"What a ghost! I just heard about Liangshan Wang Lun from Dai Zong's mouth, and this guy brought people to kill him! Brother, do you think our city can be defended?"

In the middle of the night, many residents of Daming Mansion had fallen asleep at this time, but the poor Cai brothers were mobilized to help defend the city. The two brothers couldn't make it through, so they hid aside and chatted to pass the time. .

At this time, Cai Fu saw his younger brother's uneasy look, and said to comfort him: "No matter how powerful the Liangshan bandits are, how can they take down my city? Brother, we two live in Yanjing for generations, and we have never heard of it." The story of the broken city! Don’t worry, the thieves will besiege the city for at most two days before retreating!”

"Brother, didn't you hear that at noon today, Li Dujian's army was defeated and his face was covered with blood? His men took out four thousand elite soldiers, and they returned less than [-]%! Brother, you said that the rivers and lakes have been talking about Liangshanpo today, tomorrow. You also said that Liang Shanbo, why did you tell him to develop a climate, and he came to my famous mansion?" Cai Qing knew better than Liang Zhongshu at this time, knowing that Liang Shanbo came for Lu Junyi, so he was not surprised at all.

"The world is so big, there are no surprises! You and I are only wandering around in Yanjing City, how do you know the world outside? It's not peaceful now! The birthday card that was left behind by the husband two years ago and given to the father-in-law has been stolen again and again. You are a coward. ?Now we don’t talk about Tian Hu here. I heard from Jinghu Gongren that he also has some kind of Wang Qing. He has become the leader of more than 20 villages in the green forest. He wants to fight against the imperial court and make local officials Everyone is at risk!"

Cai Fu really has nothing to do, he can't sleep here, if he is bumped into by the magistrate, he will lose his job, so he can only talk nonsense with his younger brother, and stay for a while.

"Wang Qing, I know, I know! I heard that this guy fought with Wang Lun half a year ago, and the two groups were going to fight. In the end, Wang Qing was no match. He bowed his head and gave in, and lost Mrs. Yazhai to Wang Lun!" When Cai Qing said this, he suddenly became energetic.

"Nonsense! Mrs. Yazhai, who are you listening to?" Cai Fu also knew this, and said with some disdain.

"It's not that a thief from the south is locked up in our prison. When I'm free, I listen to his nonsense!" Cai Qing smiled embarrassedly and replied.

Cai Fu also laughed. He also listened to what the kid in the cell said at first, and then he overheard the inside story from a colleague from Jinghu, only to realize that he had been tricked by this kid.

The two brothers were just chatting with each other, but at this moment, a sensible prisoner brought a food box and sent it to the top of the city with a smile, and invited the two of them to have a midnight snack. Cai Qing laughed and went on. After passing the food box, I did not forget to say thank you.

The little jailer went down happily.It is said that there are more than 100 jailers who came to watch the night at the festival level at this time, but he was the only one who won the first place this time, and he also received a thank you from the festival level, which can be described as a great harvest.Thanks to his quick-wittedness, on weekdays, how can you give away a roast chicken and a pot of wine? I'm afraid the two brothers won't even look at it, but at this time, it's just a timely gift?

"This kid is really clever, but he didn't notice it on weekdays! After watching for hours, he just happened to be hungry!" Cai Qing wiped his hands on his body, then opened the oil paper wrapped with roast chicken, and tore off a fat chicken leg , Pass it to your brother.

Seeing that Cai Fu was staring at the dark place below the city, his face turned pale, and he was sweating profusely, Cai Qing was taken aback, thinking that the thieves are calling! ?But this is the west gate, the farthest from the east gate where the thieves go to the village, if the thieves bypass the south gate and the north gate, how can there be no warning?

Cai Qing stretched out his head in a nervous mood to see, where is there any hostility?Heibu Lengdong couldn't even see a ghost, Cai Qing wondered: "Brother, what's wrong with you?"

Cai Fu was stunned for a while, before he regretted, and said: "Do you remember that guy who was beaten to death in the prison?"

"Brother, you mean that red-haired ghost?" Cai Qing asked hurriedly.

"Before this evening, Liangshan Majun spread out the word, and the news of showing off his might outside the city spread to the prison. I don't know how this guy found out, and he laughed like a madman, saying that brother came to save him. It’s time to cut it off... cut off the beam... the two masters are angry!" Cai Fuyue said, the more he gasped.

Seeing this, Cai Qing was surprised and said, "Why is Wang Lun this fellow's elder brother again!? Didn't that fellow Dai Zong pull up the banner of Wang Lun to scare our brothers? Besides, he wants to seek revenge from the two gentlemen, what is he doing to you and me?"

Cai Fu slapped his thigh and said: "This guy was in jail that night, and he happened to meet two of our brothers, which caused him to be captured by mistake. You said he doesn't hate you and me in his heart? Now he is beaten like a ghost, like a ghost. , How could there be no resentment in my heart? If... I said yes, then Liangshan really broke the city, and he really knew Wang Lun, you think we still have a way out?"

"Then what should we do?" Cai Qing asked anxiously, looking at his well-informed brother.

"Let's go, before the city is broken, let's go back and find him! A stove needs a cold stove, and right now his stove won't work, just try it!" Cai Fu got up and said.Seeing this, Cai Qing hurriedly dropped the chicken leg in his hand, took a sip of wine, wiped his mouth for a while, nodded to Cai Fu, and said, "Let's go!"

At this time, only the Xiangjun and the jailer were on duty at night on the tower. Among the jailors, the Cai brothers were the bosses, and they could leave as soon as they said they wanted to, and they didn’t need to report to anyone for instructions. The Xiangjun’s status was very low, and the Xiangjun officer usually flattered this man in the daimyo’s mansion. It's too late to open the festival of the two houses, so how can you stop him at this time?

At this time, Cai Fu and Cai Qing came down to the city without any hindrance. Cai Qing looked at the soldiers of the Forbidden Army who were sleeping at the base of the city, and spat: "The guys in Zhenwu Camp will really enjoy themselves. Ask the master to watch the night for him. They Sleep soundly!"

"Who dares to disobey Mr. Xiang's order? Let's go, this group of Qiu Ba is no less tempered than Xiang Jun. They rely on Wen Da and Li Cheng's power, and they want to walk sideways. You and I have nothing to do with these guys." What!" Cai Fu shook his head and said, just dragging his younger brother to run in small steps, wanting to go early and return early, if he is not on duty when the magistrate inspects, it is not a fun thing to do.

The two of them walked half a mile away, only to see a group of guard soldiers approaching the west gate, they stood by the side of the road, wondering in their hearts, what kind of soldiers are being dispatched in the middle of the night?

This team of troops seemed to number in the thousands, which shocked Cai Fu and thought to himself: "There are only four command infantry troops in my city, and now there are three command troops gathered at the west gate. Could it be that bandits are really approaching the city?" ?”

There was a lot of movement in this group, and the Xiang Army guarding the city gate heard the noise and sent someone to investigate. At this time, two men walked out from the middle of the group and said to the Xiang Army who came to investigate: "We are horsemen. Commander Chen and Commander Chen have Yongjie [-]st and [-]nd Battalions under their command. They followed the Heavenly King and immediately dispatched the horse army. We got the news that the Zhenwu Camp was infiltrated by bandits. Tonight we will secretly open the gate to welcome the enemy in. Therefore, Don't make a fuss, go back and tell your boss bluntly, here is the official document!"

Those Xiang soldiers were so shocked that their mouths couldn't match their mouths. Then they looked at the Zhenwu Camp people who had been sleeping next to them just now in fear. .

Cai Fu and Cai Qing were walking back at this time. Since the army was coming, something must happen. The personable official here is very different.At this time, you can't hit his knife edge.

They didn't dare to run into the army, they just walked along the edge, at this moment they suddenly heard the speaker's accent, and unconsciously leaned forward to take a look, who knew it was okay if they didn't look, he was stunned when he saw it.Although this man was wearing armor, a silver helmet on his head, and his face was smeared black, Cai Qing still recognized him, and he was about to reveal his identity immediately.

It was too late to say it, and then a fat palm came from behind Cai Qing and covered his mouth. When Cai Qing turned around and struggled, he saw his brother stretching out his hand, and hurriedly broke free: "Brother, it's not Yan Xiao... "

"Guys, it's too dark, my brother is really sleepy, we won't go anywhere, just rest here, please go your own way!" How could Cai Fu not see that this person is Yan Qing?Seeing another person's eyes sweeping towards him, he couldn't help shivering in his heart. This person's eyes were sharp like a knife, and he touched the knife on his waist again. Cai Fu thought it was bad, "They want to kill people to silence them!"

This idea immediately came to mind, but fortunately he had been on the job for several years, and he was a little quick-witted. At this moment, he gritted his teeth, pretended that he didn't see anything, and showed that he didn't run away, and pulled Cai Qing to the side. go up.

Cai Qing was shocked, lowered his voice and said to Cai Fu: "Brother, that person is not Yan Qing, why are you dragging me!"

"You're so tired! Why are we going back to look for Liu Tang? Don't we expect to avoid their revenge? That being the case, why do we want to expose these desperadoes at this time? We are only five or seven steps away from them, you tear them apart What's the benefit to our brothers if you have a broken throat and your life is not guaranteed? Why don't you pretend to be confused and take a gamble, if they really think about our love at this time, they won't embarrass you and me in the future!" Cai Fu said in a low voice, he was afraid that at this moment, his younger brother would not be able to bear it alone and cause a disaster of death, it is extremely rare to analyze the matter in detail.

Cai Qing was very convinced by his elder brother's scheming conclusion, and admired him greatly, how could he act rashly now, he saw Yan Qing glanced at him, and leaned against the wall with Cai Fu to doze off.

The person who came was indeed Yan Qing, and Wu Song was standing beside him at this time, seeing this change, Wu Song knew it well, he was also a man who had been a capital, and he was very concerned about this kind of two-headed and two-headed rat that is common among public servants nowadays. , the vacillating professional personality is very familiar, and immediately asked Yan Qing: "Who are these two people, do you want to kill them?"

Yan Qing thought for a while and persuaded Wu Song: "Brother, don't act rashly. It is important to seize the door at this time. They are the leaders of this prison. After the city is captured, there are still many things that will fall on them. Let them have their lives first. !"

Wu Song nodded, and winked at his confidant man, and saw a big man with a dozen people staying on the side of the street, watching Cai Fu and Cai Qing, and the rest followed Wu Song and Yan Qing with a murderous look. , and strode towards Ximen. (To be continued.)

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