The lake wind gathered in the [-]-mile huge lake slowly blows in, bringing a little bit of coolness to Liaoerwa, which is located in the center of the lake. .I saw the apricot-yellow flag on the back of Sanguan dancing in the wind for a long time without stopping.In the Juyi Hall under the flagpole, two men dressed as scholars sat in the lobby, chatting and laughing, drinking tea and chatting.

But who are these two people?It was Zhu Wu, the military strategist of the divine machine, and Xiao Rang, the master scholar.

Because the leader of the cottage, Wang Lun, a white-clothed scholar, and the other two military advisers, Wen Huanzhang and Xiao Jiasui, had not returned, so Zhu Wu took the lead and presided over Liangshan's great affairs.

Although it was a temporary measure, Chen Da and Yang Chun, two old brothers from Shaohua Mountain, both congratulated Zhu Wu in a joking tone. Although Zhu Wu didn't agree with them in front of them, he still had some feelings in his heart.After all, I used to be the second-in-chief of a second-rate village. I never thought that there would be a day when I would preside over Liangshanbo, the number one village in the world.

Zhu Wu has never been an ambitious person, otherwise he would not have given up the position of head of the family to Jiuzhilong Shijin.But as a normal person, it is inevitable that there is an innate basic feeling of being recognized and valued in the bottom of my heart.

When Wang Lun took Wen Huanzhang to the overseas voyage that day, he personally appointed the temporary head of the family, which was beyond everyone's expectations. Instead of kissing Lin Chong, who was expected by everyone, he handed it over to himself, the only military adviser who stayed behind in the cottage.This is Zhu Wucheng's trepidation, but at the same time, there is also a sense of satisfaction after being recognized in his heart.

Yes, that is contentment!

At this time, there is the trust of the village lord Wang Lun, and the respect of the brothers, and the satisfaction in Zhu Wu's heart has never been so strong as it has been in half a month.

After Wang Lun went down the mountain, Lin Chong, the elder of the village, supported and supported him very much in words and actions. Even after Lin Chong went down the mountain, Lu Zhishen, another flower monk who was also relied on by Wang Lun, also defended himself very much.

It has to be said that with the exemplary role played by these two pillar-level figures who went to the mountain when the cottage was founded, Zhu Wu consciously presided over the grand timing of the cottage temporarily without any feeling of trouble.And he also clearly realized that all of this stems from Wang Lun's attitude towards him. It is precisely because of his backing that these leaders in the cottage who are outstanding in skills and temperament are also able to treat him halfway up the mountain. The leader of Xiaozhai respected him very much.

Zhu Wu is a smart man who knows what he should do and how he should do it.Therefore, after Wang Lun left, he ordered the field battalion that was supposed to train every day to be withdrawn to the cottage, and suspended all plans to take the initiative to attack.The reason for doing so stems from his consideration of the current situation:

Although Liangshan has a big family and a great business, he can't help but fight on three fronts.What I should do most at this time is not to take the initiative to show something, nor how many villages have been captured, but to give Wang Lun to my "home" and guard it. This is the greatest credit.

Zhu Wu, who understood this point, seemed very relaxed at this moment. He was chatting with Xiao Rang, the leader on duty in the Juyi Hall. Nothing is impossible, there has never been anything wrong, and I don't know how the village owner found such a talent.According to his understanding of Xiao Rang Bing's surname, it is unlikely that this person will take the initiative to fall into the grass.It's just because of the special relationship between Wang Lun and Chao Gai, and because of Yang Zhi, most people who are familiar with the inside story talk about this matter in a vague way.

While chatting with Xiao Rang, Zhu Wu looked at him playfully.Xiao Rang didn't pay attention to Zhu Wu's gaze, but stretched his body, leaned back on the chair rather relaxed, and his thoughts flew away.

I really had no choice but to go up the mountain, but after going up the mountain, I have a new understanding of Luocao.

The people in this cottage are not as vicious, bloodthirsty, and money-hungry as I thought they were, but they are all upright heroes. The head leader Wang Lun was born as a scholar, which gave him a natural sense of intimacy, so he lived a happy life It's also comfortable.

It's a pity that because Wang Lun is very disgusted with Zhao'an, Xiao Rang is quite worried about this. He always thinks, what will be his fate if there is a head-on collision between the cottage and the court in the future?

Yes, the current Liangshan Bo has a strong army and horses, and the surrounding state capitals dare not look directly at them, but the stronghold is getting stronger, and it will come into the sight of the court at this time. Can Liang Shanbo still be as comfortable as he is now?

The answer to this question is not clear in his mind, and he also believes that many leaders may have the same concerns as himself.It's just that everyone expects to be convinced and dependent on Wang Lun, this concern, or contradiction, did not erupt.

But since Wang Lun made a false shot, he was very wise and did not choose to attack the state and occupy the mansion, and pull up the anti-banner separatist side. Instead, he established another foundation outside the sight of the court. This vision made Xiao Rang sigh.

In this way, it can effectively guarantee Liangshan's extremely good development momentum at the moment, and it has never stimulated the court's pain points. In addition, it also allows the people in the cottage to rely on them in their hearts. Such a strategy of killing three birds with one stone made Xiao Rang sigh with emotion He thought to himself that if it was him, he might not be able to think of such a way if he tried his best.

It seems that the position that each person can go to, although the chance is important, but in the final analysis, it still depends on his own ability.If he didn't have the ability, even if an opportunity came to him, he might not be able to grasp it.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but have a glimmer of expectation in his heart.With Wang Lun's vision and ability, it will not be difficult to make a name for himself in the future. Maybe he will establish his own country at that time. Although he is capable and powerful, at least he is a dragon. To write, to spend a lifetime in mediocrity?

"If it weren't for Wu Xuexue, how could Xiaosheng get to Liangshan? Thinking about it this way, I have to thank him!" Xiao Rang couldn't help feeling at this time, the things in the world are really wonderful, things that he didn't want to do when he died, but now secretly Rejoice.

Seeing his expression, Zhu Wu was quite moved, he chuckled, and said: "If you say this, it is really a fate in the dark. I think my brother is an upright person, so he can openly admire you, but he doesn't want to hide it. Willing to pull people up the mountain for no reason! But then again, if brother forced you to go up the mountain, I'm afraid you wouldn't be sitting here with peace of mind now!"

Xiao Rang smiled wryly when he heard the words, and shook his head. He didn't want to talk about this matter anymore, so he changed the subject and said, "It's been five or seven days since Teacher Lin went down the mountain, and no news came back. Is there something wrong?"

"I've also asked about Chief Huangfu's side, but it's a pity that cultivating pigeons is not something that can be accomplished in a day or two, otherwise I wouldn't be waiting here at this time!" Zhu Wu said with some regret, "But with Coach Lin and Teacher Xu teamed up, plus brother's bodyguards, I don't think Dengzhou has any means to deal with them!"

Xiao Rang nodded in agreement, not to mention Dengzhou, even if Jeju, Yunzhou, and Xiqingfu joined forces, he would not dare to look at Liangshan directly.At this time, the village owner has 5000 men and horses by his side, how can Xiaoxiao Dengzhou trap him?

The two of them were thinking about their own concerns, chatting without saying a word, they didn't want Zhu Fu to step into the hall with a strange expression, when he saw Zhu Wu here, he cupped his hands and greeted Xiao Rang.

Seeing his strange expression, Zhu Wu was a little surprised, and wondered to himself, could it be that there was some bad news from Army Division Xiao in Yizhou?It's just a guess, the identity of the person in front of him is quite unusual, he is the direct younger brother of Zhu Gui, his brother's confidant, Zhu Wu did not neglect, got up and poured a cup of tea for Zhu Fu himself, Zhu Fu thanked him quickly, and took the tea Drank it down.

"On the main road from Shouzhang County to Lijia Road, a group of merchants came, pushing ten Taiping carts, and came towards my cottage!" The queen of the water did not play charades, but reported the news.

Zhu Wu glanced at Xiao Rang, seeing that he was also confused, he hurriedly asked: "Since he is a passing merchant, our cottage will not destroy him, but what's wrong with it?"

Zhu Fu nodded and told the details, "It's fine if it's an ordinary businessman, but this group of people is strange! He has ten cars, and the first four have a flag on each of them, with seven large characters written on them. When I got up, it was: "The generosity of Yanjing Lu Junyi came to explore the ground in a gold and jade box. The Taiping car will not be empty, so I will collect the rare goods from this mountain!""

When Xiao Rang heard it, he felt a little baffled, and couldn't help saying: "He came here for us? Could it be Lu Junyi, who is known as Hebei's Spear and Stick Wushuang? We didn't provoke him, and this member is full of resentment?"

Zhu Wu also went in without knowing it, this person had heard of his reputation before, and his brother had mentioned this person, but he just thought that he was a rich man in Yanjing, but he had nothing to do with the Shanzhai, no matter what He couldn't invite him up the mountain with all his heart, so everyone didn't take him seriously. He didn't want to show up by himself this time, as Xiao Rang said, with a sense of resentment. Zhu Wu only felt that things were wrong. It would be so simple, he pondered for a moment, and asked Zhu Fu, "Is he the bait alone, hiding behind the ambush, or what?"

"Last time, the three surrounding state capitals frightened our cottage. How dare we disturb the tiger's beard? At this time, there was no movement of soldiers and horses for a hundred miles around the Li family road. Only Lu Junyi brought a dozen carts, including the porters. Not many people! My elder brother was afraid that the news would be wrong, so he brought someone to verify it himself!" Zhu Fu replied.

The last time I fell into Zhujiazhuang, my elder brother Zhu Gui made a mistake in the information and asked the officers and soldiers to sneak into Zhujiazhuang. Afterwards, I blamed myself very much and pleaded guilty to Brother Wang Lun. I dare not be negligent in the future. Now I have the exact information from the spies. He didn't dare to be negligent, and personally took people out to verify the information.

"Go ask Lu Tijutsu to come over to discuss the matter!" Zhu Wu nodded to Zhu Fu, turned around and said to the left and right.If Wang Lun was here at this time, he might have sent Zhu Fu directly, but if it was Zhu Wu, it would be difficult to bother Zhu Fu. (To be continued.)

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