The humid sea breeze from the Bohai Sea blows into this dark and quiet prison through the high prison windows.At this time, the two strong men who looked like gods were leaning against the uneven earth wall with gloomy expressions, their eyes were dull and dull.

A dark brown, oily cockroach climbed up from one of the people's abnormally red and swollen thighs, as if enjoying the fun of climbing.

The man gave a wry smile, stretched out his hand to bounce the filth off his body, and said, "I beat a big bug, and ended up with this little bug! Brother, we won't really send it here this time, right? "

"Brother, hold on no matter what! Since Uncle Lehe is willing to take the initiative to recognize us, he will definitely bring our message to my sister! You know how my sister is. As long as she knows our situation, you and I will be happy." A glimmer of life!" The older brother's injuries are not much lighter than the younger brother's, but he looks much more mature mentally.

"No matter how generous and generous my sister is, she is not inferior to a man, but she is a woman after all..." The younger brother was a little worried: "The old bastard's family has bought the Zhizhou, and the son-in-law is a Kongmu. The power is not small, we will give it away this time Fate is second, don't give up my sister's family instead!"

My brother sighed when he heard this, and said in a low voice: "I knew that hunting would not be safe. I should have gone to Liangshan with Brother Wang Lun! You don't know that his cottage has become more prosperous recently, and the state government and army have asked him to clean it up." You have to be obedient, who dares to look him in the face? Even the few prefects near him have to live by his face, not like the corrupt officials here!"

When the younger brother saw that, his eyes lit up, but it didn't last long, and then he returned to the gloomy state, and sighed: "Didn't my sister say that falling grass is not a long-term solution? I think so, and the corner of Liangshan Park is not afraid at this time." The state capital. The scenery is infinite. If the imperial court sends a large army to conquer in the future, I am afraid that there will be more disasters!"

The elder brother hurriedly put his index finger in front of his lips, let out a soft "shh", and said, "That man doesn't look like an ordinary person, and there are many heroes in his subordinates. Even if the imperial court sent a large army, I will see who wins and who loses, but pays back two. explain!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly laughed at himself, and said: "You and I don't know whether we are alive or dead, so why are you still thinking about it? You and I want to go up the mountain at this time, how can we pass the court's laws and regulations. Are you not daydreaming? "

Hearing this, the younger brother felt a surge of sadness in his heart, and said, "The imperial court rules! Why do you keep innocent people like us here?" He slowed down, looking at the ray of light penetrating through the hole on his neck , Longingly said: "That person is surrounded by heroes. If we are with them, I don't know how lively it will be! Even if the imperial court sends a large army to fight against them, it is better for us to fight with these fellows with open swords and guns, than to be imprisoned for no reason." Wait here to die!"

Brother heard the words.Just sighed and remained silent.Seeing that the elder brother stopped talking and the younger brother lost his last name, he just stared at the prison post in a daze.

Most people in prison have no sense of time.Except for judging the time from the two meals a day, the rest of the time is mostly spent in a daze.In this kind of atmosphere that can make normal people go crazy, the two of them have been suffering for an unknown amount of time, when they suddenly heard the door of the cell.A voice said: "Little screamer, don't delay too long, it's hard for me to call my brother! If Bao Jie heard about it, there will be no good fruit for you and me!"

"Brother Laodu, please accept this little thing!" A clear and melodious male voice said.

As soon as they heard the man's voice, the two brothers in the cell shuddered, and hurriedly dragged their bruised bodies to the front, looking out from the gap between the prison pillars.

"Look at you, we are all brothers of our own family, you still come here..." That Du Ge declined, and immediately took the money, secretly weighed it in his hand, immediately smiled, and said in a very concerned tone: " You know all the rules in the prison, so I won’t say much, I’ll go out and watch, and if there’s anything, I’ll let you know!”

The melodious male voice thanked him, and then heard the sound of the cell door closing again.The two brothers who were crawling in the prison saw three people walking towards them. The first one to lead the way was Le He, cousin Sun Li's brother-in-law. There was a woman next to him, although her head was tightly wrapped, but this The two brothers still recognized her, and immediately their hearts jumped into their throats, and they wanted to shout but dared not.But it's not her warm-hearted sister.

At this time, there is no one else in the eyes of the two of them, even the man who came with the elder sister did not pay much attention, they only felt that they had seen it somewhere.

Le He led the two of them to Jie Zhen and Xie Bao's cell, gave the two brothers a wink, opened the cell door, and saw him say to Mrs. Gu: "I'll go out and have a look, come back later, You two can do it yourself!"

Mrs. Gu looked at Lehe very gratefully, but because it was not the place to speak, she kept a lot of words in her heart and didn't say anything. She just nodded gratefully towards Lehe, Lehe smiled, bowed her hands to the two, and turned to go out.

Seeing the two brothers covered in grass clippings, covered in bruises, and emaciated, Mrs. Gu's eyes were wet, she hurriedly took out the food box, and brought out the fat chicken and tender goose she had made by herself, and the man who came with her knelt down to help Mrs. Gu nodded gratefully to him, and immediately took another small jar of wine and handed it to her two brothers.

"Eat, eat quickly! Don't let the cell boss see it! I'll ask Uncle Le He to bring it to you later!" Aunt Gu said to her two brothers who were in prison, with tears in her eyes.

Xie Zhen and Xie Bao saw their elder sister at this moment, like a wronged child seeing their parents, their eyes were red and they couldn't eat anything.

Seeing the two brothers like this, Mrs. Gu felt uncomfortable, and said in a low voice, "Don't worry, you two, I will rescue you sooner or later! Come on, put your hair away, and tell Uncle Yang to take a good look at you!"

Xie Zhen and Xie Bao didn't understand what it meant, but they never disobeyed what their sister said, so they immediately put their hair away to reveal their faces.At this time, both sides were looking at each other carefully, Jie Bao suddenly remembered something, and blurted out: "Bobomo is not..."

Mrs. Gu quickly grabbed the brother's wrist, stopped what he wanted to say with her eyes, and just said: "Take care of yourself, Le and uncle will take care of you in prison, don't worry, sister already has a way to save you!"

Seeing Mrs. Gu's convincing words, when they mentioned that there was a way to rescue themselves, their eyes were very firm. Xie Zhen and Xie Bao had no doubts, so they nodded repeatedly. Mrs. Gu handed over the chopsticks and watched the two brothers gobble it up. Now that I started eating meat, I feel a little more at ease.

It's just that she is a knowledgeable woman, so she knows it's inconvenient to speak here.It's also a lot of time to wait. After watching the two brothers eat for a while, they silently packed the food boxes, and said again: "Be careful! My sister is gone!" Then he went out with the man who came with him. The man went from entering to going out. Not much to say, just pay attention to the surrounding situation.

Reluctantly, the two brothers saw off their elder sister and climbed back to the wall to lie down. At this time, Xie Bao quietly crawled to his elder brother's side and whispered in his ear, "That Uncle Yang seemed to have met him last year, so he stood beside that person. Could it be that my sister found him?" Liangshan gone? Even if Brother Wang Lun is willing to take care of us, but Liangshan is far away in Jeju, why did my sister find them so quickly?"

Xie Zhen thought about it for a long time, but she couldn't figure it out. At this time, she didn't want to think about it, she just sighed: "Brother, it seems that God doesn't want us to die unjustly, until we meet such a savior!"

Xie Bao nodded in admiration, and climbed back to the corner.Although he was still facing the lifeless prison scene, his mood had changed, and he suddenly felt that it was not so difficult now.


In a small shop not far from the prison, Le He sat in an inconspicuous corner with Mrs. Gu and Yang Lin.Toasting each other with wine, the three drank once, only to see Mrs. Gu taking out a bag of silver and was about to hand it to Lehe.When Le He saw it, he quickly declined and said: "The villain's road is uneven, and it is hard to save it alone. I only want one to get married, and the other is loyalty, not for other things!"

"I don't know what Uncle Lehe is like? It's just that it costs money to establish relationships in the prison. Please collect it first! If you don't have enough, just go to the hotel outside the city to get it!" The bag of money was stuffed into Lehe's hand.

Seeing that although Lehe is gentle, he is an outstanding character, Yang Lin persuaded him from the side: "There are people coming and going here, it's not a place to talk about etiquette, brother, keep it!"

Le He sighed and said: "No matter what method you use, please save the person as soon as possible, since the Baojie took Wang Kongmu's black money, I'm afraid I'm going to do it..."

"The guy named Bao is just greedy for money, and I'm waiting for him to deal with him. There are 50 taels of gold in the bag. Don't ask him to give me money, as long as he can stand for a month or two and do nothing!" Yang Yang Lin laughed.

Le He was startled, subconsciously squeezed the purse in his hand, and said: "Since I have all this gold, I can hold that guy steady for a while!"

After listening to Lehe's words, Mrs. Gu was overjoyed, and she just tried to persuade Lehe to drink, but Lehe didn't see him. The three of them drank a few times, and then she heard Mrs. Gu say: "Uncle Lehe is from my family, so I will tell you the truth." , Some situations in the prison, my brother still wants to ask my brother-in-law for advice!"

Lehe is a subtle person, he has already noticed the Jianghu aura in Yang Lin's body, but he also wanted to rescue Zhen Jiebao, otherwise he would not have reported the news spontaneously that day, so he has been pretending to be confused.When it comes to saving the two brothers, brother-in-law Sun Li is afraid that he can't count on him, and the only ones he can count on at the moment are the people invited by Mrs. Gu, so he immediately nodded to Yang Lin and said, "The villain must know everything and say everything! "

Yang Lin was overjoyed, he felt that this gentle man was a straightforward person, so he didn't hide it right away, he just asked about the situation in the prison.As expected, Le He didn't hide anything, and spoke eloquently.Yang Lin listened carefully, and from time to time asked a few key points.

Mrs. Gu looked back and forth at the two people's faces gratefully, without interjecting, but kept pouring wine for the two people.Le He and Yang Lin talked for half an hour, and Yang Lin asked all the things he wanted to ask. Immediately, he raised his wine glass with emotion, and thanked him: "Brother's righteous deed, I will write it down! When the limelight passes, I invite you to drink! "

Le He said "ashamed", and said, "In the end, I am related to the Xie brothers. As an outsider, Zun Zun is a role model for my younger brother for the sake of loyalty and not avoiding risks! It's just... Zun Xie, take care, If you are not sure, don't act rashly! My brother-in-law is stationed in the city, he is a capable person, and he is afraid of hurting you heroes..." Speaking of this, Le He suddenly felt a burst of shame in his heart. Come to rob an unjust prison, but have to worry about the prisoner being intercepted by his brother who is an official and led by officers and soldiers, what is this called...

Yang Lin laughed, and said: "Brother-in-law is very capable, but I am not afraid of waiting! But brother, don't worry, for the sake of you and Brother Sun Xin, I will not make things difficult for him!"

Le He was taken aback when he heard the words, his eyes became deep.She thought to herself that they knew how powerful her brother-in-law was, but they still dared to make a big fuss. The group of people my sister-in-law found might not be the kind to wait for nothing.

Seeing that Lehe's expression became a little heavy, Yang Lin stopped talking immediately, and just invited Lehe to drink courteously. The three of them drank for a while, and Lehe was about to leave. Mrs. Gu got up to see him off, and said with tears in her eyes: "It's a good luck in this life. I know you guys, otherwise I'm a woman, I really don't know what to do at this time!"

Le He also sighed, and persuaded Sister-in-law Gu: "Don't worry, sister-in-law, I will take a look at the two brothers Xie Zhen and Xie Bao, and if there is anything, I will report it in time!"

Sister-in-law Gu was very grateful, and sent Lehe out, rushed to pay for the drink, and came back to Dengyun Mountain with Yang Lin.

The two of them had been on the road for more than an hour, when they suddenly bumped into a group of officers and soldiers marching. Seeing this, Mrs. Gu felt "thumped" in her heart, and secretly complained: "I have never had a team of horses in Dengzhou, why did they appear all of a sudden?" This cavalry team with no tail in sight!? It’s not the fate of my two brothers!”

Yang Lin was also suspicious in his heart, so he and Mrs. Gu avoided the side of the road, and couldn't stop looking at the officers and soldiers. Suddenly, seeing a general with a forehead and a tiger beard, he was very kind, and he was overjoyed and said: "Instructor's me, Yang Lin!" )

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