Water Margin Survival

Chapter 294 Uncle Zou's New Errand

Qin Ming, the former chief of soldiers and horses of the imperial court, Thunderbolt Qin Ming, the superintendent of soldiers and horses, Zhang Qing, Huang Xin of Zhen Sanshan, and Yang Zhi, the envoy of the Palace Marshal's Mansion, the green-faced beast Yang Zhi. . .

Of course, the only person he knew was Yang Zhi, who was also a general.For other characters, most of them are known by their names but not known.But the careful Xu Ning was at the side at this time, and introduced the visitor for him in a low voice:

"Walking with these people is Tang Bin, the famous general of Pudong. He is skilled in archery and horse, and has excellent martial arts skills. He is also a famous hero. The two generals walking behind them are Zhang Dujian's deputy general Hua Xiang. Hu Gongwang and Zhongjian Huding Desun. The leader who entered the door last, people in the Jianghu said that he has a good ability to fly over eaves and walls..."

Seeing the surprised expression on Hu Yanqing's face, as if he was wondering why this thin man could be mixed in this group of independent generals, Xu Ning smiled and explained Shi Qian's skills to him in detail.It's just that the golden gunner didn't realize it. Because of Wang Lun's arrival, he had already corrected the fate of being trapped by this person.

"These brothers are really noble people. They told us to wait for the left and right, and the wine and meat have been cold for a while! Hurry up, hurry up, and take your seat!" Song Wan smiled and greeted him, but blamed him .

The few people who had just entered the door laughed out loud, and even Yang Zhi couldn't help showing a smile on his face, enjoying the joy of returning home.At this time, Huang Xin looked at Song Wan and said with a smile: "We are all a family, why are you being so polite, brothers eat first!"

"Since we are a family, we have to wait! If you don't come back, we won't have much fun eating! By the way, where is Brother Hao! Why is there no one?" Song Wan couldn't help stretching his neck to visit.He was already tall, this action was very funny, it caused all the brothers in the hall to burst into laughter again.

"Siwen insisted on telling us to go up the mountain first, but he was still setting up his troops behind. It's only been half a month since we went down the mountain, so we're really like guests!" Tang Bin shook his head and said sadly.

Song Wan laughed, and stretched out his hand to invite: "Everyone, please take a seat! I'll invite Brother Hao!"

Everyone clasped their fists together to thank Song Wan, and bowed their hands to say hello to all the leaders present. At this time, Xu Ning stood up, led Hu Yanqing forward, and introduced his identity to everyone.Everyone was a little surprised when they saw it, they didn't expect this person to be the founding general Hu Yanzan, they all came forward to salute, when they arrived at Yang Zhi, the two sighed, although they patted each other's shoulders, but meeting under the circumstances, this The two old acquaintances looked at each other for a long time, and they were speechless.

Seeing this scene, Lin Chong who was accompanying him hurriedly opened his mouth to invite everyone to sit down. Everyone was invited to sit down. Lin Chong walked up to the silent Yang Zhi and said in a low voice: "Brother has heard about Jeju Island. Forget it? Brother, work hard, with your ability, you may not be able to make a career! When the time comes, you will make meritorious deeds, honor your ancestors, and you will be just around the corner!"

After Lin Chong finished speaking, he patted Yang Zhi's shoulder heavily, and greeted everyone.It's just that Lin Chong left behind a few words, which were so shocking to Yang Zhi's ears that he was immediately stunned on the spot.

When Song Wan walked outside the hall, he found that Wang Lun was talking with Xiao Jiasui and Zhu Wu, two military advisers.Song Wan knew that these core figures in the cottage must have important business to discuss, so he just went up to say hello, patted Jiao Ting's strong body very affectionately, then said goodbye to Wang Lun, and went down the mountain to invite Hao Siwen.

Wang Lun watched Song Wan go, and then withdrew his attention, not wanting to bring him unexpected news at Xiao Jiasui who was late.

"When I came back from Yizhou, I passed a mountain that stretched for tens of miles. I didn't want this mountain to be weird. When I was camping, I took people in to investigate and found that there was a silver vein in the southeast of this mountain. Brother I don’t know, when my brother was young, he read a lot of books, but he was a little involved in the detection of mineral veins and mineral deposits, and he also had some experience. So he paid attention to it at that time, stayed here for a few days, and then transferred it. My brother probably That mine vein is no less than a million taels of silver!"

Although the silver mine with a scale of one million taels is not too much, it will not immediately alleviate the financial crisis of the cottage (the mining cycle is long), and of course it cannot be easily given up. Now the cottage needs money everywhere, and subsidies are not enough. good.What's more, the imperial army stationed in Yizhou is only three battalions of infantry, and there is almost no threat, and the Xiqing Mansion next to it can't easily send troops across the border, which is a bit tricky.

"By the way, what is that mountain called?" Wang Lun asked.

"Call Qingyun Mountain!" Xiao Jiasui said.

It really was this mountain.In fact, in Yizhou, there are mine veins and have not been expropriated by the imperial court. I think there is only Qingyun Mountain.At this time, Wang Lun pondered for a while, and asked aloud: "Have there ever been strong men who robbed houses on this mountain?"

"I've never heard of it. My younger brother stayed there for a few days, but he didn't see it either! There may be thieves, but there must be no strong people with a large scale!" Xiao Jiasui reported back.

Wang Lun nodded, and made a decision in a moment, "It just happened that I withdrew all the brothers who climbed Yunshan, and Zou Run and Zou Yuan were also on the mountain at this time, so there is no need to tell them to bring the brothers back to the building. I will take the original team to Qingyun Mountain to station, and ask Li Ye to take people to build a stockade for them, and I will send the prisoners captured in Dengzhou this time, and the work can almost start!"

"During the period of building the village, I just asked Brother Zhu Gui to recruit some skilled miners in the rivers and lakes, and it will be useful at that time!" Xiao Jiasui added.

Not only is it useful now, but it will be even more useful in the future.Wang Lun thought secretly.Uncle Zou's nephew is good at martial arts, and he can rest assured that he can monopolize a mountain, so it is quite appropriate to adapt his young men who climbed Yunshan into an armed mine protection team.

In addition, Qingyun Mountain is located in the geographical center of Jingdong Road. It can not only radiate Yizhou, the largest state in Jingdong Road, but also spread its influence to the surrounding Mizhou, Zizhou, and Xuzhou.For some small-scale armed operations, there is no need to send troops from Liangshanbo.At that time, a carrier pigeon can dispatch troops and generals, but it can save Liangshan Village a lot of trouble.

The only thing that gave Wang Lun some headaches was that the quality of these minions from Dengyun Mountain was worrying, and they were too gangster-like, completely incomparable with the people in our village.It seems that before leaving, I need to talk to Zou Run and Zou Yuan. In addition, I need to ask Pei Xuan and Sun Ding to send competent people to serve as military judges on Qingyun Mountain in the future.

Seeing Wang Lun lost in thought, Xiao Jiasui and Zhu Wu both laughed and said nothing.Finally, when Wang Lun came back to his senses, he saw the two military advisers looking at him with a smile. He shook his head and smiled, and said the idea just now. Brother Liang Shan, going out is also showing my face in Liang Shan, and you must not let it go! The two brothers Zou Run and Zou Yuan are rough men, and they may not be able to take care of this aspect. So, I have a suggestion!"

"I would like to hear more about it!" Wang Lun nodded, signaling to Zhu Wu not to have any scruples, but to speak directly.

"In the early days, we asked Pei Xuan, the iron face, to stay in Qingyun Mountain for half a year, and he was rewarded and punished. In addition, [-] soldiers with strict military discipline were selected from the cottage garrison and sent to Qingyun Mountain to set an example for them. , let them know why and how to change it!" Zhu Wu said bluntly.

Wang Lun understood that Zhu Wu's method is to apply strong pressure from the outside and mix sand into it. This method is effective quickly, but it may also cause a huge rebound. It can be said that the advantages and disadvantages are obvious.Wang Lun looked at Xiao Jiasui thoughtfully, and only heard Xiao Jiasui say: "When my brother told me to give up climbing Yunshan Mountain and return from the stronghold, how did the two brothers react?"

Xiao Jiasui was not familiar with Zou's uncle and nephew. When he went up the mountain, Wang Lun sent the two of them to Dengyun Mountain. At this time, they hadn't even met face to face, so they didn't know them well.

Wang Lun knew what Xiao Jiasui was worried about. After thinking for a while, he only said one sentence: "These two brothers are both heroes who cut their heads and necks. The military commander can rely on them!"

Xiao Jiasui believed in Wang Lun's discerning eyes, nodded immediately and said: "Then Master Zhu's method is no problem!"

With Zou Run and Zou Yuan, two generous heroes, presiding over the campaign, the backlash for this army campaign should be minimized.Wang Lun decided to adopt Zhu Wu's opinion and increase troops to the future Qingyun Mountain, making the scale of this sub-village reach more than 3000 people.

It's just that his and Zhu Wu's considerations are slightly different.Wang Lun felt that the location here was very important, and it was five or six hundred miles away from Liangshanbo. Have a certain self-protection strength.In addition, in the future, there will be no less than a thousand captives sent from Liangshan Benzhai to mine for mining. This requires Qingyun Mountain to maintain a certain scale of troops in case of emergency.

After talking about this accident, seeing that Wang Lun attached great importance to it, and immediately made arrangements, Xiao Jiasui was in a good mood, and praised Shi Qian for his outstanding performance this time: "This time the first credit should go to the leader of Shi Qian and his subordinates. Listening to the camp, the younger brother came and went very smoothly this time, because his information was very accurate and timely, and he knew the dynamics of the Xiqing mansion well, so although he took some detours along the way, he did not report to the king of the Qing mansion. Conflict head-on, causing unnecessary casualties!"

Wang Lun said with a gratified smile, and said, "Finally living up to the name of Di Ting!" Xiao Jiasui laughed, and then said:

"The Zhaojia Village in Mengyin County is really evil. Although the owner and his wife are not at home, the two are in charge of Hua Diao, and Jinzhuang is very brave. They dared to rob the camp in the middle of the night. To be honest, this is the first time I have met It's a pity that they ran into General Qin's Thunder Battalion and ran into a wall. That night we did nothing and took advantage of the opportunity to seize Zhuangzi. Hua Diao and Jin Zhuang, who snatched his relatives, died in the rebellion. Among them, they rescued Brother Zhu Fu's mentor, Blue-Eyed Tiger Li Yun, that night!"

"Then what did Zhao Xin and Gao Liang do?" Wang Lun asked with some doubts in his heart.

"I heard from the captives that they were invited by the yamen of Zhizhou's family and brought a large number of gold beads out of the village. By the time our army arrived, it had already been gone for several days!"

Due to work needs, I applied for a Sina Weibo account, the name is: -He comes from the rivers and lakes.I also hope that some good guys on Sina Weibo will add a "follower", so as not to have too few fans, and it will be too embarrassing to walk on the rivers and lakes in the future (there is a "-" after it). (To be continued.)

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