Water Margin Survival

Chapter 297 Coming and not being indecent

Seeing that the opponent's height was different from ordinary people, and he was chasing all the way, but his face was not red and he was not panting, Yang Lin's face became serious, he hesitated for a while, and then looked back at Shi Qian and said:

"Stealer, I'm afraid this fellow came from an unkind person. We hurt him. It's hard to be kind. I'll hold him up later, and you take my brothers and go first. Remember, you go for me Daming Mansion, monitor the movement of Lu Junyi’s house, and only ask my people to go back to the cottage to report the news and rescue soldiers! Those two carrier pigeons must not be used until the critical moment!”

Shi Qianjian said that he glanced at Yang Lin a little emotionally, and heard more from Deng Fei that this person has a deep sense of loyalty, and he has seen it today.I saw his lips moving, but he still didn't say anything in the end.

"He's just one person, why does my brother build up other people's aspirations and destroy his own prestige!" Several companions were all men selected by Yang Lin, they were very angry, and said without anger.

"This person came all the way, probably not more than ten miles away, but he was able to catch up with us, and he saw that his pace was not slow. At this time, he was breathing evenly and vigorously. You can't see the urgency, which shows that he has a solid foundation. The other big axe, even if it is lighter than Brother Lian's weapon, is not much lighter. , but there is nothing wrong, how can you look like a mediocre person? It seems that this time, we may encounter difficulties!"

Shi Qian was already well-informed, and after going up the mountain, he spent a long time with many first-rate masters in the cottage, and at a glance he saw that this person was not something he and Yang Lin could handle.

"No matter how fast he is, it will soon be time for the leader to go, you do as I say, don't be stubborn. Only if you escape safely, he will not dare to do anything to me. If we are cooked by him, we will be punished." The danger of being silenced, that's more dangerous than good!" Yang Lin obviously saw the importance of this person from the very beginning, so he made a decision in a very short time, after all, Shi Qian was sure of retreating safely, but he couldn't say it.That being the case, it would be good to buy some time for them to retreat safely.

Yang Lin cast a decisive glance at Shi Qian, stepped forward without hesitation, and said to the cold-eyed giant, "If you want to rob, I will resist! Who is to blame for their incompetence? I won't take his surname." Fate, still depends on the love of the Green Forest! Today you seek revenge from me, I didn’t say anything, but when I come to look for you tomorrow, don’t complain!”

At the beginning, the giant man saw them muttering, he didn't know what they were discussing, and felt contemptuous in his heart, when he suddenly heard Yang Lin's words, he couldn't help becoming interested, and said a little funny: "You are a bachelor! You don't look like a character with no name or surname, let me hear your name!"

"The hero in the White Clothes of Liangshanbo is Yang Lin, the brocade leopard!" Yang Lin said proudly.

"Jin Leopard? It's a pity that it's not a leopard head...even if it's a scorpion!" the giant man regretted, "I've heard of a few heroes with names and surnames on Liangshan, but I haven't heard of you! Yang Lin, you are not my opponent, you tied yourself up, follow me up the mountain, if there is a conflict, the heavy ax has no eyes, be careful and lose your life!"

The seemingly sincere but arrogant words of this giant man did not anger Yang Lin, he only heard him say loudly: "Man, what is your origin? If you really have the ability, why not follow me to Liangshan, my brother is most willing to accept heroes, Going up to a mountain and sitting on a high chair, but it’s not as good as you falling here in the barren hills?"

The man showed a look of surprise on his face and shook his head. Seeing that Yang Lin refused to give in, he raised his giant axe and strode forward.Seeing this, Yang Lin looked back at Shi Qian and shouted, "Go, go!"

Shi Qian gritted his teeth, looked at Yang Lin who was almost hysterical, and got angry, turned around and shouted: "Follow me!"

Seeing that his opponent was about to run away, how could the giant be willing to give up?Seeing that he was holding an ax and was about to grab him, Yang Lin yelled and raised his simple knife to block the man's way. Seeing this, the giant man glanced at the fleeing people, and said to Yang Lin: "Look at you Man, let’s do that! If I can’t catch you with three moves, the grievances and grievances will be wiped out, you can go or stay, it’s up to you!”

Seeing that he was confident that he could win within three moves, Yang Lin didn't know why, but there was no trace of anger in his heart. He felt that this person was not like a pretentious person, since he made a big talk, he must have a counterattack. .

The giant man chuckled, seeing the sharpness of the saber, he flashed sideways, although his body was big, his movements were extremely agile, Yang Lin was not discouraged when he missed a hit, and the simple saber in his hand seemed to be thrown into the wind, the giant man At the beginning of the Han Dynasty, he didn't take it seriously. Seeing Yang Lin make two sabers, he felt that the saber was majestic and looked like a master, but he rarely saw such an exquisite simple saber technique. After all, there are few masters. The most famous weapon is a simple knife.He couldn't care less about chasing the fleeing man at the moment, and couldn't help but want to continue watching, only to see that he was just dodging and didn't fight back, and he didn't break his previous three-stroke agreement.

Seeing that he didn't fight back, Yang Lin could buy time for Shi Qian and the others. He was not worried about Shi Qian, but he was afraid that his companions would slow down. In fact, there are 64 27 moves in this set of saber techniques. Unfortunately, Yang Lin only learned it for half a day, and because Wang Jin had something to leave on the way, he asked Shi Jin to teach him, so he only memorized [-] or [-] moves. When the enemy is at hand, no one dares to hide his selfishness, he immediately uses them one by one, and the giant man in front of him, who is reluctant to fight back, is in a panic.

The giant dodged for a while, seeing that Yang Lin's moves were old and his saber skills gradually returned to mediocrity, he immediately unleashed a heavy axe, and with just one blow, Yang Lin's jaws opened wide, bleeding profusely. The special iron plain knife in Yang Lin's hand kicked away, and in the third move, the heavy ax was already placed on Yang Lin's neck.

At this time, Shi Qian and his brothers had gone far away, Yang Lin didn't worry about it, and met the gaze of the giant man and said: "Isn't Zhu Si afraid to die by your hands?"

The giant man nodded and did not speak. Yang Lin said again: "Since you know my reputation in Liangshan, why do you still do this? Are you not afraid of the consequences that will follow, which you will never be able to bear?"

The giant man looked at Yang Lin and saw that he had no fear under the giant axe, he smiled unconsciously, put away the big axe, and said: "Your Wang Lun only has two arms and two legs, I'm afraid he will eat me? To tell you the truth, I can't stay here for long!"

Yang Lin was startled, if he wanted to escape, where would the village look for him, he couldn't help asking: "Who are you?"

The man thought for a while, and said: "Although your martial arts skills are not very good, you are still a man, so I will not hide it from you, I am Bian Xiang, the subordinate of King Tian Hutian!"

"Bian Xiang?" Yang Lin didn't have any impression of the name, and he was a little puzzled, "So, you're telling Zhu Si to join Tian Hu? With only 200 people like him, do you also like him?"

"One cottage has 200 people, and ten cottages has 2000 people. There are too many small villages on the border of Hedong and Hebei. You don't know how little can make a lot, and sand can make a tower?" Bian Xiang laughed.

Yang Lin was taken aback, why Tian Hu is the same guy as Wang Qing from Jingxi, but Wang Qing seems to be more "benevolent", relying more on his mouth to deceive people, and finally became the leader of the Eighteen Villages.Unexpectedly, this Tian Hu is more vigorous and directly seizes people's foundations. Fortunately, this guy is quite self-aware, and for the time being he only dares to pick on the cottages with few people and weak power.

"You don't look like that shameless person, how could you do such a thing that steals people's foundation? But it didn't break the loyalty of the green forest!" Yang Lin couldn't help saying.

Bian Xiang shook his head and said: "I don't know where the other people are, but I persuaded three cottages successively on behalf of King Tian, ​​and a total of five leaders went up the mountain. , I won’t take his surname, it’s an exception for me!”

"Didn't you lie when you went up the mountain? By the way, you told me so much, could it be...!?" Yang Lin suddenly came to his senses and said in surprise.

"It's still the same sentence, you are not very capable, but you are a hero. You are more loyal than the five small village leaders I met before. Come with me to meet the king!" Bian Xiang smiled, stepped forward and bound Yang Lin Yang Lin refused to obey, and was stunned by Bian Xiang's heavy hand, he carried it on his shoulder and walked back.

When Yang Lin woke up, he found that he was locked in a firewood room. Except for a ray of bright moonlight shining through the window, bringing him a glimmer of light, the rest of the place was completely dark.


There was only a rustling sound from time to time, probably because mice and other nocturnal creatures were afraid that Yang Lin would be bored, so they all came out to make fun of him.Yang Lin didn't have the heart to pay attention to these things, secretly thinking that if he was plundered by Bian Xiang to Tian Hu's place, the cottage would have no news, how could it be good?

It's strange to say that when Yang Lin first walked the rivers and lakes, what he wanted most was to find a Dazhai to collect. If he was bumped into by Tian Hu when he was not in Liangshan, he would not be so heartbroken, but now his life With Liang Shanbo's indelible experience in his life, how can he feel at ease and cast elsewhere?When he thinks of Wang Lun who knows his heart and lungs well, Deng Fei, Zou Run, and Zou Yuan who are sympathetic to each other, and Wang Jin and Shi Jin who taught him simple knife skills, Yang Lin can't help but remind Yang Lin of what Wen Huanzhang always said back then, "Once the sea was too difficult for water" Come.

At this moment, he truly understood the meaning of this sentence: he has experienced the widest sea, so why would he pretend to be attracted to other small rivers?

"Squeak..." At this time, the out-of-time mouse sound rang out again, and Yang Lin cursed, "Wait for my brother to come, and set fire to your bird village!" At this point, Yang Lin smiled miserably. If Bian Xiang didn't leave, he could still wait for the rescuers to arrive, but after he cleaned up the stronghold, he might have to leave the camp soon.

"You tell me where to start the fire, my little brother will go to light it!" At this moment, the rat's cry disappeared, and it became a human voice.

When Yang Lin heard it, he was both surprised and happy, but the words turned into complaints: "I told you to go to Daming Mansion first, why did you turn back?"

Shi Qian chuckled, turned in from the window, untied Yang Lin's rope and said, "The errand that my brother entrusted to you, you should go out and do it yourself! I want to go back to my Gaotang state!"

Taking advantage of the moonlight, Yang Lin looked at this brother who risked missing his hand and turned back halfway to rescue him, only to feel that the image of his evil eyebrows and mouse eyes suddenly grew taller, he sighed, and said: "Okay, you are ruthless! Let's go, Go out and talk!"

"There are your companions outside to meet you, you go down the mountain with them first, I still have something to do!" Shi Qian said seriously.After speaking, I will go out the window.Yang Lin was in a hurry, and quickly stopped him and said, "Don't do anything stupid, that Bian Xiang is not an ordinary person, he is not so easy to deal with!"

Shi Qian turned his head and smiled, and said: "This fellow is tired and lazy, I have to let him know what it means to be 'coming but not going indecent'!" (To be continued.)

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