Water Margin Survival

Chapter 282 Want to run?no way!

Although Daoyu Village is organized by the Xiang Army, it is very different from other Xiang Army counterparts who do odd jobs because it undertakes combat missions. .Its primary task is to prevent the escape of prisoners on Salmon Island and to meet the prisoners' accomplices.The secondary task is to assist the Pinghai and Chenghai navies to guard the waters and prevent the Khitan's extremely limited navy from going south.

There is a rather peculiar phenomenon in the Song army, that is, the Xiang army, which is like a chicken rib on land, has a much higher proportion in the water army than the imperial army, and has establishments stationed in nearly a hundred state capitals across the country. The two commanders of the sea navy were originally formed by the Xiang army, but they were promoted to the order of the forbidden army only during the time of Renzong.It is incomparable with the Chenghai Navy of Hongmiaozheng, so its strength is also lacking.

"My younger brother and my uncle took down Daoyu village for a long time, but because the captured boats could not leave, they stayed in the village and waited for my brother's instructions!" Zou Run shouted his victory when he saw Wang Lun, his face full of joy.This was the first combat mission his uncle and nephew took on after they entered Dengyun Mountain, and they were very satisfied with the current results.

"What kind of ships are they? How many ships are there in total?" Wang Lun was infected by his emotions and asked with great interest.Today is a very rewarding day, just by capturing the Ping Haijun camp in front of you, you will get two seagoing ships of two thousand materials, and six seagoing ships of one thousand materials, which is equivalent to the cost of oceangoing ships in Liangshanbo before the distress. Full capacity.

"Three small warships of [-] materials, plus countless saury boats, but these boats are slightly larger than the fishing boats in our cottage. Except for the three [-]-material boats, the saury boats can't actually sit A few people, it’s really tasteless to eat, and it’s a pity to throw them away!” Zou Run couldn’t help but say a witty sentence after speaking, all of which showed his extremely smooth mood at this time.

"Brother, I don't know, these ships are of great use!" Wang Lun shook his head and said.The small tonnage of the ship means that it lacks the ability to withstand wind and waves. Since it cannot sail far, it can be regarded as making the best use of it by putting it in offshore defense.

There is a comprehensive consideration in his mind, and at this time his thoughts have already wandered to Jeju Island.The defense force there is slightly insufficient. At this time, there is only a passenger boat of [-] materials and several small boats of [-] materials stationed on it.Except for the passenger boat built by the cottage, the other small boats obtained from the Koreans are old, and the craftsmanship and quality of the boats are not up to standard. What an accident, when the time comes, it will be called every day, and the earth will not work.

At this time, numerous large and small ships were seized in Daoyu Village, which could make up for the lack of defense forces on Jeju Island.

Wang Lun briefly explained the future uses of these ships, and Zou Run was overjoyed when he said that, it seemed that his brother's capture was not a useless weak point for the Shanzhai, so he was overjoyed.Hu Yanqing was very interested in seeing that Liangshan really had a foundation overseas called "Jeju Island", and couldn't help asking, "Why is it called Jeju Island?"

Wang Lun smiled, nodded and said, "I'm from Jeju in the Song Dynasty, so the island is naturally called Jeju Island! If Brother Huyan arrives first, then it should be called Dengzhou Island!"

Hu Yanqing sighed, it turned out to be the former Tamna Island!He is an old man, but he also knows a little about this island. He thought that Liang Shanbo would be carefree if he had a way out here, and he would not have to worry about fighting to the death with his motherland.At this time, he was very excited and said: "I heard that people from the country came to the island during the time of the first emperor, maybe the natives on it are all descendants of the Qin people! If you have a chance, you must go and see it!"

Zou Run had never seen this person before, seeing that he looked extraordinary, not like an ordinary person, he thought to himself, could it be his brother's new hero?Sure enough, after listening to Wang Lun's introduction to everyone, Zou Run suddenly realized that he was the commander of the Ping Navy!Seeing him rushing forward to meet Hu Yanqing, Hu Yanqing was shocked when he heard the words: "If you don't want to climb Yunshan, it is also a small village in Liangshan?"

Everyone laughed when they heard the words, and when everyone had a good time, Wang Lun said to Zou Run: "Brother, rest for a while, and when Brother Lu Fang comes from Chenghai, there will be sailors with you to sail the boat! After handing over the boat to the sailors, you and Brother Zou Yuan brought the children back to the mountain, I have already told Yang Lin, Xie Zhen, and Xie Bao to pack up their belongings, go back and help, wait for news from me, and see where the pier will board the boat back to the mountain!"

Wang Lun had greeted the pair of uncles and nephews before, so Zou Run knew what he was doing at this time, so he didn't ask much. He accompanied Wang Lun on the pier and waited for news from Lu Fang. He only waited for half an hour, but he still didn't see Lu Fang. Zou Run couldn't help sighing, "It's obvious that there are only ten or twenty boats in total, why are we camping in two places, but it's not for fun!"

Hu Yanqing saw and said, looking at the full moon in the starry sky, he sighed: "If decades ago, there were more camps stationed outside Dengzhou City than there are now, either this county has 100 people stationed, or that county has 50 troops." There were [-] people stationed there, and it was back when Su Xueshi learned about Dengzhou, and after hearing about it, he reported it to the court, and then gathered all the garrison troops together, and there is a precedent for stationing by designation today!"

Wang Lun couldn't help laughing when he said that, it seems that the well-known Su Dongpo helped a lot this time, and gathered the garrisons scattered in various counties, otherwise, Liangshan's troops would be exhausted tonight.

"Put all the things that need to be moved on board, and several leaders and I will go to Chenghai Navy by boat! At that time, Teacher Xu will lead the troops from the headquarters and rush to help Coach Lin on the road!" Wang Lun ordered, Ping Haijun is not far away from Chenghai Navy. It takes about half an hour to get there by riding a horse.Of course, it is faster to go by water, but it is a pity that Xu Ning's subordinates are all cavalry. It is a troublesome process for large animals such as horses to board or disembark, and it takes a long time, so Wang Lun is not going to bring horses Boat.

In fact, without Wang Lun's instructions, the captured spoils had already been transported to the ship box by box. At this time, the most important weapons of the navy were arrows and crossbows, and these were also the weapons that the Shanzhai urgently needed. The eight sea-going ships in the house are docked at the pier, so why are they afraid that he won't be able to carry too many things?

Looking forward to the stars and looking forward to the moon, I finally look forward to Lu Fang.I saw Lu Fang leading 180 cavalry and escorting [-] sailors to meet up. Without further ado, Wang Lun immediately dispatched [-] sailors and asked Zou Run to take them to Daoyu Village. Take him to Dengyun Mountain.

Zou Run took the order, greeted Lu Fang hastily, and took the people there.But on the way, he met Han Shizhong who was carrying Guo Sheng on his back to board the ship. Zou Run was shocked and asked how Guo Sheng was doing. Han Shizhong told him the reason, and Zou Run cursed and left.

"Liangchen, take [-] personal guards and all [-] horses, and together with Teacher Xu, rush overland to help Coach Lin!" Wang Lun signaled Han Shizhong to put Guo Sheng down and hand him over to Lu Fang to take care of him.

"Brother, I don't know what's going on with Coach Lin at this time? Cheng Haijun hasn't been captured yet, so it shouldn't be!" Han Shizhong asked Wang Lun.

Wang Lunjian nodded to Lu Fang, and Lu Fangfang told Han Shizhong about the military situation again, saying: "Cheng Haijun received an urgent report from the city, so he had no plans to send troops at all, and they all became cowards. The instructor waited for an hour. When I passed by, the guys still couldn't shrink back, and the instructor Lin was planning to attack by force, so I don't know what happened at this time!"

"It's not too late! Let's split up! Han Shizhong led people to go there with Mr. Xu, and Lu Fang took Guo Sheng on a sea-going ship with thousands of raw materials, and sailed directly to the cottage without stopping!" Wang Lun decided.After speaking, he looked at Jiao Ting and said, "First, distribute the copied three thousand taels of silver to Brother Ping Haijun who is willing to go up the mountain. In the future, as long as you are diligent and loyal, everyone's benefits will be indispensable!"

Jiao Ting took the order, and Hu Yanqing sighed in his heart when he heard the words, the 3000 taels were distributed to more than 500 people, each of them should have as much as five or six taels.Although Hu Yanqing did not deduct the military pay of his subordinates, he also knew that the money was undoubtedly a huge sum of money for an ordinary soldier, so he hurriedly thanked Wang Lun for his brothers.Wang Lun said a few words to him, and told him to go with Jiao Ting to distribute the rewards. Hu Yanqing sighed, thanked Wang Lun, and followed Jiao Ting.

Although Du Qian reminded Wang Lun more than once that the current financial situation of the Shanzhai was not good, Wang Lun was not embarrassed enough to take 3000 taels of silver very seriously.The sailors I brought this time must have no way to drive all the captured ships back to the cottage, so the Ping navy soldiers who surrendered at this time are particularly important.The 3000 taels of silver is not too much, but at least it expresses one of my wishes, that is, the cottage attaches great importance to them, and as long as they are willing, this is a place where they can make great achievements.

Just came back from struggling before the gate of hell, and at this time there is a valuable reward, why don't the more than 500 flat navy soldiers who have just joined the service cheer and be in high spirits?After picking up the five taels of silver from the new owner, everyone boarded the battleship with great enthusiasm.

The things to be moved were also loaded on the boat, and Xu Ning and Han Shizhong had already left the village with their men and horses. At this time, eight boats with more than 900 people on board were heading for the Cheng Navy Station familiarly.

Wang Lun and his group hadn't been driving near the sea for long, when they saw thick smoke billowing in the gray sky not far ahead, Hu Yanqing said, "We came at the right time, the Chenghai camp is ahead!" To be honest, he didn't have a good impression of Cheng Haijun in his heart, and he had long ago included them in the ranks of the Song Navy's disgrace.

In less than half an incense stick, as the ship advanced, the Chenghai Camp, which had become a battlefield, was more and more clearly displayed in front of everyone.At this time, Cheng Haijun couldn't resist the Liangshan cavalry's attack, they jumped into the sea like dumplings, and even a group of people caught up with the nearest sea ship on the pier, and were about to run out.

Unexpectedly, at this moment of life and death, seven or eight ships of the Ping Navy came outside the gate of the water stronghold, blocking the waterway in and out, so that the ships inside could not get out, and the ships outside The boat couldn't get in, and the two sides were deadlocked, which was very embarrassing.

The two commanders of the Chenghai Navy who narrowly escaped looked back, despairing in their hearts, and saw those thieves who came out of nowhere actually boarded the sea boat and came straight here.One of them was furious, and he couldn't help yelling at Ping Haijun in front of him: "Get out of the way, get out of the way! Let me out..."

It's just that the man's yelling stopped abruptly, and when the people around him looked back in surprise, they saw that the man was still standing, but his head had been pierced by an arrow.

The surviving commander of the Cheng Navy was so shocked that he lay down on the deck in a hurry, and lost his voice: "It's reversed...it's reversed...Ping Haijun also rebelled..."

Standing majestically on the bow of the ship, Han Shizhong threw the hammer to the stunned defected sailors beside him. Looking at the result of the battle in front of him, he said proudly: "If you dare to shoot a cold arrow at your uncle, you have lived enough!" (To be continued.)

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