Half a year ago, the eight-person birthday group, now only Chao Gai, Gongsun Sheng, Liu Tang, Han Bolong, and Bai Sheng are left on Erlong Mountain.Among the five people, apart from Bai Sheng, who had never received any favor from Song Jiang, the other four escaped prison because they got news from Song Jiang.

Seeing that Chao Gai made his attitude clear at this time, although their thoughts were messy, none of them could speak.

Gongsun Sheng sighed rather weakly.

I think this Taoist leader is not the kind of person who knows how to repay his kindness.But Chao Tianwang's sudden move was too hasty, and no one could see the slightest clue in advance, so that he was not even mentally prepared at this moment, so he was a little caught off guard.

It should be known that the change of owner of the cottage is not only a private matter between the giver and the successor, but also involves the wealth, family, life and future of thousands of men in the whole village.For such a big matter, King Chao Tian didn't say hello to his brothers before, so he suddenly brought the matter to the fore, telling the situation that there was no room for turning around.

The helpless Gongsun Sheng glanced at Liu Tang beside him, only to see that the straight man was also at a loss, and he froze on the spot, with an incredible expression on his face, as if he wanted to say something, but he didn't know how to say it.

Gongsun Sheng shook his head silently, thinking that there are thousands of ways to repay his kindness, but it is a bit of a joke to suddenly propose to give up the position of village head?Besides, the foundation here originated from Dazhai in Liangshan, and it was Wang Lun's elder brother who gave him the three of them to settle down for Chao Tianwang's sake.If you didn't even say hello at this time, I'm afraid it would be a bit inappropriate to give and accept privately, not to mention that this Song Yasi didn't please Wang Lun brother at all.

Thinking of these situations, Gongsun Sheng was in a state of confusion.It's just that it's hard to stop him now, after all, Song Jiang has saved lives for the four of them, and he is not an ungrateful person who is greedy for power and position.Seeing Chao Gai disregarding everything for the sake of loyalty, Gongsun Sheng sighed, although he felt that the king's move was too abrupt, but he didn't mean to blame too much.

At this time, even Liu Tang, a straight guy, didn't speak. I think he was thinking of loyalty. Although he couldn't accept the facts in front of him, he was speechless.

Among the remaining elders of Erlong Mountain, Bai Shengren spoke lightly. Although he had opinions in his heart, he couldn't speak. He just looked at Chao Gai with wide eyes, expecting a miracle to happen, so that this elder brother would take back what he said just now.

And Han Bolong, Li Zhong, and Zhou Tong were also shocked by Chao Gai's words. At this time, the three of them lowered their heads and weighed the pros and cons in their hearts, and they didn't know whether the development of the situation was good or bad for them.For some reason, Han Bolong's heart flashed a hint of ecstasy for no reason, but he didn't even realize it at this time.

At this time, the Baozhu Temple could be heard falling needles, and it was eerily quiet.Suddenly a loud voice broke the silence of the audience, and when everyone was looking at where the sound came from, it turned out that Wen Zhongrong stood up, looked at Chao Gai and said, "King Chao Tian is very loyal, and the two of us I sincerely admire it! It’s just the saying that thousands of miles vote for fame, and thousands of miles vote for the master! I think that when brothers Cui Ye and I were in Hedong, brother Chao Gai was still in charge of this Erlong Mountain, and we were full of joy with our soldiers and horses. How did we just settle down? , changed the owner here? Didn’t it make us both confused?”

Hearing this, Cui Ye followed Wen Zhongrong's words and said: "Brother, since Brother Chao Gai is not in charge here, I will return to Hedong with my brother and soldiers!"

Thinking that both of them are heroes with straight surnames, it would be fine if they had never heard of Song Jiang's scandal on Qingfeng Mountain.Even if this unscrupulous Song Gongming wants to go up the mountain to take a top spot, they can still bear it in view of the future of the cottage.It's just that at this moment, seeing such a person of low moral character sitting in the position of the lord of a village, when he thinks that he will work his life under his hands in the future, he suddenly becomes disheartened and loses all thoughts.

Seeing this, Chao Gai secretly said "Oops!", hurriedly stepped forward and bowed, and apologized to these two, just asking them to look at his own side and not to be impulsive.Wen Zhongrong and Cui Ye looked at each other, sighed at each other, and then just helped Chao Gai up, but they also insisted on what they said just now, and they didn't let go.

Suddenly Song Jiang laughed dryly at this time, and said: "Two heroes, please be safe and don't be impatient. My elder brother is joking with me. Don't take it seriously. I think Song Jiang has a few catties and a few taels, so he can sit on the throne of the lord of this village." ?”

"Master! King Chao Tian is very loyal and repays his kindness, so you can take the position of the village owner, so that King Chao Tian can feel at ease, right? Could it be that a bedbug came out of our meal, so we don't want to eat anymore?" Suddenly, Listen to Kong Ming interjecting.If Song Jiang took the top spot in Erlongshan, as an apprentice, he is afraid that it will be bad in the future?Seeing that Chao Gai was about to abdicate, these two came out to oppose without knowing what to say, but how could they give up?

As soon as the words came out, Cui Ye immediately kicked over the table and chairs, pointed at Kong Ming and said, "Say it again!"

Seeing so many people present, the brothers of the Kong family were not afraid of what the two people from the east of the river would do to them, so they saw their younger brother, Kong Liang, supporting his elder brother, "Cui, at this time, King Chao Tian wanted to repay my kindness to my master, but he didn't What's the matter with you? Could it be that Chao Tianwang will inform you of everything he does, and he can't do it until the two of you agree? I really don't know who is the owner of this huge Erlong Mountain here!"

Hearing this, Liu Tang was angry from the heart, and immediately pointed at Kong Liang and cursed, saying: "Brother Chao Gai is talking to Song Yasi, where is it your turn to intervene! When Wen Touling and Cui Touling are famous on the road, you lanugo It hasn't faded yet..."

When Liu Tang was scolding, Wen Zhongrong immediately stepped out of the crowd upon hearing the words, stopped Liu Tang, and thanked him with fists cupped. Liu Tang hurriedly returned the salute, and Wen Zhongrong immediately bowed to Chao Gai, who was looking at the out-of-control scene unexpectedly, Said: "If my elder brother misses my younger brother in the future, come to Hedong to meet again!"

Cui Yejian said that he also paid homage to Chao Gai, and then he stood up and pointed to the brothers of the Kong family, "What kind of master accepts what kind of apprentice, I have seen it! This is Chao Tianwang's cottage, and I don't want to accept it!" It's hard for you, but you just got out of Erlong Mountain, but you don't want to bump into my hand!"

Seeing this, Yan Shun slapped the table, got up and cursed: "Master, I'm afraid that you have never come from the east of the river?! You don't need to go out of Erlong Mountain, just let it out if you have any anger!" He was as thoughtful as Er Kong, seeing the situation one sided Now, my brother is about to sit firmly at the top of Erlong Mountain, who knows that these two people from the east of the river don't know much about it, and they ran out to make troubles. Standing in front of Kong Ming and Kong Liang, Zheng Tianshou hesitated for a moment, then got up and stood side by side with Yan Shun.

At this moment, Hua Rong sat motionless on the chair, staring at the teacup on the table in silence, but secretly shaking her head in her heart.Since ancient times, Taoism has never suppressed the Lord, and I don't know what kind of people are around my brother. They are all ungrateful for profit. Chao Tianwang has good intentions, so he has always been taken as a bully by them.Did they think that they could subdue the nearly 2000-strong Dazhai with their [-] or [-] old and weak soldiers?It's really unsatisfactory.Fortunately, my brother should not be such a confused person, let's see how the situation develops.

As expected, Huarong was right. He saw Song Jiang very rarely sternly stopped his two disciples, stepped forward to persuade Yanshun and Zheng Tianshou, walked up to Wen Zhongrong and Cui Ye, and bowed first. With a bow, he apologized softly, and then he pulled Chao Gai, whose face was constantly changing, and said:

"Brother, in terms of age, my elder brother is also ten years older. If Song Jiang sat down, wouldn't he be ashamed?" When Chao Gai saw that he had recovered, he wanted to show himself, but Song Jiang bowed down without waiting for him to speak. : "When the elder brother just wants to make things difficult for the younger brother, he still tells me to go back to Qingfeng Mountain!"

When Gongsun Sheng heard this, a look of astonishment appeared on his face, and he secretly thought that Song Yasi would not take over if he didn't take over, and he didn't want him to use his age as an excuse.Immediately, Gongsun Sheng's heart flashed a little vigilance, he only felt that this person thought highly of himself, and he didn't even realize that he was defeated by brother Chao Gai. It seemed that he didn't take the position of brother Chao Gai at this time, maybe it was because of his loyalty, or because he was in the way The foundation is not stable, and the two leaders Wen and Cui strongly oppose it, so this is a last resort?

Thinking about this section clearly, Gongsun Sheng sighed, he didn't want to see Chao Gai and Song Jiang push me back, he walked a few steps, looked up to the outside of the temple, saw a dark cloud in the sky covering the waning moon, and called out The earth was plunged into pitch darkness, and this worldly expert was touched by the scene, and secretly sighed that there would be no peace in the cottage in the future.

Seeing through Song Jiang's thoughts, Gongsun Sheng shook his head and looked at the faces of everyone in the temple one by one, thinking about the changes in the cottage in the future, but when his eyes suddenly touched the guest seat where Wang Lun sat that day , with a flash in my heart, I remembered what Wang Lun had warned me that day at the edge of the water: "King Chao Tian's righteousness is dry, and the Taoist priest is good at helping, but... don't let his righteousness mislead him, and he will be forced by others in the future! "

Gongsun Sheng couldn't help being startled, and secretly said, "Brother Wang Lun asked me to help the Heavenly King with my heart several times, and told me not to watch him be misled by loyalty. I didn't understand what he meant at the beginning, but the scene that happened today, but I don't know what he means." Didn't he really hit the mark?"

The more Gongsun Sheng thought about it, the more he felt that there was a mystery in this matter. Thinking that the white-clothed gentleman valued Chao Tianwang so much, even if the Tianwang had a death feud with him, he would let him go again and again, and would not do harm, but treated the three of them from the bottom of his heart. Thinking that he treats each other so sincerely, why didn't King Chao Tian stay on Liangshan?Could it be...Could it be...just to guard against what happened today! ?

Could it be that he really has the ability to see through the secrets of heaven!

Thinking of this, Gongsun Sheng was startled for a while, and suddenly remembered that he had heard that Wang Lun had been struck by lightning, but he was unscathed. After that, Liang Shanbo flew into the sky under his leadership, thinking that this Taoist priest is a person who learns Taoism, and he is not in his heart. I don't reject the theory of ghosts and gods, but when I think of such coincidences, I can't help being stunned, and a voice suddenly shouted in my heart: Is he the one who bears the destiny? ! (To be continued.)

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