Water Margin Survival

Chapter 249 One Zhangqing kills "husband"

Yuan Lang, the red-faced tiger who had fought Dong Ping for a hundred rounds, saw Wang Lun appear, turned his horse's head, galloped back, and shouted, "Where are the children!" The infantry came, and at this time everyone was holding a bow with a god's arm, blocking the intersection.

Seeing this, Dong Ping sneered, and said, "Wang Lun! That's all you can do? Although the god's arm and bow are strong, they can't stop this general! It's useless to ask Wang's observer to treat you as a ruthless character. Let's watch today! I will capture you!"

He is a strong general in the Forbidden Army, so he naturally knows the advantages and disadvantages of the Divine Arm Bow. Given the distance between the two armies, the opponent can't shoot two arrows, and he has already led people to break the formation.What's more, this road is narrow, and it can accommodate up to three or twenty people standing side by side. Even if they go all at once, how effective will it be for our thousand-man cavalry?He ridiculed Wang Lun in his heart because he was really a bandit, even if he was given a sharp weapon, he wouldn't know how to use it.

"I'm not very good at it, but it's more than enough to deal with you!" Wang Lun stared at Dong Pingdao, and after he finished speaking, he saw him nodding towards Yuan Lang, who ordered, "Array!" Number column, crossbow in hand, glaring at the front.

"Dong Ping! I, Hu Family Manor, have no grievances with you. Why did you listen to Zhu's nonsense, beat my Zhuangzi, killed my elders, and plundered my sister! Return my sister quickly!" Hu Cheng hissed loudly in the crowd.

Dong Ping was returning to his horse and retreating to the side of the road. When he heard the other party shouting, he knew that it was Hu Cheng who had missed the point. He immediately laughed and said, "You say that you are colluding with Liangshan bandits. Looking at you now, do you think you have been wronged?" It's not her blessing that the girl followed me? You ran away when you ran away, but now you come to your door, but don't blame me for being unforgiving!"

When Hu Cheng saw his unreasonable words, his chest was filled with anger and blood, and he said angrily with red eyes: "You are deceiving people too much! If you didn't break my Zhuangzi for no reason and force me to nowhere, I..."

Dong Ping laughed out loud when he heard the words, ignored Hu Cheng, and turned his head and shouted: "If you don't break these fellows today, you and I will die without a place to die! Whoever stays before the battle, the military law will do it!"

Dong Ping's subordinates have made a small fortune this time, which is due to their high morale. At this time, they have received Dong Ping's military order, and they all gallop forward. Everyone knows in their hearts that if they don't rush out, they will really become living targets.

Wang Lun sneered, and returned to the formation with Jiao Ting. Seeing this, Yuan Lang didn't talk nonsense, and yelled, "Shoot in turn!"

Seeing the current situation, it suddenly turned into a tragic scene of arrows and horseshoes racing.Dong Ping had already retreated to the middle of the team, urging everyone to take their lives to fill the short road of no return of tens of feet, but seeing the leading horse troops falling down in batches, Dong Ping was not afraid, and thought It's time for you to be brave, and when the master comes near, it's your time of death.At that time, Wang Lun was captured alive, and his colleagues in Yunzhou were also told to see what it means to be a strong soldier.

The impact of nearly a thousand cavalrymen should not be underestimated, but the Liangshan Army just stood still. After the first row of crossbowmen shot arrows, they bent down and retreated from both sides, and rushed to the rear of the formation. He stepped on the crossbow and pulled the string again, but saw the crossbowmen in the second row stepped forward to make up for it in time, and then shot at the guns of the officers and soldiers who were rushing into the formation. Running to both sides, the third row of crossbowmen immediately filled the vacancy, raised their crossbows and fired angrily, and it went on and on again, methodically.

Dong Ping secretly sensed that something was wrong. The arrows in the front line fell too fast, and the enemy's crossbow arrows seemed to never stop. In a very short period of time, wave after wave of crossbow arrows quickly harvested the lives of the cavalry under his command Dong Ping finally panicked when he saw that the hundreds of cavalry in the lead were dead and wounded. Originally, he expected to break the formation at the cost of dozens of casualties, but the situation at this time was beyond his expectations, and he couldn't help but worry secretly: " If it goes on like this, is there still a life left?"

Seeing that he was very anxious at this moment, he couldn't help looking around, and suddenly saw Hu Sanniang tied to the horse, Dong Ping used his quick wits to catch up, lightly stretched his ape arms, lifted Hu Sanniang over, and stood in front of him, Hu Sanniang struggled on the horse, but her whole body was tightly tied up. Where is Dong Ping's opponent, she was immediately subdued by him. Dong Ping shouted: "Don't move! If you want to live, you will live, if you want to die, you will die!"

Only because the incident happened in the middle of the ranks of the officers and soldiers, the sight of the Liangshan troops was blocked by the charging horse troops, so no one noticed this despicable scene, only the Zhu brothers were lying on their horses. Some couldn't bear it, and couldn't help scolding this person in their hearts for being despicable.

"Dujian, the lowly officials have never seen this kind of shooting method of Liangshan bandits. They saw that the arrows flowed continuously without interruption, just like raining. If this continues, the brothers will be sent away. Why don't you turn around?" Come on!" A general bowed his head and rushed over, shouting hastily.

Dong Ping hesitated when he saw this, and thought to himself: "The thief must have an ambush behind him. If he turns around and is flanked by him back and forth, blocking the road, there is no chance of life." , there is still a glimmer of hope for desperately rushing out. As long as he can cross this intersection, Dong Ping is confident that with his own martial arts, he can still break out of the encirclement.

"At this time, there must be an ambush in the rear, and it is useless to turn around! Send our military order, and those who retreat will be killed!" Dong Ping shouted.

It seemed to be a footnote to Dong Ping's words, when suddenly the situation on the battlefield suddenly changed, dust was flying in the rear and commotion was everywhere, the general saw that it was not his head, so he had to urge his horse forward and lead his men to ram into the front with all their might.

It's a pity that the distance of tens of feet seems to never reach the end. Every foot of the cavalry of the army has to be exchanged by dozens of fresh lives.

Dong Ping was right, as long as everyone rushed out desperately, there would always be a glimmer of life.Unfortunately, war is not a simple exchange of numbers.At this time, most people in the team have not experienced such a nightmare scene, and the fear of death in human instinct is spreading in the team like a plague at this moment.Some people can't stand the pressure, and their behavior becomes crazy, which is like adding fuel to the fire, causing the team to panic. In addition, the dead bodies of people and horses shot to death on the ground in front of them only make this team into a difficult situation. .

"Abandon your weapons and don't kill!" "Abandon your weapons and don't kill!!"

At this moment, a voice like the sound of heaven suddenly sounded in everyone's ears, and most of them chose to compromise in the face of death.At this moment of life and death, Dong Ping couldn't care less about restraining his subordinates. At this time, most of the troops in the front team were killed or injured, and Dong Ping was already acting as the leader. , rushed forward without stopping, Zhu Long and Zhu Biao knew that falling into Liang Shan's hands would be death, and at this moment, enduring the pain, they urged their horses to follow the dozens of people who wanted to break through.

"Dong Ping, are you still human!?" Seeing that his sister was actually used by Dong Ping to block the arrows, Hu Cheng's heart was broken. Seeing this, Wang Lun ordered everyone to collect the crossbows and let these dozens of people go out.Then Dong Ping suddenly saw an opening in front of the opponent's formation, as if he was saved from a desperate situation, he was overjoyed, he saw the opening and slammed into it.When he was fleeing for his life, Dong Ping accidentally met Wang Lun's eyes. Seeing that the leader of the Liangshan bandit didn't show any regrets, Dong Ping felt an ominous premonition. As soon as he turned to the mountain, he saw more than a thousand cavalry standing against the wind by the side of the road, as if they were waiting for him.

I saw a general at the head, with a leopard head and eyes, a white horse with a silver helmet, and the bright armor on his body, shining brightly in the sun.

Dong Ping was surprised when he saw this man's majesty, he didn't dare to be careless at the moment, and just when he didn't know what to do, he heard the general say: "A man, man, how can he use a woman to block an arrow? It's just a lucky escape. , what face do you want to live in the world in the future? You let her go, and I won't let people shoot arrows. If you can beat the gun in my hand, I will let you live!"

"Good! I've heard for a long time that the instructor of the 80 Imperial Army has excellent marksmanship, so Dong Ping will learn it today! It's just that the instructor don't want to lie to me, and I will ruin my reputation for no reason!" Dong Ping shouted.This person has heard Wang Ting talk about it a lot, and it is said that Wang Tin's BMW was a gift from Lin Chong, such a person should be a person who will do what he says.If he wanted to run for his life, it would be wrong to bear the two of them immediately. Although this Hu Sanniang was stunning, compared to his own life, it was nothing to mention.

Then he stretched out his hand and put the wide-eyed Hu Sanniang on the ground, drew out his waist knife and put it on the rope around her body, and said with a smile: "If there is fate, let's continue the cause and effect!"

Hu Sanniang let out a "bah", and hastily broke free from the rope, and was about to get Dong Pingping, but the man had already galloped out, charging towards Lin, and Hu Sanniang only grabbed the iron "Heroic Two Spears General" on top of his quiver. Xiao Qi, looking at the back of this despicable person, scolded softly.

The dozens of cavalry who rushed out of the encirclement with Dong Ping could not escape at this time, and Jiang was also a little unwilling, so they all had to rush in front of the formation. Hu Cheng, who was with him, saw Dong Ping and Lin Chong fighting together, so he went to look for the figure of the culprit. Suddenly seeing the Zhu brothers mixed in with the crowd, Hu Cheng immediately cursed, Er Zhu saw Hu Cheng, flustered and confused.Seeing each other's reluctance, the two brothers looked at each other, feeling that they might not be kind today, so the two of them turned their heads and cursed back.

Before the two sides could swear a few words, Zhu Biao suddenly felt a sharp pain in his waist. When he looked down, he saw blood gushing out from his body, and a small flag of "** Wanhuhou" was stuck on his body , the blood oozing from the wound almost dyed the flag red.At this time, there was a woman standing beside the horse, staring at him with extremely hateful eyes, Zhu Biao felt that the eyes were like a knife, piercing his heart.

As he was dying, Zhu Biao only felt that countless scenes of getting along with this woman in the past were reflected in his mind one by one. He suddenly felt that all of this was a mistake, wrong credulity, wrong arrogance, wrong provocation, wrong The hatred, but unfortunately everything can't go back.

Regret gradually became blurred with the flow of blood, Zhu Biao exhausted all his strength, and uttered the last word of his life to the woman in front of him: "Run..."

Zhu Long, who was scolding Hu Cheng, noticed something strange around him. When he looked back, he found that his younger brother had fallen from the horse and there was no more movement, while Hu Sanniang was standing beside him in a daze. Zhu Long instantly understood and pulled out the With a waist knife, he roared: "****! Pay my brother's life!"

The knights around looked indifferently at the scene in front of them. Dong Ping had already spared the woman's life, and the two wishes were not his own, so no one spoke at this time, and no one stepped forward to help.

At this time, Wang Lun saw a woman staggering out of the formation, Zhu Long Zong raised his knife behind him, and hurriedly said to Li Jiao: "Take everyone, and hurry up to meet the third lady!"

Without hesitation, Hu Cheng took the dozens of cavalry guards beside Wang Lun, who knew that Hu Cheng was even faster at this time, taking the lead, and rushed out with a simple knife in his hand.

At this time, Zhu Long suffered repeated blows. Both his brothers and his father were killed in Huangquan.

With Hu Sanniang's martial arts skills, she was not afraid of Zhu Long at first, but she is a woman after all. After experiencing the scene of slashing Zhu Biao just now, she was in a state of confusion. Now she was unarmed, so she had to panic in front of the horse.Then Zhu Long saw that the knife was as tight as a knife. When the situation was in danger, he hurried forward and had already caught up with him. Immediately he slashed through with his axe. Then, looking at Zhu Long's neck with a simple knife, Zhu Long had no room to move, so he asked Hu Cheng to cut the man in two with a slash, and separated his head and body, blood staining the spot. (To be continued.)

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