Water Margin Survival

Chapter 236 Kill 1 Tiger and Capture 1 Tiger


I don't know who in the crowd yelled. The guests of Zhujiazhuang, who were sitting or standing lazily, subconsciously grasped the weapons at hand, and looked vigilantly at the place where the sky was filled with dust.

What a big battle!Could it be that the thieves all went down the mountain?

After all, it was the first time in my life that I saw such a big scene, and the guests of Zhujiazhuang inevitably felt a little scared. Fortunately, everyone was a little bit confident at this time, that is, the three young masters had already made a clever plan, even if the Liangshan bandits came It is useless to have more, it is nothing more than to prepare more ropes for binding people.

"Did the Liangshan bandits go down the mountain?" Zhu Hu asked, looking back at the two brothers.

"There must be tens of thousands of people here, and this time almost all of Liangshanbo's real background is brought!" Zhu Long replied.

Zhu Biao let out an annoyed cry when he heard the words, and said angrily: "Isn't this troublesome, and I have to go to other islands to kill them! Wang Lun is the same, it's nothing to take half and keep the other half, it's not straightforward, but Asking the masters to kill them step by step is not tiring!"

Zhu Long and Zhu Hu laughed loudly when they heard the words, Zhu Hu said with a smile: "It will be a great credit for me to deal with these guys. As for the rest of the island, it is up to Zhizhou to take care of them." Mr. Xiang, go worry about it!"

Zhu Long and Zhu Biao burst into laughter again when they heard the words, and the unscrupulous laughter of the three encouraged the dealers behind them. Seeing that the three young masters were all talking and laughing to meet the enemy, the only trace of fear left in everyone's hearts was dispelled Go, only the vision of victory remains.

"Listen well, everyone. We will act according to the plan later, and there will be no mistakes. Violators will be punished severely! I wish the three heroes will keep their promises, and everyone will halve the land rent this year! In addition, kill and capture one thief alive, and reward them with money." Consistent! If you catch the leader, you will be rewarded with 20 taels of silver!"

As soon as Zhu Biao's words fell, the morale of Zhuang Ding was boosted. Zhu Biao glanced at his two brothers proudly. At this moment, the three of them looked confident.Only Luan Tingyu frowned slightly, with a solemn expression.

At this time, on the other side of the battlefield, the Liangshan army and horses assembled in turn.Because he found out in advance that Zhujiazhuang was setting up a battle formation in front of Dulonggang, Wang Lun felt strange, afraid of their tricks in the Thunderbolt camp leading the battle, so he urged the Chinese army to catch up with the front team.

"I, Liang Shanbo, have no enmity with you, Zhujiazhuang. Why did the three of you attack my hotel and plunder my leader!" Qin Ming, who arrived first, yelled and asked.

"Stop talking nonsense! If you want to fight, you can fight, and if you want to surrender, you can surrender! Then let us catch Zhu Fu, the mourning tiger. What can you do to me? It has already been peeled and is drying in the sun!" Zhu Biao deliberately lit the fire. , I am afraid that Liangshan people will not be angry.

Qin Ming was furious when he heard the words, and yelled, "Little Huangkou, come out and fight your grandfather for three hundred rounds!"

Zhu Biao smiled contemptuously and said, "Every man is worthy?"

Qin Ming was so angry that he wished he could smash the guy's head with a stick. He was about to urge his horse to go into battle when he saw his horse's reins being pulled by someone. When Qin Ming glared to see who was so bold as to stop him, he said in surprise "Brother?" Immediately said: "This guy is too deceitful, please let me go into battle!"

It turned out that it was Wang Lun who was holding Qin Ming's reins. He had just finished assigning tasks with Shi Qian, and when he heard the words of this Zhu family who didn't know who he was, he knew that Qin Ming couldn't bear the anger, so he hurried back and said, "The scouts haven't arrived yet." Come back, general, wait for a stick of incense, and then you will surely get your wish!"

Seeing what Wang Lun had said, Qin Ming suppressed his sullenness, let go of the reins, and kept his eyes on Zhu Biao's side.

Zhu Biao sneered, seeing that the Liangshan infantry had also rushed over at this time, he thought that the opponent was almost here, and turned to Luan Tingyu and said, "Master, please take action, old man!" Zhu Long and Zhu Hu agreed with each other.

The first thing this time is to capture a thief general, so as to attract the anger of the thieves, and then fall into the hub and let him be at his mercy.Just because the matter was so important, the three of them were originally vindictive and ruthless people, but now they all endured for the sake of the big plan, and only entrusted the task to themselves, the master who is full of undeserved courage.

Luan Tingyu nodded, got on his horse with a hammer, came out with a gun, came to the formation, swung his sword and immediately said loudly: "I am Luan Tingyu of Zhujiazhuang, who is willing to come forward and teach me two tricks?"

This is Luan Tingyu who was not alive or dead in the original trajectory?

When Wang Lun was sizing up this person carefully, several scouts rushed into the battle from different directions. Xiao Jiasui stepped forward and asked them one by one, and then he came to Wang Lun and said, "Brother, thirty people outside Dulonggang There is indeed no ambush inside!"

Wang Lun nodded slightly when he heard the words, and suddenly heard Qin Ming who had been patient for a long time say: "Brother, let my younger brother meet this Luan Tingyu!"

Seeing that he was very determined to fight, Wang Lun didn't stop him, he just told him: "Although this Luan Tingyu has the courage that is unworthy of men, he is not a brave man. , the general must be careful! In addition, his three apprentices also have the habit of stabbing people in the back!"

Even Li Ying, the sky-piercing eagle known for his hidden weapons, was hit by Zhu Biao's back arrow. It has to be said that these three apprentices have already learned the true teachings of their master when it comes to spying on the opportunity to use hidden weapons.

As soon as Qin Ming heard the words, he clasped his fists at Wang Lun and said, "Thank you, brother, for your suggestion!" Seeing Wang Lun nodding, Qin Ming gritted his teeth and rushed out of the battle. Wang Lun sent an order to Tang Bin and Yang Zhi to watch over him I wish the three sons of the family.

"Who is coming!" Luan Tingyu saw that Qin Ming was coming ferociously, that the bright armor and the BMW under his crotch were not ordinary things, so he didn't dare to neglect him.

Seeing a mace piercing through the void, it slammed towards Luan Tingyu, he quickly raised his gun to meet him, and at the first contact, he knew that the weight was extraordinary, so he immediately summoned up his supernatural power, and fought with Qin Ming.

Lin Chong saw the scene before the battle, and said: "This Luan Tingyu's spear skills are extraordinary, but it can stand up to General Qin's stick!"

"Such a talented person, but he takes care of the house and guards the home for a rich man who doesn't know the importance. I don't know if it's his sorrow or the sorrow of my Song court!" Hao Siwen suddenly interjected, seeing his deep eyes, not knowing what he was thinking.

At this time, the situation on the battlefield suddenly changed. Luan Tingyu and Qin Ming fought for thirty rounds, and the marksmanship was not messed up, but they pulled up their horses and ran to the east. Qin Ming was not willing to give up, but he remembered Wang Lun's reminder, secretly guarding against him suddenly releasing a hidden weapon, and the two ran away. When he was about ten zhang away, he suddenly saw Luan Tingyu turn around and a hammer flew towards him, Qin Ming shouted that it was a good come, and knocked the hammer away with his stick, Luan Tingyu was secretly surprised, and thought: "This man is vigilant! "

I saw him turn around and fight again, which was exactly what Qin Ming wanted. The two of them came and went, and it was more than [-] times. Luan Tingyu saw a flaw, pulled his horse and left again, so anxious that Qin Ming was furious, how could he let it go? He ran away, and saw two fast horses chasing one after the other for a while, Luan Tingyu looked at the path in front of him, secretly delighted, and said: "This time, you can't escape..."

Suddenly hearing the long hiss of the war horse under his crotch, Luan Tingyu suddenly felt that he had lost his balance, and fell out of the air, and landed hard on the ground, his face was ashamed and his nose was bleeding profusely.At this time, more than 20 people came from the side of the road, stepped forward and tied up the teacher, Luan Tingyu was startled and said, "Have you waited the wrong way? It's me! Luan Tingyu!"

"It was you, Luan Tingyu, who fell! Didn't you, Brother Qin Ming!" A man with thick eyebrows and bright eyes climbed up from the pit beside him, and said to Qin Ming who was rushing out of breath.

At this moment, Monk Zhang Er was puzzled, and asked straight: "How do you know this fellow will run here?"

Shi Qian laughed loudly, and said: "Brother Qin Ming, this guy arranged for the ambush here, and he will naturally bring you here. The little brother is just a dove occupying that, yes, dove occupying the magpie's nest, let me borrow it." That's all!"

When Luan Tingyu heard this, she was ashamed and lowered her head.Qin Ming laughed loudly, and said: "So I dug a hole for myself, no wonder I ran in such a hurry!"

After laughing, Qin Ming suddenly felt afraid for a while, and hurriedly said: "Brother, if it weren't for you, it seems that I would have been captured! Thank you very much!"

"Brother has given you an order in advance, otherwise I wouldn't have searched along the two sides. It happened that when I led the team, I encountered these dozen or so dumb birds lying in ambush here, so can I be polite to them?" Shi Qian said with a smile. .

When Qin Ming heard this, he sighed unceasingly. If Wang Lun hadn't reminded himself to guard against his hammer, he would have almost caught him. He didn't expect that there was a trap in front of him. It was thanks to his brother's careful thinking that he escaped these two catastrophes. .

Qin Ming, who was very impressed, borrowed a horse from Shi Qian, put Luan Tingyu, who was tied up like a rice dumpling, on the horse, and went straight to the battlefield.The three masters of the Zhu family were waiting for the good news from their master so that they could implement the plan, but two horses turned out from the small path. , It’s the other way around! Why did the master ask this fellow to be captured!”

When Zhu Hu saw him, he wanted to go up to save people, but Zhu Biao stopped him and persuaded him in a low voice: "Master was captured, and now the false defeat has become a real defeat. In fact, it is still a false defeat, but it is more realistic, and it is better for these guys to believe it! "

Zhu Hu asked anxiously: "Then what should Master do?"

"If you lure these guys into the trap, you will naturally be able to rescue the master!" Zhu Biao said.

"Three children, what are you muttering about, come out to fight with grandpa! You could be eloquent just now, why are you shrinking your head now!" Qin Ming laughed loudly.The anger just now was swept away.

Zhu Biao's face was gloomy, wishing to grit his teeth. He was the only one who bullied others. When he never dared to fight back when he was bullied at the door, he almost burst out of his chest with anger, and said, "I'll wait for you!" Let's fight together for a while! One is to vent your anger, and the other is to retreat, so let's be realistic!" As soon as he finished speaking, he saw him stepping forward with his sword straightened, wishing the dragon and the tiger to see each other, and also stepping forward to help.

Qin Ming laughed loudly, handed the horse carrying Luan Tingyu to Huang Xin who was coming up, and ran towards the three of them with a stick, at this time, he annoyed the two heroes in Liangshan's formation, and saw that Tang Bin and Yang Zhi were both Bending the bow and setting the arrow, only two swishing sounds were heard, one arrow pierced Zhu Hu's throat, and the other shot to his head, Tang Bin shouted, "Brother Yang, why should I shoot you?" Shoot anyone, but don't waste it!"

Yang Zhi didn't expect such a coincidence, both of them looked at Zhu Hu and shook their heads endlessly.

Seeing Zhu Long on the sidelines, he cursed: "Third brother, your second brother's surname is all because of you!" (To be continued.)

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