Suo Chao was very anxious, wishing that the poor horse under his feet would be three points faster, so as to save his apprentice's life. .I didn’t want the unruly fighting style of the Daming Mansion’s defenders to annoy a young hero in front of the formation here. Seeing that Shi Jin was about to leave the formation, he suddenly heard a general in the formation say: “Dalang, take a break, I’ll come Fight this Suo Chao!"

Seeing that Shi Jin looked at the speaker, he immediately retracted the spear in his hand and said, "In this way, we will see the mighty power of Coach Lin!"

Lin Chong cupped his hands at him, looked at Wang Lun asking for instructions, Wang Lun nodded slightly, and said, "This man is a hero who is not afraid of death!"

As soon as Lin Chong heard it, he knew what Wang Lun was thinking, so he urged his horse out of the battle. Just at this time, one of the two riders who caught the opponent fell off his horse. Suo Chao was furious. Suo Chao put all his energy on Yang Zhi when he was blocked by a long spear, how could he care about this spear?By the way, he blocked it with his axe, but who knew that the shot was so heavy that it made his jaw go numb, Suo Chao was startled, raised his eyes to look at the man's face, and said in shock: "You are not carrying something that you have seen outside the city last year. Officer of the Tokyo Masilong Guard Battalion!"

"Offend, Xiaoke Lin Chong!" Lin Chong picked up Suo Chao's big ax and shouted: "Brother, retreat, I will meet General Suo!"

Yang Zhi nodded, put Zhou Jin on the horse, pulled the horse back to the formation, Suo Chao saw that the apprentice was not dead, secretly thought that Yang Zhi was still merciful, and after all he was still thinking about the friendship he had at the beginning, he was a little relieved, yes Lin Chong said: "Master Lin, you had a hard time hiding it from me, and told me to ask people everywhere to go to the Seventeenth Battalion of Longwei in Tokyo to find out about you!"

Seeing that he only met him by chance last year, Lin Chong took it to heart so much, he was slightly touched, and said, "People are in the rivers and lakes, and they can't help themselves! Don't blame the general!"

"What a man in the rivers and lakes, he can't help himself!" Suo Chao said: "Accept the move!" Before he could finish speaking, the big ax was coming, Lin Chong caught it with his gun, this person had a fight a year ago, Lin Chong used it against him He was no stranger to the ax routine, and there was another master of the cottage who used the long ax as a weapon, and there was no shortage of contests on weekdays, so Lin Chong took his time and calmly faced the battle.

I saw two people fighting with axes and spears, more than thirty matches, no difference between victory and defeat.Li Cheng was in a hurry. Although he had never met Lin Chong, he had heard of him as the head of the 80 imperial army's guns and clubs. He knew that his family's Lin family gun was not given for free. Confident, but if the opponent was Lin Chong, he couldn't help hesitating. He turned his head and looked at the general Wang Ding. Seeing this, Wang Ding thought to himself: "Although Lin Chong is good, General Suo has already held him back. If I If you want to make meritorious deeds before the battle, when will you wait?" Seeing him hesitate for a moment, he galloped out and charged Lin Chong.

"You want to fight for generals, but you keep playing rogues! Li Cheng, come down and fight the Sa family for a hundred rounds!" Lu Zhishen was furious and urged his horse to go out. Chaoyi heard Lu Zhishen's words and said angrily, "Wang Ding, what are you doing here?!"

"Pioneer, let's work together to capture Lin Chong, so that you and I will be famous!" Wang Ding shouted.

Lin Chong is a self-cultivated man, he just kept silent when he heard the words, but put in a little more strength in his hands, Wang Ding suddenly felt a little overwhelmed, and cried bitterly: "The vanguard will help!"

Suo Chao was angry and funny, so he had to do his best, but he said unrelentingly: "Two hit one, and call your mother's bird name! Get back quickly, don't make people laugh!"

"The Dujian asked me to catch the thief, how can I retreat?" With Suo Chao in front, Wang Ding's pressure was relieved a bit, at this time he didn't care about his words, but behaved obediently.

Suo Chao cursed angrily, and said, "Okay, okay, then you fight him, and I'll fight that monk!"

Wang Dingjian said that he was terrified, if he hadn't seen Suo Chao here, how could he have dared to fight Lin Chong?Frightened by Suo Chao's words at this time, he pulled his horse back and was afraid that Li Cheng would blame him, so he shouted to the formation: "Suo Xianfeng wants to capture Lin Chong, it's not that the young general refuses to step forward!"

Li Cheng was annoyed, and secretly scolded Suo Chao that he didn't know what to do, and suddenly saw a monk flying towards Wang Ding, and shouted: "Wang Ding, be careful!"

Wang Ding looked back and saw a reckless monk coming straight at him. The horse under his crotch was very handsome. He immediately became greedy and wanted to take the horse for himself, so he pulled the horse back and told Lu Zhishen Fight to a pile.

Who would have thought that this man fought Lu Zhishen less than ten times, his arms were sore and limp, and his tiger's mouth was split open, so he saw how powerful this monk is, so he didn't care about that horse right now, he just felt that his life was at stake, so he turned around and left, how could Lu Zhishen let him Back away calmly, slammed his horse, chased after him, fixed a spot, slammed down with his Zen stick, and knocked Wang Ding to the ground, including the man and the horse. The breath of the breath, but the breath of the breath, the sight is dead.

"I have heard for a long time that Monk Hua, Lu Zhishen, is brave and invincible. When I saw him today, he really deserves his reputation!" Xu Guanzhong praised, but when he looked at Lin Chong, he was a little uncertain: "Although Suo Chao is a famous general in the Daming Palace, he doesn't look like Lin Chong. The coach is an opponent, but I always feel that the coach still seems to have spare strength?"

Wang Lun said with a chuckle, and said loudly, "Coach Lin, it's important to ask General Suo to come to my cottage as a guest!"

As soon as Wang Lun's words fell, Suo Chao suddenly felt the pressure doubled and secretly screamed that it was not good. At this time, he had already tried his best, and the other party seemed to be starting to increase his strength. He was panicked and slowed down a little, and saw Lin Chong's shot. The long spear took advantage of the gap and pierced towards his heart, Suo Chao felt suffocated, this time, even though he had a heart shield to defend himself, he was afraid that he would either die or be injured.Just as he was frowning, he saw that the tip of the gun changed direction slightly and stabbed directly at his side, and then a strong force struck Suo Chao, unable to hold on, Lin Chong turned his gun into a stick and knocked him off his horse.

"What a gun and club instructor!" Lu Zhishen, who was watching the battle, cheered loudly, galloped forward, bent slightly, picked up Suo Chao's armor, and dragged him back to the formation.

Seeing that three generals had been defeated, Li Cheng was furious. He wanted to get back his position. He looked around, but all the generals lowered their heads and didn't dare to look at him. Just kidding. At this time, even the undefeated Suo Xianfeng Defeated, who would dare to go forward to die?

Li Cheng was angry in his heart, but he didn't want to go off in person. There was nothing he could do, so he turned around and shouted: "Array, cavalry go forward!"

Seeing this, Lin Chong pulled his horse back to the formation, Wang Lun nodded to him, and ordered: "According to the plan!" Xiao Jiasui saw this and said, he bent his bow and drew the arrows himself, only to see four loud arrows shooting towards the sky angrily.

Seeing this, Lin Chong, Yang Zhi, and Lu Zhishen returned to the army to sit in town. When the opponent's three thousand cavalry and more than a thousand infantry pressed forward, Lin Chong and Yang Zhi, who had just returned to the battle, each led their troops to spread out to both sides, revealing their hands behind them. Armed bow infantry.

Li Cheng rushed halfway, and was shocked when he saw this situation.This person is an experienced veteran, how can he not know the power of the God Arm Bow, and there is no time to think about where this bandit got so many imperial equipment, secretly screaming that it is not good, so he has to retreat.What Lin Chong and Yang Zhi were waiting for was the opportunity in front of them. When the whole army turned their horses around, they swung troops from the left and right wings to pursue him.

"There is no need to rotate, the whole army shoots quickly!" Lu Zhishen saw that the enemy was about to run, so he would not allow him to retreat out of range, and immediately ordered his subordinates to shoot out the wounded battlefield weapons.

At this time, there were casualties among the cavalry from the front team to the rear team. Although there were not many cavalry who died directly under the bow of the god's arm, panic spread among the officers and troops exponentially. Behind the formation, more than a thousand soldiers of the horse battalion, who were not equipped with war horses, did not even meet the bandits, and were rushed to pieces by their own cavalry. Looking back, they were charged again by two thousand horsemen from the Liangshan Army. This time, they were not only greeted by the strong limbs of the horses, but also the sharp-edged spears that followed.

The situation on the battlefield in the mourning field did not slow down the king Li Cheng's determination to retreat. As long as he can take out the three thousand cavalry in front of him, the battle will not be regarded as a defeat. accept.

Just as he was making wishful thinking, he suddenly saw two strong men and horses bumping out in front of him, each with more than a thousand cavalry, although they were all in uniforms of the army, Li Cheng complained in his heart, and cursed secretly: "The scouts are all shit eaters!" ? The four thousand horse army is hiding under the nose, and they can't see it, they are all blind! The army is caught in the pincers, so dereliction of duty, if you go back, you will definitely be killed!"

At this moment, he was annoyed in his heart, so he might as well fly a stone and hit his forehead, and suddenly there was a sharp pain, which almost caused Li Cheng to fall off his mount. Finally, he managed to stabilize himself, but at this moment a stone flew towards him again, how could Li Cheng dare to be negligent, and hid in the stirrups with a trick to avoid it.

At this time, Li Cheng didn't dare to turn around and sit upright, but just hid on the side of the horse and cursed: "Who is dead, you hurt someone with an arrow in the back!" Seeing the fluttering of long hair, Li Cheng was quite embarrassed, he pulled the reins obliquely, and hid himself in the crowd.

At this time, Lin Chong and Yang Zhi, who were behind, handed over the captives to Lu Zhishen and Shi Jin, led the crowd to catch up, and took advantage of the situation to cover up and kill them. The elite horse army, waiting for work at ease, had no fighting spirit against the soldiers, and the three thousand defeated soldiers who had no fighting spirit, turned the battlefield situation into a one-sided situation.

"Without this power, the Daming Mansion will be safe! This battle should be Guanzhong's first achievement!" Wang Lun said with a smile as he looked at Xu Guanzhong, seeing that victory was in sight.

Xu Guanzhong had already been absorbed by the battlefield situation at this time, and did not pay attention to the words of the people around him. He sighed for a long time and said after a while: "My Liang Shanshuibo is actually so elite!?"

At this time Xu Guanzhong turned his head, looked at Wang Lun and Xiao Jiasui in disbelief and said: "Although this battle is going against the wind, our generals are not afraid of death, and our soldiers are not hesitating their lives. There are slight flaws in my personal combat skills, but I already have the initial prototype of a powerful army! How did my and Brother Xiao train this batch of elite soldiers?" (To be continued.)

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