Water Margin Survival

Chapter 160 Growth General

The man in red was very surprised when he saw three civilians walking out of the cavalry ranks of no less than three or four hundred.Seeing that the person in charge was dressed in white and dressed as a scholar, the man in red secretly guessed the identity of this person:

"Could it be that this scholar is a local official? It is extremely rare to see such a team of capable horsemen in his hometown of Tanzhou. Moreover, the two generals who escorted the team looked very mighty, but their words and deeds were very intimidating. People are very respectful, but how can an ordinary county magistrate have such power? If a county magistrate is respected, how can he drive this team of tigers and wolves? From this point of view, is this person a local guard? But a county magistrate It is impossible for him to be so young! Thinking about my Tanzhou prefect, Jinshi, the future is boundless, and there are noble people in the court to help, but I have survived more than ten years of official career, but now I am about [-] years old. Look at this man in his thirties If not, how could it be possible to know a state from one state? There is only one explanation left, could this person be the yamen of the official family?"

Thinking of this, he shook his head helplessly, and saw that these two generals were not like ordinary people, but they had to pat their beards and walk their horses to please the relatives of their superiors, and gradually felt a sense of injustice in his heart.I don't think he is a man with no enterprising spirit, otherwise why he has worked so hard to learn martial arts?Who doesn't want to learn martial arts and serve the emperor's family?Who was born with a rebellious heart that day?

It's just that Cai Jing has been in charge of the government for more than ten years now, and there are annihilating ministers everywhere, ruining the four hundred military states that his ancestors worked so hard to destroy!In today's world, there are many men like him who want to do something and want to serve the country, but there is no way out.

I was forced to do nothing, so I made an appointment with a dozen or so confidants to sell medicinal materials.Unexpectedly, the fortune is not good, the capital is lost, there is no way to advance, and there is no way to retreat. At this moment, suddenly seeing this yamen come out to ask himself where he came from, his heart was aroused with instinctive resentment, and he bowed his hands to Qin Ming and Huang Dao:

"We met by chance, and I was given a gift of spirits. I thank you two captains!" After thanking the two, the man in red took his hands back, but raised his head and said to the scholar in white: "These dozen or so brothers and I, but He is just a lowly itinerant businessman, mentioning his name is in vain polluting the ears of the yamen! It is better not to speak!"

The scholar in white was taken aback when he heard the words, he didn't expect to be treated as a yamen for no reason, so he couldn't help laughing.At this time, his relatives did not follow him, and saw the big man without eyebrows say: "My brother saw that you are a good man, so he kindly asked your name and surname. Why are you calling my brother a yamen? You don’t know that the yamen of the capital has suffered too much at the hands of my brother!"

The man in red snorted coldly. It is common for Xindao Yamen to be jealous. Even if you win, you can't change the fact that others are like dogs. At that moment, he just bowed his hand and wanted to turn around and leave. Although he felt that the talking man was reckless He was very angry and didn't take it to heart. It's not a rare sight for Daguanzhuang to recruit some good hands from the world to guard the home. He thought that this person was willing to be a dog or a dog for the sake of fame and fortune. What nonsense do I have with him? of?But at this moment, he still remembered the gift of wine from the two generals just now, and hugged them very politely.

Seeing that he was about to retreat after performing the salute, the white-clothed scholar suddenly said: "Hero, I hear your accent, could it be that you are from Jinghu Road?"

Seeing this, the man in red looked back at the yamen in surprise, and said in a deep voice, "That's right, I'm from Tanzhou!"

Suddenly, the white-clothed scholar clapped his hands and said with a smile: "What kind of goods are you stacking on the truck in Jiangzhou? Tell me, let me smell the medicinal herbs on your body. If it is really crude medicine, I will buy some indivual!"

Before the man in red could answer, the attendant beside him said happily: "This official has a good mouth and nose, I'm waiting for this cart to be full of raw medicine, if the official wants it, he dare not take the official's money, Only sell it to the officials for the capital!"

The white-clothed scholar didn't answer, he just looked at the man with a strong backbone and said with a smile: "How?"

The man in red sighed when he heard this, since he guessed the identity of the scholar in white, he didn't want to entangle with this group of people too much, but this pile of medicinal materials hit his hands and made him bump into walls in the past few months , These medicinal materials have become his own heart disease.After all, these goods not only suppressed his own capital, but also included all the wealth of the brothers around him.

Seeing that the scholar's words hit his dead point, there was nothing he could do about it. The man in red clasped his hands and said, "As soon as a villain is a merchant, how can he dare to pick a buyer? If the official wants it, I will give it to you at the cost! I will pay you when I buy it." I paid 330 guan for the capital, and if the officials want it, for the sake of these two generals, the villain will also sell the [-] guan!" At this time, he also kept an eye out, and said without waiting for the scholar to negotiate the price. He set the lowest price, and in words, he pulled these two officers in as a guarantee, telling him to take care of some of them, so that he couldn't rely on the situation to snatch them up for a while.

The scholar laughed loudly when he heard the words, and said: "The two generals here are angry and make Qingzhou City shake three times. Now their face is only worth thirty pennies?" The two generals looked at each other when they heard the words With a glance, I am infinitely sighed in my heart.I think the two of them have been in the army for more than 30 years in total. People who don't really value themselves are born in the grass.Those silverfish who represent the country have abandoned themselves like weeds. Thinking of this, both of them had wry smiles on their faces.

Hearing the scholar's teasing, at this moment the man in red felt a "thump" in his heart, thinking to himself, could it be that something he was worried about had come?Seeing the helpless faces of the two military officers who gave the wine, they seemed unwilling to offend the scholar for the sake of powerless people like themselves, as if drinking bitter wine, lamenting their lives.

Just when he was anxious, he suddenly heard the officer who was about to stick a mourning epee coughed and said with a wry smile: "Man, just do business when you do business, why drag us in for no reason? I'm afraid my brother will rape you Steal your medicine?"

The white-clothed scholar smiled and turned his head to look at the person beside him, and saw that the unreasonable man took out a 30-liang piece of garlic gold from his bag, and added a 30-liang piece of silver, and suddenly saw the other one with a black face His relatives snatched the money, handed it to the attendant of the man in red, raised his head and said: "You are so stubborn that you have been reduced to spending the night in this wilderness in the middle of the night, you are right for my temper! Three One hundred and three is three hundred and three, my brother doesn't take advantage of you, but don't make all the heroes in the world into villains!"

The man in red was shocked when he saw this, and when he saw the turn of events, he had an expression of disbelief.They clearly saw their own predicament, but they didn't add insult to injury, nor did they bully others. Instead, they solved a problem of their own heart easily. How could they behave like ordinary officers and soldiers?Could it be that I am overthinking it?

The man in red blushed, bowed his head in thought for a while, and saluted the white-clothed scholar: "Lv Fang from Tanzhou, the villain, don't dare to ask the official's name!" Unconsciously, his words were already very polite.

"Sure enough, it's the little Marquis Wen of Tanzhou. Even his surname is the same as that of Lu Bu at the end of the Han Dynasty. It's interesting! But although Lu Bu is a dragon and phoenix among people, you can learn his martial arts, but you can't learn his heart!" Just listen to the white clothed man. The scholar said.

Before the man in red could answer, he listened to the attendant who received the money and said, "Brother, I don't think your name has already spread to Shandong, and even the officers and soldiers know your name!"

The man in red didn't feel the slightest joy, but he was quite surprised when he heard the words, and immediately cupped his hands and said: "I don't want you to know the villain's name, how dare you ask the official's name?"

"My brother is the famous white-clothed scholar Wang Lun, the leader of Liangshan Po. Which eye of your man sees that my brother is from the Yamen? It's really annoying!" the black man shouted.

The drug sellers here were all shocked, they were still saying his name just now, but no one knew him, after all, their family was so poor, how could they get along with the leaders in the green forest?At this time, such a person suddenly appeared in front of him, and he relieved his urgent need. He told everyone that they couldn't turn the corner for a while, and they all opened their mouths in surprise, and couldn't take it back for a long time.

At this time, these big men from Hunan were all looking at this famous white-clothed scholar in the Jianghu in amazement. At the same time, Wang Lun was also looking at this little Wen Hou Lu Fang who was all red.

I think that when this brave general appeared in the original track, he fought with Guo Jing, Guo Daxia's ancestor, Guo Sheng, for a long time, and his martial arts were not outstanding.Zhao An did not have a good record in the few battles before Zhao An. He just acted as Song Jiang's personal follower and bodyguard, and traveled with Song Jiang in various battlefields.Later, when he faced Shi Wengong's great disciple Zeng Tu in Zengtou City, he couldn't hold on for about thirty rounds.

If this person's life is just like this, he will only be reduced to the generation of Kong Ming and Kong Liang, relying on his good looks to earn a living behind Song Jiang.Unexpectedly, he followed the Liangshan army to fight in the north and south, and after going through the baptism of the battle, he shined brilliantly in the conquest of Fangla.First, he stabbed to death Li Tianyou, the younger brother of Li Tianrun, one of Fang La's four great marshals, in fifty or sixty rounds, and then carried the life harvester Shi Bao for fifty rounds. Come, all in a very cautious tone, bluntly saying that this person's sword skills are not inferior to his own.

When the vanguard Suo Chao was fighting with this person, he asked Shi Bao to kill him with a hidden weapon for about ten rounds.And Deng Fei, the fire-eyed lion, Yan Shun, the golden-haired tiger, Bao Xu, the mourning door god, and Ma Lin, the iron flute fairy, all died at the hands of this fierce general.From this we can see the gold content of Lu Fang's fifty-round battle with him.

Such a character, in terms of martial arts, has great room for growth, but when he appeared in the previous life, he had already fallen grass on Yingshan. He didn't want to be still selling medicinal materials at this time. Wang Lun saw him at this time, how could he miss it?Seeing that he just looked at himself and didn't speak, Wang Lun said with a smile: "Good man, I heard that you like halberd technique very much, but you don't have a famous teacher to teach you. Why don't you go up the mountain with me. There are many heroes of the forbidden army on my mountain. Wang Jin, the head of the 80 imperial army, is also recuperating on my mountain at this time, if you want to improve in the future, you should have a senior teacher to guide you!"

After all these twists and turns, Lu Fang sighed, pondered for a moment, and then cupped his hands towards Wang Lun and said, "I don't think your Excellency is a white-clothed scholar on Liangshan Mountain. The villain had no eyes before, and he didn't know a hero on the other side! This time, I almost lost all my money in selling medicinal materials." Come on, now I teach this group of brothers to suffer along with me. Fortunately, the leader of the King Meng gave me a hand at this time, and I finally taught my brother to live up to this group of brothers who came to Shandong with me from thousands of miles! There is no way out, that is, at this time, the capital given by the leader is not a material for a businessman, and it will inevitably pay off in the future. When the time comes, where can I find such a noble person as the leader of the king? Not to mention that Jiu Wenlong's master saw it now In the Shanzhai, even when he is not around, the villain is willing to follow the leader of the king with such kindness, so I can't let this life just go to waste!"

Noisy and noisy, awkward and blunt input method, only the smell of Wuye Shen is still familiar.Tomorrow night's train will arrive alone, and return with a beautiful woman.With everyone's auspicious words, we will finally turn beautiful women into family members! (To be continued.)

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