Seeing such a turning point before the battle, Wang Qing's handsome white face turned blue and red.At this time, all kinds of feelings came to my heart, but there was only a lack of joy.

He could accept both complete victories or total defeats, but he was the only one who could not accept this one-defeat draw.The palpitations that gushed out at the moment of life and death just now have not been forgotten so quickly, but now they have become like this again, isn't everything back to the original point?

Alas, this time is not as good as it was then, at least two passing gods appeared just now, so that the stunned young man didn't bump into him head-on.What about now?But there was no retreat at all, and even the last piece of fig leaf that fell down the slope was blown away by the strong wind.

This unrighteous thief, God, is unsatisfactory, and only treats himself as a pig and dog. If this continues, there will be no end! ?

After all, the consequences of these two choices, whether to submit obediently or to fight to the death, are too heavy for him to bear.

Thinking of this, he just scolded his opponent with hatred in his heart, Wang Lun, oh Wang Lun!The officers and soldiers don't care about their status, and they send out people and work hard to fight for you. Why are you so reluctant to send a good horse!And donate money, ah bah!What is it to get this ghostly look?A tie plus a tie, wouldn't this guy have to draw his sword to face each other without saying a word! ?

Thinking of this kind of consequences, Wang Qing felt dizzy and extremely painful at this moment. Thinking back then, even if he hooked up with Tong Guan's daughter Jiaoxiu (adopted niece), it was nothing more than a marriage. Jingxi, however, was a blessing in disguise, such an encounter made him take advantage of the situation and find the true meaning of life. Being the general leader of the [-]th Road cottage in this green forest is much more practical than searching for flowers and willows in Tokyo.

Unexpectedly, after messing with this unknown white-clothed gentleman, everything has been unsatisfactory, everything is not satisfactory.

Even though that scorpion is a rare and fierce general, but for him to cause so many things, how can it be worth it?What's even more hateful is that this Wang Lun's attitude is extremely tough, and he is completely unreasonable. He can't even see the sincerity and patience that are most needed in the negotiation.Thinking about how much time I had wasted trying to test his bottom line, I didn't know that this person's bottom line was as high as the upper limit, and if they couldn't agree, they would fight!Fighting, fighting, you know how to fight, fortunately, this guy was born as a scholar, even the military master in the Kaifeng mansion knows the truth of combining horizontal and vertical, and a gentleman uses his mouth but not his hands. He just doesn't understand, no wonder this guy can't pass the exam Fame, just one word: yes!

It's just that such a stunned young man, where did he get so much capital for him to squander like this?Wang Qing, who hates iron but not steel, felt very hard to calm down at this time, he only felt that God was unfair, he had worked so hard, and only managed to gather a team of eighteen villages, but asked this person to bring a partial teacher to suppress him. Can't move!Could it be that he really wanted to force himself, a good man with strategy and vision, to scorn this fool and let him go? !

When he thought of this, he became worried, and saw Wang Qing looked at his military adviser remorsefully, while Li Zhu was lowering his head in thought, not knowing what he was thinking at this time, Wang Qing sighed sullenly when he saw this, his face was clouded with gloom , It was so cloudy that the water was about to be squeezed out.

But Wang Qing complained in his heart, but the situation before the battle became more complicated and confusing.Let's talk about that Jinghu savage Ma Jinzheng made General Wang almost unable to stop him from killing him before, but he didn't know that the opponent's horse stumbled and fell to the ground, and he took a big advantage.Seeing this strange situation, Ma Jin was stunned for a while, then put away his weapon, cupped his hands towards General Wang on the ground, and then retreated silently without saying a word.

Seeing that he did not take advantage of others, Xiao Jiasui, who was on the sidelines, nodded appreciatively, thinking that although the Ma brothers are rough people, they still behave according to the rules. Among the good and bad people in the green forest, they are considered Very rare.

The General Wang was also very sad, but he didn't care about his mess, he hurriedly checked the horse's injuries, saw that its front hoof was broken, and the blood was gushing, the General Wang hurriedly tore off the hem of his clothes, and hurriedly stopped the bleeding, thinking about this horse The old horse has been with me for nearly ten years, how many times he has accompanied me through difficult times, and finally returned to the mainland from the border, thinking that there are not many opportunities to fight, so that it can live up to its old age, but at this time...

The corners of the iron man's eyes were wet, and he stretched out his bloody hand to rub the mane on the back of his old partner's neck. The horse seemed to feel the grief of its master, and immediately neighed continuously. After snorting for the last time in front of its master, the war horse's eyes lost the last gleam of brilliance and slowly closed.

"My condolences to General Wang!" Jiao Ting and Li Kui, two reckless men, squeezed through a gap in the circle of pawns of the Western Army. Wang Lun stepped in, followed by Lin Chong. The two looked at General Wang's trembling Looking back, they all persuaded each other.

General Wang turned his head when he heard the words, cupped his hands to Lin Chong and said, "This general is incompetent, it seems that he can't repay Coach Lin's kindness!"

"You and I have been in the army for many generations. Who doesn't regard this horse as important as their surname? Today, General Wang lost his horse in front of the battle, and I feel ashamed. So I gave this poor horse as a gift, to show my heart, and to hope my dear brother Don't give up!" Lin Chong sighed, led his horse on, and took one last look at Wang Lun, Wang Lun nodded slightly, Lin Chong smiled gratefully in return, and handed the reins of the horse to General Wang.

General Wang smiled miserably, shook his head and said: "Wang did not accomplish enough, and failed more than he did. Instructor Lin kindly accepts it!"

Seeing this, Lin Chong pulled a good man from the Western Army beside him, and put the reins into his hand. This man had seen the world on the battlefield. He saw that the BMW behind the rope was so handsome, and it was priceless and hard to find. The former commander of the imperial army said that it was a bad horse, and he wanted to give it away later, so he couldn't help but feel sorry for it, but the general had said something beforehand, but he refused to accept it even if he died, so Nai Lin Chong pressed the rein tightly in this man's hand, telling him to eat as much as he could Even with the strength of the grandma, her face was red and her ears were flushed, but she couldn't move at all.

At this moment, the General Wang was completely disheartened, his whole body was very depressed, and he didn't want to say much. He just cupped his hands towards Lin Chong and said, "Coach Lin, there will be a period later! If you want to go to the frontier to earn a future with a knife and a gun, the young general will do his best." Promise!" As soon as he finished speaking, he saw that his face was full of sadness, and he strode away.

The soldier who took the reins was neither abandoning the horse nor leading the horse. After hesitating for a long time, he finally made up his mind. Because Lin Chong grabbed his hand, he bowed slightly to him and said: "My general is now an officer. Pay homage to the observation envoy of Xiqing Mansion, the infantry are all in Yuhou, if you have anything to do with the instructor, just come and look for it!"

Seeing him put away the horse, Lin Chong nodded, then let go of his hand and watched the group go.Xiao Jiasui, who was standing aside at this time, saw that General Wang promised Lin Chong a golden road in front of Wang Lun. Not only did Wang Lun show no displeasure, Lin Chong also did not explain his actions. Xiao Jiasui's heart couldn't help feeling a little bit of a smile, and he felt that the friendship between the two masters and followers had already reached a point where no words or actions were needed to explain it.

It is estimated that in today's world, there is no chance that can separate the sympathy between these two people.

The official army's convoy finally started again, and the body of the war horse was also carried into the carriage. General Wang walked at the end of the team without saying a word, but he didn't notice that at the corner of the window, the curtain was opened by Qianqian's jade hand. There was a gap, and a pair of bright eyes kept looking at the increasingly blurred back of the white-clothed scholar.

"Military division, but what should we do?" Wang Qing, who had been waiting a little anxiously, pulled Li Zhu aside, and couldn't help asking in a low voice.

"Brother, let him go! If you continue to fight against the general, you will never agree. Wang Lun is determined to save him, and it is useless to fight him. There is no other way!" Li Zhu sighed. , lowered his voice.

"It's not my intention to make a fuss without end. I just let people go like this. Who will obey me after I'm done? I asked Village Master Du to detain him, but now he let him go easily. How can he look at me?" ?” Wang Qing said angrily.

"Everyone is not an unreasonable person, who would blame you, brother? Seeing such a situation, who is willing to move forward except the villager I brought along? The two village owners of Hongtao Mountain are already timid. I mean, when the time comes to fight, it is still unknown whether the ambushing people from each village will come out according to the plan! Brother, as the saying goes, take a step back, and don't fight for a moment. , Who do you have to be afraid of when you are in the world?" Li Zhu persuaded.

"It's hard to get rid of my shame, so the military division has the full power to make the decision!" Wang Qing said angrily.

Li Zhu nodded when he heard the words, and said: "People have to pay back, but it's not so easy to pay him back. In this way, according to my younger brother, Wang Lun must be humiliated in front of his subordinates!"

Wang Qing was overjoyed when he heard the words, and hurriedly asked, "What's the military commander's plan?"

"I think that Wang Lun has no power to restrain the chicken. The little brother will come forward and call for battle. He clearly stated that no matter whether he wins or loses, he will let him go. The premise is that he will be a match with me! If he dares to fight, hehe..." Assistant Li gritted his teeth.

"You... you... want to make him!?" Wang Qing was shocked, and immediately noticed that everyone not far away looked at him when they saw this, and quickly lowered his voice.

Li Zhu didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and replied: "Brother, what's the use of being him, that Lin Chong is easy to get along with? Look at the tacit understanding between the two of them, Lin Chong will not risk his life to avenge him? Besides, the king After all, Lun has some morals, and there are many dead men under his command. Even if we resisted the group of people in front of us, we stabbed the hornet's nest in Liangshanbo. I am afraid that there will be no peace in the future! Such a thing that hurts others and does not benefit oneself, a wise man will not do it!"

When Wang Qing said that he calmed down, he thought that his military master had lost his position after being humiliated, but he suddenly felt that something was wrong, and then said: "What if Wang Lun doesn't want to fight? When the time comes, he will lead his troops to charge over, isn't it?" play tricks!"

Li Zhu snorted and sneered, and said: "It's easy to do if you don't dare to fight. I'll just let him go. It's just that there are more than a dozen brothers from the village here, and there are thousands of mouths in total. I’m afraid there’s another huatou!” (To be continued.)

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