Water Margin Survival

Chapter 315 This should be the last time I surrender in this life

"General Suo, do we have a grudge!?"

Faced with Suo Chao's desperate style of play, Lin Chong felt a little puzzled. .This person was fine half a day ago, why does he suddenly seem like a different person now?

Seeing Lin Chong asking questions, Suo Chao kept the big ax in his hand, but he was telling the funeral: "Don't ask, it's embarrassing to say! Coach Lin, I beg you to do something!"

Seeing a flaw, Lin Chong pressed down on Suo Chao's golden ax and said, "Please tell me!"

Suo Chao looked back, and saw that under the flickering firelight, there were concerned faces, all looking at him eagerly.Suo Chao let out a long sigh, looked away, looked at his opponent, and said sincerely: "Coach Lin, after I die, don't make things difficult for my brothers. If they want to go to Liangshan, I hope they will take care of them!"

Lin Chong was startled when he heard the words, and when he saw Suo Chao's resolute eyes, he suddenly realized, and said to Suo Chao: "These brothers, who else can understand them better than you, you should lead them to Liangshan!"

"I'm ashamed to go! Come on, let's see who wins or loses!" After Suo Chao finished speaking, he drew out his weapon and swept over again. Lin Chong smiled, and also summoned up his might to fight him.Suo Chao saw that Lin Chong was fighting him with his real skills, he couldn't help but get excited, and secretly said: "If I die by this person, I won't be humiliated!"

With the determination to die, he saw that the golden dipped ax in his hand was swung like a world-opening, much smoother than usual. For a while, Lin Chong was tripped by this rare attacking style of only attacking but not defending. At this moment, Suo Chao looked extremely excited, and the ax in his hand was used like a miracle.

At this time of life and death, Suo Chao had a new understanding of the use of this golden dipped axe.

Just when he was slightly distracted, he didn't prevent Lin Chong's spear from entering his bosom. He saw that the spear didn't go straight in, but just knocked left and right, and then made a strong pick. Suo Chao couldn't hold the big ax any longer, and suddenly missed the weapon.

Seeing this, Suo Chao hurried to get his saber. Lin Chong knew that he had a strong character, and was afraid that he would be overwhelmed. Said: "If you die, you will have nothing. Why can't you think about it!"

"He just thinks too much!" Lin Chong looked at Suo Chao who was pushed to the ground, and sighed to the two infantry leaders who were trainees beside him.

At this time, Suo Chao's men rushed forward, and they had heard what Suo Chao and Lin Chong had said about the funeral just now. This kind of trust in the enemy made them use the knife, and it was not right to not use the knife. At this time, Suo Chao shouted: "Zhou Jin! Watch them, don't pretend to be a tough guy again! Coach Lin, let me have a good time seeing everyone in the forbidden army!"

Seeing that he couldn't stop no matter what, Lin Chong turned around and walked towards Suo Chao. Zhou Jin was shocked and shouted, "Lin... Coach Lin..."

"It's okay!" Lin Chong turned his head and gave him a firm look, and walked in front of Suo Chao. Suo Chao grinned, looked at Lin Chong and said with a smile: "If you kill me, I won't be wronged!"

Lin Chong smiled wryly, and replied, "If you die in my hands, I will be wronged!"

Suo Chao was still thinking about what Lin Chong said, when he suddenly felt a pain in the back of his neck, and then lost consciousness.Lin Chong turned his head and said to Xie Zhen and Xie Bao, "Take good care of me, my brother values ​​him very much!"

Xie Zhen and Xie Bao looked at each other and nodded heavily. Xie Baosuo carried Suo Chao on his back. Lin Chong smiled and said to his subordinates, "Go in and search!"

Seeing that Suo Chao was fine, Zhou Jin felt relieved, hesitated for a while, stepped forward and said to Lin Chong, "Liang Zhongshu and Wendujian have already thrown themselves to the north gate and left!"

Lin Chong glanced at him, saw that he did not seem to be lying, nodded and said: "Take your brother, don't go anywhere, just here! When I come back, I will take you to see brother!"

Zhou Jin nodded silently, bowed to Lin Chong, then turned around to greet the people, Lin Chong said to the Xie brothers: "You two are guarding here with an army of [-] horses. I will go to the north gate to have a look!"

The two immediately took orders, Lin Chong took the rest of his brothers, and rushed straight to the north. When he arrived at the destination, he saw the north gate of the Daming Mansion was wide open, and the defenders had almost escaped at this time.Lin Chong left a whole army of horsemen to guard the gate, and led them out of the city to chase for twenty li, but found nothing.

Seeing that it was quite far away from the city, Lin Chong thought about taking people back to the city, but he didn't know that the winding roads turned and the willows were dark and the flowers were bright. At this time, a group of people suddenly came out from the woods in front of them. When they saw Lin Chong's horse army, they thought it was a collapse in the city. The soldiers all stepped forward and shouted loudly. Lin Chong heard what they shouted, "Wang Xianggong is here...", he stepped forward to disarm them all, and was identified by the captives. One of them was a middle-aged man who was panting. The man is the prefect Wang of this mansion.Everyone was overjoyed, this trip was finally not in vain, and they returned to the city with a full load of rammed goods.

When they returned to the north gate again, there was already their own infantry on duty here. The two leaders were Li Kui, the black whirlwind, and Fan Rui, the demon king of the world. When they saw Lin Chong, they both asked, "Have you captured Liang Zhongshu?" Lin Chong replied. Liang Zhongshu and Wen Da ran away first, and this time they captured Wang Zhifu, and handed over all his subordinates to the camp for custody, and only took Wang Wancang back to see Wang Lun.

Fan Rui personally took over the captives, but Li Kui stared at Wang Wancang and scolded: "You are useless, you can't beat him even if you run! No wonder Liang Zhongshu is the great minister, so you can be the young one!"

Wang Taishou was ashamed, Li Gong and Xiang Chong laughed, and Bao Xu asked in confusion: "Brother Hei, what is a great minister and what is a small minister?"

Li Kui also scratched his head, and asked Lin Chong: "Coach, you are the most knowledgeable, tell my brother!"

Lin Chong smiled and explained to them the difference between Left Behind Division and Daming Mansion. The four of them were still ignorant. Fan Rui stepped forward and said, "You guys, Mr. Xiang Riwen taught you how to read. You can't just hide away. We will wait for you in the future." If you become a great husband or a junior husband, you will not be able to write your name at that time, and you will be thrown to death if you say it!"

Lin Chong laughed, stepped forward to mention Wang Wancang, and bid farewell to everyone, Fan Rui stepped forward and said: "Master is staying at the si yamen at this time, the instructor is only looking for him there!"

Lin Chong thanked him, but seeing Li Kui and others talking about Fan Rui's theory, Lin Chong shook his head and smiled wryly, and galloped back.When he arrived at the left-behind department, he met Xu Guanzhong dispatching people at the door. Lin Chong handed Wang Taishou to Xu Guanzhong. Xu Guanzhong glanced at the official of the family and said coldly: "Wang Xianggong, Doctor Ma asked me to greet you!"

When Wang Wancang heard it, he screamed that something was wrong and trembled all over. Xu Guanzhong lifted him up, turned to Lin Chong and said, "Coach Lin, my brother has just entered and is going to persuade Suo Chaoli. If you are fine, go in and help persuade him." Good!" Lin Chong said, and hurriedly bid farewell to Xu Guanzhong and rushed into the lobby.

When Lin Chong came in, he saw that An Daoquan was giving Suo Chao an injection, so he went forward and reported the military situation to Wang Lun. Wang Lun whispered a few words to Lin Chong. Lin Chong, his apprentice Zhou Jin, and others were all present. He could never have reached the gate of hell at this time, and complained: "Master Lin, you have caused me suffering!"

All the generals in the hall smiled and looked at Lin Chong. Lin Chong stepped forward and said, "I offended you just now. It's just that the general is brave. He shouldn't just pass away like this!"

"A person has a face, but a tree has a bark! Now that the tree has no bark, how can I have any face!" Suo Chao lowered his head.Seeing this, Zhou Jin said: "It's all my brother's fault. I can't see clearly the dangers of the officialdom and the morals of the world, so I've fallen for you, Master!"

Wang Lun was amazed to see that the master and apprentice reacted completely differently from the morning.When he was captured, Suo Chao had the intention of surrendering, but Zhou Jin was indignant, but now Zhou Jin's attitude took a sharp turn, and Suo Chao became stubborn again. It seems that the master and apprentice are really two enemies .

"I wanted to invite the two of you to go up the mountain together in the morning, but at that time General Zhou refused, and Xiao Ke didn't want to force me to stay, which hurt my morale! Xiao Ke invited the two of you again at this time, I don't know what General Zhou wants!" Wang Lun looked at Zhou Jin said.

"The young general is willing to surrender!" Zhou Jin also simply replied to Wang Lun without saying a word.

"It was you who didn't surrender back then, and it's you who surrendered now! I don't know if it's good for me to die just now. First, it won't delay your going up the mountain, and second, you don't have to make such a complicated thing!" Suo Chao looked at Zhou Jin He cursed loudly, and after he cursed, a sense of sadness came to his heart, and he roared angrily: "My life is a tragedy, I am played around by people, and I still enjoy it like a stupid bird. Now I am tired, and I don't want to stop Let's play..."

"General Suo, since you have been an outsider in Daming Mansion for more than ten years, are you afraid of going to Liangshan and Coach Lin, and becoming brothers with us?" Wang Lun suddenly interrupted Suo Chao, seeing him fall into deep thought, and then road:

"Your hundred or so brothers, and this apprentice, if they watch you die, will they be able to live well in the future? You put all your heart and soul into it, but in the end others treat you as an outsider and hurt you very much. How unfair! But Now the problem is, you treat us as outsiders, do you know?! You are not even afraid of death, why are you afraid of trusting us again?"

Zhou Jin heard the words and begged bitterly. She didn't know whether she was moved by Wang Lun's words or asked Zhou Jin to persuade her to go back. Suo Chao looked at Zhou Jin and cursed: "You are also an officer, so why cry like this! Remember, Don't take me into the pit again in the future!"

Zhou Jin was overjoyed when she heard the words, and quickly helped Suo Chao up, only to see Suo Chao looking at Wang Lun and saying: "If you coax me this time, then I really have nothing to look forward to in my life!"

Lu Fang, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said: "You are not the only one with high martial arts skills in this Daming Mansion. Wen Da and Li Cheng said that he has the courage to be unworthy, and he can barely match the title, but brother insists It's rare that these two people are only interested in you, you say, why are you coaxing you? What are you trying to do?"

Suo Chao was stunned when he heard the words: "What is the picture?"

"If you want to share your loyalty, if you want to have a destiny in this life, if you want to be sympathetic, if you want to see each other!" Wang Lun said without thinking.The vanguard in front of him is a man of love after all. Although his martial arts skills are not perfect, his character is not damaged, which is enough.

Hearing this, Suo Chao sighed, bowed down and said, "This should be the last time I surrender in this life! It's so fucking frustrating..." (To be continued.)

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