Water Margin Survival

Chapter 264 Named "Jeju" Island

The dusk on the sea has an indescribable softness.

I saw the afterglow of the setting sun sprinkled on the sparkling sea, outlining a beautiful scene.The sailors resting in shifts sat on the deck in twos and threes, looking at the beautiful scenery of the sea and sky in the distance, talking and laughing, enjoying this rare leisure time after a hard day.

"Actually, my brother doesn't have to go to sea this time, some trivial matters are left to Xiao Ke!"

Wen Huanzhang and Wang Lun stood on the stern of the boat, looking at the waves in the water that split the boat, and talked about the ups and downs in their hearts.

Although he has been a man for two lifetimes, it is also the first time for Wang Lun to go to sea, and he is shocked by the beautiful scenery in front of him.Hearing Wen Huanzhang's words at this time, Wang Lun sighed and said:

"Going to Tamra this time is related to the future of the Shanzhai. I am as worried as staying in the Shanzhai. Why don't I come here with my husband to take a good look at this island and see if it is as good as you and I imagined? treasure land!"

Wen Huanzhang smiled when he heard the words, and immediately sighed: "It's really hard for Brother Li Jun and Chief Hu! Like those of us who have never been to the sea, if we didn't get them to open up the sea route, how could we have the opportunity to see such a scene?" It seems that he is also shocked by the sea view in front of him, and he is not without emotion.

At this time, the fleet has just left the Bohai Sea and is about to enter the Yellow Sea. Compared with the turbulent Pacific Ocean and Indian Ocean, this sea area looks quiet and peaceful.

"After going back this time, I sent Brother Ou Peng to bring people over to garrison the island. In the future, I will entrust the civil affairs and military affairs on the island to Mr.! This Tamra Island will be managed by Mr. in the future, and I feel at ease. !" Wang Lun looked at Wen Huanzhang and said,

"Don't dare to live up to my brother's great trust!" Wen Huanzhang said solemnly.Wang Lun waved his hands, looked at the temporary cowshed on the deck, and said, "I never thought that the recruitment of households for land reclamation would go so smoothly! After all, it is a big event of dragging the family away from home... the homeland is hard to leave. !"

"If the common people are not desperate, who would like to go up the mountain to gather together? Even if they go up the mountain, although everyone doesn't say anything, they are inevitably worried about the future military conquest. My brother pointed out a clear way for them this time. The arrangements for the fields and cattle have been properly arranged, which coincides with their wishes!" Wen Huanzhang sighed, "Brother is here in person again, who still has doubts in his heart?"

Wang Lun smiled, but did not speak.The two of them just looked into the distance like this, thinking about the future prospects of the cottage, their hearts were full of ups and downs.

"Brother, military advisor! You're so elegant!" At this moment, Li Jun came out of the cabin, saw Wang Lun and Wen Huanzhang chatting and looking at the scenery on the mezzanine at the stern, and said with a smile.

"Hey, our Hun Hailong has arrived!" Wen Huanzhang laughed, "By the way, Brother Li Jun, how many days are left to go to Tamla?"

Li Jun smiled heartily, looked at Wen Huanzhang and replied: "Tomorrow, if you go another day, you can reach the coast of Koryo, and then continue south for five or seven days, and you will reach your destination!"

After Li Jun finished speaking, he said to Wang Lun: "Brother, the island is so strange. There are strange rocks everywhere, but a mountain stands in the middle, so tall. How can there be such a paradise between heaven and earth?"

Wang Lun laughed when he said it, thinking that what Li Jun was talking about was probably Halla Mountain.Although this mountain is on the sea, it is the highest peak in a certain universe country, with an altitude of nearly 2000 meters.This mountain is a dormant volcano. It erupted once more than 100 years ago, and it has been quiet for more than a thousand years. Even before Wang Lun traveled to this era, there was no movement, and it became a famous tourist attraction. Resort.

Not only is Tamna Island not in danger of volcanic eruption, even the war of annihilation that will engulf the world's two most powerful countries a few years later will not affect this place.

This time, tens of thousands of family members from Shuiboli were moved here, and Wang Lun only felt that he had lived up to their trust.

"Since we are here, why don't you ask brother to give this island a name?" Wen Huanzhang laughed.I heard from Wang Lun that the island had been landed by Chinese people during the time of Emperor Shihuang, and there were still several relics left behind.Therefore, for him, although this time is to find a way out for the cottage, why not restore the old land of the ancestors for the people of the Song Dynasty, which makes him always have an indescribable faint passion in his heart.

Wang Lun smiled, seeing that Huanzhang was so elegant, he didn't intend to shame him, he lowered his head and thought for a while, and said: "We are all Chinese people, the descendants of Queen Shi, and the fleet this time is from the Dalai Lama. Song Jizhou is coming, so let's call it 'Jeju' island!"

When Li Jun heard this, he laughed and said, "Wonderful! So Mr. Wen is the prefect of 'Jeju'!"

Wang Lun and Wen Huanzhang couldn't help smiling when they heard this, but they heard that Huanzhang shook his head and smiled, and sighed: "Xiao Ke doesn't have the talent and virtue of Zhang Shuye and Zhang Zhizhou!"

Wang Lun felt a little touched when he heard the words, and said: "It's a pity that the court doesn't know how to use such a wonderful person!"

Li Jun laughed and said, "It's good that the imperial court doesn't know how to use him, otherwise my brother wouldn't have the time to go to sea, and it's too late to deal with him every day!" After speaking, he persuaded Wen Huanzhang, "Mr. How can I be under Zhang Shuye! At this time, my elder brother treats each other so intimately, just like what was taught in the thatched cottage, but isn’t it just the right time and place for people and their preparation? Are you afraid that you will be under him in the future?”

Speaking of this, Li Jun sighed: "Little brother used to be on the Xunyang River, but he only did some private business, and he felt that the sky was high and the sea was wide! Who would have thought that he was under the command of his brother at this time, and he saw such a scene. Thinking about it before, it has always been like this." It's like a child playing, it makes people feel ashamed!"

When Wen Huanzhang heard this, he quickly waved his hands and said, "You are also doing good deeds to benefit the people. You don't matter how big or small you do, brothers, don't belittle yourself!"Thinking of Wang Lun's discerning vision, he had to be filled with admiration.

"Brother is a man of wisdom, and the Shanzhai will need to rely on your wisdom and courage in the future! Let's join hands and work together to create a tomorrow!" Wang Lun also laughed.He is full of expectations for the future achievements of this chaotic sea dragon.


These five passenger boats of [-] materials sailed for another five or seven days on the vast sea, and did not stop when they encountered cities. They just went south along the coast, and they did not encounter the Korean Navy's interrogation on the way.

During this trip, Wang Lun was not idle. Whenever he had time, he chatted with Wen Huanzhang about the major policies that would be implemented on Jeju Island in the future, and chatted with Li Jun about the future development of the cottage navy.Of course, I will not forget to go to the compartment below the deck to appease the emotions of more than 20 households and hundreds of people on board. At that time, there was no soil under our feet, like a tree without roots, and it was inevitable that we would feel flustered.

However, it was said that the sky was bright that day, and the fleet had sailed away from the coastline for a whole day. After a while, the outline of a giant island appeared in front of the line of sight, and the sailors cheered, indicating that the destination had arrived.

A small boat with hundreds of materials came up to meet him, Li Jun smiled and said, "I don't know if it's Tong Wei or Tong Meng, welcome us!"

Wang Lun said, a thought suddenly flashed in his mind, and he asked Li Jun whether there was any means of communication between ships such as signal flags at this time. Regarding this matter, Na Gangshou was very surprised when he heard Wang Lun's question, and said:

"Returning to the village master, the villain has never heard of any semaphore. When two ships meet at sea, they just communicate with each other by shouting..." Before he finished speaking, I saw a thoughtful look on his face. An old boatman who has been at sea for many years, he was keenly aware of the great meaning contained in Wang Lun's seemingly casual question, and he couldn't help thinking to himself: "How can this King of the Mountain in Jingdong be so expert in maritime affairs? What kind of semaphore is this, it's new..."

After hearing what the two men said, Wang Lun understood in his heart, thanked Lao Gangshou, and asked him to go down, then pulled Li Jun over and said: "It is better to have flags of different colors, and ask people to hang them on a high place, or wave their arms. Shake, as for the meaning that matches these actions, please think more about it, and try to use it in our fake fleet as soon as possible!" At this time, it is not realistic to popularize letters, so the semaphore cannot be too complicated, but the expression is simple Meaning, it can still be guaranteed.

Li Jun nodded again and again, and he also felt that the method proposed by Wang Lun was of great benefit to coordinating the unified actions of the fleet.I saw that Li Jun made a decisive decision. After he decided to go back, he had to brainstorm and mobilize his brothers to perfect Wang Lun's suggestion.

At this time, with the guidance of small boats, five large ships berthed on the newly built docks one by one.Li Jun smiled and asked Wang Lun, Wen Huanzhang and others to disembark. Wang Lun turned around and told Jiao Ting to wake up Han Shizhong who had been sleeping all the way. , I fell asleep peacefully when I boarded the ship, and rarely even went up on the deck.

Stepping onto the simple pier, Wang Lun suddenly felt dizzy.He was secretly surprised. In fact, he was fine when he was on the boat, but he never got seasick. Unexpectedly, once he stepped on the pier, it made him a little unstable.

Seeing this, Tong Wei and Tong Meng hurried forward to support Wang Lun, and said with a smile, "Brother, I have been on the boat for a long time, and there are many brothers in the navy. It was like this when I first came here! After all, the sea is not like a mooring. Here, the waves are surging!"

Wang Lun looked back, and sure enough, Wen Huanzhang looked a little top-heavy at this time, as if he was drunk, Wang Lun hurriedly asked someone to support him, and said: "Even we are like this, the family members are sure about the situation." It’s not much better, go and call more brothers to come up to help! In addition, move the cattle and grain off the boat and settle them!”

Tong Meng laughed and said hello to Li Jun, and then went away with fists clasped. Wang Lun rested on the pier for a while, feeling much better, so he asked Tong Wei to lead the way and take everyone ashore.On the way, Wang Lun asked about the situation on Tongwei Island, only to hear Tong Wei say: "The big guy hasn't been idle since he landed. He found a gentle place and built a hundred houses. The people came here, Then we can move in directly, but our own brothers are temporarily living in the tents, so I ask my brother to move, first enter the tents and rest for a while, and then listen to the reports from the younger brothers one by one!"

Seeing his tone and demeanor, it seems that something important has happened these days, Wang Lun said: "There are no outsiders here, if there is anything, brother just talk about it!"

Seeing this, Tong Wei glanced at Li Jun, and then said: "It was fine when we first landed on the island. We followed my brother's instructions and prepared step by step. Unexpectedly, just three days ago, I brought a dozen Brother, when exploring the island, I met a group of Fan people who spoke the language of birds. They were all wearing miscellaneous armor, carrying knives and guns. There was a leader who could speak our official dialect of Song Dynasty. The merchants who capsized in the wind and waves came forward and asked for bribes, otherwise they would drive us into the sea. Of course my younger brother refused, so he asked where they came from, and he said that he was the defender of Tamna County in Koryo. If there is no property to offer, he will be rude to us. The younger brother thought that this guy is not my compatriot in the Song Dynasty, how can he spare him? So he pretended to run away and led this guy to the edge of the camp, and all the brothers ran out when they saw this , kill these fellows to great defeat, and those who speak the official language will be arrested and locked up in the camp at this time!" (To be continued.)

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