Wang Xiaohu, who was still in shock, took the remnants of his defeated generals and fled in a hurry on the dark path, turning his head to spy behind him from time to time, for fear that Yanggu County would send pursuers to bite him.

This team of dozens of remnants and defeated generals had the same thoughts as Wang Xiaohu.That is to leave this place of right and wrong as soon as possible.During the period, some people secretly left the team and absconded privately when Wang Xiaohu was not paying attention.For example, the little leader who contacted Wang Ying for Ximen Qing disappeared halfway.

What does it mean to fall short?I'm afraid that at this time, no one understands the regret and unwillingness represented by these four words better than Wang Xiaohu. What a painful realization!

From coaxing him to leave Erlong Mountain with clever words to sneaking into Yanggu County in the dark at night, everything went extremely smoothly.After Wei Wei broke into Wu Song's private house alone, everything suddenly became unsatisfactory, just like the beginning of a nightmare.

It's all the fault of Cao Zheng!What hero?It's none of your business for the master to seek revenge from Wu Song?Just guard the stairs as if you don't want your life, and tell yourself that a group of people can't go upstairs.Later, someone proposed to set fire to the family. Although I was a little bit reluctant to part with Jinlian, but time was urgent and there was no reason to hesitate. Unexpectedly, as soon as the fire was lit, the clerk in the hotel opposite the market went crazy. Kill him behind his back.To be honest, I have never seen such a crazy waiter in my life.

The dog said it!

Wang Xiaohu gnashed his teeth and scolded.If it weren't for this person, he would have entered Wu Song's house a long time ago and slaughtered his whole family, young and old. That golden lotus... Thinking of this, Wang Xiaohu was extremely anxious, and looked angrily at his crotch, that donkey that made him so proud Big licensed guy, at this moment... no, from now on, he can only be like a caterpillar forever, unable to stand up again.The doctor Liu Tang invited, who killed a thousand swords, healed himself into such a state of immortality, and he said he did his best, bah!

"Second boss, how can we explain when we go back? We didn't gain anything, but so many brothers died!" Wang Ying was cursing in his heart, but an untimely question from one of his subordinates interrupted his dream of venting his distress.This person is the old man of Qingfeng Mountain. When there is no one else, he always calls Wang Ying by his old title. It is said that he is very happy.

"Go back? Do you still want to be controlled by others? Listen to them telling you that this is not okay, and that is not okay? You have never grown up eating shit, and your bones are so cheap!" Wang Ying was full of anger, and at this time she cried out completely. This person sparked a word, and immediately began to curse, but after the voice burst out, it seemed a bit sharp, revealing an indescribable weirdness.

In fact, Wang Ying came down the mountain this time, and Wang Ying had no intention of going back at all.In the cottage, Chao Gai was in charge before, which made him feel uncomfortable all over his body. After Chao Gai went down the mountain, another housekeeper, Gongsun Shenglai, appeared, as well as Wen Zhongrong and Cui Ye who were out of place. Every time I see myself, that long face is pulled into a horse face, as if I owe them tens of thousands of money.

Wang Ying felt from the bottom of her heart that she had had enough. When the accumulated conflicts were about to break out, a former subordinate leader came up the mountain to find him. Wang Ying was overjoyed when he received the news, and immediately coaxed Gongsun Sheng to go down the mountain to borrow food.

To be honest, Gongsun Sheng didn't want to let this person go down the mountain to cause trouble, but this person is the leader of the cottage after all, not a prisoner, and it is impossible for him to restrict his freedom. Hearing that he wants to go down the mountain to borrow food, it is not easy to stop him for a while. They sent more than a dozen of Chao Gai's former farmers to go down the mountain with him, so that this person also had scruples in his heart and could not do whatever he wanted, and do anything that would affect the reputation of the cottage.

It's a pity that Gongsun Sheng's painstaking efforts were all in vain after Wang Xiaohu went down the mountain.Who would have expected that this guy would ignore Yan Shun and Song Jiang's relationship, and would be determined to betray him?

It's a pity that these ten or so loyal Baozheng dealers, although they were on guard against Wang Xiaohu's misconduct, did not expect this person to stab a knife in the back?Call Wang Xiaohu to find an opportunity, and he has a whole litter.Except for the more than 30 confidantes who participated in this matter, the other old people on Qingfeng Mountain in the team were still kept in the dark, and said that the dozen or so people were sent back to the mountain by brother Wang Ying.

After scolding the little leader, Wang Aihu felt much more at ease. Seeing that there was no movement in the back, he stopped, and said to his opponents: "I am very disappointed today, and I don't want to go back to Erlong Mountain again. I heard that Yunzhou has never had a hero who occupies the mountain as king, so I, Wang Ying, will settle here now!"

As soon as Wang Ying's words fell, everyone was stunned. Although they were all old people on Qingfeng Mountain, the two leaders Yan Shun and Zheng Tianshou were still on Erlong Mountain. Can't digest this news.Only Wang Ying's remaining 20 confidants agreed in unison. When the rest of the people were looking at each other, suddenly two unfamiliar faces looked at each other, and they all made up their minds and said:

"How can a man live under others for a long time? Brother Wang Ying, the two of us know a treasured place called Niutou Mountain, which is in the territory of Yunzhou. The mountain there is steep and easy to defend. There is a Taoist temple on the mountain. There are more than a hundred Taoist priests and Taoist boys in it. Because the people nearby are rich, the incense is very strong. We two wanted to occupy it for a long time, but we couldn't do it because we couldn't do it. Today, many people like my brother are released. So I donated this mountain and gave it to my elder brother as a foundation, and then I robbed my family and house there, but I was not happy?"

Wang Xiaohu was overjoyed when he heard the words, and said: "You two are so sincere, I will not treat you badly, seeing that you two have some skills, and I am also short of help now, so I invite you two to sit in the second and third places, how about it?" ?”

The two were overjoyed, and immediately worshiped Wang Ying as the leader, and discussed together to fight Niutoushan.

But who are these two people?One is Wang and Jiang, and the other is Dong and Hai.These two were originally doing private business in the territory of Yunzhou, and they also had five or seven confidantes who specialized in robbing single guests on the side of the road. Later, they asked Ximenqing to find out, and spent a lot of money to invite them to come over as internal agents to rob the city of Yanggu County. He also promised to recommend them to Erlong Mountain after the matter was completed.

What's so difficult about these two Xindao robbing the gate of a small county in the middle of the night?Thinking that there would be no future for robbing single guests, they were both moved by Ximen Qing's rhetoric, and the two hit it off.These two recruited [-] or [-] desperadoes from the rivers and lakes to do this big business together, so as to please the leader of Erlong Mountain who came down this time, and have the right to vote for it.

Unexpectedly, Wang Ying suddenly turned against the water at this time, and she didn't want to go back to the mountain, and insisted on being self-reliant.After the two were surprised, they were overjoyed again. As the saying goes, Dao would rather be the head of a chicken than the tail of a phoenix. The two of them had this great opportunity, so they were willing to miss it, so they bowed to Wang Yingna head immediately.

Just when these three people were talking speculatively, it turned out that one of Qingfengshan's minions said unfairly: "I'll just leave like this, how can I explain to Yanshun and Zheng Tianshou?"

Hearing this, Wang Ying's eyes showed murderous intent, and he walked up to the man with a smile, and the man said that he wanted to give an explanation, but Wang Ying stabbed the man with a knife without warning, and immediately said sharply: "Don't dare to give me an explanation!" Two-hearted person, take him as an example!"

This Wang Ying was originally an unrighteous person, in the original trajectory, he wanted to draw his sword and join forces with the boss Yan Shun for the sake of Liu Gao's woman, but now he abandoned Yan Shun, and he didn't feel guilty at all in his heart.Since he wants to protect Boss Song with all his heart, that is his business. How much suffering he has suffered for Song Jiang, how many unreasonable disasters he has suffered, and now he is forced to set up another mountain. There is no one who is worthy of him. statement.

Except for Wang Jiang and the desperadoes from Dong Hailuo, everyone else present is the old man of Qingfeng Mountain. Wang Ying's ferocity has long been taught, and these people have a role model in front of them. No matter who dares to go against his will at this time, they all promise go with him.

Wang Xiaohu laughed loudly, and after asking the way, he was about to go to the Niutoushan.I didn't want them to stop discussing, and they were delayed for a while, but they were overtaken by a big man. At this moment, a bloody man came out from a slanting stab. When he saw this group of people, he immediately shouted angrily: "Wang Ying, dog thief, take your life!" !"

When Wang Xiaohu saw this man, his teeth itched with hatred, and he shouted sharply: "Come on, let's go together, hack this guy to death!"

When Wang Ying's subordinates saw that it was Wu Song who was fighting the tiger, they were all frightened and at a loss.It's just because this group of people suffered a big loss from him not long ago, this person in front of him is surrounded by more than a hundred people, he can fight in and out without delay, let alone this time, his own team of less than a hundred people is defeated?Although there are many people on my side, no one is willing to step forward and be an unjust dead ghost.

When Wang Xiaohu thought that he had fallen into the state where he was neither human nor ghost, he was all thanks to this person. If he hadn't brought Wang Lun up the mountain, the golden lotus would have been his confinement, but now he is ruined by this person. but not hateful?When I went to take revenge today, I almost captured Jinlian. Even if I can't do anything, it would be good to capture this girl and make her a widow for the rest of my life!

Thinking of this, Wang Xiaohu couldn't help feeling resentful in his heart, and he straightened out his simple knife to fight the blood-stained Wu Song.Wu Song yelled "Well done", drew out his swords and was about to step forward to take the man's life.For Wu Song, the safety of his family is his ulterior motive, and no one can escape death if he touches it. The guy in front of him doesn't remember to eat or beat, and he still wants to sneak attack for revenge. This time, he can't say anything. over him.

Wang Xiaohu fought with Wu Song a few times, but he felt his muscles and bones were sore and weak. He spent too much energy to come and go tonight, and if he was weak for a while, he would be unable to stop him. Then Wang Jiang and Dong Hai saw that the big leader was about to lose , shocked in my heart, secretly thinking that my future is still with this person, how can I let him die here?Immediately, the two of them led Luo's desperadoes to attack Wu Song.

I saw that Wu Song was not afraid at all, he rushed from left to right in this group of people, everyone was terrified by Wu Song's killing, gradually more than a dozen people died under his swords, and their souls went to hell.Dong Hai couldn't bear it anymore. When he turned around to ask for help, there were no figures of Wang Xiaohu and Wang Jiang. Looking at the distance, these two people had already fled away with dozens of people. Cursed: "Wang Ying, Wang Jiang, you two disloyal bastards, I call you eighteen generations of ancestors!"

After Dong Hai finished cursing, he immediately turned around and wanted to run away. When Wu Song saw this, how could he tell him to run away?He conveniently took care of the two minions around him, caught up with this guy, stepped on him, and raised his knife to kill him. Dong Hai covered his head with both hands, and shouted sharply: "Hero, spare my life, spare my life! They are all Ximen Qing...Ximen Qing called us here!" (To be continued.)

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