On the one hand, the three heroes of the Ruan family are eager to change the status quo of life, and they want to live a happy life of "drinking in a big bowl, eating meat in large pieces, and dividing gold and silver on a large scale", and on the other hand, they are eager to improve the copycat talents. In the dilemma of shortage, Liangshan Bozhu, who is eager to seek talents and is eager to join the sailors, finally meets in this thatched hut. How can the two sides not spark a spark of sympathy?

There is a saying: If you have love and I have righteousness, then there will be drama!

It's just that when Song Wan heard Ruan Xiaoer and Ruan Xiaowu make a poisonous oath, the expression on his face suddenly became a little weird.When they finally said "If you have two hearts, you dare to be shot by thunder", your eyes unconsciously glanced at Wang Lun. You must know that his elder brother is a living specimen who was beaten by thunder and leaped like a tiger!

Let's say that everyone has finished the ceremony, and the atmosphere in the room is different at this time.

At this point, the Ruan brothers are no longer as vigilant as they were in the polite manner just now. At this moment, all three of them opened their hearts, and they just toasted Wang Lun and Du Qian courteously.

Of course, Wang Lun was even more relieved. How can the three heroes in front of him be compared with Han Bolong's villain?How could he not know Sanruan's character!Just thinking of the original ending of these three people, Wang Lun couldn't help sighing secretly in his heart.

The beginning of the tragedy was all caused by the three brothers listening to the advice of their old friend Wu Yong, and they followed Chao Tianwang loyally ever since.It's a pity that their boss obviously lost to Song Sanlang, the patriarch of Houhei, and was finally pushed down the mountain in a hurry, and died under the poisonous arrow, leaving only these three miserable people with obvious traces of factions.And Professor Wu, who lobbied his brother to come out of the mountain, is now changing his family to look like a fish in water in front of Song Jiang's brother. I don't know if this wise man is ashamed when he sits and watches three old friends in an embarrassing situation.

In the end, the boss Ruan Xiaoer committed suicide because he did not want to be a prisoner after he failed in the Southern Expedition to Fangla.Ruan Xiaowu, the second son, also died in battle in the south of the Yangtze River, fulfilling the old saying that a general dies in a hundred battles and is returned in a horse leather shroud.The third child, Ruan Xiaoqi, survived until the end, but was framed by a villain after he succeeded, but he still had a positive and optimistic attitude towards life, and took his old mother to spend his old age peacefully.

Looking at these three men with distinctive personalities, who were having a drink in high spirits at this time, unaware of the tragic fate that had already been set in the dark, Wang Lun felt suffocated in his heart, and hurriedly raised a bowl of wine to cover himself He just made a promise secretly in his heart: there must be a double law in the world, and he will live up to the country and live up to you!


The cups came and went, and after half a round of drinking, everyone gradually slowed down and chatted.

"Brother, I heard that our cottage broke Xixi Village a few days ago?" Ruan Xiaoqi hiccupped and asked impatiently.

Wang Lun nodded, and replied: "That's right, just because there was a brother on the mountain named Baozheng of Xixi Village, his family was ruined and his family was ruined. The leaders couldn't sit still when they heard about it, so the village mobilized a large group of people to go down the mountain overnight to avenge his family!"

"Brother is a loyal person! It is also a blessing for my three brothers to be able to vote for my brother today. Come, my brother will respect my brother again!" Ruan Xiaoqi suggested, seeing that Ruan Xiaoer and Ruan Xiaowu were both Stand up and toast Wang Lun together.

Wang Lun and Song Wan both stood up with the wine, only to hear Wang Lun say: "Don't be polite! Since the three heroes voted for my cottage, they are all brothers of our own family. Don't be polite in the future. Come, drink this bowl to the full!"

The five of them drank the wine proudly, and sat down to eat.

"Brother Song, you were there that night, right? I heard that the three chiefs of our cottage have all gone down the mountain. Who is the housekeeper of the cottage? Don't ask someone to copy the bottom line!" Ruan Xiaowu asked carefully.

"Wulang, you don't know that there are now more than three leaders in our village! A few days ago, Brother Wang Lun suggested that Brother Zhu Gui took the fourth position in our village, and soon his direct brother, Smiling Tiger Zhu Fu, will also come Vote for our cottage, and now you add the three dragons in the water, but it’s not a gathering of dragons and tigers? Our cottage is really getting more and more prosperous!" Song Wan laughed.

"I know this brother, isn't he the one who runs the hotel at the entrance of the Li family?" Ruan Xiaoqi continued.

"But it wasn't him? Brother Du Qian and I went down the mountain with my brother that night, and brother Zhu Gui was watching the house in the cottage! I have my own brother in Liangshanbo who is planning a strategy. Who is afraid of copying the bottom? It is the long-famous King of Tota, Chao Gai, who also Didn't you tell your brother to play with it?" Song Wan said with a smile.

Seeing Song Wan mentioning Chao Gai, Ruan Xiaowu asked, "I heard that our cottage was also cleaned up by King Tota?"

Wang Lun smiled when he heard the words, and said, "Who did Wu Lang listen to? You have to ask Brother Song Wan about this!"

Little Wu was red-faced, not sure if it was caused by the wine, but still a little embarrassed, he just said: "It's all from the rumors of the villagers, my brother doesn't know, the story of the mountain stronghold going down the mountain that night has been spread all over the ten miles and eight towns! He even distributed money and food to the villagers, and Chao Tianwang from the next village wanted to share a piece of the pie, but he told the brothers to clean it up!"

Song Wanjian laughed for a while, and went on to describe the scene of the night in detail, and the Ruan brothers were engrossed in listening.

After hearing this, Ruan Xiaoqi scolded: "This is Chao Tianwang, too. He took a fancy to Baozheng's family property in the neighboring village and went to get it, but no one stopped him! But he even resorted to such half-way villains' tricks, Aren't you afraid of being ridiculed by heroes in the Jianghu? I still respect him as a good man with extravagance, he really blinded me!"

Ruan Xiaoer, who hadn't interrupted all this time, said at this moment: "Take brother's official face and make it easy!"

Ruan Xiaoqi took a sip of the wine and said, "Duan has a good plan!"

Wang Lun smiled and didn't answer, but persuaded the three of them to drink again, but saw Ruan Xiaoqi drop the bowl and said to Wang Lun: "Brother, let's go up the mountain today before the sun goes down! "

Wang Lun laughed, straight to Qilang refreshing!At the same time, he gestured to Song Wan, Song Wan understood, hurriedly got up and rushed to the outside of the courtyard, called the minions who were eating on the flat ground, and everyone carried the box in.Wang Lun opened the box in full view of everyone, and saw that the box was full of bright silver. He was stunned by the three heroes of the Ruan family who saw so much silver for the first time in his life.

Wang Lun said with a smile: "The village has recently established a rule that each new leader who comes up to the mountain will have one thousand guan to settle down. Here is 3000 taels of silver. The three brothers will keep it!"

The three heroes of the Ruan family looked at each other, and the eagerness was ready to come out.Ruan Xiaoqi said: "Brother values ​​my three brothers so much, I will never lose them in this life!"

Seeing that, Wang Lun stood up and bowed solemnly to the three of them, who hurriedly returned the salute.After a while of fuss, everyone sat down again, only to hear Wang Lun say: "Three brothers, only I have a plan in my heart! Please listen to Wang Lun!"

The three hurriedly said: "Brother, please tell me!"

Wang Lun smiled and said eloquently: "To tell you the truth, my three brothers, now my stronghold and navy are weak, and it is difficult to expand in a hurry. The three of my Wenxian brothers have lived in a fishing village for generations. There must be some dead friends. If others If you want to, it would be the best to go up to the mountains together! When the time comes, good brothers will drink fine wine together, wear brocade clothes together, share gold and silver together, wouldn’t it be wonderful?”

The Ruan brothers nodded when they heard the words, and Ruan Xiaoqi smiled and said, "What's wrong with me? Brother, this matter rests with the three of my brothers. No matter what you say, you will have to bring a hundred and eighty people to the mountain to gather for righteousness together." !"

Ruan Xiaoer, the most calm among the three, also said: "It's not difficult! It just takes some time, my brother let me go to the village for a few days, and I will definitely live up to my brother's trust!"

"No rush, no rush, the three brothers take it easy, I'll just wait for the good news on the mountain!" Wang Lun said with a smile.

Hearing that Song Wanchao Wang Lun glanced at him, his eyes were full of admiration, he didn't want his brother to say a word, not only did he add three more heroes in the water to the village, but it seemed likely that he would pull up a navy that was no less than the current size of the village. !

Uh... this... It seems that today it was originally agreed that they were only here to buy fish. I never thought about it, but I even dragged the fishermen up the mountain together.No, even the money to buy fish in the future is saved.Why!I really convinced my brother, look at this abacus!


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