This good snow lasted for a day and two nights before it stopped.

It was already noon at this time, but the water was rippling and the sun was shining in the sky.Five or seven small boats cut through the water, and twenty or thirty big men stood on them in twos and threes, rowing towards Liaoerwa mightily.

Before the fleet approached, Liangshan patrol boats had already picked it up, and the two sides met face to face. The boat in the cottage was leading the way, and more than a dozen small boats came straight to the golden beach side by side.

On the beach, Song Wan and Ruan Xiaowu with Zhou Zhi were waiting here, seeing the first two guests, Song Wan smiled and said: "I thought Qilang would come, but I didn't expect Erlang to come too, so it's just right! The village owner originally wanted to come here to greet him in person, but it so happened that last night and this morning, a hero came to vote, and the village owner was accompanying him to talk, and specially entrusted his brother and Xiao Wu to greet him here, and I hope that the two heroes will not take offense! "

"Where is it, the three of my brothers and my elder brother are congenial, and have entrusted their surnames to each other, so why bother to talk about politeness!" Ruan Xiaoqi laughed.

Everyone went ashore and talked about their salutes, only to hear Ruan Xiaoer ask: "Which two heroes are here to agree with each other?"

"The two of you don't know something. When my elder brother and Du Qian's elder brother were living in the rivers and lakes, Chai Daguan had a lot of support, so Liangshanpo came to be today. This hero who went up the mountain overnight was holding a letter from Chai Daguan. Dazhai, the two elder brothers dared not neglect, and talked with him in person. But they said that this man was named Lin Chong, who was given the nickname Leopard Head, and was originally the instructor of the 80 Imperial Guards in Tokyo! But you know the good guys who are similar this morning, so let’s go It was mentioned the other day, Brother Zhu Gui’s direct brother smiled at Zhu Fu!" Song Wan explained.

Ruan Xiaoer and Ruan Xiaoqi said that they were overjoyed when they saw each other, that heroes from Lin Chong's background all came to Dazhai, which shows how bright the future of Liangshan is!Both of them were delighted and said: "Looking at Brother Song's recommendation, I have heard of Coach Lin's name before, but I have never seen it. If I have this opportunity today, how can I miss it!"

"Naturally! My brother told Coach Lin about the benefits of the three brothers last night, and Coach Lin took the initiative to ask about the two brothers. Seeing that the two brothers are not on the mountain, he said he was sorry!" Song Wan laughed.

Ruan Xiaoer and Ruan Xiaoqi, two reckless heroes, were very excited when they saw that the 80 Imperial Army coaches were thinking about themselves. They subconsciously looked at their brother Ruan Xiaowu who was on the mountain last night, hoping to get more from him. some information.Sure enough, there was a mutual understanding between the brothers, but Ruan Xiaowu said: "The head teacher Lin is a good man, his martial arts are unrivaled, and his character alone is nothing to say. I heard that you two are not on the mountain, but he went with my brother." I asked my mother about Ann, and she was so happy that she didn't fall asleep all night!"

When Ruan Xiaoer and Ruan Xiaoqi saw that their biological brothers said so, they immediately took a liking to Lin Chong, whom they had never met before. At this moment, Ruan Xiaowu said again: "My mother, sister-in-law and nephew have all settled down. Thanks to Brother Song for busying himself!"

When the two brothers heard the words, they hurriedly thanked Song Wan. Song Wan smiled heartily, and only said that he was his brother, so what else could he say thank you!Pointing to Zhou Zhi again, he said: "This is the head of the kitchen in the cottage, his surname is Zhou Mingzhi, and in the future the fish will be delivered from the village, so I will hand over to him!"

Seeing this, Xiao Er and Xiao Qi rushed to salute Zhou Zhi, which made Zhou Zhi very embarrassed, and said: "Bosses, this is not breaking my fodder!" After speaking, they quickly returned a big gift.His actions caught Xiao Er and Xiao Qi, the two bold men a little by surprise, and at the same time, a strange sense of pride arose in their hearts.

Song Wan looked at it and laughed, stepped forward and patted Zhou Zhi on the shoulder, and said: "Take the children to weigh the fish, and it will be calculated at ten cents per catty. Don't treat the good guys in the village too slowly!"

Xiaoer and Xiaoqi were very surprised when they heard that, ten cents a catty?

It should be noted that the transportation is inconvenient at this time, resulting in very low fish prices in the producing area. It is said that when Cai Jing stopped and returned to the two Zhejiang provinces, he passed Xinkai Lake in Gaoyou. His family called a fishing boat, and there were more than 40 newly caught fish of different sizes I asked the fisherman how much he sold for it, and the fisherman replied that he would take all 20 renminbi, which would cost just over [-] renminbi. Cai Jing said angrily, "Where have I ever eaten such a cheap thing? I won't buy it!" According to records, more than [-] years after the fall of the Northern Song Dynasty, in the section of the Yangtze River in Huangzhou, you can buy a giant fish that can feed [-] people with only [-] Wen. .Of course, in a super metropolis like Tokyo, the price of fish is basically priced at a hundred cents per catty, but the premise is that the fish you transport can withstand the bumpy journey and never stink.

So Xiaoer and Xiaoqi heard that Liangshan collected fish at ten Wen per catty, and said hurriedly: "Brother Song, the price of fish used to be only three or four Wen, and when the market was good, it was less than fifty or seven Wen, ten Wen. Is it too much?"

Song Wan smiled and said: "Not too much, not too much, the village master has ordered, not to let the folks suffer! Two brothers, follow me to the Juyi hall to meet the heroes of the congregation. The small things here are just left to the children!"

Xiao Er and Xiao Qi are also free and easy people, they laughed and responded, then turned around and ordered the fishermen who came with them, who were happy when they heard the price of the fish, to bring the nearly two thousand catties of fish ashore and hand them over to Liangshan.Song Wan also told Zhou Zhi to invite the villagers to go up the mountain to drink together after harvesting the fish.

Song Wan took the hands of the Ruan brothers and walked straight up the mountain.Passing along the way, Xiao Er and Xiao Qi saw that the checkpoint was majestic, with swords and guns like a forest, and they were all happy. Just passed the checkpoint, it happened that Wang Lun led Lin Chong, Du Qian, Zhu Gui, Zhu Fu and a group of five people to come. greet them.

Ruan Xiaoqi shouted from a distance: "Brother Village Master, we brothers are here today, and we are here to see the majesty of the village!"

Wang Lun laughed loudly, and said, "I don't know what a good day it is today, but it's a gathering of heroes!" After saying that, he turned around and introduced the four people around him: "This is the living Yama Ruan Xiaoqi I mentioned earlier, The one behind is Ruan Xiaoer, Xiao Wu Xiao Qi's eldest brother Lidi Tai Sui..."

After welcoming the Ruan brothers, Wang Lun introduced the people around him: "Come on, let me introduce you one by one. The elder brother next to me is Lin Chong, the head of the 80 forbidden army in Tokyo, and the one behind is Lin Chong. Touching the sky, Du Qian, and the two brothers behind, the older one is the dry land Hulu Zhu Gui, and the other one is the smiling tiger Zhu Fu!" After Wang Lun finished introducing them one by one, everyone saluted again. Very eager.

With a smile on his face, Lin Chong clasped his fists to the Ruan brothers and said, "Last night, I heard the leader of the king mention these two heroes, and I wish I could see them again! Today's meeting will be enough to comfort me for the rest of my life!"

Seeing that Lin Chong, a noble man from Tokyo, was so modest, the Ruan brothers hurriedly returned the salute. Straightforward men like their brothers have always had the style of being respected by others and being respected by others.

After Lin Chong finished speaking, Du Qian stepped forward again and said, "You two brothers, don't blame me, Old Du, in your heart. I never went down the mountain to pay respects to Brother Xian. I only blame my brother for making such arrangements. I'm still full of anger!"

Everyone burst into laughter when they heard the words, Xiao Er and Xiao Qi laughed until their stomachs hurt, Wang Lun also looked at Du Qian with a smile, and pointed at him.

After everyone had laughed, Zhu Gui pulled his younger brother Zhu Fu, went forward to Ruan Xiaoer and Ruan Xiaoqi and clasped his fists, "I've heard about the three heroes of the Ruan family in Shijie Village, but I didn't expect that they are now a family. The blessing of the cottage!"

The Ruan brothers hurriedly returned the gift, only to see Ruan Xiaoqi yelling: "Brother Zhu Gui, I already knew about you, isn't it the one who runs a hotel at the entrance of Li's house!"

Zhu Gui laughed and said, "Since you know me, why don't you come and meet me sooner!"

Ruan Xiaoqi chuckled, and said mysteriously to everyone: "I'm afraid to call my brother a Chengren meat bun, how dare I come!"

Wang Lun cursed with a smile, and said: "Xiaoqi, our cottage is full of upright heroes, and we don't use sweat medicine anymore, so where are the human buns from? Don't ruin our reputation!"

When Ruan Xiaowu saw that he was going to grab his younger brother, Xiao Qi giggled and shrank his head away, and everyone laughed and made a fuss again, only to hear Wang Lun say: "Brothers, follow me to the Juyi Hall for a while, Take advantage of today's good day, and divide your duties and set up your seats!"

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