Water Margin Survival

Chapter 244 The end is the beginning of another paragraph

Leaving this time is really leaving.

As the last truck full of food and grass left the gate of Zhujiazhuang, the rescue of Zhu Fu down the mountain came to a successful conclusion.

The various trophies captured in the breach of Zhujiazhuang this time were enough to make the leaders of various positions in the cottage excited for a while.

For the developing Liangshanbo, the importance of money and food is unquestionable.As a rising military separatist group, the raw materials needed to build sea ships, warships, and individual equipment (yellow birch bows, divine arm bows, crossbows, leather armor, etc.), as well as horses, which are indispensable For Liang Shanbo, who has no intention of breaking the trading rules, strategic resources, plus various materials needed by other copycats, all need to be purchased in large quantities, and all of this requires money.

And food, as the foundation of human survival, is the decisive factor for the stability of the cottage. Although the cottage has seized a large amount of grain in Niutoushan before, the daily consumption of Liangshanbo is also very huge. Wang Lun led troops to attack this time. In front of Zhujiazhuang, the cottage's food stock is only four months old.

Therefore, it can be said that Du Qian and Jiang Jing should be the most happy to break Zhujiazhuang this time. It's hard to be a "poor" family. Who doesn't want to have more money in their hands?

The final count of grain this time totaled 48 shi, which was [-] shi less than what Song Jiang seized when he broke Zhujiazhuang, but this amount was enough to satisfy Wang Lun.This is the largest amount of money and food seized in a single transaction since the village was established in Liangshan.

In addition to the huge amount of food and grass, there are also gold, silver and jewelry worth 18 copper coins.At this time, the purchase price of large quantities of grain is about half a copper coin per stone.From this point of view, although this Zhujiazhuang is not as rich as an enemy, at least it has a huge family fortune.

With this huge amount of money and food at this time, it undoubtedly solved the urgent need of the cottage. I believe that Du Qian would wake up with a smile in his dreams.

Another happy person should be Meng Kang.

I believe that after seeing the large number of captives, what he is worried about at this time is definitely not the problem of insufficient manpower, but how to digest them all.

Zhu Chaofeng's 7000 or [-] villagers with knives and guns, and ten battalions of Yunzhou forbidden soldiers (Babu Battalion and Erma Battalion), add up to nearly [-] people. Wang Lun does not intend to release them. When it was time, it fell into the hands of Hou Fa who regarded him as a confidant, and became a force against Liang Shan again.

As for how to arrange the 7000 people plus the original captives in the cottage, Wang Lun has a rough plan in mind, but it will take time to realize it.The temporary use of these captives is either to be sent to Mengkang, Tang Long, and Hou Jian, or to be incorporated into Tao Zongwang's engineering brigade. It is not ruled out that a small number of them are worthy of training and may be incorporated into the ranks of counterfeit soldiers.

The benefits brought by the surrender of the Ten Battalion's imperial troops are far more than the above-mentioned manpower advantages, but also lie in the standard equipment they are equipped with.For example, the God Arm Bow has captured nearly a thousand of them this time. Although the damage ratio is a bit large, as long as there is an undamaged king of this individual long-range weapon, Wang Lun can hand it over to Tang Long for imitation. This kind of sharp weapon of the Song Dynasty, which makes the Jin people tremble with fear, can be distributed in their own teams on a large scale.

Another harvest worth mentioning is four to five thousand pairs of leather armor of different quality, more than 2000 bows and crossbows, hundreds of thousands of arrows, and more than [-] war horses.

In the past few days, the chief generals of the various battalions of the horse army wanted to fight for the captured bows and arrows.It was the same with the infantry, everyone was staring at the hundreds of undamaged bows, and they took turns to talk to Wang Lun's ears.In the end, Wang Lun had no choice but to follow egalitarianism, you have me and everyone has it, but the focus is slightly biased towards Hao Siwen's battalion.The sacrifice made to Hao Siwen was obvious to all. Regarding this matter, no one questioned it, and it was all tacit understanding.

After distributing the leather armors seized this time, apart from the establishment of the navy, Liangshan's horse, infantry, and garrison battalions have achieved that each pawn is equipped with exclusive leather armor, and finally said goodbye to the early days of the cottage. The embarrassment of who will wear armor in battle.

In addition, there were more than [-] extra pieces of leather armor with poor quality and poor workmanship. Wang Lun planned to hand them over to Tang Long for repairs.

It's a pity for Luan Tingyu, a hero!

Wang Lun looked down at his new mount, shook his head and sighed.People still need to be content!As the saying goes: Lost in the east corner, harvested in mulberry elm.It is extremely rare to get Zhang Qing and his two lieutenants this time.

Because of the joining of these three former court generals, the Shanzhai Horse Army was officially expanded into six battalions, with Zhang Qing as the general, Hua Xianghu Gong Wang and Zhongjian Hu Ding Desun as the deputy generals. The whole battalion has 900 people. It is composed of 150 people selected from the original three battalions of the three generals, plus 450 reserve soldiers of the Shanzhai Horse Army.

But as a result, there are only two or three hundred horses left in the reserve army of the horse army, which is not enough to maintain daily training. It seems that Lijiazhuang needs to pay close attention to it, so that he can send the five hundred horses as soon as possible. Liang Ji sent him up the mountain to solve the urgent task.

"Congratulations, brother! This time down the mountain, there are [-] to [-] strong men in the village. I have seen them one by one. They are all strong young men. If they are trained well, they will be the best candidates for expanding the army in the future!" Xiao Jiasui said quickly. The horse turned from the front team, looked for Wang Lun, and smiled.

Wang Lun smiled and said: "Mr. Xiao, have you noticed that among the people who voluntarily followed us up the mountain this time, seven or eight out of ten are people with foreign surnames, and among them, only two out of ten people have the real surname Zhu?" three!"

"Zhu Chaofeng is not a good stump, and his three sons are nothing. It is inevitable that he is a bit domineering in this village. There is still some love between the same clan. When things happen to people with foreign surnames, there is no sympathy for them! Xiao Jiasui shook his head and said.

At this time, Zhang Qing, who was talking to Huang Furui, sighed, and said: "I have heard that the village master loves the people. I was in the city in the past, and I was not lucky enough to meet with my own eyes. I don't want to get my wish this time and get a glimpse of the village. A feat! Distributing [-] shi of grain at a time, the village owner has the courage!"

"Isn't that right? Not long ago, the people in the Zhuangzi regarded my Liangshan people as flood beasts, now look at them!" Ding Desun pointed at the front team, all of them were Zhujiazhuang farmers whose families had taken refuge in Liangshan. A group, probably not as many as three or four thousand people.

Xiao Jiasui chuckled. When he heard that Liangshan sent food, he had no doubts. But after experiencing these things, he was completely devoted to this incomparable cottage, just like Ding Desun who just joined. From the bottom of his heart, he regarded the cottage as "My Liangshan".

"A cottage that is willing to give ten stones of grain to each household of people who have never met before, why is it not worth everyone's friendship? Everyone is not blind!" Gong Wang also said.This time, there are more than [-] households in Zhujiazhuang. Except for the [-] households in Zhuchaofengzhuang, the other [-] households have received generous gifts from the Liangshan Army. ten times.Immediately, hundreds of farmers were attracted to join their families.

"I just heard that the village has a large population at this time. I don't know how the owner of the village arranges these family members?" Gong Wang asked again.But without waiting for Wang Lun to answer, he heard him say to himself again: "It would be great if you have a piece of land in your hand at this time, and you can distribute it to everyone to plant on weekdays, so you don't have to worry about army food!"

Wang Lunjian said that he and Xiao Jiasui looked at each other, and they smiled knowingly.Then everyone told some anecdotes about food distribution on the road, and there was a burst of laughter from time to time.


"This is what Daddy told me not to act rashly! Little brother, do you think that with our current strength, we can do nothing about this Liangshan?" There was only a young man with thick eyebrows and big eyes crowded around the crowd watching the excitement, Whispered to the brother next to him.

"The common people are so stupid, they just told this guy to buy people's hearts!" Seeing the younger brother's face full of displeasure, he said angrily.

Seeing that his younger brother's words attracted the attention of passers-by, the older brother hastily pulled him aside, and said earnestly:

"The sages have said: if you caress me, you will be queen, if you abuse me, you will have revenge! It's not that the people are ignorant, but the parents and officials sent by the imperial court to various places are ignorant. The big banner immediately responded to everyone's call, so that it became a climate at this time!"

"Then what should we do? Is it possible to recruit them? It's not that Hou Zhizhou has never tried it! What happened? The result? Not to mention the loss of soldiers and generals, even the state's soldiers and horses are turned against! It can be seen that this person has great ambition and lack of talent, and he is just a laughingstock!" The younger brother hated iron. steel track.

"Brother, don't be too harsh on your life. At that time, Zhizhou will have something to hide! If it weren't for the bandits, this man would be a good shepherd, and my father would value him very much! Besides, he is also your elder and me, so don't be rude!" Seeing elder brother's persuasion said to his brother.

Seeing his elder brother carrying his father out, the younger brother stopped arguing and just asked: "Brother, is it possible that I will bring people over here to see the world, and then go back like this?"

"Otherwise, what can we do? The little troops we bring will not cause any real damage to Liangshan, but may actually anger him and ask him to attack my city to vent his anger. With the troops we have at this moment, how can we stop them? Time didn't trap Daddy!" I only heard the elder brother say.

The younger brother sighed when he heard the words, and the elder brother saw that he was a little discouraged, so he cheered him up and said: "Seeing the situation of Zhujiazhuang now, I have been inspired and have some ideas in my heart, but I still need to ask for advice after I go back." Ask father! It’s just that if I can get away with it, I won’t have to worry about being alone! It’s just that this will take a long time, and it won’t be effective for a while! Sigh..."

After listening for a long time, the younger brother still didn't understand what the elder brother said. The elder brother didn't explain, but just ordered: "There is no need to change clothes, let the brothers pretend to be a caravan and go home!"

The younger brother let out a "huh" and walked out. The elder brother looked at Wang Lun who was about to talk, and then lowered his head to avoid it, thinking: "The white-clothed scholar, there will be a date later!".


Wang Lun didn't notice anything strange on the side of the road, and walked towards Shuibo with all the leaders talking and laughing.At this time, the trip to Zhujiazhuang in Liangshanbo is over, but for some people, the story has just begun.

Today I went out of the city to go to the grave during the day, and I came back very late.Sorry for the late update of this chapter!

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