Water Margin Survival

Chapter 318 Don't Let Go of the Three Racecourses

"Liang Zhongshu, the dog, has only been in the Daming Mansion for a few years, and he actually asked him to scrape more than 100 million yuan! I heard that his official reputation is not bad, and he is much better than Wang Wancang. I don't want this fellow to scrape land. Great!" On the official road to Mingzhou, Suo Chao, the new deputy general of the Panshi Battalion, showed an unbelievable expression, and complained to the general Lin Chong on the road. .

Lin Chong shook his head with emotion, and said: "As a powerful official, Shang personally went to the battle to scrape the people's fat and people's cream, which is enough to prove that he is a stupid fool! You don't know, I heard from Military Advisor Xu this morning that Liang Shijie and Wang Wancang Stealing and selling the grain stored by the imperial court amounted to a million stones, so he naturally looked down on some small money from the people. On the contrary, Wang Wancang stretched out his hands everywhere, making his reputation bad, and the money he got was not as much as Liang Shijie!"

These two were high-ranking elders who had been with each other day and night. Hearing that their homes were confiscated, Suo Chao suddenly became interested and asked, "How much money was confiscated from Liang Zhongshu's house? Why is Wang Wancang not worth a fraction of his money?"

"More than 40 gold and silver were confiscated from Liang Shijie's mansion, and later the woodshed in the backyard was knocked down, and 1000 taels of large gold ingots were dug deep underneath, a total of [-]! Wang Wancang's mansion has been searched, Only more than [-] pieces of property have been copied, and the calligraphy and painting antiques of these two families have not yet been appraised, so they are estimated to be worth a lot!" Lin Chong's status in the Liangshan Army is extraordinary, so he was the first to learn of these unspread news. .

"Psychic! I have worked so hard for half my life. I almost gave up my life for this court and these corrupt officials a few times, but I live a dry life all day long. I can't even be called a daughter-in-law. What do you think of this motherfucker?" Suo Chao said indignantly.I didn't think much about it before, just lived in a daze, but I could bear it, but now, I feel more and more that it's not worth it to work for this kind of person who represents the court.

Lin Chong persuaded Suo Chao a few words, and said: "According to the usual practice, the new leaders who go up the mountain have a settling allowance of [-] guan. When brothers go up the mountain in the future, they don't need to worry about these trivial matters, and they will never be subject to such birds. Already!"

"Rule? Did you take it?" Suo Chao asked.

Lin Chong recalled the scene when he went up the mountain. He sat in the Juyi hall with the Ruan family Sanxiong who was also new to the mountain, and was let back and forth by several old people in the village. He sighed deeply and nodded, "Take it!"

Suo Chao is a straight man, and when Lin Chong said that he had suffered too, he stopped thinking about it and said straightly: "When I go back, I want to tell my brother that I want Liang Zhongshu's stolen money, pick him a big gold ingot, and I'll chop it up." When it comes down together, I feel refreshed!"

Lin Chong shook his head and smiled. At this moment, Suo Chao became interested and asked Lin Chong, "I know Zhang Qing and Zhang Du, but what is Tang Bin's background? He seems to be good at martial arts?" Zhi and Zhang Qing were convinced by Suo Chao, but he didn't know Tang Bin.But the spark of fighting spirit that came out of the touch when the fierce general first met made Suo Chao curious about him.

"It's more than good? This man is a master of bow and horse. Yang Zhishi once told me that he fought Tang Bin. He tried his best at that time, but Tang Bin was still able to handle it with ease. You can see that this man is capable!" Lin Chong laughed.

"What the heck, how strong is that bird? Then I can't beat him?" Suo Chao said depressedly. He was quite well-known in the Hebei Forbidden Army. Why did he come across a leader in Liangshanbo, and he was a master he couldn't match?

"Speaking of axes, there are two leaders in our village. One is Jingnan Piaoyu, who has a lot of experience with the mountain axe. There is also a giant man Bian Xiang who promised to go up the mountain but has not yet. My brother said, this person’s skills may not be inferior to those of others, and you can communicate more in the future!” Lin Chong introduced to his lieutenant general that Li Kui was actually the one who used the ax in the cottage, but this person’s martial arts skills are the generals in the eyes of the pawns. It's really not easy to mention the pawn in the general's eyes at this time.

"That must not be missed!" Suo Chao excitedly weighed the golden dipping ax in his hand.

Lin Chong smiled, and said again: "In addition, the head of our Imperial Army King is also resting his horse in the cottage, and is responsible for teaching other leaders martial arts. Brother, you can ask him for advice when you go up the mountain!"

"Which Coach Wang?" Suo Chao asked in surprise.

"It's the coach Wang Jin from Tokyo!" Lin Chong nodded.

"I heard that he hated Gao Qiu just like you, and disappeared, so he also went to Liangshan!" Suo Chao said in surprise and joy.Wang Jinshi is a member of the Forbidden Army, he is proficient in all eighteen weapons, and he has a humble and low-key surname, which is deeply respected by his colleagues in the army.

Lin Chong sighed, and told what happened to Wang Jin. Suo Chao was furious when he heard it, and said, "Coach Lin, from now on, if you and I meet the old thief Gao Qi, I will go forward with you and call this How dare you insult my hero of the imperial army!"

Seeing Suo Chao's straightforward surname, Lin Chong sighed in his heart, and thanked him, Suo Chao waved his hands and said, "Brother said, from now on, you and I will be partners, what should we do? The two of us stood in the hall, and the momentum was not good. Generally speaking, my elder brother entrusted us with the task of robbing the racecourse in Mingzhou. The Benfu racecourse that Yang Zhi and Tang Bin went to is not far away, and there is no challenge. See their shadows, and retreat!"

Lin Chong shook his head and smiled when he heard the words, then looked at the sun suddenly, and said, "Will you be able to get to Guangping before noon?"

"Brother Coach, don't worry! We'll definitely be there! If you don't encounter any enemies on the way, you can hurry back at night!" Suo Chao patted his chest and said.

"It's better to come back earlier. Now our three battalions of horse troops have come out. Although there is no threat to the city recently, there are a lot of materials seized this time. It's better if we come back earlier to help!" Lin Chong explained a few words to his lieutenant general , suddenly asked: "By the way, I remember that in Mingzhou, one battalion of horse troops and two battalions of infantry troops were stationed in the past. When was that battalion of horse troops transferred?"

"It's been more than half a year, and it seems to be transferred to Yanzhou! No, it seems to be called Xiqing Mansion now!" Suo Chao took off his helmet, blew in it, and put it on solemnly, saying: "We are comparable to Yang Zhi and Tang Bin has a heavy responsibility, maybe he can win a battle!"

Hearing this, Lin Chong shook his head and smiled. This battalion of horsemen should have been transferred to his old acquaintance Wang Tie. He immediately said to Suo Chao: "Although there are only two battalions of infantry left in Mingzhou, the enemy should not be underestimated. The vanguard will bring [-] troops and horses. In the front, I will respond in the back!"

"Take orders!" Suo Chao straightened his helmet and led his men to the north.


When Suo Chao was talking about Yang Zhi with Lin Chong, Yang Zhi and Zhou Jin had already arrived at the No. Frowning, a bad premonition suddenly rose in his heart, he turned his head and said to Zhou Jin: "Isn't it telling these guys to steal and sell all the horses?"

"I don't even dare to borrow their guts! The three horse farms in our Daming Mansion are closely watched by Tong Guan. If these guys dare to sell all the horses privately, it will be a typical example of wanting money and not dying!" Zhou Jin shook his head. Shaking his head, he said, "Brother Yang... You have only stayed in the Daming Mansion for a short time, and you don't understand the implications. Liang Zhongshu would rather steal and sell the imperial court's grain reserves than get involved in the racecourse. Let me tell you, it is possible for people here to steal and sell three or five horses, but it is absolutely impossible to privately sell official horses on a large scale!"

Yang Zhi nodded slightly, feeling that Zhou Jin's words were reasonable, but suddenly felt that something was wrong. He pondered for a while, then suddenly slapped his thigh fiercely, and shouted:

"Oops! Hurry up with me! If you let these guys know the news of the city's destruction, take the opportunity to collude with illegal horse dealers and sell all the horses, and finally push them to the top of our Liangshan, it will not be a big deal. !?" Yang Zhi was extremely shrewd, and when he thought of this moment, how could he dare to be negligent, and hurriedly rushed his subordinates forward.

Zhou Jin slapped her head violently when she heard this, and said, "You are not as skilled in martial arts, and your brain is not as good as yours! I am convinced! Brother, I will go ahead and lead the way!"

These more than [-] cavalry galloped on the pasture for more than an hour, and finally rushed to the place where a large stable was built. Seeing that most of the stables were empty, Yang Zhi was furious, and said: "Give me all the anger. pull out!"

Seeing that Yang Zhi had predicted everything, Zhou Jin admired him so much, but this was not the time to talk, so she rushed in with people, and when she passed by a spacious courtyard, she saw a group of people inside who were noisily robbing each other. Thinking about something, Zhou Jin rushed in with a hundred riders, and shouted: "If you don't want to die, stay here, if you want to die, just run!"

When everyone saw the officers and soldiers coming, although they felt guilty, they were not too scared, and they didn't run away. They only heard someone shouting: "Where did the officers and soldiers come from? Our city has been broken by bandits. If you don't go to rescue, come here." What is this for?"

At this time, Yang Zhi rushed in with a large group of people, forcing everyone inside to a corner. Seeing that these people were scrambling for piles of copper coins placed in the courtyard, Yang Zhi secretly wondered if they were dividing up the spoils?Immediately shouted: "The whole gang of Liangshan heroes is here! Don't make any noise!"

Everyone blamed this group of unknown people for meddling in other people's business, but when they heard Yang Zhi's roar, they were stunned and froze on the spot.

Yang Zhi didn't waste any time, he put his gun in and drew out his saber. The chief general made an example, and the subordinates drew out their knives one after another. The sound of two or three hundred people drawing their knives almost at the same time made these grooms, The guard was so shocked that he knelt down and begged for mercy.

"Where are the horses in the stable? To be honest, there is still a way out!" Yang Zhi said coldly.

"Early, early... in the morning, a rich man came over with gold, silver and copper coins, and bought... all the good horses!" The crowd chattered.

"How many people came here, and how many horses were bought? How much did they cost? What's their origin? Where did they go?" Yang Zhi asked eagerly, like arrows.

"It's only 300 people, it's a local accent..."

"Bought a thousand ** hundred horses twice before and after, and threw them to the west, and it took less than half an hour to go!"

"A total of more than 7 yuan was spent, good man, we will share some scattered copper coins, and the boss asked the gentlemen inside to take them away, please forgive me!"

Yang Zhixin said: "With nearly 400 horses, Yulu must have a lot of momentum, and it's hard to hide it!" Thinking about this point clearly, he said to Zhou Jin: "You bring [-] people and horses here, and the rest of the horses and stolen money are all here. Confiscate, and anyone who dares to defy will be killed!"

Zhou Jin knew that Yang Zhi was going to chase those horse buyers, so she immediately said, "Don't worry here, brother, be careful!"

Yang Zhi nodded, and led the rest of the team to chase to the west, letting the cool wind on the pasture pass by between his brows, but Yang Zhi was just full of anger: "Which pickled monster has eaten the gall of a leopard, dare to cut off a tiger halfway! "(To be continued.)

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