Water Margin Survival

Chapter 152 Xingshi asks Qingfeng Mountain for crime

Wang Lun turned around very neatly and rode on his all-white Beidi BMW. He turned around and waved to the people behind him.Seeing this, Lu Zhishen stretched out his hand. Jiang Zhipeng had long ago presented him with a specially-made fine iron crescent shovel weighing 88 jin. Seeing that Lu Zhishen did not speak, he took the weapon and followed Wang Lun on the horse. He was pinning the belt of his trousers with two sharp axes, his face was full of excitement, and he was quite impatient, obviously he liked to see the bigger the trouble, the better.

At this time, Jiao Ting gave up his mount to Wu Song. At this critical moment, Wu Song didn't bother to show courtesy, but just clasped his fist at Jiao Ting with emotion on his face, and then flew on the horse, and Jiao Ting went to the back He brought up a horse and followed closely around Wang Lun.

Not long after, when everyone was ready to stop, this group of nearly 400 cavalrymen galloped on the mountain road and headed for Qingfeng Village.

No one spoke along the way.At this time, Wang Lun made up his mind about Wu Song and Jin Lian's matter, and didn't think too much about it, only slowly digesting the news Wu Song provided just now.From what he said, this Qin Ming also came to Qingfeng Mountain.Another person pretended to be him as in the original trajectory, and went to the edge of the city to kill, set fire, and loot.

So there is a high probability that Song Jiang is also in the mountains at this time, otherwise who else would have come up with such a desperate plan?After all, the three leaders here, the landlord Jinmaohu Yanshun, the short-footed tiger Wangying, and the white-faced gentleman Zheng Tianshou, are more than reckless, but they are poor and wise.Even if there is the heart of trapping Qin Ming, there is no plan to recruit Qin Ming's power.

After urging the horses for a while, they suddenly heard Wang Lun's "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh When my elder brother lost his composure and went to visit him, Wang Lun didn't say anything else, but hurriedly called Jiang Zhipeng and told him to take twenty or thirty riders and go to the city to find out about Qin Ming's family. , then Jiang Zhipeng didn't say anything, and went straight to the order.At this time, everyone suddenly realized, and sighed in their hearts that it was because the elder brother thought well, if this thunderbolt Qin Ming fell into grass, wouldn't he ask his family members to stay in the city and wait for him to suffer?

Seeing Jiang Zhipeng leaving in a hurry, Wang Lun secretly sighed in his heart. He didn't know if it was too late or not. He remembered that when Qin Ming returned to the city in the morning, his wife and children had been hung up by the unknown Murong Yanda. The head has been shown to the public, and it is already afternoon, almost dusk, I'm afraid...

Thinking of this, Wang Lun felt sad for a while, Song Jiang, Song Jiang, didn't you ask you to send the innocent lives of a whole family?You don't even bother to ask someone to rescue Qin Ming's family in advance, and you still want to recruit talents?Doing things but only focusing on driving people to a dead end, why didn't the leaders on Liangshan in the past have different people's hearts and factions?

Wang Lun felt a little depressed at this moment, because of the change of the situation, he was unable to save Qin Ming's family in the end, but was it a mistake?Could it be that Song Jiang is still plotting to compensate Qin Ming for Huazi?So I still have to take care of this nosy business.

When Wang Lun was gnashing his teeth and blaming himself, the team had already marched to the gate of the stockade. Lu Zhishen saw that he hadn't found anyone lying on the road all the way.

Seeing that the stockade was very dangerous, Wang Lun didn't want to forcefully attack and hurt the lives of his brothers, so he stepped up and called the door: "The people inside have heard, Liang Shanpo Wang Lun, Lu Zhishen, Jiao Ting, and Li Kui came together to find the words of your masters." !"

When the guard at the gate first saw how many horsemen there were, they thought it was Qingzhou officials who had come, and they were so anxious that they couldn't do anything.Hearing that this group of sturdy cavalry was actually on the Green Forest Road, he felt relieved.Seeing that it was the leader in white at the water park Liangshan who came here in person, who dared to be negligent, shouted "wait a moment", and hurried back inside to report.

Not long after, the gate of the village was suddenly opened, and at this time four big men walked out together, two of them were strangers and the other two were acquaintances.I saw that one of the strangers had goose pear corners tied around his head, wrapped in a red silk handkerchief, and a maroon silk quilted jacket with a collar on his body. He had red hair and yellow beard, long arms and broad waist.The person next to him is another scene, I saw him with fair skin, three teeth covering his mustache, thin and long shoulders, broad shoulders, handsome appearance, also wrapped in a crimson turban.

Seeing the appearance of the two of them, Wang Lun guessed that they were the golden-haired tiger Yanshun and the white-faced gentleman Zheng Tianshou.Needless to say, those two acquaintances, who were they not Tang Bin and Hua Rong?

At this time, when Tang Bin saw Wang Lun, he rushed forward to say hello. At this time, he was so anxious that he seldom spoke, thinking about Wu Song's regret, he couldn't help jumping off the horse, and complained to him: "Brother Tang Bin, what happened?" Just messing with these people!"

Tang Bin was taken aback when he saw this, and then sighed.Thinking about the three people on Qingfeng Mountain, why hadn't anyone heard of it when he was on Liangshan in the past?

The Jinmaohu who is the leader loves hangover soup the most, but this soup is made from the hearts and livers of living people, which made his eyes turn red and his personality is extremely irritable.The second dwarf tiger, Wang Ying, is a lecherous and ungrateful person. Needless to say, he is lecherous, and has ruined the innocence and lives of many good women. He only said that he was originally a coachman, and because he saw money on the way, he took advantage of it. If you rob the guests, you will become a bandit here and harm your neighbors.The third one is a pretty-looking person, but he hangs around with these two cannibals and lustful people all day long, confused and doesn't know what to say.

What kind of person do you think Tang Bin is?Can the arrogant big knife Guan Sheng be admired if he has no heart?This time, he really didn't want to go up Qingfeng Mountain from the bottom of his heart.It's just that at this time the Hua family is in trouble, and I'm staying at his house again, no matter whether it's for Huarong's sake or Huazi's sake, I can't just walk away.Therefore, he was originally ashamed, but now he heard Jiao Ting's accusation, he was not angry at all, but blushed hard.

Wang Lun said that he could understand Tang Bin's difficulties in his heart. He got off his horse at this time, pulled Tang Bin over and said, "Jiao Ting is a straight man. Don't blame him. I'm here to propose marriage to you. !"

Seeing that Wang Lun didn't blame him at all, Tang Bin felt emotional in his heart, and when he heard that he was going to propose marriage to him, he just covered his face with his fists and didn't dare to look Wang Lun directly.

Yan Shun, who was at the head, was full of joy, and he had admired Wang Lun's name for a long time.I just feel that the Shanzhai is overjoyed today, even the leader of Liangshanpo, who is second to none on the Shandong Road, came to congratulate him in person, which made him very flattered, secretly thinking that Wang Lun really deserves his reputation, and the rumors in the Jianghu seem to be true.

Unexpectedly, when he suddenly heard the tone of one of the other party's people, he was obviously very dismissive of himself and others. He is used to eating people's hearts and minds, and he is very easy to get angry. If the opponent is powerful, he will turn his face immediately.Zheng Tianshou beside him was also baffled, secretly thinking that he had never offended the Liangshan people, why did this group of people have such an attitude?

Hua Rong is a brilliant mind, and has been with Tang Bin for a long time, how can he not guess that the people in Liangshan disdain the behavior of the people in Qingfeng Mountain?Besides, I live in Qingfengzhai, so why didn't I treat these people like scourges and beasts in the past, but their fate was rough, so I told myself that I have done the same thing with these people now, just for the sake of my brother Song Jiang, I have the right to endure it.

Seeing that the two groups of people were at a stalemate, Hua Rong had no choice but to act as a mediator and stepped forward to mediate. He saluted Wang Lun and said, "Brother, it's been a few months since we left Erlong Mountain. Don't you come here?"

Seeing that it was Huarong who came forward, Wang Lun replied, "My dear brother, how did you make it into today's situation?"

Hua Rong shook his head, and was about to invite everyone inside, when Yan Shun suddenly stepped forward and said: "If you want to come in, please come in! It's just that there are so many people in your place, the small village can't accommodate them. Please take a rest outside the stronghold!" He is a long-standing bandit, and he has been in the green forest for many years. Seeing that Wang Lun's visitors are not kind, the Liangshan cavalry may not have more than 300 riders, and he is afraid that there will be trouble at once. I can't stop it, so I stop it with words.

Wang Lun laughed loudly, turned his head and said to Lu Zhishen: "I hope the master will take the brothers to wait outside the stronghold!" I have something important to do, so I don't want to mess around with him at the door.

Lu Zhishen nodded when he heard the words, and said to Wang Lun: "Brother, don't worry, go in, but there is a noise, the Sa family will bring all the brothers in as guests!"

Yanshun and Zheng Tianshou's cheeks trembled when they heard the words, they were obviously angry but fearful.When Huarong saw this, he wanted to persuade Yanshun to let the guests come in first. Wang Lun saw his thoughts and said, "It's okay! Brother, don't worry! I will go in by myself, and I will see the majesty of Qingfeng Mountain!"

Hua Rong sighed, turned around and bowed deeply to Lu Zhi, and said, "I promise to do my best, and I dare not let the people of Xiaozhai show any disrespect to Brother Wang Lun!" The ability and mind of the premise officer, so he stepped forward to make an apology.

Lu Zhishen said: "Hua Zhizhai, I think you are a young hero and have a good time, why bother with these people? There is no reason to spoil yourself!" He looked at Hua Rong and sighed endlessly.

Hua Rong laughed, bowed to Lu Zhishen, then turned around and asked Wang Lun and others to go in. Tang Bin clasped his fist at Lu Zhishen, and followed closely behind Wang Lun, making up his mind that as long as this group of people dared to be impatient with his brother , Straight to kill him and turn his back on his back before answering.

When Yanshun saw that there were four or fifty people behind Wang Lun, he wanted to stop him again. Wang Lun just stared at Yanshun coldly, seeing the Jinmaohu so that his heart was terrified, and Huarong said patiently "Leader Yan, these big men are all accompanied by my elder brother, and the mountains of swords and seas of fire must go with him. If you only want to stop me, I have nothing to say, but just make my elder brother lose his patience. He coughed casually and called the man at the door." Who can stop him when Wei Tijue gets angry? A hero like Chief Qin, why don't you tell him to overthrow him in front of the battle?"

Yanshun and Zheng Tianshou were shocked when they heard the words, they didn't think that this person was Lu Zhishen, the Hua monk who had captured Qingzhou's number one fierce general before the battle.Thinking that this happened in Qingzhou, who on Qingzhou Road didn't know?I think when they mentioned it in the past, they would all speak in admiration.

I don't want this person to come to the front, but he has turned against his own family. How can they calm down?Yan Shun had no choice but to whisper a few words to Zheng Tianshou, telling him to go to the old man in the cottage first, and call all the minions to the door first. (To be continued.)

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