and then go to take revenge after he recovers." Not too late!"

Wang Jinjian said that he was very confused. He knew the character of this coach Lin best!Considering that this person was born in a family of military officers, he is loyal to the country and values ​​the family's reputation very much. He should be the most staunch supporter of the imperial court. The fact that convinced him was that not only did Lin Chong fail, why did he persuade himself at this time?

Thinking of this, Wang Jin was suffocated, but seeing Lin Chong's eyes were firm, without a trace of remorse, he sighed helplessly, looked back at Wang Lun, and said, "If you are rescued by the leader, the villain will die forever. It's just Wang Jin's generation. Zhongliang, if you die, you will die. You must not fall into the grass and ruin the reputation of your ancestors. I just hope that the leader will take care of Lin Jiao and let me live for a few months, recover a little vitality, and then go to Tokyo to seek revenge from the old thief Gao Qi. Eliminate this harm for the country! It’s just that I can’t repay the leader’s great kindness after going to Tokyo! Before going to Tokyo, Wang Jin kept his name incognito, but the leader has orders, Wang Jin is willing to obey, and there is no excuse!”

Wang Lun sighed when he said that, thinking that it is rare for such a pillar of the country to be killed in such a miserable state by his ministers, but still stick to his bottom line.Thinking of this, Wang Lun gave a wry smile, looked at Lin Chong, and then drew out his sword, splitting the iron chain on Wang Jin's feet with one sword. The lock split.Immediately, the two of them removed the shackles from Wang Jin who didn't understand what he meant, and threw them aside.

Wang Jin felt uneasy, and didn't know whether the leader of the green forest liked his words or not, but looked at Wang Lun suspiciously, and Wang Lun sighed: "It's okay for Coach Wang to recuperate in my village, but I dare not force you!" Hearing this, Lin Chong sighed, and said: "Elder brother wants to go to Tokyo to find Gao Qiu to fight for his life, younger brother dare not stop him, but who will take care of elder brother's orphan mother in the future?"

Wang Jin saw that two drops of muddy tears fell, and he said sadly: "I was betrayed that day, and my mother saw me being taken away. It has been more than three years since I voted for that person. Since he took me out, he will not take me in. As for her, I don't know her old man..." At this point, Wang Jin stood up fiercely, and saw that his whole body was trembling at this moment, but he wanted to grit his teeth and said, "That's why I swear to kill the old thief Gao Qi , Tell him to pay for his life!"

Lin Chong sighed, and said to Wang Jin: "Master Lingtang is now on Liangshan Mountain in Jeju, and my younger brother's father-in-law and mother-in-law live with her. My brother is in danger alone. Do you want Master Lingtang to suffer from the pain of bereavement again?"

Wang Jin's face changed dramatically when he heard the words, and at this moment, he didn't know where the power came from, and he held Lin Chong tightly with both hands and said, "Brother, I know that you are Zhongliang, and you have never lied to others, you...you are just playing with me! "

Lin Chong didn't struggle, just sighed, and told the whole story. Wang Jin turned his head when he heard the words, looked straight at Wang Lun, bowed his knees, and said, "I, Wang Jin, have never met the leader. I don't want to win the leader." Love, after hearing the news of the villain's death, I still support the villain's mother, this kindness... this kindness..." Before he finished speaking, he fell down and fell unconscious. (To be continued.)

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