"Brother, is there something strange?"

Seeing Wang Lun's serious expression and bowing his head in thought, Du Qian couldn't care less about Li Kui's sulking, and said with great concern. .

This cry pulled Wang Lun back from deep thought, and he nodded to Du Qian, indicating that it was okay, and then asked Zhu Wu, "What happened afterwards? Where is Lu Junyi now?"

"I made it clear at the time that this Lu Junyi was also a man with a surname of Shuang, so he made up for it on the spot! My younger brother heard that my brother had mentioned his name so much, so I invited him to go up the mountain to have a talk, but I didn't realize that this man was just going back on the road. Seeing that he doesn't seem to want to get involved with us too much, so I sent him away without any reluctance! At this time, this group of people is probably already on their way back home!" Zhu Wu replied.

Wang Lun let out a "hmm" and didn't speak.He knew that Lu Junyi was the number one rich man in Yanjing, how could he go to Liangshan so easily?Even if he was asked to go up the mountain to sit, this person would probably avoid him like a snake or a scorpion.Zhu Wu seemed to have figured out what he was thinking, so he didn't force him to go up the mountain to talk, so as not to embarrass both parties.

"His companion is Yan Qing, a prodigal son. He met me once in the past. He is a clever person who knows everything he has heard. He is so open-minded. Let him go!" Wang Lun immediately affirmed Zhu Wu's opinion. How to do it, and added a sentence at the end, "It's been a hard time as a military advisor during this period of time!"

Zhu Wu chuckled, and said, "What's the point of my duties!"

Wang Lun patted him on the shoulder. After Wen Huanzhang was stationed in Jeju Island, only Xiao Jiasui and Zhu Wu were left in the cottage. Judging from his performance in the past few months, this person's knowledge and integrity All surnames are worthy of entrusting important responsibilities, so Wang Lun encouraged the military adviser with a few words.He also asked Jiang Jing who was on the side to invite Yang Lin over.

"My brother and I met in Hebei that day. I don't know if brother can know the way to Daming Mansion?" Wang Lun asked Yang Lin, looking at Yang Lin.

"Little brother has wandered around in the rivers and lakes in the past, and he has been to the Daming Mansion a few times! But elder brother has something to ask younger brother to do? So feel free to send younger brother there!" Yang Lin begged for his life.

Seeing that he was willing to move forward in everything, Wang Lun was also pleased, and immediately ordered: "Xu Guanzhong's mother's condition is not going well, I will write a letter to you, and you can bring some precious medicinal materials to visit him! After this incident, you are not in a hurry to come back, so you will live in the Daming Mansion for a month or two, and if there are any changes in the city, you will send the pigeons back to let me know!"

In fact, the most suitable person to go to the Daming Mansion is Hao Siwen. He was the one who brought An Daoquan's acupuncture manual to Xu Guanzhong's place that day. Unfortunately, he was in charge of leading the army at this time, and he really couldn't get away.Fortunately, Yang Lin is also a cautious person, and he is used to wandering around the world, so it is very suitable for him to entrust this matter to him.

Yang Lin thought for a while and asked, "What kind of accident is brother referring to?"

Seeing him, Wang Lun's first reaction was not to make a big deal, but to ask for details. He secretly praised him, and then nodded to Zhu Wu. Zhu Wu smiled, and then told the story of Lu Junyi. Said: "Little brother will keep an eye on Lu's house, but if there is any trouble, let the pigeons come back immediately!"

"When Haotou leads you back to the mountain, you go and find out where Guan Zhong is, and then go find An An's doctor, ask him to find a few medicinal materials for treating distressed diseases, and just say to give it to the patients of Dr. Ma in the Daming Mansion, and he will be impressed! You went to the Daming Mansion this time just to inquire about information, don’t act rashly, remember safety first! I’ll write to you tomorrow morning, this matter is not urgent, after a few days of rest, leave again!” Seeing that Zhu Wu had already said It was very clear, Wang Lun didn't go into details, but only asked a few words.

"Brother, don't worry, little brother will keep it in mind, we will leave early tomorrow morning!" After Yang Lin finished speaking, he cupped his hands and left.Seeing this, Zhu Wu was thoughtful, and said to Wang Lun, "People are afraid of being famous, but pigs are afraid of being strong! Could it be that someone really wants to trap him?"

"People in the arena involuntarily!"

Wang Lun sighed with emotion, but didn't answer Zhu Wu directly, and it was hard to say clearly.Even if Wang Lun knew the beginning and end of the matter at this time, it was not good, so he gave Lu Junyi some hints, otherwise, when he thought about it, if Liang Shan had not participated in such a secret matter, how would he know about it?With Lu Junyi's surname, it might be true that Liang Shan was plotting him behind his back.At that time, if you take the blame for others for no reason, you will be scolded for doing good deeds, and you will become a thankless laughingstock, and the wise will not do it.

The best way at this time is not to dive into the muddy water in person, but to quietly watch from the sidelines.

If Lu Junyi changed his life and got home safely, Li Gu had no chance to harm anyone, and he didn't dare to do it, so that's fine, he should just ask Yang Lin to visit Xu Guanzhong.This person is still his rich man, and there are so many fierce generals under his command now, and he is not bad.But if this person's life should have such a catastrophe, when the time comes and he really drowns, it shows that Wu Yong still has a backup, but with his current strength in Erlongshan, he is far from the strength to break the Daming Mansion. In the prison, Li Gu was framed, and Wang Lun also had a plan in mind, and he would not stand idly by.After all, besides this man's excellent martial arts skills, he also has a resourceful companion named Yan Qing, and Yan Qing and Xu Guanzhong are very irresistible, so who can say for sure what will happen in the future.

"One thousand miles to the southeast...couldn't it be Song Jiang!?" When Wang Lun lowered his head and pondered, Zhu Wu's mind was also running. He thinks that Song Jiang is a little bit ready to move in Erlong Mountain, and he is secretly surprised. Could it be that he came up with a poisonous plan this time?

Wang Lun smiled noncommittally, and did not continue this difficult topic.Zhu Wu is worthy of being called the hero of the military master of the gods. At this time, with the extremely limited amount of information, he can still guess that it is Erlongshan's hands and feet, but it is quite remarkable.

After Wang Lun followed his train of thought, he made up his mind.At this moment, seeing that Du Qian and Jiang Jing had been by his side and never left, he was afraid that he had something important to say, so he immediately signaled Jiang Jing not to be restrained, but to speak directly.

Jiang Jing glanced at Du Qian, Du Qian nodded, and then heard Jiang Jing say: "The money and food in the cottage are in a hurry, we want to ask my brother for instructions, should we sell some emergency food in the next few months?"

Although Jiang Jing said that money and food were urgent, everyone knew that he was only referring to money. As for food and grass, the Shanzhai now has a lot of stocks.After all, with Zhujiazhuang's 40 stone grain and grass at the bottom, the cottage will not worry about food for a year or so.

"How long can it last?" Wang Lun asked.

"If there is no war in the near future, the amount of purchases will be slightly reduced. It is estimated that it will not be a big problem to last for three months!" Jiang Jing replied.

It's still a matter of money!

At present, the main income of the cottage is still the small-scale loan of food for each family. This can meet the needs of the cottage when there were few people in the early days of the cottage.Besides, the nearby Jeju and Yunzhou, even if it is a little farther away in Shanzhou, Puzhou, Xuzhou, and Xiqingfu, the bullies and local tyrants that should be beaten have almost been beaten. , One by one "rehabilitated" and became "kind and amiable", so that the oppression of tenants has basically disappeared.

Although the cottage has set up a court beside the water, and people from distant prefectures have come to sue, but it is time-consuming and labor-intensive. For example, Xiao Jiasui went to Yizhou this time, and he himself transferred from Jeju Island. After going back and forth, he spent some time in Dengzhou, but unexpectedly came back ahead of him.Actions like this have very limited effect on the Shanzhai's current financial situation, which is not good.

Now the Shanzhai has a lot of money to spend, just to buy all kinds of materials, it can't make ends meet every month, if it is not supported by the old foundation, I am afraid that it will go bankrupt at this time.

Wang Lun shook his head and smiled, and said, "I have my own considerations about this matter, and I don't need to sell the grain first! Let's go and invite Brother Ma Xie over! Wang Qing, it's time to call him back!"

Zhu Wu saw that he had taken the initiative to go, and taking advantage of this time, Wang Lun listened to the details of Jiang Jing's report in detail, nodded from time to time, but did not express his opinion, until Ma Xie came over, Wang Lun greeted him and said: "Brother, here you go!" Are you used to living there?"

"It's not just a habit, I don't want to leave!" Ma Xie laughed loudly, "My old father said that there are mountains and rivers here, and it is a great treasure land. Brother Wang Lun's future is limitless in the future!"

Everyone laughed when they heard the words, and Du Qian said: "Brothers are very capable. Wouldn't it be a pity to vote for Wang Qing? Why don't you stay here and let everyone share our loyalty and create a great cause together?"

Ma Xie sighed with emotion, and said: "Brother Wang Qing has a kindness with me in the village, and I can't bear to abandon him. If I met Brother Wang Lun first like Brother Xuan and the others, I would have the audacity to go up the mountain to ask for a position!"

Du Qian also sighed, thinking that this person is a loyal person, so he didn't persuade him any more.Wang Lun and Du Qian were of the same mind. They only felt that this man was a man who could share weal and woe. They couldn't help admiring him at the moment, nodded, and said, "How is your father's recovery? I've never been on the mountain, but I don't pay attention to him." , Brother, don’t blame me!”

Ma Xie was very moved when he heard the words. Wang Lun visited his father quite a few times, and this time he asked about his condition as soon as he came back. It is already a great kindness to take my father and son in, how can I ask you to come and ask each other from time to time! Brother, don't worry, Doctor An has already said that my old father is fine, just rest for a while and be stable!"

Wang Lun nodded, and talked with him for a while, then said: "I have written a letter to Mr. Wang and Mr. Li. The matter that you entrusted to me has already taken shape. The matter of Haiyan is put on hold for now. , but my cottage is now sailing overseas, and there are some special products from Korea and Japan, if they are interested, we can add them up!"

"Take it! Although my younger brother is in Jinghu, he also knows that seafood is very profitable, but it is not better than selling salt? As long as the money comes, whether he sells salt or seafood? I don't think there will be any problems with the leader. Yes!" Ma Xie said happily.

"My cottage now has a batch of seafood worth hundreds of thousands of coins. Please bring a letter with me. If Wang Qing wants it, come and pick it up as soon as possible! In addition, I will also give it to Brother Xian and Village Master Du. Li Junshi and Li Junshi each prepared a small gift, and I hope the brothers will take it with them!" Wang Lun laughed.At this time, a batch of goods seized from Chenghai Navy can be used to explore Wang Qing's business route.

Hearing this, Ma Xie's face became a little hot, and said: "I live here for free, and I will take it for free when I'm here, I'm really ashamed, little brother!"

Wang Lun chuckled, and said, "They are all like-minded brothers, so don't let the brothers stand outside!"

Ma Xie is a straightforward man, and he didn't refuse any more when he said it. He clasped his fists to Wang Lun and said, "In this way, I will thank brother Du and my brother! The younger brother will leave tomorrow, and he will definitely take his brother's kindness with him. These two beneficial things have been facilitated!"

Wang Lun nodded, got up and sent Ma Xie out, and said at the door: "There will be a big banquet tonight, brother, don't miss it!"

Ma Xie laughed and said: "My old father likes to be lively the most, even if my brother doesn't call, we also want to come to enjoy the joy!" After saying goodbye again and again, he was going to go back alone this time, so my father will continue to stay here for treatment. He firmly believed that with Wang Lun's behavior, he would take good care of his father whether he was here or not.

Looking at Ma Xie's leaving figure, Wang Lun's thoughts were wandering. Maritime trade is a way to get money, but the other two should also be included in the agenda. (To be continued.)

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